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Oh my ! Xmas is round the corner; and very many chores are due.

One of the first few is to invoke that gentle, kind Santa in you.

When for our dear ones we a gift buy, some more for orphans, please get.

A beautiful radiant smile it will bring on their face , which is oft tear-wet.

Instead of a tree artificial, this time plant a real one, in a *** big.

Or if a garden you have, please into it, one Xmas tree dig.

When sweets you make or buy, forget not to some for them make.

Even include a chunk big, when a traditional Xmas cake you bake.

Let's something special do for others, along with ours this year.

Invoke the Santa within us, for happiness, it's a must my dear.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
ઓ પાક ઈરાન શાહ, ઓ શાહોના શાહ, નમન હોજો તુજને હઝારો હઝાર

આં જગમાં છે તું અમારો મીનોઈ અને નેકીનો  મોટો આધાર

આશિષ થી તારા, કોમની કર ઉન્નતિ અને વસ્તી વધાર.

ઘર ઘર વધે પારસી પનું, યકીન જાગે, કોમની પ્રગતિ અને નેકી વધાર.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Called He is, by so very many, endlessly different names ;

Worshipped He is with various different n selfish aims.

But, know we this my dear friend, that God is an entity, just one.

Called He may be God, Ahura Mazda, Bhagvan, Allah, Shiv, Father n son.

Legends many, parables, stories umpteen, about Him are told.

Things of worship, charms, malas amulets, rosaries in His name are sold.

The worst, the saddest is, taking His holy name, instead  of uniting,  people fight;

Politicians instigate voters,  that others are wrong n they are right.

Public worshippers often a nuisance for many others create;

Conversions are harmful, yet sadly,  increasing alarmingly is their rate.

Why are we so cruel n autocratic? Why do we have to wrongly, things right prove ?

Can't we worship peacefully and lovingly, In a way that He truly does approve?

Armin  Dutia Motashaw
I sympathize

Hearing all this, I really pity you, sweet little girl;

It is indeed sad to see you alone in a corner, curled.

So many mishaps taken place have, in your small world.

Remember you, I do as a happy go lucky, chirpy young girl;

But unfortunately witness I,  circumstances sad  have unfurled.

Your one sided love, left you emotionally battered.

Then family matters for you, your life tattered n battered.

Faced all this you did bravely, but saw your eyes I, sad, which mattered.

Saw I everyone, to use your goodness; they cunningly catered.

Though yours;  your suffering to them hardly mattered.

Indifferent n callous towards your pain they were, all along.

Bother they did not, and things worsened; kept going wrong.

But stood you alone, firm, like a rock, hard and strong.

Glad I am, a brave heart you are, courageous n strong.

In spite of your difficulties many, you bravely fight along.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

IF I were a  squirrel,  bury I would, varied n many a seed.

As a human  being,  a lot we can do to plant trees,  indeed!!!

If I were a butterfly,  cross pollination would be my deed ;

If I were a crow  many  Banyan n Peepal trees I would sow.

Or in some way,  along the coast, all the way,  coconut palms grow

If I were the PM, all along,  every road, trees would be grown in many a row.

Every MP, MLA, tycoon, beaurocrat, should follow suit

No one allowed is, to fell trees, our environment destroy or loot.

Builders destroy trees,  compel them I would, to transplant

Wouldn't it wonderful be, If every man responsibility takes, to trees plant ?

No one ever hungry would remain,  fruits,  vegetables n herbs abundant will be

Wow ! Just Imagine! What a wonderful country ours will, then be!!!

Armin Dutia Motashaw

There will be Easter eggs, Bunnies and chocolates being gifted.

Our attention from violence and hatred will be shifted.

For a while, the thoughts of violence will perhaps be drifted.

Today the world in brotherhood n love is hardly bound.

See we, hatred, treachery and killings all around.

Innocents are slaughtered at sight or sound.

Taught You to this world, love, kindness n

To forgive wrong doers n the mislead, was your mission.

I wish, we mortals ordinary, also would share your passion.

Guide this tattered, battered world , with love, in  peace to live.

To family, friends and neighbours, our love n compassion give.

That is the world, filled with love and joy, I always did conceive.

