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Our environment, our Earth and its species many are in severe danger;

Let's not behave in a manner callous, as if we are aliens or strangers

Or our progeny forgive us never will; if we with Nature our ties ruthlessly sever

Right away, let's take steps, at least a few  little ones, to restore Nature; and it rever.

In our balconies, however tiny, a few plants grow; n a bowl of water there put

Young school n college students, plant should  seeds, or saplings with small roots

Let's call our many feathered friends, our birds, squirrels and other friends back

Let our efforts, willingness n fruitfullness show, let it in no way lack.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

राधा ने कहा, "श्याम, रंग दो मुझे तुम अपने ही रंग में, आओ, इस होली पर हम दोनों, सदा के लिए एक हो जाए"

नटखट श्याम ने पूछा, "इतने अनगिनत रंग छोड़ कर प्रिये, तुम्हें यह श्याम रंग ही क्यूँ भाये ? "

"कान्हा, है मुझे यह चाह, तेरे रंग में रंग जाऊँ मैं, और
तेरी बंसी बन कर, तेरे होठों से लग कर, हम प्रेम तराने गए "

चलो मेरे मन मोहना,आज रंगों के इस त्योहार के दिन, पूरे तन मन से हम एक हो जाए; ऐसी होली खेलों मोरे कन्हाइ, हम कभी बिछुड़ न जाए

Armin Dutia Motashaw

"भले रास रचनाएं गोपियां रंगबिरंगी चुनार ओढ़े, मोहे तो तोरा श्याम रंग भाये, हाँ मोहन, बस तोरा श्याम रंग ही भाये "

PRAY, because it will elevate your soul, your mind, body, aura and spirit

PRAY consistently, then spiritual n physical improvement there will be, bit by bit

PRAY, any n everytime, as you get up or sleep; before n after meals, whilst you bathe, stand or sit.

PRAY at Agiyaris, Temples, Churches, Mosques, Gurudwaras, Synagogues, Gurudwaras, at every meet;

PRAY that God  grants unto us lots of love n peace, may He bless us with wisdom n not just wit.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Your small gesture of kindness,  can change the receiver's  life forever
So  start a chain right away.  Please don't it sever.


We all know this, that souls come n souls go; come they alone n also go alone

And we the living,  even after knowing all this; their departure grieve n mourn.

Mourn perhaps that we never can see them again,  nor speak to them on phone.

Inspite of our knowledge n all this information, why oh why can't we this fact accept !

Why do we then let this sorrow into our lives seep; can we not some anaesthetic inject ?

Our mind knows it all,  yet our heart accepts it not; can someone explain this difficult concept.

Seers please help.

Armin Dutia Motashaw


The first look at him, her teacher, n she lost her heart to him that very moment; she gave a stare blank, as he taught

By her emotions, swept away she was, totally off her feet; in a lightening n thunderstorm severe, she was caught

He, the teacher,  suddenly asked her a question, startled her. With a sudden jolt back to reality, she was brought

Her performance drastically had dropped; n reason she had none to give, when she her report to her father brought

With difficulty great, handed over the performance card she did, as she struggled n her tears fought

Now a dropout she was; like Dad, a great business person she would never become; this in her diary, she did jot

Then, one day, her teacher explained, " Love is different from an attraction physical; so she should carefully forward trot."

Smothered, she couldn't him tell, "Sir, I love you." But vowed she, to let him this someday know; n she did so, as proudly held she, the trophy she got

Today, after years many, proudly holding her head high along with the trophy in her hands; her cheeks red, n burning hot;

Proclaimed she proudly amidst all, "This trophy is for you, Sir, with my respect and love! I then, n today, love you a lot. "

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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