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Nikki Tshawe Sep 2019
Sons of the soil.
Daughters of the soil.
Wake up and rejoice, for its the day of your heritage.
Celebrate your culture, for it is your privilege.

You are Africa, Africa is you.
A nation so diverse and true.
A real rainbow nation.
Deeply rooted in our tradition.

Nna ke mo Tswana, ebile ke motlotlo ka bo Tswana bame.
Nna ke mo Pedi, ebile ka ikgantsha ka go nna mo Pedi.
Mna ndi ngum Xhosa, ubona nje, ndiyazi dla ngo buXhosa bam.
Mina ngi ngum Zulu qobo, futhi ngiyazi qhenya.

On this day, remember who you are.
On this day, commemorate who you are.
Take pride in your true identity.
Let there be peace and serenity.
In South Africa our land.
Together may we all stand.

Le ga ole moTswana wa Afrika.
Noba ungu m'Xhosa wase Afrika.
Le ha ole mo Sotho wa Afrika Borwa.
Are rataneng. Masi thandaneni.

On this day, speak your mother tounge.
On this day, sing your clan song.
A moTswana eme a kgibe.
UmXhosa maka phakame axhentse.
UmZulu maka sukume agide.
A moPedi a emelle bine.

Sons of the soil.
Daughters of the soil.
Wake up and rejoice, for its the day of your heritage.
Celebrate your culture, for it is your privilege.
770 · Jan 2020
Let me bleed
Nikki Tshawe Jan 2020
Let me bleed
I would rather bleed
Than miss my monthly ****** cycle
Because of a life growing inside me like a little tickle
Let me bleed
I would much rather bleed
Than go nine months
Thinking how am I gonna feed these mouths?
It could be twins I'm bearing
This is regret I'm wearing
No, let me bleed
I would much rather bleed
I will bear the pain
As I bleed out like heavy rain
Let me bleed
I am more than happy to bleed
Blood, I've never been so happy to see you
Why'd you come later than you're due?
I thought I'd made a new being
'Twas the worst feeling
No, let me bleed
I choose to bleed
Stuck, thinking why'd I let him do it?
Let him flow inside my walls, why'd he do it?
Holding on to me for dear life as he did it
As if he was trying to create a new life with no guilt
I am not even his wife
My honour is my pride
No ******* children
That's strictly forbidden
I say no, let me bleed
I would much rather bleed
728 · Jan 2020
You're my favorite
Nikki Tshawe Jan 2020
Let me sing you my favorite song
Let me recite you my favorite poem
You can have the best part of me
Let me give you my all

Let me paint you in my favorite colors
Let me cook you my favorite dish
You're my favorite person
You're my favorite feeling

Let me tell you my favorite story
Let me fix you my favorite drink
Let me read you my favorite book
You're my favorite boy

You're my favorite feeling
Let me wear my favorite clothes
Let's drive to my favorite place
Let me sing you my favorite melody

Let me write you my favorite poem
Let me be your favorite girl
You're my favorite face
You're my favorite kiss

I miss you when you're out of town
You're my favorite to be around
Your voice is my favorite
You are my favorite dream
720 · Jul 2019
Dear me
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
I forgive you for yesterday.
For the day before today.
For the years before this one.
For all the years that have gone.
I want you to know that it's all well.
The past is not for us to dwell.
You have made some mistakes.
But it's all sweet cakes.
Your past will never define you.
Your future is right in front of you.
Forget all you have done wrong.
Sing a happy cheerful song.
Find peace and freedom.
The world is your kingdom.
You are fit to reign.
Dance through the rain .
You are a queen and nothing less.
You are forgiven for all the mess.
We learn and we grow. That's how it goes.
Smile you beautiful rose.
You are forgiven.
Appreciate the life you were given.
Don't forget to live.
Don't forget to forgive.

708 · Aug 2022
My pillow,
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2022
My pillow.
It's wet with grief and sorrow.
Tears from the night before.
Eyes swollen and sore.

My pillow knows no drought.
Cry myself to sleep without a doubt.
My pillow knows no happy tears,
Only weeping prayers.

My pillow has absorbed an entire ocean.
Every last emotion,
Flows from my heart to my pillow.
No one will ever know, except my pillow.
704 · Jul 2019
Dead inside
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
Dead inside. I feel nothing
Nothing but self loathing
My heart is ice cold
I watch the darkness unfold
My soul is dead
Emptiness is my daily bread
Happiness is a distant thought
My hatred is self taught
I despise life
Slit my throat with a knife
And I will feel pain no more
I have nothing to live for
I am dead inside
No where left to hide
I am dead inside
436 · Feb 2020
Nikki Tshawe Feb 2020
Fear of failing
Fear of falling

