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Nov 2020 · 152
To all hoomans
Moushumi Sinha Nov 2020
I love the virus
when humans die
It is boon to us
they must multiply

Pain and sorrow
in dinghy cages
tears we swallow
down the ages
Killed for fun
or just for greed
We are one
in woe indeed
we run amok
in bush and tide
for guns stalk
our horn and hide
vanishing green
forests blazed
we die unseen
plight unfazed
tamed and displayed
in circus and zoos
chained and caned
We suffer abuse!!!

let this holy virus spread
till human freedom is lost
let them loose daily bread
cause every pain has a cost!!!!

An ode by an animal
Feb 2020 · 233
Ten on ten
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
If you own place to live
Life is ten on ten
If night rocks you to sleep
Life is ten on ten
If the food is hot and ready
Life is ten on ten
If your work is going steady
Life is ten on ten
If you have a loving parent
Life is ten on ten
If you have a true friend
Life is ten on ten
If you can go on a vacation
Life is ten on ten
If you are without medication
Life is ten on ten

So why complain my dear?
Lets all live life without fear
When blessings are in focus
It is ten on ten for all of us..
Feb 2020 · 139
Love thy name is friendship
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
Love said to friendship
I am always by your side
In any strong relationship
I take everything in stride

Friendship said grudgingly
Yet it is not always true
Ýou attach the hearts readily
for misery and pain to ensue
You leave behind rue and tears
with a truckload of mistrust
It may take months or years
to mend the broken hearts
You exit and I too am cast away
Bitterness is felt every living day
I step in to ensure solace
to assuage the deepfelt hurt
I try to make them face
the world after much effort

Love retorts with a laugh
I am everyone's favourite
Ego, desire, greed and scoff
Are the reasons of my exit
I am not the cause of misery
in action, thought or deed
I withstand pain and penury
to bestow blessings indeed
Life is a beautiful journey
to those knowing our worth
Only they enjoy the company
of bliss and peace on earth
Feb 2020 · 130
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
I briskly go away
from engulfing dark
towards the grey
ready to embark
on my desolate way
street dogs bark
as they laze n lay
in a nearby park
I head for the alley
Truth staring stark
with sun's first ray
I wil make a mark
on someone's day!!!
Feb 2020 · 125
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
River shivers to meet
vast and profound ocean
rhythmic ripples beat
in unknown apprehension

Through the forests n trees
gushing in selfstyled ways
carrying the silt and debris
on both rainy and sunny days
Fighting many a storms
and deluge in the plains
nurturing life in all forms
flowing out of mountains
downward yet forward
from glens to the terrains
treasuring emotions inward
A mute witness to all pains

Fearing loss of her identity
dissolving in the vastness
sensing loss of her entity
in the waters of oneness
Feb 2020 · 129
Lies unfolded
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
Lies are told
like fairy tales
Ideas are sold
on false base
Benefit of doubt
to habitual liar
Truth bows out
amidst quiet ire
Hail the dishonest
in betrayal n shame
Nail the idealist
to tarnish his name
Repeated lies
convince more
as time flies
untruths galore

Who has seen the judgement day
The sun is up so make some hay
Lies are fun, dishonesty a way
to ease out troubles during stay
Feb 2020 · 131
Beauty of happiness
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
Downpour on a terrain
Greenery in the rain
Wild colours of flowers,
Petrichor in wee hours
Chirping birds, trees tall
Life is joy for one and all..
Tides lashing on the sands
Red glowing sky stands
Towering over turbulent sea
Sunrise at the hours wee
Dazzling horizon for all to see
Joy galore for you and me
Wonders I pray to cherish
Moments to love ere I perish
Journey of togetherness
Life brings happiness
Sad times do come along
Melody melancholy in a song
Feb 2020 · 121
My heart is just a river
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
Rippling with emotions
Racing with a quiver
To wild destinations
My heart is just a river..

Heartbeat is rhythmic
The waves rise and fall
Heartburn is chaotic
The river takes it all..

The heartbroken cries
On losing a loved one
Beneath the river lies
Things lost and gone

A heart full of love
Life depends on the liver
Skies rain from above
My heart is just a river..
Feb 2020 · 132
Moushumi Sinha Feb 2020
So mankind is unkind..
Towards beauty and beasts..
Underworld rips the world..
As humanity retreats..

A mother of a man or that of a beast..
Can do nothing but to plead the least..
An appeal to the righteous mind..
O cruel world, do not **** my child...
Oct 2018 · 190
Lust and Greed
Moushumi Sinha Oct 2018
Lust was seized by Greed
Overpowered by her beauty
He longed to make her yield
To his beastly profanity...

Greed was in need
Of power and dime
She very readily agreed
To abet all his crime...

Lust and Greed stay
In a great relationship
Lust wants to stray
Greed tightens her grip..
Oct 2018 · 186
The unchanged
Moushumi Sinha Oct 2018
Vast peacful azure sky
Turns fiery orange red glow
Basking in its glory high
Sun so powerful sinks below...

