Spooky night, spooky night
Sometimes I feel good enough
To write.
A song
If you don’t disturb the sleeping giant
You disturb the night.
Putting the censor to sleep
Go to sleep, go to sleep
Spooky night
Sleep tight
Sleep the unveiling
Of what
Necessarily right
But true
Can you
Lie in your sleep
As you lie in your sleep
Do you
Know wrong from right
In your sleep
Oh spooky night
You can but
-Not lie-
So what if
I made you up
You are a muse after all
(How many there are
I can’t recall)
So, what
If you ever read fiction?
You know
There needs to be some friction
So, I thickened the plot
Like it or not
Just my imagination
Didn’t do any harm
Just me being me
So, what’s up
Was I
Too abrupt
Too you
Too me
Oh god
How can this be
I think I need to throw up
What a spooky night of love.