Fear of giving up
Fear of letting go

Fear that I may not have the strength
Fear that I may not have enough faith

Consumed by fear
Imprisoned by fear
Weary of fear

Fear of dying
Before I make it through
I am trying

To stay faithful and true
Keep my head above the misty dew
But I fear

I fear
I fear for tomorrow
I fear endless sorrow

Fear that I may die alone
Fear that I  may never see these tears gone

Fear of becoming nothing
Fear that I may never achieve something

Fear of being no one
Fear of being loved by no one

Fear that I may never see the light
Fear that I may never win this fight

I fear for my life
I am scared to give
Anymore of me to fear

Fear I may never overcome my fears
Never see my happy years

I am my deepest fear
Fear of losing everything I hold dear
409 · Dec 2022
Greatness defined
Nikki Tshawe Dec 2022
Everything is working in my favor.
I am not cursed.
I am blessed.
My ancestors are working behind the scenes.
God has released all my blessings.
Everything is working out for my greater good.
I may not see it.
But it's true.
My suffering will end.
I will live the life I dream of.
I am becoming the best version of myself.
My angels are working hard,
To get me to where I need to be.
Everything is working in my favor.
I am not cursed.
I am blessed beyond measure.
I thank God.
I thank my angels.
In advance,
For what I'm about to witness.
I am becoming.
I am greatness defined.
387 · Dec 2022
Nikki Tshawe Dec 2022
Everything is okay.
If it's not,
It's going to be okay.
376 · Mar 2021
Nikki Tshawe Mar 2021
Spirit take the lead
Let my heart no longer bleed
Save me from falling
Make known my calling
I long for peace
For this heaviness to cease
I long for salvation
Unlock my revelation
Let me suffer no longer
Let me grow stronger
I remain faithful
I try to be grateful
Full of contentment
I show commitment
When do I get to break free?
Release these chains from me
They are tight, they burn
Reveal the light, I yearn
Spirit, take the lead
I sincerely plead
I need your guidance and understanding
I long for abundance and a happy ending
Spirit are you there?
Do you even care?
For me and my deepest emotion
Do you see my depthless devotion?
Lead me
Feed me
Send me deeper and deeper
Until the day I meet death's reaper
Surely you are forever at my side
It's in you I confide
Spirit, take the lead
I plant this seed
From here on now, you are mine
I am yours
Together, we are spirit
Together, we take the lead
374 · Aug 2022
I could
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2022
I could water the forest
with my eyes
I could drown the ocean
with my tears
I could move the mountain
with my heart
I could summon the wolves
with my weep
I could cause a tornado
with my breathing
I could die
from sadness
357 · Dec 2023
I love him so
Nikki Tshawe Dec 2023
I want you to know, that I loved you.
I saw myself with you. I truly loved you.
Accepting that you do not love me the same,
Has been by far my greatest, most deepest pain.
I do not understand. I can not comprehend.
There is no way for my heart to mend.
I am broken beyond measure.
'Tis your heart I used to treasure.
'Tis you I desired.
The only I admired.
It breaks my heart to see us apart.
I am stuck with a broken heart.
'Tis bleeding.
I can't stop weeping and pleading,
To God to say 'tis not true.
He loves me too.
For I love him so.
I will follow him where e'er he may go.
Stand by him through thick and thin.
Dwell under his soft melanin skin.
Have his kids. Make him my kin.
I'll repent from all sin.
If it means being beside him.
Please, don't take him from me.
For I love him so much.
I'd rather die than live without his sacred touch.
321 · May 2021
On that day, ngala suku
Nikki Tshawe May 2021
Ubuhle bakho took my breath away
Your smile hypnotized me
Amehlo wakho rocked my world
Your sweet voice made the earth move
It was on that day
Ngala suku when I first laid eyes on you
Such beauty
Such charm
Such exquisiteness
Skin so fair it glittered
I swear on that day
Ngala suku as your feet touched the ground I heard the angels cry
I was marveled by such style
Such class, such excellence
My heart leapt in excitement
As I adored your elegance
Your lips had me enchanted
So soft, so sublime...
I couldn't believe my eyes
It felt like a dream only it was in bright daylight
I swear on that day
Ngala suku I saw the sun smile at your angelic face
A body so divine, well-refined
Ravishing, breath-taking, just splendid
I saw the clouds follow you as you paced in a rhythm
The day brightened as your I felt your presence
I swear on that day
Ngala suku even the trees and the birds were astonished by your striking image
Your brown eyes mesmerized me
Your aura, your aroma, your walk...
Captivated me
I swear on that day
Ngala suku I saw God's most artistic design
A splitting image of supremacy
I've never seen such perfection
Except for on that day
Ngala suku when I first saw you
307 · Mar 2023
Bitch, I'm tired
Nikki Tshawe Mar 2023
If my loneliness could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired of you.
Get some friends!"

If my depression could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired of you.
Get some antidepressants!"

If my anxiety could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired of you.
Take a chill pill!"

If my sorrow could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired of you.
Find some happiness!"

If my bank account could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired of you.
Find a side hustle!"

If my career could talk;
It would say,
"Girl, bye.
Where is the bag we've been chasing?"

If my ****** could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired of you.
Get a ****. Seriously!"