Love, kindness and compassion in every heart, please create.

May hatred, cruelty and indifference vanish, from date.

Please o Lord kind and benevolent, change humanity's fate.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
It's Valentines day once again.

She woke up with memories warm. As a kid, when they didn't know anything about Valentine's Day, her mother said, it was after a saint, who preached love.
She loved to be loved; so she asked her mother, can I be your Valentine ? Her Mom said, most certainly, I love you, with all my heart. After a while, her best friend came along to play with her. She asked him, " can I be your Valentine? He looked a little confused, but when she explained, he said we will be Valentines forever and ever. This thrilled her. They promised eachother to be Valentines for life.
Every year, Falgun would bring something on this special day for her. She would make something special, with her art material and gift him too. This went on through school and college. Everyone knew they were Valentines.
After graduation, Falgun, left Alka behind and proceeded to USA for further studies. They wrote and called regularly, but as often happens, Falgun kept saying he was busy and those much awaited phone calls, became scarce; though, he would always call her on this special day and her birthday.
He called her once, and said he was marrying a foreigner, to obtain citizenship but she would always be his Valentine, his first love. This was disastrous. She went into depression and became an introvert. On next Valentine's Day when he called, Alka's mother picked up the phone and gave him a piece of her mind. She said, he had ruined her daughter's life. He said,  "just once, let me speak to her." He told Alka, it was a contract marriage and he would always love her. But Alka was firm, she said, " we must part". And so they did. Yet he would always call her on her Birthday and on Valentine's.
Today, she hoped to get his call. It was almost evening, and he would be calling anytime. Her heart yearned to hear his voice. After all, he was her first and only love. she would wait for months for these two days.
This evening, she was getting impatient, watching the phone and the clock. She held a book but could hardly concentrate. Just then, the door bell rang. She went to answer it, wondering who it could be. When she opened it she saw a huge bouquet of flowers, but couldn't see the face holding it. She hoped, he had sent her these flowers. Out popped a head; and she screamed with joy. Oh no, this can't be true !!! I am imagining things... Am I hallucinating ?

No she wasn't. It was indeed Falgun. They embraced and kissed each other, danced with joy, like little children. After a while, he said, " hello my darling Valentine, are you fine ?".
He then reached his pocket, removed two rings and proposed. Without a second thought, she accepted.  It was a solitaire and and eternity band. He said, I was waiting for this day to surprise her. I have decided to now settle down here, with you, in our own country. Will you be my Bride.
In disbelief, she stood dumbfounded. As he looked deeply into her eyes, she nodded and the rings now shone on her beautiful slender fingers. All she could say was, my childhood has returned.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
What is the purpose of our meeting, know I will never.
Sometimes wish I too, like you, would be as clever.
Then perhaps our relationship would never ever sever.

Love you I, from the moment I first saw you.
But at  your indifference, I cry, sigh and  rue .
Think I, why did I have to choose you!

Love just comes in stealthily , I  agree with this.
It doesn't knock or ever say, " may I come in please "
How I wish, before entering, it would outside  freeze.

Why did I have to meet you, oh, I will never know.
Why did my heart react in this way, I will never know.
Why did have to be only you; this too, I will never know.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
I wish to tell you.....

Your eyes azure blue, of the deep blue ocean, me remind.

Drank I, from their depths, as we together laughed n dined.

Your face so honest, sincere n beautiful, of an angel, us did remind.

Oh those dimples, when you smile,  only in a beautiful fairy one can find.

Ahura lovingly sculpted you, making you caring, loving n kind.

Incorporating in you, physical n mental beauty, all combind

Darling, once again , to get into my loving arms, would you mind?

Difficult it will be from Heaven to travel; but I know you won't mind.

Forget you how can I, my angel; live you forever in my heart n mind.

I miss you Mom

Armin Dutia Motashaw
I wish to tell you.....

Your eyes azure blue, of the deep blue ocean, me remind.

Drank I, from their depths, as we together laughed n dined.

Your face so honest, sincere n beautiful, of an angel, us did remind.

Oh those dimples, when you smile,  only in a beautiful fairy one can find.

Ahura lovingly sculpted you, making you caring, loving n kind.

