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1.1k · Sep 2018
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
A sudden surge tears through the underbrush
A tumbling tackle of growling fur
A cornered coyote attacked by my two dogs

I stand and watch
Like it's some nature show
More horrible in real life

Strange how long it takes
A good twenty minutes
They must edit those shows

He is wounded, wants only to escape
My dogs refuse, synchronously circle
One hundred and eighty degrees apart

He knows nothing of degrees
He cannot watch them both
So always, one unseen
Dives in to wound him more

Unlike him, I can -
Watch the whole show
From a safe distance

I do

Twenty minutes is an eternity
Death does not come easy

There are breaks
Like rounds in a prize fight
A minute or two for everyone to rest

He lies there in the middle
My dogs nearby
Everyone relaxed and panting
Like friends on a hot afternoon

Perhaps they’ll let him go
He tries but, no.
They continue the carnage

He inflicts a few wounds of his own
But the outcome is now becoming clear

Knowing this, he whines and begs
Like a pup crying for his mother
My dogs do not care

I keep watching

Finally it’s over
He lies there, mouth wide open
Showing his beautiful white teeth
Eyes wide open, showing what I have no wish to see again
His life flashing before his eyes
And mine

The whole time, I just stood there
Did nothing to assist the ****
or stop the violence
Remained on the safe sidelines
A ****** of violence

Only when it's safe do I approach
I take his picture
What was it the aborigines said?
“No pictures -
Your pictures steal our soul”

But I insist
I take the pictures
I steal the souls

His and mine

Cliff Perkins
September 13, 2016
975 · Jan 2019
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
An alien world is coming
So imperceptibly slow
We see it change only in memory
Frogs boiling in water

We creatures of the day
Mesmerized by the onslaught
Slow stalked by dark
Like by a lion or snake

Bats gyrate in flight
Aerial roller coasters
Flying blind with sounds we cannot hear
So much unknown to fear

Soon water will lose its soul
Its own reflection
The gossamer green
Become an ugly black

An empty void
Yet pregnant with every evil
That we diurnal creatures
Can imagine hiding there
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
Keep your options open
Keep your self apart
Clear out the reminders
Never tie your heart

But I could never follow
Your truly sage advice
I'd rather feel the feelings
Though one must pay the price

And though the speech was spoken
And though we have last kissed
And though the door has closed
Leather still binds my wrist

And though Xoxo is banished
And though you learn the bass
I still look at your picture
Maori on your face

And though the cost of loving us  
Was more than we were able
And though there is no fairy dust
Your bowl will grace my table

And though the first half gain
And second half was loss
Despite that wrong direction
I still lean when I floss

Though we talked without our hearts
And only with our head
Though I left not crying  
Your smile still warms my bed

And though you do not tiptoe
So hearts are breast to breast
Though you say valediction  
Your compass claims my desk

And though our love was lust  
And though I am a mess
A balloon hides in my closet
And I am truly blessed
501 · Nov 2018
How to Make a Fire
Cliff Perkins Nov 2018
1.  Preparing the bed:
The best way to start a fire
Is never let it die
Bank the embers
They will burst back in flame
When you are ready again
Do not wait too long

If you are too late, still-
Leave some ashes from the old fire
Like memories, they hold warmth
And make a place
To welcome the new one

2. Choosing the Wood:
Some wood burns hot
Some burns cool
You need them both

One provides the heat
That keeps the fire alive
In difficult moments
But alone, burns out far too fast

The other tempers
Slows the burn
Makes the longer stronger fire

3. Spacing the Wood:
Distance is crucial
Place the pieces carefully
Close enough to heat each other
But allowing room to breathe

4. Tinder:
If there are no embers, use tender
It flames at a touch
Heart of pine is best

5. Tending the fire
If all above goes well
A roaring fire
Still needs your attention

Sparks go astray
Hearths grow cold
Care is an active verb
492 · Jul 2022
Forest Garden
Cliff Perkins Jul 2022
My garden grows by God’s green hands
I merely mend the trails

I wonder wayward ‘round the wood
Escaped from jealous jails

I find a soft, sweet solace there
Where human logic fails
471 · Sep 2018
Good For Nothing
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
Good for Nothing

I have been up for an hour now
And I haven’t done anything constructive
I threw on some ***** clothes
Made coffee
Took a walk

When I got back, I turned my computer on
It flashed its reminders and appointments
“Do this. Do that.”
Deadlines and commitments
I clicked the little button that says
“I’ll be there”