If my car could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired.
Upgrade already!"

If my liver could talk;
It would say,
"*****, we're tired.
Find a new coping mechanism!"

If my brain could speak;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired.
Stop thinking!"

If my stomach could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired.
Stop over eating!"

If my lungs could talk;
They would say.
"Girl, stop.
Stop with them cigarettes!"

If my phone could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired.
Get a life!"

If alcohol could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired.
Leave me the **** alone, your body is rejecting me!"

If my body could talk;
It would say,
"Girl, I'm overweight.
Please hit the gym!"

If the color black could talk;
It would say,
"*****, I'm tired.
Wear something else!"

If my heart could talk;
It would say,
"Girl, forget him.
He ain't ****!"

If my future could talk;
It would say,
"Girl, hold on.
Better days are coming!"

If my hopes and dreams could talk;
They would say,
"***** what the actual ****?
Where are we? What is this place?"
299 · Nov 2022
Nikki Tshawe Nov 2022
Maybe it will always be just me.
Maybe that's how it's meant to be.
288 · Mar 2023
I will heal
Nikki Tshawe Mar 2023
I will heal
And when I do
I will write about it
276 · Oct 2019
To love
Nikki Tshawe Oct 2019
To love is to cheerfully cherish.
I wish I'd said that I loved you more and more each day.
To lose the one you love is to painfully perish.
I wish you were still here with me this day.

To love is to unconditionally trust.
I wish I'd held you close to me more and more each day.
Showed you that it was more than just lust.
I wish you were still here with me this day.
266 · Oct 2019
Nikki Tshawe Oct 2019
Roaring pain lingering timelessly
Grief haunting my soul tirelessly
It is my dear love, forced to the other side kicking and screaming
Please wake me for I must be dreadfully dreaming
My beloved was violently torn from my arms and eyes
Save me from this sorrow and tell me it's all lies
Tell me my beloved still draws breath
Tell me my beloved was not taken by death
I find peace in believing that it's for the best
That there is no suffering in final rest
I sincerely hope that it is true
Because I still long for you
259 · Apr 2021
Azania - Africa
Nikki Tshawe Apr 2021
Azania, malibuye izwe lwethu.
Mayibuye iAfrika, izwe lwethu

Africa, where have you gone?
Africa, what happened to you?

We breathe poverty.
27 years into liberty.
Yet, not much has changed.
The black man remains estranged.
No land, no wealth.
No access to health.
The black man is educated and unemployed.
His voice is meaningless and void.
The black man is a criminal.
Not a trustworthy individual.

Azania. Libuya nini izwe lwethu?
Ibuya nini iAfrika yethu?

Africa, where have you gone?
Africa, what happened to you?

Where is the black child's fortune?
When does he get to sing a happy tune?
When does he move out of the small shack?
When does he get his ancestors' land back?
No one will hire him, he doesn't own a car.
He lives too far.
He's below the par.
Where he's from, there's no tar.
His shoes pick up clouds of dust.
Victim to a system so unjust.

Azania. Libuya nini izwe lwethu?
Ibuya nini iAfrika yethu?

Africa, where have you gone?
Africa, what happened to you?

Our mothers know nothing but pain.
They wipe kitchens spotless, all in vain.
Our fathers toil in the gardens.
Prayers have become burdens.
Government officials care for nothing but their pockets.
While we cry tears filling buckets.
Is this the Africa we fought for?
Is this the freedom we fought for?
Africa is singing a burning weep.
Her sorrows run deep.

She is asking, "what about my children?"
"What will become of them?"
She can't bear to see it.
Unite Africa with her children.
She longs to see them prosper.
Africa loves her children.
They don't deserve to suffer any longer.
From the hands of the ruthless ruler.
They are her pride and joy.
She wants to see them enjoy,
Her rich soil.
Profit from her natural oil.
Her pure silver.
Her dazzling diamonds.
Her excellent copper.
Her soft gold.

Abantwana base Afrika mabaphile.
Inhlupheko yase Afrika mayiphele.

