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Always try and have a good cause  close to your heart.

Then,  slowly, but steadily, of your very being, make it a part.

Says "Anar", please try your very best, to inculcate this art

Armin Dutia Motashaw
If rich, you may buy a huge properly,  an island or a mall;

Or a grave illness, perhaps try to stall;

But a smile on a sad face you can't install


Loved You I should have, as much as I loved him, perhaps,  even much more;

But we humans have attraction more for things physical, so wrong went my ratio, my score.

Physical attraction won over the abstract one; thus, sadly, the crust won over the core.

With him away, now, my mistake realise I; my love should have been skyward,  not at the level of the floor.

Sorry I am, to transgress; for me to closer come to You, please, O please now open the door.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

शुभ दीपावली

इस दिवाली पर,  जब दीप जलाये,  तब दिल का दीप भी अवश्य जलाना;

याद रखके, कोई एक या दो भूखे बुजुर्गो को दो चार रोटी जरूर खिलाना ;

एक या दो बच्चों को, एक जलेबी, लड्डू या पेड़ा जरूर खिलाना

अपने बुजुर्ग मात पिता के चरण स्पर्श कीजिएगा, अपने हाथों से, कोई मिष्ठान खिलाना

दिवाली अपने आप शुभ हो जाएंगी; इस तरह, आप अपनी खुशिया मुफ्त में घर लाना I

अनार की शुभ कामनाएँ स्वीकार कीजिएगा I

Armin Dutia Motashaw
👩‍❤‍👩💐👩‍❤‍👩   We are Sadly getting caught in a magical commercial web;  

and  hence our religion, our  ethics is at the lowest ebb.


LET'S NOT BLOW OUT BIRTHDAY CANDLES, even though it's a tradition, pretty old.

All Aryans, fire respect and it consider holy, worthy of reverence; since ages, this we are told

Also, not because it is merely a western ritual; but unhygienic it is very; especially if one has covid or cold.

I  too have done it for years as a child, but since last few years, I  have this decision taken bold.

Just Besides the cake, light a candle;  make your birthday wish; eyes please close n your hands do fold

God most willingly will grant it unto you; because it is to Him, you have, this secretly told.

Amen/ Aedoon Baad/ Tathastu

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Deeply desire I, a surrounding, clean, very green n serene, with scented n colourful flowers, I mean

Imagine roads n railway lines on both sides,  loaded with fruit n flower trees! That's a deeply desired scene !

In the name of development, moving away we are from nature; only concrete jungles all around are seen

Climatic changes n water shortages result, sea levels are dangerously rising, and few to safaris have ever been.

Oxygen levels reducing are; poisonous gases our children harm; need they, an environment clean.

Rain harvesting, if done n artificial lakes created are for our generation future; to them a lot it will mean.

If cotton n jute grown n used is; n reduction in the use of plastics n wood promoted, eco-changes will be seen.

Lord, please o please fulfil this deep burning desire of mine; since long burning deep down my heart it has been.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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