Incorporating in you, physical n mental beauty, all combined .

Darling, once again , to get into my loving arms, would you mind?

Difficult it will be from Heaven to travel; but I know you won't mind.

Forget you how can I, my angel; live you forever in my heart n mind.

I miss you Mom

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Revered Sir,

Truly a man with a long foresight great you were;

The entire Parsi community is really proud of you, Sir .

A great human n a patriotic son of Mother India, you were.

After your meeting with Vivekananda, you knew how to serve Her.

May your memory live on for centuries many, dear Sir.

Happy Birthday

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Revered Sir,

Truly a man with a long foresight great you were;

The entire Parsi community is really proud of you, Sir .

A great human n a patriotic son of Mother India, you were.

After your meeting with Vivekananda, you knew how to serve Her.

May your memory live on for centuries many, dear Sir.

Happy Birthday

Armin Dutia Motashaw
जन्माष्टमी पर पूछती हूं तुझे

आज ब्रिज में मोहत्सव है, पधारेंगे यहां घनश्याम;
जोर शोर से, पुकारेगा हर कोई आज, प्रभू, तेरा ही नाम।

पर न तु मीराका हुआ , न हुई तेरी राधा; ऐसा क्यों घनश्याम ?
आज कल तो बोली लगती है, लेके तेरा नाम, करते हैं लोग तुझे बदनाम ।

परेशान है आज तेरा बनाया मानव, यह जहान और यह सारा आवाम ।
दुखी हूं बहुत मै, सच्चे मानवका देखके, यह दुखद अंजाम ।

हर चीज़ बिकाऊ है, हर व्यक्ति का, आखिर क्यूं है दाम;
सोच रही हूं, आखिर दुनिया क्यों बनाई तुने, ओ मेरे घनश्याम!

बड़ी श्रृद्धासे लोग पुंजते है तुझे, लेके तेरा नाम ;
पूजा अर्चना होती है तेरी शहर हो या हो गाम;

फिर भी प्रभु, होती है बुराई की विजय सुबह शाम;
तो, क्या पूछ सकती हूं मैं, क्यूं होता है,  ऐसा सच्चाई का अंजाम ?

कुछ तो बोल, अब तो मुंह खोल, ओ घनश्याम;
ओ कन्हाई काले, राधा के दुलहारे ,सब के प्यारे सलोने श्याम ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw

મહેકતા ફૂલોની તોરણ ઝૂલે યશોદાના બારણે

નાનાં નંદલાલા, નીંદરમાં મસ્ત થઈ, ઝૂલે પારણે .

ગોપ ગોપીઓ જોવા આવે આં દૃશ્ય વિના કોઈ કારણે.

આજે ફેલાયો છે યશોદા અને નંદના ઘરે આનંદ મંગળ.

ગોપ ગોપીઓ પ્રસન્નતાથી રચે છે ગામમાં રમતગમત ને દંગલ

આજે તો પ્રાણી પક્ષીઓના નાદથી ગૂંજી ઉઠ્યું છે જંગલ.

ખુશી મનાવે છે આખું ગોકુળ ગામ; પધાર્યા છે આજે અહીં તારણહાર

જમનાજી લેહરાય છે; ખુશીઓ ની તરંગ ફેલાઈ છે હવામાં આરપાર.

ચાલોરે સખીઓ વધાવવા કાનહાને; માનવીએ ખુશીઓથી આં તેહવાર.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On this day you bid us the final goodbye.

In sorrow, many, including me, did cry;

For difficult indeed it was, to say this final goodbye.

Worried about Airindia you were, n so am I.

Dear Jeh, things are slipping off; sadly I sigh!!

From Heaven above, save it; we can't see it die.

May Ahura keep you in His loving arms, pray I.

Stay may you there forever, on a pedestal high.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Worried you must be too, just like everyone else n me,

I wish from up above, perform you a miracle; it's a plea

Worried we all are  about our future; Airindia's outcome.

Destroyed it have miscreants n selfish people some.

Sorry Jeh, instead of wishing you, bothering you I am;

Regret this action l do; but worried I am about the mayhem.

It's depressing to see our decline and the foreboding future

Very trgic and depressing seems the current picture.