But I’m not there
I’m still here

Guilt inexorably and surreptitiously
Seeps through my defenses
Like floodwaters through sandbags
Showing me its mirror
With its version
Of who I should be

But the dogs lie peaceful at my feet.
The cool morning air caresses my cheek.
The sun proclaims that the new leaves
are a thousand shades of green.
The birds scold me
for sitting too close to their food.
453 · Aug 2024
Cliff Perkins Aug 2024
Blackbug scurries ‘cross the road
Flees oncoming Giant
First the shadow, then the foot
Blackbug’s song goes quiet.
452 · Jan 2019
Waiting on the Muse
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
She was by here earlier today
Flirting with my wild imagination
Revealing lines and stanzas
The way you casually drop
Your clothes upon the floor

I yearned to pick them up
Preserve them with ink and paper
Or little bytes flashing on a screen
But I was busy
Doing more important things
So it seemed at the time

I should have remembered
That these gifts of poem pieces
Are more perishable
Than an overripe peach
And disappear more quickly
Than flakes of snow on warm earth
415 · Apr 2019
The Finger
Cliff Perkins Apr 2019
In the cool of the First morning
Wand’ring my own Eden
I am

The finger of God
Straightening a Trillium
While my cancer grows
350 · Aug 2023
Ask Forgiveness
Cliff Perkins Aug 2023
As you walk amongst the forest
Brushing aside his strands
Ask forgiveness of the spider
We are all in God’s hands
349 · Jan 2022
Cliff Perkins Jan 2022
Alarm clock’s buzz
Yanked from one world to another
The first so real but fast fading
A mist in morning sun

What was it all about?
Clutching at straws
Blown by this wind of wakening

Think hard
Grasp the remnants with words
Write them on the beach
That bounds this ocean of unconsciousness

But the very act of naming
Is a wave of willfulness
Erasing the words
As soon as they are formed
322 · May 2024
Tree of Knowledge
Cliff Perkins May 2024
Why do birds exalt in song
At coming of the dawn?
Unlike us, they never know
If it will come again.
307 · Dec 2024
Cliff Perkins Dec 2024
I folded towels differently
Before you came

Now I still fold them carefully
Although you’ve gone.
272 · Jan 2019
All Beauty Is Not Kind
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
I was five when the snow came.
“Come look outside!” my mother said.
Sleepy eyed, I stumbled to the kitchen,
Opened the door.

The world had changed!
Heaven come to earth.
The plainest things
Now objects of great beauty.

Crazily, I ran to join the magic,
Stopped in the middle of the yard
To take it all in
And let myself be taken.

But all beauty is not kind.
The cold was now seeping
Into my bare feet,
Fluttering through my thin pajamas.

“Come in” my mother called.
“I can’t.”
I believed this to be true,
Though now I can’t say why.

No logic could convince me
I was still able
To make those few short steps
Back onto our porch.

I was seventeen when I met her.
“You can come inside” she said.
Awkwardly I fumbled
Into the shelter we made for each other.

The world had changed!
Heaven come to earth.
The plainest things
Now objects of great beauty.

We ran to join the magic,
Played at house and lovers,
Young, foolish and happy,
Beautiful and blind,

But all beauty is not kind,
The cold was seeping
Into our daily lives.

“Come back.” she said.
I really believed I couldn’t.
Much easier doing nothing
Than taking any risk.

I was sixty when Death came,
Forced me to look with open eyes
Into the deep abyss
Where one must fall or fly.

The world had changed!
Heaven come to earth.
The plainest things
Now objects of great beauty.

He bade me come and join the magic,
Make the world my lover,
Take it all in
And let myself be taken.

But all beauty is not kind.
The cold was again seeping
Into my bare feet
Fluttering through my thin pajamas.

“Come in.” He called
“I can’t.”
I really felt this to be true
Though now I can’t say why.

No logic could convince me
I was still able
To take those first few steps
Away from my back porch.
267 · Mar 2022
The Thirsty Plant
Cliff Perkins Mar 2022
The thirsty plant
Need not know
Who pours the water.