iAfrika mayibuye.
Mayibuye iAfrika.
254 · Jan 2022
A thousand times
Nikki Tshawe Jan 2022
For a thousand times,
I can't believe that it took me a thousand times,
To see that you are a thousand times not the man for me.
Maybe I don't love myself as much as I think I do,
Beause if I did, I would have ran a thousand miles away from you.
I would have stayed away from you a thousand times before,
Before I loved you a thousand times once more
As much as I want to kiss you a thousand times,
And a thousand times more.
Hold you a thousand times,
Make sweet love to you a thousand times,
And a thousand times more.
Love you for a thousand years,
And a thousand years more.
You are not the man for me!
It took me a thousand tears to see it,
And a thousand more heart bleeds to believe it.
It might take a thousand more years for me to move on, and a thousand years more.
But I will go on a thousand dates,
I will kiss a thousand frogs,
Until I meet the man for me.
A man a thousand times the man you will ever be.
Because, a thousand truths be told,
You were never meant for for me.
Not by a thousand long shots.
Not in a million thousand years,
And a million thousand years more.
I was foolish for a thousand years,
To ever think that you would love me for a thousand years.
Well here's to a thousand times of regret.
I will raise a thousand tequila shots.
You are not worth my time,
Not even a thousand half seconds.
I am letting you go a thousand times.
May I be free from you a thousand times,
And a thousand times more.
I despise you a thousand times,
For all the thousand lies.
Playing me a thousand times over and over.
You can bet a thousand bucks that it is over.
One hundred thousand times, I am done!
Forget the thousand times I crawled back to you.
Forget the thousand times I ran back into your arms once more.
I can do a thousand times better than you,
And a thousand times more.
You are dead to me for a thousand times,
And a thousand times more.
For all the thousand times you've hurt me.
For all the thousand times you failed to put me first.
For all the thousand times I thought something was wrong with me,
I hope you burn a thousand times in a thousand hell fires.
For the first time in a thousand years
I choose to put me first,
For a thousand times and a thousand times more.
For I am a thousand times the woman worthy,
Of a man worth a thousand doses of my love.
Love wasted on you a thousand times,
And a thousand times more.
I deserve a thousand times more.
I am worth a thousand times more.
254 · Mar 17
No one
Nikki Tshawe Mar 17
no one is coming
to save me
but that's okay
i am coming
to save me
243 · Dec 2022
I am not alone
Nikki Tshawe Dec 2022
I am not alone.
I walk with a lineage of greatness.
A bloodline of healers.
A generation of power.
243 · Aug 2021
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2021
Tis all about self
It all begins with thy self

Low self-esteem
Tis all about self
It all ends with thy self
237 · Sep 2024
Nikki Tshawe Sep 2024
I do not want to see tomorrow.
Nor the day after.
I simply have no desire to.
For I already know what tomorrow holds.
And the day after.
Pain and sorrow.
No joy, no laughter.
More tears.
More heartache.
More surprises, of what could possibly go wrong?
Every time I think to myself,
I have been through it all.
The universe goes,
Wait until you see this.
And I am tired.
I am done.
I have been crying and crying.
No more.
I do not wish to see tomorrow.
Nor the day after.
Not unless tomorrow is my date of death.
I have seen enough birthdays.
Enough to know,
That I want no more.
No more tomorrow.
Nor the day after.
219 · Jul 2019
Dear Depression
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
Dear depression - You and your friend anxiety.
You have no power over me, and my sanity.
Do you know how happy I am when you fail to show?
Oh! I wish you would know.
How complete my life is without your unwanted baggage!
But somehow you always creep up on me, don't you? You savage!
Well, I put my foot down today!
You've had your way with me, but that was yesterday!
I will outlive you.
I will crush you.
You have no place here in my heart.
Remove yourself from my life, you filthy dirt.
No more shall you make me feel small and unworthy.
From now on, I will be free and healthy.
No more of your sad, sad feelings.
No more of your evil, evil dealings.
I choose to be free!
I choose to be me!
Get away from me, why don't you?
I am more valuable than what you make it seem true.
I am no failure. I am no quiter.
I am a survivor. I am a true fighter.
I have seen you take lives from their beloved.
But here with me you are over powered.
Listen when I say your days are numbered.
You have no power here!
I wish to make this crystal clear!
So please pack all your things and go.
I don't want to feel you in my space anymore!
I hate the way that you make me feel.
How much more of me do you want to steal?
You nasy parasite.
Please get out of my sight!
I'd give anything to see you dead and burried.
My friends and family out here worried.
Because of you and your friend anxiety.
I want my life back, along with my sanity.
Farewell depression.
Till we never meet again!
207 · Aug 2022
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2022
I want to perform
self surgery
Open this heart up
what's really bothering it
Brain surgery
Remove these thoughts
stuck in my head
Get to the bottom of this
Eliminate the pain
The memories
The anxiety
206 · Aug 2022
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2022
I'm dying
I miss you
Text me when you get this
188 · Jul 2019
Rise again
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
I believe you will rise again.
Against all odds you shall reign.
It's not over. Not yet. Not now.
Reclaim your throne so they can bow.
You've been to hell and back.
You've fallen off track,
More times than you could ever count.
A million times you've been burnt out.
Your soul is exhausted beyond measure.
You have lost all you used to treasure.
Chin up.
Show up.
Rise again.
You deserve nothing but to forever reign.
Don't fall prey to the hurt and pain.
Your demise is how they gain.
It's what they want to see.
Your ashes scattered across the sea.
But you are stronger than that, aren't you?
You won't give them that satisfaction, will you?
No you won't.
Not in this lifetime you won't!
You won't because you will rise again.
No matter what comes your way, you will reign.
All hail!
All hail!
She has risen again!
She is here to reign!
Here they stand before your feet.
Your friends and foes gathered in one fleet.
Those who wished for your self destruction.
Are here for your new introduction.
The one who has risen again.
Long may she reign!
187 · Jun 2018
Nikki Tshawe Jun 2018
Lost and alone.
So much to offer,
Yet so little faith.
No self-belief.
So much potential,
Yet so much pain.

