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itsall iwrite Aug 2018
deep pan cooking not hardeep cooking 21.08.18

monday started top draw
my venom going to spill
natalie is going to get poetry draw
forget girlfriends she will run for hill.
how dare she complain
when something is uncontrollable
insomnia through hardeep may rain
but freedom of speech not so honourable.
gabby and chloe showed they cared
how natalie was blunt
explaining hardeep was literally chaired
footage available now hunt.
onto shares and stocks
rodrigo learning how to trade
laughing off my socks
no barings even if bad bug won't fade.
nick and rodrigo in control
on boarder line ready to hassle
the biceps taking fall patrol
it was rodrigo not nick who liked mussel.
failure to the task
hunger will be plenty
one comment can not mask
hardeep can make something out of empty.
dans hands were magic
don't get confused
gabby refusal was award and tragic
like basic budget just amused.
was sally watching adverts
the aviva app dash cam i log
roxanne will need youtube diverts
it was a tin man not a brown dog.
nick explaining about travel
lands of paradise and greens
at airport all unravel
seeing face on all them screens.
legs up and over
natalie and gabby to exercise
hardeep with a nasty dig and sober
saying nick doing shopping add criticise.
natalie and hardeep getting louder
hardeep gets my crown
unacceptable all about curry powder
she bring herself not hardeep down.
going to end with a critic
natalie won't see no irony
vicious mouth and hyper-critic
its all add to cbb savoury.
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
barnet recycling area to be removed 09.07.18

praise to the lord
the drop of penny
will all locals applaud
the green brigade is not many.
the fly tip is leaving
now a clean street will parade
storing waste indoors will leave you heaving
getting you at it was easy to persuade.
all *******
from cardboard to food
weekly bin collections did vanish
are you putting together to conclude.
less services are mental
especially when we are doing all the work
next for recycling i'm expecting rental
are any tempted to go berserk.
cleaner clearer streets
very much like barnet borough
the government to all local councils send tweets
this recycling plan or lack is thorough.
636 · Aug 2018
chlamydia free september
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
chlamydia free september 31.08.18

get ready for crash
the ninth month you will remember
its when you gave me that rash
the STD club had a new member.
to all you told
the world at me was pointing
on disgracebook in bold
eyes left me folding.
but once bitten
never again a laughing stock
not going online to find a kitten
going to be a rooster and head ****.
gained the freedom
taken off your chain
can go any where in no online kingdom
initiation was to self train.
instigated before september
i am no follower but a leader
look online to remember
no problem here dropping social chlamydia.
333 · Aug 2018
trolley for village deal
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
trolley for village deal  03.08.18

do you remember school
home work dreaded
easy for those with brain calculator tool
now arrogant flash and big headed.
home work was studied
not like mine on the never never
it prevents the truth being muddied
get a well paid job like john, alastair or trevor.
dedicated to profession
doing the mile that's extra
if some ones got a confession
teeth chattering like hannibal lecter.
who will investigate
even if me and bill cancelled engagement
just like the leveson calculate
can i strike a village arrangement.
don't want to highlight corruption
won't do no advert on instagram
from pgang and my village was abruption
its my life not a london programme.
can i please  have permission
you all no i read the lego trace
the love of my life to destroy was  phillips mission
if yes the trolley incident gone with no trace.
I may be knocked by trolley or even off it but I am not explaining poetry. you suckers have to work it out.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
10 poetry crack commandments 06.08.18

rule number uno
its going to make you itch
the bank balance is below zero
confession is poetry rich.
try not to inform
but man of routine
rob will go down a storm
my last man was just obscene.
trust is a never
that maybe a cover
no one understanding not ?
clueless poor old mother.
never self medicating
its no contradiction
pain will never have eradicating
never ending is prescription.
number five was inevitable
not worth what i have to give
**** in village was regrettable
round here this crop don't live.
not doing credit
rule number 6 is no lack
twist change and edit
clever people always pay back.
family oblivious
poetry is my heaven
this world can be nasty and vicious
have to honour rule seven.
decent is number eight
but pen and paper never lobbed
supply on me will infuriate
write down poetry if robbed.
number nine does chill
avoid if you want peace
they have power influence and skill
my advice stay the ???? away from police.
got no buyers
not one sucker to read
cancelled the village flyers
its what inspired the poetry commandment bleed.
do you follow any rules ?
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
natasha do a queen or george and you will boon boon shake kentish 27.09.18


natasha i need some rhythm

it will make kentish green

a bit of faith won't get criticism

followed by the bohemian queen.

