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A young, immature, emotional,  romantic fool she was

Didn't think she of the dire consequences, a spontaneous action, of course;

Did not realise she, that soon there would be a havoc, a heavy penalty with many a clause

Hence, of lots of trouble, she would, in the future,  be the cause

Manijeh's  immaturity, Bejan's overconfidence n attraction, did trouble cause

Love is spontaneous; but along with it come sacrifices, they didn't think, didn't pause.

Lessons many learn we have to, n before any actions, we definitely need to consider social laws

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Some inhuman acts, indiscriminately  done by Satan's sons,  leave an undeniable permanent mark

On this fateful day , our proud Emperor Kanishk,  into the Irish coast,  near Cork, scattered into those seas, deep n dark

Three hundred and twenty-nine lively, excitedly beating hearts, those innocent lives for ever perished

Their dear ones, eagerly awaiting their arrival; would have beautiful memories,  which they could, life long cherish

Instead, disaster struck, there was wailing and crying,  there was mourning; so many relatives were absolutely shattered

We Air Indians, all of us, were shocked beyond words; speechless, helpless, we felt then, truly, words hardly mattered

Even today, I ask myself, will those sons of Satan, by God, ever be forgiven? Why did they,  those innocent lives diminish?

Why didn't those cowards attack those they had an issue with? Why do they let them rest n comfortably sit in their niche ?

How I wish, fight their battles bravely n directly they would, with the people whom they have these indifference, these issues

The world, a peaceful, secure, and safer place will become for people, once directly sensibly dealt are, these issues.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Reading a book, relaxing lazily I was on my hammock

A sqeal I heard; on peeping out, I got a real shock

Standing a little away, was an Elly small n a giraffe tall

Luckily they were both outside the compound wall

They looked cute, this Elly plump n Twigaa, majestic n tall

Frehan, who was in the resort, at Twigaa threw a ball;

This, for our four legged cutie pies, was a game; a play-call

The Elly caught it in his trunk, because it was about to fall

Now I kept my book aside, enjoying all this I was, from my hammock

When came the ball straight on to me, which Elly from his trunk, did unlock

Caught it I, n threw it back to Twigaa, who returned the ball;

Between the Twigaa and Elly, they didn't allow the ball to fall

Watching this all, was Zoish the animal lover, our cute little doll;

Besides her was standing Frehan handsome n tall, who wouldn't let the ball fall.

A video if made, would be a life time memory to this episode recall.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

My champ you always were, and will continue to, so remain

It seem may weird to some, or say they, I am insane;

But until my breath last, upto the end, you will, alwayssss my champ remain

Unassuming, simple, never ever money minded, was this legal luminary main;

Always stood up for truth n justice my Dad, tho' a legal legend, you were, with us, so simple n plain

With those great values, we match cannot; but many, we imbibe n have retained

May Mom n You, in heaven, to higher realms continue to progress, rise to higher plains.

Happy Father's Day Dearest Dad, we love and respect Mom n you.

Lovingly yours
The Motashaw Siblings n your grand kids.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
"अनार", इतना समझ लेना, दिल से दी गई दुआ हमेशा रंग लाती है;

और आह भी कभीभी खाली नहीं जाती है।

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Many, many more miles to go, trudge on dearie,  sometimes with tears, n sometimes with smiles.

Come in life ours will, many more difficulties,  tests, tribulations and trials

Rocks first, then hillocks perhaps, many hills n dales too. Oh, it's gonna be miles!

Face we will have to, hills n mountains too,  before our ravaans/souls, absolutely purified get

Many a deed, from our "Karma," bank-balance  fulfil we will have to, before we are all set.

Reincarnate to lessons learn many more, each time in a way different; it's not an easy bet!

Ahura  n our angels help n guide us will; n know I for sure, succeed one day, we definitely will

Prepare us O Daadaar Ahura Mazda; for cross we'll have to miles; it's gonna be a tough drill.

"Anar" pleads, help and guide us O Parverdegar, to successfully go through this grill

Armin Dutia Motashaw


I remember gifting  you a soft  baby pink sari, on your birthday in 1978, the first one, after I got married and came to Ahmedabad.  You were everyone's Jer Masi; but I couldn't stop myself from calling you Mummy. From that moment,  you were and will always be,  my dearest darling Jer Mummy.
You meant a world to all 3 of us.  You were the Sun and we, your planets.
Wherever you are, we love you,  and send this divine love to you.  Vispi is perhaps lucky enough to be able to reach you and wish you in person. Though far away, (in fact, don't even know really where!!!) But you are in our hearts.  Miss you very much, I DO, my friend, philosopher and guide,  my angel divine, who fills my heart with her unconditional love. Who took a frightened little girl in her loving arms and kept her there forever.
Love you  Ma n miss you.
Waiting to unite.
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