25. Where has the time gone?
Where are the blessings and fortunes,
We were promised in our young days?
Work hard they said.
Those who don't give up shall prosper,
They said.
Our mothers told us we are the kings and queens.
We deserve nothing but the best.

But 25 years later,
Of working hard.
Giving it our all.
Yet no luck.
Days are dark.
Friends are few.
No one is true.
Where is the happiness,
They assured us?

25. You should be married by now.
What have you achieved?
What are you working towards?
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Why are you not doing anything?
What is wrong with you?
Why are you not like other kids?
They ask.

25. Half way to 50.
So young,
Yet so old.
So many decisions to make,
Yet so little time.
Not enough resources,
To make it through.

25. Don't give up.
You are 25.
You still have time.
It gets better.
They all say.
But what if I don't see the light?
Do I hold on to the darkness,
And pray to see the sun?

25. So much to live for,
Yet suicidal thoughts,
Are more and more regular.
Prayers are less and less.
Am I praying to the walls?
Is there a God?
Where is He?

25. Unanswered prayers,
And self-doubt.
Could there be other forces,
Bringing me down ?
Forcing me in to the darkness ?
Who do I pray to?
For salvation and light.

25. I have been waiting for you.
I have been picturing you all my life.
And you are not what I imagined.
At all.
You are confusing.
You are filled with dullness.
You make me not want to live anymore,

So many questions.
No valid answers.
People just say what they want.
No true direction.
Not real inspiration.
And I see other 25s,
They have it figured out.
Who did they pray to?

25. No compelling purpose.
On a path of despair.
A path to depression,
And anxiety.
A gloomy route to hopelessness.
When you lay down you can hear,
Your demons whisper.
Are they ever going to leave me alone?
These demons?

25. I am not fond of you.
You make me want to turn back the time,
And choose not to never meet you.
What will my mama do if she found me,
Dead in my shower because of you.
And your beasts.
I have had enough of you,
183 · Feb 2023
Stray bullet
Nikki Tshawe Feb 2023
Things are so bad
I wish
I could catch
A stray bullet
I'm not suicidal
But death
Would slap
Right now
I'm keeping my head
To the window
In case
There is a shootout
My way out
182 · Nov 2019
Take me away
Nikki Tshawe Nov 2019
Emotions creeping in on me.
Heart bleeding in on me.
Tis in the past! Tis in the past!
Not the first to hurt, not the last.
Why does the pain still linger?
Wrapped around sorrow's finger.
Make it go away! Make it stop!
It stings so bad, make it stop.
God watching me suffer.
I've nothing left to offer.
I pray, and I pray.
Till I've nothing left to say.
I cry, and I cry.
Till I've no tears left to cry. Why?
Eyes dry as the desert.
Yet heart's still in the dirt.
These wounds won't heal.
Life's a turning wheel.
I'd like off of this ride.
Pride and glory aside.
Let me go.
Please let me go.
What is it I'm paying for?
What is it I'm praying for?
Are my sins that great?
All I see is heaven's gate.
Take me away.
I've nothing left to say.
181 · Aug 2019
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2019
Oh sweet cheerful happiness.

You're so far to reach.
You're impossible to teach.

How does one get to you?
How does one achieve you?

I have tried all the positive thinking.
All the joyful singing.

Do I not deserve you?
Am I not fit to have you!?

Am I not worthy of you?
Tell me what I have to do?

Am I too sad to attract you?
Am I not ready to receive you ?

You never seem to show up.
I'm always just so ******* up.

My relationship with you is unhealthy happiness.
Some days you show but only for a split second and no less.

I want you in my life happiness.
I need you in my life happiness.
As God is my witness.
Save me from this illness,
That is in my mind and all this craziness.
Please I beg of you happiness.

Come to me and erase all this sadness
Save me from my unhappiness

I'm tired of feeling all this loneliness.
I'm walking around faceless,
From all the pretence of my fake happiness.
I long for the real you happiness.

Show your face, where are you happiness!?
Without you I feel so meaningless.
My life seems to be so worthless.
I feel lack of direction and passiveness.