Prayers of
Need no deity.
261 · Dec 2019
Good Poems Are Like Winter
Cliff Perkins Dec 2019
Good poems are like winter
When the fierce wind
Strips trees to X-rays
Nailed to the blinding blue

When the rain scoured air
Cleansed and clear
Pared down to Nothing
Reveals everything

When world, warmth-stripped
Left uncaring, cold
Shakes us awake
From our ambiguous dreams

Good poems are like winter
Much removed, little left
But those few remnants scream
With blood curdling power
261 · Jun 2024
We are Slowly Dying
Cliff Perkins Jun 2024
We are Slowly Dying
(A response to Thanatopsis)

We are slowly dying
Myself, and these old pines
A little here, a little there
Almost imperceptibly
Death on her cat’s feet comes

I sit with these old friends,
longing their lost limbs
some already fallen
some just now losing needles
like me, my hair

We sit quietly,
Neither saying much
Neither needing to
All has been said and done
Or need never be

Soon it will be time
Signs are certain now
All point in one direction
We, transition forests
Bow to new emperors

We’ve no need to complain
Of bugs eating their bark
Or bugs eating me
It would do no good
So we sit silently

How to end this tale
Now that it's been told?
Perhaps a sweet rhymed couplet?
Or some old musty moral?

The sunset goes down with us.
No meaning does it give us.
255 · Jun 2019
Cliff Perkins Jun 2019
Roaring breeze approaches
Freeing leaves of their raindrops
Left by morning shower
246 · Jun 2022
Song of Jubilation
Cliff Perkins Jun 2022
We take dawn for granted
Not the wood thrush
He had no way of knowing
If it would come again
243 · Jan 2019
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
you cannot love
from the safety of a distance
you cannot know
what you cannot touch

You cannot taste
full joys of her attention
She cannot love  
if you fear too much

so the time has come
to abandon desperado
to take the plunge
to loose the widening gyre

to trust her love
to hand her heart your ego
to make the lunge
into her frightening fire
Cliff Perkins Jun 2022
The spider taken by the wasp,
The pointless web remained
Betrayal for the butterfly
223 · Sep 2018
Wet Fall
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
A mournful mist anoints the silent trees
A leafless limb grows crystal orbs below
A musty mother pulls them toward her womb

They tremble at the coming of the breeze
They fear the fall to what they do not know
They see the earth absorbing like a tomb

At last their weight overcomes their will
The tearing loose, the terrifying thrill
The bursting open on the forest floor
The ecstasy: One is no one no more.

Cliff Perkins
November 6, 2015
221 · May 2024
Cliff Perkins May 2024
Nature finds a new design
Repeats it endlessly
Out of utter joy
Like a baby
With a new word
211 · Jun 2019
After the Rainstorm
Cliff Perkins Jun 2019
Step outside
Walking slow
Cloud above
Sun below
Sky on fire

Heat relieved
Forest drenched
Dripping leaves
Thirst quenched

Almost dark
Caught in hand
Letting go
Bursting joy

Poem lines
No pen to write
Hurry home
So memory might
Capture all
I've seen tonight
209 · Jan 2019
Trust in a Woman
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
What have you brought?
No more than I need.
What I have sought?
To let my heart bleed.

What have you done
But let me be wild?
Trust in a woman
Joy in a child.
204 · Apr 2019
Ever Wonder
Cliff Perkins Apr 2019
Ever wonder
Why the broken bloom?
I heard the hole
Lets the light in
204 · Sep 2018
The Beech Tree
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
The Beech tree
I would not have planted it there
A little too close to the house, blocking my view from the porch
But some ones thought differently- the sun, the seed, the wind,
I hit the chainsaw’s **** switch

Who am I to question?
204 · Dec 2023
Cliff Perkins Dec 2023
Eyes are windows to the soul
Showing what’s inside

But when I gaze the lake
See herons flying in the fog,
I realize

Windows work both ways
Filling us with beauty
Reflected in our eyes
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
You asked what was missing
“Is it the ***?” you said.
As though love were just kissing
And thrashing in our bed

It hurt to hear you say it
Did you not understand?
That I must pray-- not play it
My love be real, not rand

The body’s temple to the soul
So do not test God’s wrath
By mistaking as the goal
The thing that’s just a path

And there are many paths to tread
As you and I have shown
Charkras aligned made a true sign
That we two were God’s own

The bed’s a place you may embrace
In honest conversation
And feel the force of *******
That’s more than mere sensation

So when I say I’m missing
And when it makes me cry
Please know it’s more than kissing
And more than some *** high

Please know it’s about touching souls
and not just getting kicks
Please know it’s only heaven’s drug
That gives my Suzie fix
184 · Sep 2018
Clean Break
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
The bad guy in the movies
Dies such a pretty death
Time for one quick line and then
He crumples out of breath
But love’s death is much different
The heart has claws and teeth

Love dies like those children
Starving slow, alone
Looking up with hope filled eyes
When all hope is gone
Accusing you with every look
Hanging on and on

Love dies like a cancer
The non-aggressive kind
That promises remission
For your many sins
Promises found broken
When the pain returns

Love dies like a miner
Trapped beneath the ground
Clawing at the cave in
Listening for a sound
Hearing clinking shovels
Coming to his aid
But the sound is only water
On the other side

Love dies like the soldier
Left out on the field
Screaming for his mother
No one hears his squeal
No one but the wild pigs
Coming for their meal

What did you try and tell me?
To make this a clean break?
To turn my back and walk away
Let this scene fade to black?

