Huge it was, with vast space, plenty of people, and widely open skies;
Now in a room or two, around his bed, wash room n table, in a mess, shrunken it lies.
Umpteen number of people he met daily; heard he sometimes, screams, even their cries
There was noise, commotion, laughter; very many hellos n also good byes
Traveled he widely, using his passages free, especially where Air India flies.
Restrictions age brings n accept this everyone must; this we know, n one definitely tries
But when pain intense becomes, n movements restrictive, then one often cries
Then in helplessness utter, in self-pity n frustration, one sometimes inward pries
Prays to God, appeals to docs many, or Gurus; tries till every tear dries
At last, in his little by little shrinking world, a slow suffocating death he dies
Armin Dutia Motashaw