I find no reason to be passionate.
I feel weak and helpless

Oh happiness,
Sweet cheerful happiness.
180 · Dec 2022
Hymns and poems
Nikki Tshawe Dec 2022
If I die,
Please save me the long dreaded speeches.
Whatever you never said while I was here,
Should be left unsaid.
Please read my poems outloud.
These were my true emotions.
My real thoughts.
Recite each at high pitch.
Sing my favorite hymn after each.
Save me the tears.
I've cried enough during my living years.
Save me the drama.
I've seen enough trauma.
Spare me the sadness.
I've felt all of it throughout my days.
Just hymns and poems.
I shall smile from above,
And at peace I shall be.
179 · Jul 2019
My lover
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
He finds joy in bringing me down.
He likes nothing more than to see me frown.
He takes pleasure in my tears.
It's been this way for years.
He abuses me emotionally
He hurts me intentionally.
Calls me fat and all types of names.
He likes to play these awful games.
He likes to cause me pain.
I reckon it keeps him sane.
To see me bleed internally.
He won't see my hurt externally,
But deep inside it burns like hell fire.
He's a cheater and a blatant liar.
He likes to see me down on the ground.
And he'll kick me further down without a sound.
I never truly realized it until now,
But it's like he wants me dead somehow.
He is my lover.
But I guess it's over.
I guess so because he doesn't love me anymore.
Not like he used to before.
178 · Jun 2018
My demons
Nikki Tshawe Jun 2018
My demons
They consume me
My body, mind and spirit
No living being could ever comprehend
I could scream at the top of  the highest mountain
Bringing out my loudest vocal cord
No one will hear me
Even God Himself
The one who created me
He can’t save me
I don’t have control of my own thoughts anymore
Another force has taken over my life
I pray to God
And the dead
To help me
Save me
Lead me into the light
All I see is the darkness
I lay awake all night
Staring into these walls
As if they have the answers
The split second I fall asleep
I see them
Things I don’t want to see
Things of the darkness
Save me!
Please save me!
From my mind
From the pain
From the confusion
These demons
They demand my attention
I fear the unknown
I see the unseen
Blurry visions of the future
Encrypted dreams of the past and the present
That I can’t interpret
I wake up in a new body
Day by day
I can feel my being drifting from my soul
Day by day
Make it go away
I want to feel like a person again
I want to feel love and respect
172 · Jul 2019
Barely existing
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
Barely existing
Drifting through space
Can't feel my face
Barely existing
Surviving on intoxication
Need a paid vacation
Barely existing
Consumed by my own thoughts
More tequila shots
Barely existing
Lord hear my cry
Help me get by
Barely existing
What am I living for
What am I here for
Barely existing
Can't see purpose
Dead inside I suppose
Barely existing
Barely living
Need saving
Somebody help
Please anybody help
Help me get by
Lord hear my cry
I'm barely existing
I need fixing
I am broken
Have I been forsaken
Barely existing
I need healing
164 · May 2021
How are you?
Nikki Tshawe May 2021
Hey! Friend.
I know we haven't talked in a while.
It's been a minute.
I've been so distant.
I've been so caught up.
I've been avoiding catching up.
Because catching up means:"How are you?"
"How have you been?"
For the life in me,
I don't know how to answer that question.
Because I am not okay.
But I don't know how to say,
That I'm not okay.
That life is a hurricane.
That all I feel is pain.
That I am holding on by a thread.
That I wish I was dead.
I don't want to burden you,
With all this negative energy around me.
I'd rather you don't know how I am,
And assume that I am okay.
Than me telling you that I am not okay.
Don't ask me how I am doing.
Don't ask me how I have been.
Cause I can't give you that answer.
Not without falling apart.
Not without breaking my heart.
It hurts.
Everything hurts.
And I can't describe it.
I can't express it.
I am numb.
I have succumbed,
To the darkness.
To the sadness.
So forgive me, but I can't tell you how I am.
I can't tell you how I am really.
I can't tell you that it's better.
Or that I'm no longer bitter,
About things that hurt me in the past.
That I never talk about, but haven't healed from.
I can't tell you cause you'd expect that I've healed by now.
I've moved on by now.
It happened years ago.
But I haven't.
And I can't tell you why.
Simply because I don't know why.
So I'm sorry if you feel like I have changed.
I've become estranged.
But there's emotions I can't put into words.
There's demons I can't escape from.
So it's better if I don't mention them.
So I avoid the question: "How are you?"
When I see those words, my mind starts racing.
Because that's when I remember that I am not okay.
I don't know if I will ever be okay.
I'm sorry if this hurts you.
But trust me, it hurts me more.
It hurts me that my world is so gloomy.
Unfortunately this is my reality.
And I embrace the darkness.
I confide in the darkness.
I'm friends with the darkness.
I don't expect you to understand.
And I'm not asking for your sympathy.
All I ask is that you don't ask me how I am.
Because I don't know how am.
Don't ask me how things are going,
Cause things aren't going.
I'm in a stationary ship.
Until I'm in a brighter place, mentally.
I can't tell you how I am.
So please, don't ask me how I am.
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2019
This is for you.

