Reading a book, relaxing lazily I was on my hammock
A sqeal I heard; on peeping out, I got a real shock
Standing a little away, was an Elly small n a giraffe tall
Luckily they were both outside the compound wall
They looked cute, this Elly plump n Twigaa, majestic n tall
Frehan, who was in the resort, at Twigaa threw a ball;
This, for our four legged cutie pies, was a game; a play-call
The Elly caught it in his trunk, because it was about to fall
Now I kept my book aside, enjoying all this I was, from my hammock
When came the ball straight on to me, which Elly from his trunk, did unlock
Caught it I, n threw it back to Twigaa, who returned the ball;
Between the Twigaa and Elly, they didn't allow the ball to fall
Watching this all, was Zoish the animal lover, our cute little doll;
Besides her was standing Frehan handsome n tall, who wouldn't let the ball fall.
A video if made, would be a life time memory to this episode recall.
Armin Dutia Motashaw