you make the road mild

happiness from you does bust

under the 1982 canopy its like jesus to a child

this xfactor won't bite the dust.

you are a treasure

like 1986 assembly

give it some under pressure

you will rock 5000 at wembley.

natasha to you i invite

making a song request call

i want something from white light

and its imperative from hammer to fall.
296 · Jul 2018
the power of poetry
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
the power of poetry 15.07.18

i do underestimate
did think it was hollow
pure gold and no exaggerate
if i joined twitter then twits would follow.
got to charge a premium
this time next year a millionaire
one powerful medium
keep it and count as poetry is not to 666 share.
i am going to start a cult
poetry in the tittle
worshippers daily can get a vault
a bit of my queen and inspirational brother vital.
cancel the headline
no longer want to follow
one boring ******* with no decline
this description please borrow.
thank you for my gift
with power come responsibility
staying the same with no shift
poetry is a walking liability.
286 · Jul 2018
are gangs decent
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
are gangs decent ? 06.07.18

being set up like a kipper
some one not sure of slang
press gang disappearing like a stripper
one in and out to watch self hang.
going to stand
innocence protest
even if poetry they miss understand
comprehension is what is this contest.
some one has a bee in bonnet
the power to misinterpret will twist
made my peace with old bills love sonnet
writing did prevent own slash of wrist.
lost in the village
even forums no longer town and country club
editor has no walking mileage
hes avoiding preparing field day grub.
eased off are informers
gone is carol  smillie
this is now spicy not normal korma s
poetry you now dip and go down like a new style-ee.
stick together and paint
the proof is poetry logged most recent
reading this and headlines will faint
whats happening are gangs are no longer decent.
hate to explain poetry. ask the gang
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
trainspotting in st mary  magdalene church 02.09.18

welcome to poetry that's dark
many will have a trip down memory lane
shooting up goes on in every park
even near church st mary magdalene.
look at the spoil
wide spread makes it mega
has everyone got hooked on danny boyle
or maybe the stud ewan mcgregor.
the park has a tremor
infarct its making society ill er
is that going in ewen bremner
with side kick johny lee miller.
having a fix and leaving a skid
really is vile
5 mins and leaving kevin mckidd
not touching any syringe is wise robert carlyle.
no longer looking for a tester
urban poverty and squalor comes naturally
edinbough needs no investor
they are filthy rich culturally.
best film in 2004 ever
is the resemblance knotting
****** trade is very clever
ahead of its time was trainspotting.
257 · Jul 2018
h.m.p phone cell poetry
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
h.m.p phone cell poetry 10.07.18

to the government i credit
this idea is a shine
a reward system will edit
that is the most important line.
of course some will say hypocrisy
punishment has no smell
got to look at helping democracy
at present spice and **** is ordered via a cell.
mobiles are rife
going down is not this slavery
getting them in via **** strife
now we can just teach manners and shivery.
taken out a mega trade
phone calls are a currency
just like a village down grade
calls like poetry have redundancy.
this move gets praise that's maximum
the entrepreneur in me is clicking
poetry is read via a call that's premium
punishment to prisoners is sweet but sickening.
hate to explain poetry.
256 · Jun 2018
freddie is the 80's storm
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
freddie is the 80's storm 19.06.18

you are beautiful
tuesday was cannabis green
camden had a storm that's colourful
rocking like a true queen.
perfect was the tash
and the jacket that's iconic
spreading round camden like a rash
freddie is more addictive then kronic.
suspicious of whats occurring
to many things are ringing
trying to stop the blurring
made in heaven won't be  singing.
80's is the best decade
its when queen were top form
the ballet will never fade
just like freddie who was infarct storm.
hate to explain poetry
248 · Aug 2018
peeing poetry
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
peeing poetry 10.08.18