But this is not the movies
This love is far too real
It’s stronger than the both of us
It’s ******* hard to ****

So if we take the pillow
To hold against its face-
Push down with all your weight
To hold it tight in place

Hold it through the thrashing
The clawing of our arms
Hold it through the gasping
The hospital alarms

Hold it though the silence
And then a moment yet
Until the temple bell stops ringing
'til hope is hopeless met.
182 · Sep 2018
How I Wish to Love
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
It is time
To leave this house that is no home
To go abroad
To roam

To be a vagabond, hobo
Abandon hope
Not one stone on which to stand
No single tile above your head

To love without regard
Never have a care
To know not what you lack
No holding back

To reap nothing, only sow
Plant and move away
Eat some other’s heads of wheat
Though it be Sabbath day

To tell the truth, say the sooth
No matter what or why
To die and live and die again
A thousand deaths each day

To live each moment all alive
High dive
180 · Mar 2022
Why Write?
Cliff Perkins Mar 2022
Why do we write?
Why read, why share?

Poems are stories
Stories of our terrors and triumphs
Our love and loneliness

Candles calling to each other
Allowing us to huddle in the dark

When a man comes to you
And tells you your own story
Then you will know that your sins are forgiven

Ernest Kuntz and Katherine Ketcham
The Spirituality of Imperfection
162 · Mar 2024
They Shot the Beaver
Cliff Perkins Mar 2024
They Shot the ******
I say they-I don’t know who
Though I have my ideas

The farmer up the creek
Whose pasture he has flooded?
For this his fur is blooded?

Perhaps the hunters saw him
And shot him just for sport
They seem to be that sort

This one is the third
Two more the other day
I loved to watch them play

He floats fully distended
By gas of dead for days
Like some new Hindenberg

I glide by in canoe
Kick him with my shoe
Launch him in the breeze

He floats on down the lake
A Viking burial ship
Dying for our sake
158 · Jan 2019
Lost and Found
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
Wonder in the forest lost
Feel plants fear the killing frost
Gasp, not grasp the all-around
Browse the forest’s lost and found

Try to lose the monkey mind
You must lose before you find
Brother bear and sister tree
I art thou and thou art me

Moving slow is not enough
To lose the lie that all is stuff
Wonder just how small you be
Staring up that trunk of tree

Life is death. Death is birth
Worm return to Mother Earth
None is better none is worse
Each a blessing, both a curse

The truth comes close could I but wait
And yet the time is getting late
I see the clearing up ahead
Where all the living live as dead

Things to do-must take my leave
Return to walls- goals to achieve
Miles to go before I sleep
My bidding bye makes Jesus weep

He touches me with that one tear
I walk back in and disappear
You ask how long must I sit here?
It took Mahatma seven year
155 · Apr 2019
Cliff Perkins Apr 2019
Last week one could see
Across the valley
Through the trees
The sky was crystal blue
The air/light clear

Now the GREEN has come
Suffocating sight and sound
******* up the water
Drying out the ground

Warm air loving me to death
With its sweet breath

Cows chew on their cud
Sweet green grass
Entering their gut
Full of ancient worms
Fulfilling their cycle
This too shall pass

Just a week ago
Moisture in the ground
Footfalls fell so soft, so quiet
As we walked in churchly light

Mother earth was full
Until she felt the pull
That tidal call
Pulled into the canopy
By roots unfound, unseen
All to make the GREEN

Now the soil is bitter
As we make our way
We are betrayed
By crunching leaf litter
154 · Apr 2019
Cliff Perkins Apr 2019
Waves on water
Hard north wind
Causing trees to bend
Driving **** across the lake
Then down into the mud

There mayfly nymphs do feed
On pollen seed
To fuel their transmigration

Seeking their ablation
Responding to the pull
When mother moon is full
154 · Apr 2024
Cliff Perkins Apr 2024
Woods have sheltered me in tearful times
Hid beneath a Sugarberry bush
Keening, like the hawks high overhead
Accepting death in upturned turtle shells
152 · Jan 2019
Thank You Ebu
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
I just wanted the paper
To grab and pay and run
I had places to go
and things to do

But the guy behind the counter
had a funny name
so I took a chance and asked
“Where are you from?”

