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Figmunt Feb 2019
The only thing I have found impossible thus far -
Is being able to love one thing only.
Only one human
Only one animal
Only one plant
Only loving one of anything is impossible to me.
Figmunt Jan 2019
Hide the bind
Find your kind
Find your blind
Bind the Twine
Blind the kind, hide yourself...

Bind your free with Kind
Find your twist
The ties that ....

Blind your Ego of self

All is compassion

Show yourself Kindness

Then - something about your mind..

This rhyming thing - can be so lovely and yawn.
Figmunt Jan 2019
Now I'm remote memory.
Adjustment is tricky.
Still, l cook for 4.
Yet I eat for me.
Physically alone.
Mentally 3 run riot.
I live now, and then.
Now Present.
Figmunt Jan 2019
Feeling runs down
Spin spokes push water out
When spin stills - water.. it runs inward
Feeling down and out
gravity is undone
I cry in to the sky
Water runs outward
Feeling drops in to me
Figmunt Jan 2019
Say what you mean.
Mean what you speak.
Hidden agenda is weak.
Figmunt Jan 2019
Bite yourself.
Pick yourself.
Scratch yourself.

Pick yourself to scabs.
Shred your hair and skin.
Shed your love.
Love your bile of bite.

Clean it !
Fix it..

Clean your bite.
Clean your scabs.
Clean your eyes.

Pick at it. till pure forms.
Own your self hate.
Pull the hairs till nothing grows.
End the self loathing till it slows.

Own it, own yourself healing.
Heal for ever as it must be.
Heal the bite.
Heal the scab.
Heal your love.

Learn to get through and see your beauty.
Love and beauty of own self will arrive shortly.

I believe in you.
Figmunt Dec 2018
Caring and giving hope.
Nothing to give.
Sake of it.
The shake of it.
Hoping to shake the..
Choice of feeling
The need for peeling
for the sake of care.
hope is despair and feeling is patient.
Keep on caring no matter what the feeling !
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