From Heaven, guide us dear Jeh, show us the way.

It's your very own baby, that's why, I so much say.

Happy Birthday dear JEH.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.
Happinezz alwayssssss I wish you, my dearest darling mother.

A hundred n two you would today be, Goarathman Behest we wish you, wish you I cannot anything other.

May Ahura keep you in His loving arms for ever.

Where ever you are, our love will be with you forever.

Your children who love n miss you.
Vispi, Armin, Shez

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A little bit of awareness, a wee bit of extra care;

Help me, join me, with me this willingly share.

Electricity has many advantages; count we here cannot.

But it creates heat n pollution, which increase should not.

Summer is here n cannot do without A/Cs and fans we, today.

But to use them judiciously, carefully there is a way.

Switching them off immediately is a way simple n great.

Until we return,  to keep them on we shouldn't wait.

Electronic devices produce extra heat, which we try must to reduce.

So help Nature, let us, and many jobs simultaneously fuse.

with the A/C water; grow n water plants; this cool will our Earth

Waste water from RO plants, drink can animals n birds, or use it at the hearth.

With a plate of this water, ice make n under the fan keep.

It will help cooling the room, recycling done can be; just flip

Reusing water, switching off lights, cars, can help to reduce heat

New little innovative ideas introduce, share; n this heat defeat.

JOIN ME in my endeavour important, with a beginning small.

Help spread the message to your friends, family one n all.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

J for Jabru, that's exactly what you are !!!

In the race long, you can really reach far.

In this you get marks full; a full five star !

Poor Freyu, is no class; no where at par;

When angry you can easily scratch and scar.

But you are the sweetest Jabru, as sweet as honey.

Your laughter rings in my ears; it's infectious n very funny

You are loving, caring, ever smiling, my sweet cuddly Bunny !

Precious most... More than gold, diamonds or  money.

Just a  loving hug n kiss from you, makes my day Sunny.

You are my Sunshine n my Moonlight.

Your ever loving

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A journey unknown, is this life; please keep me prepared for the strife

Walk one has to blindfolded, on the edge of a sharp sword or knife

Each step, each moment, everyday, always, there is a lesson new

Scares me always the unknown, but help me with the initial steps few.

Unpleasant things, situations, people, cross often our life's path

Help me O Ahura to face these gratefully; like cleansing after a bath.

This journey I know, very rough n tough is, help me to take it in my stride.

Through this journey, may I always with the rules of Humata, Hukt, Huvareshta abide.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
though a little early... I wrote it here it is......

let us all remember our dear JRD on his birthday. May our young ones learn n follow all his good qualities.              


A great human being you were; par excellence !
A visionary, who thought much in advance
in business, never did you let-go a chance.

An empire you ruled, like a commander wise;
chaired you, the Tata empire of great size
looking after your employees; always giving a rise.

Jeh, so very proud of you is the entire clan.
kind, caring, dedicated; you truly were a great man
love you always will; forget you, never we can.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.

JEH dear,  left us you did for your Heavenly home, on this day.

Gone was our hope, our aspiration, that powerful bright Sun-ray.

Our  Air India suffered most, sans you n continues to do so even today.

If you can,  help us to excel once again, our dear dear  Jeh.

Jamshedji, Ratan n you are gems of our country, in every way.

May you progress up there, in Heaven,  where you now stay.

Love you we dearly, n in our heart n memory you will live n forever stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

JEH dear,  left us you did for your Heavenly home, on this day.

Gone was our hope, our aspiration, that powerful bright Sun-ray.

Our  Air India suffered most, sans you n continues to do so even today.

If you can,  help us to excel once again, our dear dear  Jeh.

Jamshedji, Ratan n you are gems of our country, in every way.

May you progress up there, in Heaven,  where you now stay.

Love you we dearly, n in our heart n memory you will live n forever stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Dead is our conscience and almost blind too; as the emblem of Justice is

Justice true there is hardly; it has pathetically, sadly,  almost ceased

Now three "M"s rule it; muscle power, ministers n money to palms grease

An honest man, a poor victim, from our jails, or judiciary claws hardly gets released.

What expect can one from people with a conscience dead, crumpled n creased?

