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Sep 2 · 36
lee Sep 2
Deep, deep in the dark. We've been here before.
Don't you see?
In this place of emptiness, with no escape.
Can you feel it?
We've slipped. Again, no one witnessed.
The pain that comes out of the dark corners of life.
I'm okay.
But, you're not. I know you're not.
Sep 2 · 18
lee Sep 2
A long dusty road, where man do not go.
The burning of the sun, piercing through the flesh of someone.
No daring animal, no matter how hungry, run past this way.
Look, you'll see. Look deep, far beyond the trees.
A place so damaged, so much stories to tell.
lee Sep 2
I'm not sure how to explain my feelings.
I'm weighed down with moments of anger, with the feeling of wanting to cry in pain.
Though, the eyes won't water. I am lost and stuck, I think.
Am I depressed? But how?  Why and where did it come from?
Why do I want to start packing my bags, yet I have no place to go?
Why does my heart feel lonely and heavy? Why can't I understand?
I want to hide under the comfort of my bed covers, but the floor is closer.
How am I supposed to help myself out of this episode when I don't understand the half of it?
Nov 2022 · 122
If one day…
lee Nov 2022
And if I ever do put an end to it all, just know, I tried.
I stuck around and tried to make it through.
I gave it many “one last chances,” and it got too much to bare.
Just know that it wasn’t always easy, but I made it thus far.

Don’t assume that the last challenge I faced, was the reason.
It took many nights of blades in my hands and blood on the floor, not to end it all.
And if I ended it now, just know that I couldn’t take anymore.

I don’t want tears shed, it’s better for me.
It wasn’t a selfish act, it was for my own happiness.
Why force me to live a life I’m suffering in and losing my mind?
Just to keep happy, the few I leave behind?

So, if one day I’m brave enough to put this to an end, just know that I have no more for hurt. Know that I’d rather be gone, than to have gone insane.
lee Feb 2022
Sometimes I feel like I have so much to say, yet the words doesn't seem to know how to present itself.
A book and a pen, or a blank screen and a keyboard and the fingers seem to know exactly what to say.

A feeling I often don't know how to describe. My fingers do the talking and say, "She feels down, most of the time. She is drained."
"Some days are better than others, because some days the distractions are plenty, every other day is hard."

I want to break something, I want to scream.

When someone asks me, "What's wrong?" I haven't the slightest clue on what to say, because I don't know which issue is bothering me on that specific day.

There are so many things I hold inside a box, tucked away deep in my thoughts. I try not to open that box, but the box is so full that often the memories slip through.

I pray, I release all this negativity and set me free from this pain.
lee Jul 2021
For mine you were, and yours was I,
for the feelings hidden, that will never fade.

For the distance traveled, and moments shared,
for the secrets, the lips would kiss away.

For Romeo loved Juliet.

But feelings changed, and life must go on,
like Shakespeare said, Romeo went first.

So, just like Romeo and Juliet, however different,
for Romeo feels peace, while Juliet mourns.

It shouldn't have, but alas, it had,
and it left our poor Capulet sad.

Just like Romeo and Juliet...
based on a true story.
Jul 2021 · 164
lee Jul 2021
I'm smiling, yet inside I'm crying
I'm lost in the wave of life.

I'm shining, but inside I'm burning
my soul is turning to ice.

I'm living, yet inside I'm dying
my feelings, I'm trying to hide.
Jul 2021 · 105
How do you cope?
lee Jul 2021
It's amazing how your life can change within a matter of days.
All of a sudden the very thing that made you happy,
is now the one thing making you sad.
When you lived your life thinking, "This is how its meant to be."
Only to find out, it's not.
It's incredible how you have to learn how adapt to this sudden change, and just go about your life.
As if you were prepared for this and as if you're okay with it.
How do you just let go of something that was once the center of your life?
Nov 2020 · 89
lee Nov 2020
What is an escape?
Sometimes just lying in your bed.
Sometimes isolation from everything.

What do we escape from?
Life? Sadness?
Maybe not knowing whether you're coming or going.

Why do we need to escape?
It drives us mad.
It gets too much and we don't know how to communicate.
Sep 2020 · 77
lee Sep 2020
They see you hurt and still they judge
They laugh
They point
But never did they help until it was too late
Sep 2020 · 54
Can we be lovers?
lee Sep 2020
Why is it wrong but it feels so right?
I think about it all through the night.

Are we supposed to be in love?
Don't tell me it's lust.

We're not supposed to be together?
But our hearts wants this forever.

Do we tell them the truth?
Or keep it a lie?

I'll break down every night...
But I'm willing to give us a try.
Sep 2020 · 66
lee Sep 2020
She tucks herself in deep, heavy linen.
Faith is nothing but a thread hanging onto hope.
Seconds are the limit it takes for thoughts to present.
Liquid of salt creeps out by the lids, red from strain.
The stabbing fight in her stomach, she holds.
Pounding heart as if to break free at last.