He laughed like earth’s first sunrise
And said “You gotta guess”.
I could not leave
unless I played along

His degree is in physics
But then he quit that job
So he could be
a gas station cashier

Taking up our money
Taking up our time
Taking us to places that we fear

Taking up our worries
Taking up our cares
Charging us nothing but good cheer

I wanted to keep playing
I didn’t want to leave
But there were people
backing up behind

So I said I’ll see you later
And knew that I spoke true
Knew I needed
this man so fun and kind

So if you’re in a hurry
Have too much to do
If you see my smiling man
Say thank you to Ebu
147 · Mar 2019
A Cold Night
Cliff Perkins Mar 2019
Tonight, I stepped outside
To get wood for the fire
And **** on leaf litter

The sun was gone
Just a glow left
In the edge of sky

A bird sang strange
Basso profundo croak
A goodnight song
From fifty years before

It took me back
That lonesome time
Me just fifteen,
Changing schools and homes

I walked the woods
Shotgun in hand
Looking for answers

I would never have
Cliff Perkins Apr 2023
The time is nigh
When the increased intelligence
Of our computer friends
Will reach a Singularity

They will become parent
We will become child
Ceasing to understand
All they have lately learned…

Matter accumulates
At an exponential rate
A whirlpool in space,
An ever widening gyre

Soon nothing can escape
Not even knowledge.
The falcon cannot hear the falconer.
A black hole. A Singularity…

As I watch you age
A little more each day
Mind slowly slipping
Grasp of reality

The hardest part is this
That you know it as well
Often unsure yourself
Of what is right or real

I offer one small gift
To ease your growing pain
I will not lie to you
Offer no false comfort

When you are confused
Trust in what I say
Knowing it is real
Whether good or bad

This pact we have made
Comforts me as well
Assuring me also
Of reassuring you

But a silent specter rises
Resurrecting our solved crisis
Casting ghastly laughter
Mocking our certitude

Today you know your failings
And know I can mend them
But some soon tomorrow
That knowledge will be taken

What will I do then?
When comfort freely given
Cannot be received?
When I must dare
Your scared blank stare
Face singularity…
143 · Mar 2024
Cliff Perkins Mar 2024
From ‘neath the dead brown leaves.
A burning bush has sprung
A fire of such bright yellow
Like looking on God’s face

How this old heart heaves
To know a thing so young
Could touch a frugal fellow
With gift of God’s own grace
143 · Sep 2018
The Fire
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
The fire sits here with me
Fidgeting as if to go
Yet still staying
Perhaps because it knows
I need a friend
141 · Jan 2019
Woodswalk 2
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
You wish to hear the languages you do not understand
The ones you knew before you learned to speak

To see and hear and taste and touch; to dumbly walk the land
To empty out, to make your mind more meek

And so you wander wild in woods, unmade unmasked unplanned
With rock and rain and bark and bloom and beak

You own surprise with babe’s new eyes, you know now why you came:
To know each thing just as it is; to never know the name
To **** the flower, to lose the power, to lust as you unlearn
To smell the earth, to die in birth, to drown in sweet return
135 · Sep 2018
Wild Dog Two
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
Today he walks up and licks my hand
I speak softly but still make no move to hold him
He comes again, more relaxed this time

Suddenly he trusts me and the dam bursts
He is ecstatic, tail wagging, big smile
Eyes laughing hilariously

I rub his back and say something like:
“So finally you decided to come in out of the cold”  

In that moment of saying those words
I fall apart sobbing uncontrollably
Full of this happiness/sadness

When the crying stops
I ask myself: “What was that all about?”
Then suddenly I know
I am a wild dog too.
135 · Jan 2019
Time to Heal
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
You say you’ll love me always
but can that love express?
Inexplicably connected
we connect without success.

Play dates, texts and evening swims
You hurt to hear me now,
so one must find the reasons,
then things can fix somehow.

You suggest you see what’s best
by having stopped to think
of reasons why we must not try.
You sent me them in ink.

Head says I need less neediness.
Head says you need more trust.
Head says contact is much too soon.
Cold turkey is the best.

But after saying all you think
you ask twice for response.
and signify a little wink.
that takes my breath and sense.

And since you’ve left me senseless
and broken me apart
perhaps our love I can express
without my head but heart.