Lawyers, false witnesses create and train, then their fees ten folds increase

An honest victim wrongly caught , with frustration n fight can to death freeze.

Ahura, Your justice so impeccable is, than why do innocent humans suffer like this?

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Rotting is the system entire, shouldn't it be set on fire ?

Only wealthy crooks, win cases because lawyers powerful they can hire.

Hearing  n seeing what is going around, only increases my ire.

Judges n witnesses on sale!!! crooks rich are the buyers.

When will that blind folded symbol, open her eyes; the need is dire.

Cases of dragging justice lingering on for years, is rising higher

Shouldn't we burn this rotting judiciary with fire or an electric wire?

What is your reaction?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Temperatures are rising, summer is almost at the door

This heat scorching is going to create an uproar.

To water provide to animals n birds, put a basin on the floor.

Bless you they will, from their heart's core.

Imagine yourself craving for water, in the heat; your throat sore.

Just a little effort and animals n birds of thirst, will die no more.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

There is no
need to be under the effect of any drink; Whiskey or gin;

Can you just close your two beautiful eyes and this situation imagine;

Surrounded you are by greenery; an orchard where grow fruits, flowers and vegetables

Filled with this fresh, hand picked fruits and veggies, is your kitchen table.

In every corner, or on centre  tables of the house, your home , there are fresh, sweet smelling flowers!

Sincerely, if this, in reality can happen; I wouldn't mind imagining this; daydreaming of this, for hours!!!

Armin Dutia Motashaw

1)) The summer is now really really hot.
The Sun is burning our Earth.
Can we please please please reuse water from our RO s and AC s to give water to the thirsty birds, animals and water our plants.
All this takes just a few minutes. Let's bring some mirth.

2)) Please have some plants that give out oxygen at night, in your bedrooms.
ACs are on and the oxygen level drops; plants like snake plant, spider plant etc give out oxygen; doing this is really, our efforts worth.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Blushed she and shyly said, " may I please have a dance with you"
Quizzically he looked, but
alongside, went on the dance floor too.
Wondered she, how did this happen, how did I gather this courage !
Her friend softly murmured, "he has always been your rage" !

Snuggled she into his arms, felt she, his heart beats, as she leaned a bit.
Lost she was, in her own world, her body around him curled; a close fit.
The warmth of his body, so close to her; it was ecstacy sheer.
She glided gracefully, like a mermaid, as he did lead n steer.

A smile crossed her wrinkled face, as she this did remember.
Remembered she the glow n colour on her face; n that heat like ember.
Just that one dance, had changed her world, be it would a lasting memory.
Precious it would be, as if
a jewel made of studded diamonds in gold and ivory.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.

Rough is the terrain, fall one can; but don't lose heart,  keep going.

Cliffs and  valleys,  of life are an integrated part ,  falter we may; but don't lose heart,  keep going

People insane, worries have none, that's why, in a way, happy are those insane.

But their dear ones suffer, are  embarrassed often; n undergo a lot of searing pain,

So, for the sake of my dear ones, in spite of my pain, please keep me sane.

All around there is chaos n politics *****,
Amidst all this muck, keep me sane.

Selfishness there is all around, saddens me this; yet amidst all this, keep me sane.

Some times disgusted I feel to see what's going around, o help me; keep me sane.

Lord your Earth is teeming with monsters,  amidst these difficulties,  keep me sane.

To see our beautiful religion declining is disheartening, help us, keep us sane

Extremists, terrorists, corrupt politicians are this Earth ruining,  help me remain sane.

Greenery destroys insane humans, Nature weeps; how do I remain sane ?

Sometimes I wish I was heartless, I wouldn't have to undergo pain, help me remain sane.

Help the devil within us die, grant us wisdom,  please Lord, help me to remain sane.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

To read this n it understand, is easy.

But to accept it n practise it, isn't that easy.

Help me O Lord to this incorporate in my life.

Help me it will, to live with my share of strife.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

It's indeed sad that people pull others down.

Turn they your image pure white into muddy brown.

Try they to rip off your goodness,  your crown.

But  give up do not, just  carry on; we must swimming keep , not drown.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On this auspicious day of Roj Khordad, Mah Khordad,

Request Ahura I, to keep our religion shaad n aabaad.