the writing is on the wall
sorry if that pun is obscene
has to end free waterfall
i got the solution in poetry *****.
no offence is indecent exposure
clearly law not effective
would public lavatories bring closure
camden needs to be painted in a coat that's protective.
the smell is not correct
in the summer are free links
wafting so we all connect
quote its horrendous and stinks.
now a tricky position
going outside is undeniable
some one wants to do a head off circumcision
saying close trousers and move on is more reliable.
have i got this wrong
or do all readers agree
councils need to provide to prevent pong
so simplistic is peeing poetry.
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
CLLR roger robinson kentish town lift 08.07.18

thank you for the observation
let me explain with out being a dodger
please remember HS2 is causing frustration
my lift to you is quiet please roger.
society is not equal
on some we have the tread
make it hard and add to the sequel
less costing to society if dead.
great we have the greenwood
the point is to under use
not popular is government good
attendance showing not needed so no confuse.
as for the accessibility
being trapped on a platform will linger
2018 and understanding has no ability
fighting for disabled people i say TFL pull out finger.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
david cameron stars in lets go outside 26.09.18

it was exposure
not in LA or a bog
BB will bring closure
mr cameron will look back and snog.
at present its all hush
lets not send in a copper
putting dress on gave a little rush
going to be a breakthru not a cropper.
he did sign up to george
and it will congratulate
cameron has been true and no forge
seeing as living in surveillance state.
has the line been crossed
we have to think about implications
into the blue oyster bar tossed
unlike proctor who has many frustrations.
its going to come good
watch it back on replay
you will thank you hood
we like you for being cameron relax about gay.
236 · Sep 2018
for ever under pgang
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
for ever under pgang 09.09.18

this is going to spike
the penny did drop
not a story to get a like
front page will flop.
every single shift
all of pgang did scrutinise
now for ever rift
staying clear for no jeopardise.
going to speak my mind
speculation is no illusion
looking back at rewind
gang mentality had conclusion.
on you is shame
you all did cross the line
like love for ever and playing the game
logged on poetry forums for ever to shine.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
flush east finchley commuter toilet  - vile pic included  below 25.10.18

thank you for providing
need one in every town
for sure would drop a few for sliding
categorically as always in kentish brown.
not sure if its got a sprinkler
2018 should have all mod cons
what will cover my henry winkler
to young poetry addicts google the fonz.
where goes the smell
i suppose full on air conditioning
can not see no pipes for swell
this bog has hidden features auditioning.
gold bog and not least
all commuters lining up actually
if george was here he would head east
LA toilets are open in finchley.
233 · Aug 2018
roast food waste
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
roast food waste 26.08.18

going to go deep
comedy you won't taste
not yet a love of my life for hardeep
unlike food love not going to waste.
have to disagree
solid as a bar of iron
with watson no elementary
on this one hundred percent with ryan.
it was pathetic
still no comedy did lack
maybe a joke on cosmetic
to feel the crack.
turn was on similarity
not trying a promotional commercial
don't want sympathy or charity
like hardeep often deliberately controversial.
now its time to toast
welcome back to my hood
totally understand the roast
hardeep i praise as all good.
you go for the ***** grinder
that's why the monkey is redundant
saturday and hardeep played a blinder
me and hardeep and controversy is abundant.
232 · Sep 2018
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
groper wins lotto  and moves to vietnam for some sushi - lotto corruption 12.09.18

sleeping like a baby
in head not a number
jackpot on tube maybe
for rubbing my cucumber.
6 ***** winning
james froomberg confirms its not rotten
at 62 no barrel skinning
got eye on juicy bottom.
when life is this merry
don't need 5 and the bonus
travelling to work and rubbing cherry
like MPs power and corruption gives onus.
going down to four
dropping is smile
justice and poetry has a flaw
guilty before even trial.
3 numbers is a thrill
going up to 25 is no scam
heading to hanoi for a drill
excellent sushi is reputation of vietnam.
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
europe and mathematics simple explained 17.06.18