This is for the woman with a heart of pure gold.
The young, strong, beautiful and bold.
This is for the sister with tears in her eyes,
Her striking smile still shines.
Hiding all the ache and affliction.
Behind that smile close to perfection,
Is a mother with a broken heart.
Praying for her home not to fall apart.
Husband not so true to his vows that he made in front of God.
Crumbling before her eyes is her whole world.
This is for the girl with a bruised face.
Holding back the tears as she stares into space.
Someone who claims to love her harmed her in that way.
He keeps saying sorry but today is the same as it was yesterday.
This is for the teenage girl who got *****,
Wishing she could have escaped.
She notices her body starting to change,
He growing stomach seems strange.
Another teenage parent,
This is how she fell pregnant,
She fell victim to the most painful crime,
By someone whom she trusted this time.
This is for the unemployed single mother.
Trying to raise her kids with a deceased husband and father.
Striving for every meal,
In the most terrible ordeal.
This is for all the strong ladies out there.
Who live through all the pain and fear.
And for every time you shed a tear,
God is observing.
So don't stop preserving.
You are the heart of the nation.
God's most loved creation.
Forgive all the brothers who wounded you.
For the skies are still blue.
And you are the heart of the nation.
God's most powerful creation.
164 · Feb 2023
The only time
Nikki Tshawe Feb 2023
The only time
I feel like
Everything is going to be alright
Is when there's a fresh bottle
Of gin
In the fridge
It's downhill
I'm depressed
I'm miserable

The only time
I feel alive
Is when my glass is full
Half tonic
Half gin
Slice of lemon if I'm feeling adventurous
I'm dead inside
I feel almost nothing outside of sorrow

The only time
I can fall asleep
Is when my belly is filled with gin and tonic
I experience vivid dreams
I'm happy
My spirits visit me
The sun comes up to my eyes wide open
Listening to my rapid heartbeat
Thinking "I have work in two hours"

The only time I feel inspired
Is with a cold one in one hand
A pen in the other hand
I lack motivation
I lack any will to live
I dwell in negative energy
I have no hope for the future
Nothing flows
My thoughts are a scattered mess

Although I might die
Either I die from over indulgence
Or I die from sadness
Either way
I am dead
May the good Lord forgive me
For I know not what else to do
For I am intoxicated
As I type this
For sobriety feels like a prison to my pain

There must be a better way
158 · Mar 2023
What happened?
Nikki Tshawe Mar 2023
If natural disaster was to call.
And we were all to fall.
Will there be anyone left?
To log into our phones,
And read our unposted;
Playlist songs.
To do lists.
Bucket lists.
Uncleared shopping carts.
Liked videos.
Saved videos.
Favorite videos.
Watch later.
Unfiltered pictures.
DIY projects.
Ten minute crafts.
Absolute must haves.
Spend the day with mes.
Get ready with mes.
Food orders.
Takealot orders.
Amazon orders.
Day in the life.
What I feed my dog in a day.
What I eat in a day.
Daily vlogs.
Daily blogs.
Unread texts.
Check ins.
Watch lists.
Google history.
Unread emails.
Tinder matches.
Netflix must watch.
Gen Z versus millenials.
Private subscriptions.
And think to themselves,
What the actual f**k?
What happened to us?
What has the world become?
I hope he writes the new Bible.
What would God think?
157 · Nov 2019
Prayer for a fallen soldier
Nikki Tshawe Nov 2019
Here lies a fallen brother, father and husband.
As we bury him six feet under the warm sand,
And overlay his body layer by layer,
We say this poignant prayer:
"May his soul bear boundless bliss.
May his magnific memory manifest under the sun's kiss.
Lest we forget how his life he sacrificed.
May his spirit be forever sanctified.
There is no greater glory than falling in battle.
The life of a battler so bare and brittle.
May he find comfort in his last resting place.
The fallen hero of the human race.
God bless this man's mortal soul here where he lies.
May he be released from all tangible ties,
And enter into his everlasting safe haven.
Here lies an addition to the armies of heaven.
His vocation is concluded here on earth.
And now he must reunite with his fallen brothers in death.
Until we meet again Ben.
Amen and amen. "
155 · Mar 2023
Finally, I win
Nikki Tshawe Mar 2023
Misery is a pool of blood,
And I am drowning in it.
I can't swim,
To save my life.

Melancholy is a golden necklace,
And I wear it.
Across my neck,
Like a medal.

Regret is a silver bracelet,
And I wear it.
On my wrist,
All the time.

Pain is a glass of chardonnay,
And I sip on it.
Like water,
Every single day.

Depression is my crown,
And I wear it.
Proudly on my head,
Like a prize.

Congratulations to me.
I am the saddest person,
To ever walk the earth.
Finally, I win.