All that glitters is not gold,
That which rises will go down
Young will always turn old
Change is constant all around...

The earth so delightfully serene
On sudden tremors and tumble,
Loses its tranquil and sheen
Succumbs to ruins and rubble...

Nothing is yours or mine
No one is an ally or a foe
None of us can beat time
Life is just a come and go...

The Soul is the real me
Timeless and infinite
It is a throne to Thee
Where You and I unite...
Sep 2018 · 204
Second chance
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
Raindrops on the garden chair
Water dripping from my hair
Horses stood quietly in the rain
As they watched me dance again...

For months together I was alone
Sitting and sleeping like a stone
No friends came to wish me well
As I eagerly looked at the doorbell..

Maa dreaded the ill famed disease
As Paa took me to chemotherapies
I looked ghostly, bald and ugly
Sunken eyes stared back deadly....

I shunned all that was outside
The world was just my bedside
The books kept on the shelf,
Soft music to soothe myself..

But for sometime now
Feeling better somehow
Could walk to the window
And lo!! A beautiful rainbow...

My spirits soared high above
Is this really Heavenly love?
Giving me a ray of hope
Offering me a colourful rope??

Paa came home humming a tune
Said my ordeal would end soon
The doctor said I was cancer free
Maa came running to hug me...

I walked out as it started to rain
Found my strength all over again
As the horses watched me dance
I knew I had a second chance..
Sep 2018 · 229
The uprooted
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
Whispering air
In moonlit night
Stars up there
Twinkling bright
Rustling leaves
In eerie silence
Tall green trees
Huddling dense
Branches daring
To touch the sky
The stars luring
To reach the high
But the old roots
Deep and down
Keep the shoots
Firm to ground...

My thinking heart
Does sympathise
Men who depart
Severing old ties
The uprooted roots
Silently cry
As their offshoots
Reach the sky
The old cannot forsake
Their comfort in hut
The young cannot take
Them out of the rut
Moonlight follows
To console the pain
In the deep hollows
Of the hearts' terrain....
Sep 2018 · 174
Respect the noble
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
A drop of poison
In a *** of honey
Can be a reason
For the last journey...

A deep felt hurt
In the midst of wealth
Loads of insult
Can take away health...

There are some men
Who claim to be tall
Nasty to their women
Yet looked up by all...

Respect and adore
For what each of us do
It is time to ignore
Society's "Who is who"....
Sep 2018 · 7.4k
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
I forgive you
Yet not forget
The bluish hue
With a scarlet
Tinge on my cheek...

Your abusive taunts
Endlessly woven lies
Alcoholic brawls
The redness of eyes
Glaring at me
With naked dislike
Of me and my family
And all my tribe...

Yet I always pardon
As this is a **** curse
Bestowed upon
Me for using your purse
To meet my needs
How can I forget
Those early deeds
My wants were met
With your toil n sweat...

I truly forgive you
As you earned fame
Women too came to woo
Without any **** shame
Threw themselves at you
For wealth and name
Success in your head
Women by your side
Your drinking was raised
As guilt made you hide
Behind the glass and smoke
You made your life a living joke...

Forgiving I have to be
For when you compare
Those beauties to met
I am just dumb and fair
With a plain Jane face
And meagre background
Who brings you disgrace
To those who surround
You and your basking glory
Yet I belong to your days of penury...
Sep 2018 · 180
I love you
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
"I love you"
Three careless
Words that woo
Our loneliness...

Our hearts flutter
Our minds block
The reasons clutter
Our sanity clock...

Why do we feel so??
Is love only passion??
A strong stormy blow
Uprooting our bastion...

Nay, love is gentle
Like a cool breeze
Sweet and subtle
Blowing in peace...

Love means care
A warm mattress
To a cold body bare
Lying in distress...

Attachment paves way
For blind possessiveness,
As jealousy blows away
Freedom and happiness...

Nay, my friend, love is not
A possession or a trophy
It is simply caring a lot
So that one can be free....

A bird feeds her chicks
But trains them to fly
Teaching all the tricks
To soar high in the sky...

A loving mother cares
To teach her child
The virtues she shares
To make him worthwhile...

To an attached mother
Her child is above law
She does not bother
And is blind to his flaw....

No one is a slave
We are all born free
One should not crave
To own a human property...

The lofty mountains
The azure skies
Beautiful terrains
The deep blue tides...

The flora and fauna
In forests dense
An enigmatic aura
Love so intense.....

No strings, no ties
Yet we feel blessed
Beneath the skies
We are caressed....

By God's detached Love
Steady and eternal
Watching from above
We are all universal!!!!
Love is opposite of what we think it is
Sep 2018 · 301
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
I was a total failure
In solving mathematics
Driven by chaos and fear
Confused and neurotic...

Maa was very upset
As Paa would always mock
Saying "this darling asset
Has plenty of maternal stock"..

I struggled with algebra
Geometry, trigonometry
Putting many hours extra
To logic and symmetry...

