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An attorney at law, honest, with plenty of self- respect, today was born.

Tried he to assure all his countrymen would get cothes, water n corn.

But his main aim was to drive away the Brits n to Mother India, a free status adorn

Picked he, "Satya-Ahimsa" to achieve it; but she was often ripped off n torn;

In spite of the many difficulties, Gandhiji got her Independence; that he had, for Her sworn

His three piece suit he gave up; thereafter only a dhoti he had worn.

Thanks to the sacrifices of many many "senanis", on  15th Aug we saw, an independent morn.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Very selfish is man, loves he to pamper his own ego & it inflate;

Cares he doesn't about the poor, about animals; isn't this a sad state???

Request him to educate at least 1 poor child; or in his own kids, values inculcate;

But to this do, bother he will not; why change someone else's fate; why not, my own!!!

When this reality we see,  remember, good, healthy seeds, we haven't sown !

Instead our ego we have pampered, satiated & it, out of proportion streched; & overblown.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Welcome here, to this Earth, O Ganeshji, son of Shiv-parvati, O Vighnaharta ...

Umpteen problems this world is in, grant us peace and prosperity, O Vighnaharta

Your blessings, require we all, weak or strong, big or small; so please come, O Vighnaharta


Armin Dutia Motashaw
हालात के बदल जानेसे बदल जाते है बहुत सारे हालात; बदल
जाते है रिश्ते नाते ; बदल जाते है जज़्बात; यही है दुनियां का दस्तुर।

जब आपको सबसे ज्यादा स्नेह और अपनेपन की जरूरत होती है, न जाने क्यों, तभी लोक दूर हो जाते है, मानो विलीन ही हो जाते है।

हमे धरती पर, जन्नत भेंट की थी, इतनी ख़ूबसूरत सी, दयालु खुदा ने, भगवानने;

उसे दोज़क की आग में झोंक दिया, इस नासमझ कमीने इन्सान ने ।

एहसान फरामोश है मानव, कुछ थोड़ा सा कम पड़ने से, बन जाता है दानव

रोता होगा अब, खुद खुदा भी, बना के ऐसे एहसान फरामोश इंसान को;

जो इंसानियत भूला कर, अपने रचैता और उसकी रचना को भुला कर याद करता है शैतान को।

ऐ खुदा, जन्नत तेरी, हम भी तेरे, यह धरती भी तेरी, फिर हमें यह गुमान क्यों?

कब तक रहेंगे इस तरह, बनके एहसान फरामोश हम युह ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw


Like all living beings, (just like flowers),we too shall someday wither away

As buds, on our stems we bloom carefreely; happily on the stem, we sway

As youth us envelopes, colourful n perfumed become we, but that too is not, for many a day

When bloom we fully, n are, at our best; worried we are not, about happen what next may !

But remember this we must all, NO ONE LASTS FOR EVER; we all have to turn back to the clay.

In the meantime, a few deeds good, let's try to accomplish; afterall that's what will, us pay

Remember, we too shall wither away someday; we are not here to permanently stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
कन्हाई मोरे

ओ कन्हाई मोरे, बाजे जब मुरलियां तोरी,

दौड़े आए गोप गोपियां, और राधा गोरी गोरी;

कहे राधिके "कान्हा, तूं सदा थामे रहेना, बईया मोरी;

जन्मों जनमसे, युग युग से, है यह राधिका तो बस तोरी !

मोहन मोरे, काहे तरसाए जीयरा मोरा; क्यों करली तूने मोरे जियाकी चोरी ? "

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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