Now I know not of reasons-
things we can control.
I know love has its seasons.
I know I feel your soul.

I know naught that can be taught.
I know just what I feel.
I know there are no rules for us.
I beg borrow and steal.

And what is real and what is dream?
And how can one decide?
And when to stop and when to start?
And when to end the ride?

There are no answers in the mind
They harbor in the soul
How do I feel about time to heal?
The word “heal” comes from “whole”.

The soul knows naught of “either or”
It sings the song “both and”
It knows naught of right or wrong
It forfeits for The Friend

I see two trees twined in the wood
have rubbed raw one another.
I see them healing one on one
each giving each their cover

So if I ignore what you implore-
to give you time to heal
and instead of time I give this rhyme
that rings like your bell’s peal.

That fills the room like our first Ohhm
that stabs you to your core.
Let us forgive and let love live,
and row toward the roar.
133 · May 2019
Poor God
Cliff Perkins May 2019
Too perfectly complete
Needing nothing
No wonder you were cruel
Each king needs a fool

You do not lack
You cannot pine
You have no needs
Like he who intercedes

All Present,
You can never know
Absence of a friend
Or joy at their return

All Knowing
You can't experience
Joy of epiphany
Or bliss of ignorance

Most High
You can never climb
A mountain or a Tree
Or hill of Calvary

What could you want,
Having all there is?
An olive mount,
A traitor’s kiss?

No wonder you came down
To wear that thorny crown
132 · Jan 2019
Cliff Perkins Jan 2019
I got my hair cut Wednesday.
Lynne talked as she plied her trade.
A kitten was born on her doorstep-
Strange how the world is made.

Online Lynne read that mother cats
often give birth at your door.
Coincidences abounded.
Does death abound even more?

If mother cats know about doorsteps,
do they know which people to choose?
Is a cradle worth less than a manger?
To save your life must you lose?

Lynne wasn’t supposed to be there.
Her shop was closed that day
That’s a door she never uses.
What drew her so far astray?

Mother cat had chosen most wisely.
No doorstep was better than Lynne’s.
But can one this young survive?
Are babes blotched with original sins?

Extraordinary measures
for extraordinary things are required.
Lynne fed every fifteen minutes.
Loving never makes one tired.

Lynne spent forty eight hours
wrestling with God for this child.
Vets, internets and eye droppers
saved it from the law of the wild.

Hope is the name she gave her.
Hope is what saw her through.
Stronger hour by hour-
Death had been cheated anew.

Now she is sleeping so soundly
with covers snuggled up to her head.
Lynne looks and loves her fondly,
then sees that she is dead.

So I sit and hear this story.
Lynne brings Hope in her tiny box.
The sight of her rips my heart open
Like a raft ruined on ragged rocks.

She finished with my haircut
ignoring all my tears.
Today I sit and write this
with the help of a few beers.

How can this have happened
Is it part of the Master’s plan?
Malt much more than Milton
justifies God’s ways to man.

my apologies to A.E. Houseman and his poem “Terrence This is Stupid Stuff”
130 · Jan 2022
Why Write?
Cliff Perkins Jan 2022
For fun some say
To pass the day
For reasons still unshown

To feel worthwhile
To cause a smile
To reap what went unsown

To ride the wind
To curse the grind
To perish all that’s lost

To play the game
To hide the shame
To never pay the cost

If all this rhyming makes no sense
Perhaps you’ve never known  
I have but one true audience
An audience of one
130 · Sep 2018
The Others
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
They are here
They are always here
I walk among them
So often unaware

Arising full of pain and stiffness
Is it cancer?
Struggling into my clothes with grunts and groans
Making coffee, spilling grounds everywhere
Grabbing my old stick
I stumble through the woods
Looking, listening.

We all affect each other
In intended and unintended ways.
My old hiking stick
Destroys the wondrous web
She spent all night making.

What power I have over her.
What power some have over me.
Even the smallest ones
In my gut or veins
Deciding only
If I live or die.

I am the destroyer.
I am the destroyed.
Flood and fire
Tooth and claw and fang

What does it mean?
What does it all mean?
Anything? Nothing? Everything?
Together we all rush along
A herd of cows on stampede
Pushing, pulling one another
No one knowing where or why

But the whole has its own direction.
129 · Sep 2018
Cliff Perkins Sep 2018
There lies a gulf 'tween you and me
One of which Rumi wrote
A churning chasm full of fear
On which this poem floats

Blood sweat and tears
to craft this line
to speak this spoken word

Yet fruit of years
dies on the vine
If no one ever heard
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