Finally, I am good at something.
I am good at feeling miserable.
Feeling sad and depressed.
Feeling regretful.
152 · Aug 2022
Love me
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2022
I want to cry out for you.
Scream out your name.
And over.
Until you hear me.
Through these thick walls.
Until you feel the void,
You left in my world,
In my heart.
I need you.
Only you.
Please love me.
There's so much life,
I wanted to experience with you.
Only you.
What if I said,
I couldn't live without you?
Would you watch me die?
Couldn't breathe without you,
Would you watch me grasp,
For every last bit of air?
Or would you love me?
Maybe I feel too much.
Maybe I can live without your touch.
Without the sound of your voice.
The taste of your lips.
I don't want to.
Love me.
152 · Jul 2019
The chosen one
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
Don't try to save me, let me burn.
The hard way is how I have to learn.
I don't need your help, leave me to suffer.
I tell the truth, I am no bluffer.
The truth is that I am being haunted.
The spirits have me daunted.
I am chased by the things of the night.
Sadly, I have lost the fight.
Well truthfully, I gave in to the shadow.
I am being held against my will down below.
They forced me to abide.
They locked me deep inside.
Took everything I held dear.
Left me with nothing but trembling fear.
Don't try to save me, let them have me.
Let them have their way with me.
Once they are done with me I will be brand new.
Many won't understand this, only a few.
They want me because I am the called one.
I am undeniably the chosen one.
149 · Jul 2019
My indentity
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
Stripped off my identity
Taken from my own sanity
Is this a rebirth?
Cause it feels more like death
Who am I?
What am I?
My spirit has too grown weary
My heart too heavy to carry
Soul drifring far away into despair
This doesn't seem fair
Where is my sun light?
I have lost my own sight
Holding on with the tip of my finger
How much longer will my essence linger
In this dark, cold dwelling
I long for smooth sailing
For peace and serenity
I want my identity along with my sanity
148 · Sep 2019
How do I?
Nikki Tshawe Sep 2019
How do I get over you when all the songs remind me of you?
How do I forget all the torment you have put me through?
When you left I lost a part of my very own substance.
I started to question my very own existence.
Suddenly my world turned to gloom.
Suddenly I fell into a destiny of doom.
All of a sudden the skies are grey.
How could you wreck me this way?
148 · Jan 2022
What does death smell like?
Nikki Tshawe Jan 2022
What does death smell like?
Like an infected wound,
Oozing pus,
Infested in fungus?
Like hopelessness,
Like giving up?
Like a burning cigarette?
Like a heart pounding,
In your throat,
From anxiety?
Like *****,
From a hangover,
From drinking the pain away.
Does it smell like,
Fresh sand,
After the one you loved,
Walked away from you.
Does it smell like,
Salty tears running down,
Your face?
Or like green mucus,
Running out of your nose,
From crying?
Maybe it smells,
A million eggs,
Laid by a large filthy fly.
Or like a badly written poem,
Like this one.
Or like walking in to the office,
Of the job you despise.
Maybe it smells like rotten fruits,
From the tree of your failed success.
Or like the small apartment you live in,
That you resent,
And hardly deep clean.
I bet death smells like,
The awful ***,
From one night stands.
Or like blood,
From a bad period.
Or like lung cancer.
Bird flu.
I bet death smells like death.
146 · Aug 2022
Nikki Tshawe Aug 2022
***** dishes in the sink
Overflowing laundry basket
Dirt on the carpet
Expired food in the fridge
Shoes in each corner
Clogged drain
Grime in the bathtub
Cigarette buds on the floor
Empty wine bottles
Dust on the TV
Cartoons on repeat
Trash bags
Empty takeout boxes on the counter
Haven't showered
Haven't cleaned in weeks
She's not untidy
Not unclean
She's not *****
She's in a dark place
She's depressed
145 · Mar 2023
We're not anything
Nikki Tshawe Mar 2023
We're not anything
But I love you
I'm sure of it
You're like a blank canvass
With a story
Yet to be told
But I love you
I'm sure of it
Cause you dwell in my mind
You live in my dreams
When I close my eyes, I see you
When I wake up in the morning
I think of you
Before anything else
We're not anything
We may never be anything
But I love you
I'm sure of it
We're strangers
But I'm so in love with you
The thought of you
What could be
I don't know how to stop
You're trapped inside of my thoughts
I don't know how to let you go
Cause I love you
I'm sure of it
I'm gonna leave this here for you
Maybe some day you'll find it
And you'll know that it's for you
143 · Dec 2021
Nikki Tshawe Dec 2021
Swipe left,
If I'm not impressed.
If he's cute, swipe right.
Lust or love at first sight.
Doesn't even matter.
Can he even appreciate satire?
Can he hold a conversation?
Does he have a proper education?
Not just another ***** *******.
This is a game I've mastered.
Tell me who you are.
At least chase the cookie out of the jar.
Whether with words or just charm.
I can't magically fall under your arm.
Forget netflix and chill,
How about steak and grill?
Keep it real, or keep it moving.
Ain't here swiping for real loving.
But at least woo me,
Then maybe I'll let you see,
How bad I can really be.
Let you ride in the wet sea.
Yes, I want to fool around.
First, let's find common ground.
Who are you?
How are you?
Can you dance or you're just bluffing?
Are you looking for a fling or just a one time thing?
Can you deliver?
Don't lie just cause it's Tinder.
Last thing I need is another slump.
Don't lie and say you can ****.
Then waste my night with no ******,
And unmoved by my sarcasm.
Sure let's hook up,
But can you keep me up,
All night?
I'm thick and it's tight.
I like getting eaten.
I'm gluten free with extra meat in.
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