Constantly look within let us, n do some introspection;

So that endeavour may we towards Khordad- perfection.

Help us O Khordad Ameshaspand to this earn n achieve

So that Ahura's divine blessings we constantly receive.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.

Indeed happy was the Earth, bloomed flowers everywhere ; it was spring.
With flora and fauna, Geush Urvan celebrated the joy ; your arrival would soon bring.
For now with Your presence divine, Ahreman out you would fling.
Then, about this great religion, convince You would, Vistasp, the King.

Ahreman wicked; his very best tried he , to finish and **** you;
But so very special You were ;after all Ahura's protection was with You.
Even though, rough was the road n obstacles many, faced You.
After struggles many, eventually You got the respect n love due.

O Vakshur-e-Vakshuran, need we, Your blessings today.
Desperately need we Your help, to here survive and stay.
Guide us, rekindle the faith in us ; need this we, every day.
Help us please, to prosper, multiply and here stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

"Saal Mubarak" to You, o' Vakshure-e-Vakshuran;

Love I and rever You,  with my dil-o-jaan

From our entire "Kom" today, accept our "pranaam"

But  O' Zarathushtra, I cannot help worrying about our "anjaam".

Forgotten we have our duty real - our actual "karam".

Commercial progress today has become our false "shaan"

And because of this turn disastrous; I am  "heraan".

Bless us  O' pyara Paigambar; grant us faith as  "inaam"

Inspire us to  understand and follow Your  "paigaam"

So that become we, "a Din-Parast insaan."

Also  restore back our lost Zarthosti " aan baan shaan"

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Reduced has our faith n bothered we aren't about the "anjaam"
ઓ વક્ષુર એ વક્ષુરાન હર એક રીતે મુબારક હોજો તમને આં સાલ

તમને તો ખબરજ છે,  અમારા આજના દર્દનાક હાલ.

અહરેમાને બિછાવી છે દુનિયા પર એક મજબૂત જાલ.

ફસી રહ્યા છે ઘણા લોકો; બહુ ભયાનક છે એની આં ચાલ.

તું તો છે આં સમર્ગ જગ નો તારણહાર, સદાકાળ (થી)

ચર્ચા તારી, છાઇ છે ચહું દિશામાં, સાલો સાલ (થી)

તો હવે રાહબર મારા, રાહ દેખાડવા જલ્દીથી આવ; થોડો વખત ફાળ

ફરી એક વાર પ્રાથના કરું છું, મુબારક હોજો તમને આં સાલ.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Geush Urvan, to Ahura, Her heart cried out loud.

Demons troubling Her were, together in a crowd.

When Ahura Her pain couldn't see any more;

Then was Asho Zarathushtra born, to protect Her core.

A beautiful spring day it was, on the sixth day of the year new.

Born was the wise Lord with a smile; as if everything He knew.

Mader Dughduva n Pedar Paurushasp  lucky were indeed;

Born unto them was Vakshr-e-Vakshuran, to evil ****.

Once again we desperately need Your blessings O Zarathushtra.

Help us please, await we eagerly, the Soshyant, O kind Mazda.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Wishing you dear Lord Zarthustra, a very happy birthday.

Accept my love, respect n prayers O Lord, today and everyday.

Here is a plea; O Lord to our help, please soon come.

For Ahura's sake, n ours; soon perform miracles some.

Faith unfortunately a backward seat taken has today.

Tenets, prayers n love for religion,  lost have, their way

Darkness prevails all around; throw Your divine light.

Please help us O Kind Lord, save us, show us the path right.

Accept our prayers sincere, as we wish you Saal Mubarak.

You Zarthustra, are our beacon of light, our guide, our "taarak'".