The teacher would scorn
Calling me "an egg head"
Feeling insulted and forlorn
I walked without a friend...

Suddenly came a saviour
Taught maths with ease
Told me not to labour
Instead to be at peace...

He guided me to meditate
To calm my distraught mind
He helped me to concentrate
And self confidence I did find...

Slowly I overcame my fear
The numbers now made sense
As the exam date drew near
I was brimming with confidence...

My marks were good yet not high
Heart was singing, mind was light
Maa relieved, pa said with a sigh
"At last paternal blood is in sight"..

I bowed before my teacher
Eyes blurred with tears
"One day you will feature
On a show down the years"...

I was surprised at my fate
Went on to become a banker
Numbers were now my mate
Dancing everday on my fingers...

True to his prophecy
I participated in a talk show
Wherein I spoke of mercy
To all the students who feel low....
My friend's own life
Sep 2018 · 159
A Jungle Thought
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
The striped beast
In the forest of east
Has just made a ****
In the wintry chill
A hungry bite
In the eerie quiet...

She hears the noise
Of jeeps and boys
Whisper amidst trees
Murmur of leaves
She wants to eat
But has to retreat
To the nearby hideout
Till the gypsy goes out...

Peace dawns at last
She devours fast
She has to feed
Her cubs are in need
For her quick return
Are unable to run
Shut eyed newborns
Feeble small moans...

She looks up to find
Shadows lurking behind
Endless clicking sounds
She quickly rebounds
To the bushes dense
Her anger is intense
Crowd waits quietly
She hides patiently
Stubbornness wins
The crowd now thins
Not a jeep in sight
She just won a fight...

She drags the meal
To keep it conceal
From preying eyes
In the bushes high
She is back to rest
Cubs on her breast
She licks her little litter
Warmth in cold bitter
Her nose sniffs the air
The eyes watchfully dare
The perils of the forest
As she with her cubs rest
Amidst the sun in the fog
A mother is on her duty log....
Sep 2018 · 150
Why worry
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
Past is gone
Let it now rest;
Present is on
Let it be the best;
Future yet to know
Let it come and go...

If you can change anything
Change it, why worry...
If you can change nothing
Accept it, why worry...
If you have done everything
Enjoy it, why worry...

What was a want yesterday
Is hardly a need today
Time flows on small pebbles
Ĺife afloat with petty troubles
Death the unchanging future
Waits patiently like a vulture...
Sep 2018 · 152
A woman
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
A voice within me talks
Of events real and unreal
I have strange thoughts
Of ideas turning ideal...

A song within me longs
For a perfect soulmate
The God within me talks
Of peace and happy state...

A heart within me speaks
Of matters soft and sad
I feel my glistening eyes
Wetting my writing pad...

A mind within me warns
Of things bold and ugly
Fleeting moments run
A riot in my memory...

A mother in me awakens
The beauty in my living
The bloated body reminds
Mothering a human being....
Sep 2018 · 179
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
Rainy terrains,
Flowery plains..
Chirping birds,
Grazing herds..
Sweet petrichor,
Happiness galore..
Sunrise on sea,
At hours wee..
A red gold hue,
On the sea blue..
Awesome dawn,
Greets everyone..
Gifts of love,
From God above..
Enriching moments,
Surprise events..
Life is beautiful,
Lived to the full..
Sep 2018 · 144
My heart is just a river
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
Rippling with emotions
Racing with a quiver
To wild destinations
My heart is just a river..

Heartbeat is rhythmic
The waves rise and fall
Heartburn is chaotic
The river takes it all..

The heartbroken cries
On losing a loved one
Beneath the river lies
Things lost and gone

A heart full of love
Life depends on the liver
Skies rain from above
My heart is just a river..
Sep 2018 · 537
Unheard voice
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
A storm in my heart
Staring out of my window
You rushed out hurt
Caring for me, feeling low...

How could you not know
That I Love you too
The barrier is my ego
Too proud to tell you...

I enjoyed the chase
The constant woo
The look on your face
So intense and true...

Today you came frowning
Furious, as I opened the door
Foul words freely flowing
From your heart's deep core...

You wanted me to openly say
What exactly I think of you
Is the feeling just one way
Or do I feel the way you do...

I was dumb, I was a fool
My stupid head and fat ego
Made me stubborn as a mule
Alone I stood as I watched you go..

Salt in my mouth from my eyes
Flowed freely as I was shaken
The bleeding heart's mute cries
Went unheeded, you were taken...
Sep 2018 · 224
Jungle Night
Moushumi Sinha Sep 2018
Cold winds blow
from nearby glen
White snows glow
on hilly terrain

Bewitching beauty
of twinkling stars
Tall deep vanity
of dark trees afar

Dim lights green
on fireflies back
A moonlit sheen
on jungle track

Nocturnal creatures
on move and run
Calls and screeches
at twists and turns

Dark youthful night
Haunts and thrills
No sleep in sight
in the midst of hills

— The End —