She leaves the secrets in the sheets.
A smile as bright, she wears on the streets.
Sep 2020 · 58
The baggage
lee Sep 2020
When does it end?
When do I walk away?
From the rope that keeps pulling me down?

How do I prosper?
How do I succeed?
This Rollercoaster keeps turning around!

I want to let go!
I need to be free!
Where is thy Savior, can He hear me?

I can't take this pain!
The past is past!
The hurt will never end, can't you see. The memories always last.
Sep 2020 · 55
lee Sep 2020
How do you love me with all this pain?
How do you look at me and smile and not feel ashamed?

How does my past not affect what you feel for me?
Even when you're loving and I'm screaming for you to leave me?
Aug 2020 · 72
Perfect is imperfect
lee Aug 2020
Your skin is too light, your face isn't plump
Perfect is imperfect

Your nails are dull, your hair is too dry
Perfect is imperfect

You're too skinny, your smile is crooked
Perfect is imperfect
Your flaws are beautiful, embrace it.
Aug 2020 · 58
lee Aug 2020
Like a jealousy over your happiness
Like a curtain blocking the light
You creep in at night

Like a torn up page
Like a deep dark hole
You take over my soul

I wish I could sleep I don't want to cry
My life is a mess
With this pain I hold inside

I don't want to talk it drives me insane
The fear is killing me
Tonight it will come again
Aug 2020 · 47
A new pain
lee Aug 2020
I don't remember the first time we met
But I remember there was no ****** attraction

I never knew that you'd care for me like you did
I didn't think I would need you like this

You came and built yourself a home
Right here in the depth of my heart

A friend indeed, you called me your angel
Your smile brightened my day, your hug warm as love

You were my safety in a place you were unsafe
Murdered infront of your own home you're gone

Here I sit, lost for words, for I never said goodbye
I never thanked you for the guardian you were.
May your soul rest in peace Clyde. Til we meet again. I love you.
Aug 2020 · 49
lee Aug 2020
Spread your wings
Fly up high
Don’t be scared
Watch the sun shine
The world is yours
It’s in your heart
To be the best
It just takes a start
So don’t be shy
Fly up high
Butterfly spread
Those wings up high
You’re beautiful, don’t forget.
Aug 2020 · 55
Red light
lee Aug 2020
Red light , blue light
Shine so bright
Red light , blue light
Stole the night

Flicker through glass
Reflect through eyes
Red light, blue light
Its time to say goodnight.
May 2019 · 126
My only love
lee May 2019
We saw, we met, we kissed
All I could do was love
No beauty on your face but your heart was gold and mine matched in like a glove

Obsessed you were
and possessed was I
Until I could have no more I tried to run but how far could I go, next to you i had to lie

You're all i knew
And all i wanted
But it become very raw and walking away was impossible, you were my shelter

Enough was enough
It had to be done
I'm sorry I left you that way but if you could see through my eyes you'd be long gone
May 2019 · 96
Little girl
lee May 2019
They say smile little girl
You dont know who's watching
And they would love to see you in pain

They say dont be afraid
Little girl you should higher your aim
For one day you'd rule the world

Little do they know
That this little girl does not wish to take this place
Of a preacher's kid who is destined to lead

For little girl only wishes to sing

Run little girl to the riverside lake
Where your heart beats fast
Where your voice controls all the blood which flows from your head to your toes

Where you feel at home at last
Oct 2018 · 604
lee Oct 2018
The truth about pain
It must be felt
The redness pouring
From the slit of your skin

Sad is a word
Abused by some
For sad is the inflictor of pain
Which demands to be felt

Carving as an escape
The burning like fire feeling
A feeling slowly, slowly
Then touching the vein
Better to inflict pain on yourself then to let others cause you pain
Oct 2018 · 1000
how i changed
lee Oct 2018
its funny how fairy tales start with sunny days
but fairy tales end happy right ?
funny how my life will never be happy again
how suddenly i cant sleep at night

you will never know the pain you caused
the sorrow in my soul
its hard to trust a male again
before i close this hole

they called you chad but i called you satan
how could you **** a child ?
for i had just discovered puberty
for at 15 you made me wild

did you not like the way i stood up for myself
is that why you made me cry
is that why you took advantage of my body
and hurt me till i died

i had never told anyone about what happened that day
i was scared of what they would say
my 'friends' who saw what you did that day
said 'she wanted it either way'

im sorry but whether you're drunk or sober
no still means no
and now when i sleep at night i wake up screaming
'chad let me go!'

ironically they shot and murdered you
a few weeks from now
but i swear on that day you murdered me
without knowing how

— The End —