Armin Dutia Motashaw

बिना नशे भी, छा जाती है खुमारी;
लग जाती हैं यह,  नशीली बीमारी ।
यह है प्यार का नशा; यह है कहानी हमारी तुम्हारी।;

अफसाने यूहीं नहीं भर देते हैं, आंखो में पानी;
देख लो इसे, समझो इसे, आंखो की जुबानी ;
हमने तो इसे है सुनी, देखी और मानी ।

"नहीं नहीं, मानू ना मै इस बारेमे; प्रेम न नशा है न खुमारी ।
यह प्रेम तो बस है एक रोग , एक अनचाही बीमारी । "
"पर मुझे दिखती है साफ, तुम्हारी आंखों में, प्रेम की खुमारी ।"

Armin Dutia Motashaw

ख्वाहिशें मरती नहीं, न तो भुलाई जाती है ;

यह तो बस यादे बन के, हमें अक्सर सताती है ;

कभी कभी तो यह, हमें बहुत रुलाती भी है ।

खाहिशे मेरी, थी बहुत छोटी, फिर भी न मिली,

तब किसी ने कहा," प्रीत प्रेम है दोनों ही किम्मती ;

ये आसानी से मिलते नहीं, गलतफहमी है यह तेरी "

"आज के दौर में सच्ची प्रीत, सच्चा प्यार मिलता नही ।

वफा, दोस्ती, ईमानदारी की करना नहीं तु अपेक्षा"

तब लगा, यह "लोन" के ज़माने में गाडियां, घर मिल भी जाए;

पर मुफ्त में भगवान ने जो दी है भावनाए, वोह आजकल मिलती नहीं ।

मैंने पूछा, "तो क्या इंसान ख्वाहिशें रखनी छोड़ दें ?"

तब कहा उन्होंने, "बालक दिमाग से काम लो, दिलवालों की दुनिया अब रही नहीं"

ख्वाहिशें मेरी, मेरे मन में ही रह गई, जमाना जीत गया, मै हार गई ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
I felt like writing this,after hearing about the killings of six hundred elephants.

O human, so very selfish do not be.
Open your eyes, and God's goodness see.
Cruel n self-centred be not.
In your own web get caught, do not .
Ivory, fetch you may money some;
But a crime it is, to **** helpless animals dumb.
Beware please, not to take this curse
Or y will have to live a life, worse.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A word of kindness, along  with a smile, goes a long way.

It is just the thing a person needs to happy stay.

Perhaps it will help a person to sail through his bad day.

Imagine yourself in these circumstances, wouldn't you like it this way ?

It will bring you joy,  peace n compassion too; if you try it, definitely it may.

Happy,  healthy and prosperous may this world of ours stay.

For blessings these, to  Ahura,  I sincerely pray.

Aedoon Baad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Your small gesture of kindness,  can change the receiver's  life forever
So  start a chain right away.  Please don't it sever.

Know I that trials n tribulations are a part of life.

Also know I that life is a constant challenge n strife.

Know I that one has to always walk on a sword or a knife.

But know not I, why does one have to always undergo these.

Know not I, when will they decrease or totally cease.

Know not I the purpose of existence; explain please.

Being a human sensitive, bother me these questions.

Why do we always have to struggle for perfections?

Can You please guide us, giving us some suggestions.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Most of us know it; that's not very difficult.

But to accept it, take it in one's stride is difficult.

To assimilate it, is real success.

Capable are we of this success ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
HAPPY JANMASHTAMI to all my friends.

Born  was Krishna, specially to destroy evil
Killed and conquered He Kans; and many a devil.

Also born He was, to love and happiness spread.
That's why, Radha's name before Him, is always read.

An example fine, of Friendship with Gop, Gopis n Sudama, He set .
Draupadi saved He, when Pandavas, her wongly did bet.

An ideal to follow, for all these above things, He was.
Actions, our own Karma, of happiness or sadness is the cause.

If we humans, followed these examples of His;
Wouldn't wonderful be this world; simply filled with bliss ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A worthy son of Mother India was he.
Cared for every Indian, specially jawans n kisans, did he.
Pray we, may God lovingly keep you in His arms, n bless Thee.

Armin Dutia Motashaw


A little man, they thought him to puny be; but immense grit had he.

You are both India's true "Lal" & " Bahadur" beyond words.

Though, snatched away by destiny you were; in our hearts you will live on.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
Lal Bahadur Shastri

Simple yet very hardworking n brave
For position, or wealth he didn't crave.
For his Motherland, his all, he gave.
Yet people about him, don't rave.
My Shradhanjali to him I offer.

Jai Jawan Jai kisaan

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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