around this will be fuss
poetry and mathematics will intertwine
zero ability to understand is the plus
won't be leaving no european shrine.
we do have to pay continuously
this will effect the way you feel
the figures and amount changing ridiculously
a sour feeling from sweet heart deal.
20 billion is headlining
600 million a week
my cut is 70 percent no underlining
the cost of poetry is bleak.
going to display all sums
buss es will clearly explain
highgate to kentish slums
not highlighting daddy got here on the gravy train.
are you awaiting equation
got to bring you some sadness
its as clear as the poetry invasion
all figures and savings are pure madness.
hate to explain poetry.
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
no wine to the highgate store just go like me  11.07.18

one of the first to greet
not a good poem but a essay
done my home work so sweet
did learn about the chardonnay
reading your message
it did with one reminisce
highgate can open or close the passage
love turns to hate then to bliss.
not welcome are some
that's why out went the candle
poetry flowing to and from kingdom-come
it was to progressive to handle.
not sure of your circumstances
you state unforeseen
could pour a million instances
never hating the village scene.
wishing you all the best
highgate village is hard to succeed
it feels like a screwdriver is going in my chest
but no wine just get up write and read.
if I explain poetry you will wine.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
roxanne put on your Pinocchio shoes 01.09.18

she may well think queen
that's the cats mother
captured every single scene
its the beauty of george my big brother.
coming round is karma
it will all unravel
i predict hot air and drama
moving just like sallys navel.
do you remember Saigon
but vivid is roxys speech
cowering makes no icon
desperation is one leech.
playing is no sting
silence gave away the clues
roxanne tonight lost her bling
when most told ben put on shoes.
great tv viewing
from me gets a gold ten
game still has plenty of chewing
step up a gear with release of ben.
219 · Aug 2018
my man is down rod ken doll
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
my man is down rod-ken-doll 26.08.18

saturday started like a germ
rodrigo and humour no maybe
hilarious was idea and fake *****
in fits with quote "allot of baby".
at this time on wall no writing
dan was to read a disciplinary
sam smith and white object was inviting
all jumping to conclusion with summary.
my man was to whisper careless
but up-most respect is the can
like a sword fight in chess
no gossip done by roxanne.
kirsty and a woman's intuition
explaining to rodrigo  to shut
a bit like nick and boxing edition
the WBA like stock exchange would cut.
now what is forbidden
rodrigo and natlie were detective clever
off his trolley will remain hidden
the true meaning discovered so luck for ever.
nature was broody
no need to beg
did nick deliberately try to bring out moody
suggesting cake and hardeep and the egg.
now a bit of my brother
originally not georges crown
sally misinterpreted cover
no wainwright or hardeep but natlie going to town.
the eggs had no ends
in kitchen still volatile
while boxing in garden between friends
dan and roxanne showed style.
hardeep went to soak
maybe thinking of comedy literature
natalie to to sally did stoke
highlighting all is like theatre.
three getting ready
all glam and glitter to see
natlie and a line now steady
your not on unless next to me.
gabby and chloe on love bubble
at present dignity in tact
no chance of rodrigo holding up trouble
not on tv a *** act.
natlie had the doom
hardeep offered hand
up and out the room
can not with viewers understand.
hardeep very humble
grateful to explain orwellian
gave me a great word to stumble
in love with machiavellian.
before end some hurt
gabby with love  not to handle
touching was  dan and tshirt
ending with rodrigo going blowing out my candle.
214 · Oct 2018
cop-bike-borrowed time
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
cop - bike - borrowed time 11.10.18

getting very familiar
wrong is stealing
four houses last night very similar
just after ton of ****** put on streets for reeling.
going to turn snide
poetry is a useless vent
now a feline outside
accompanied by no gent.
not a bike on scene
but to borrow would trigger
the poetic side is the green
a log is calling like father figure.
you can take my wheels
for poetry take my freedom
still got four walls and meals
at least won't be living under a for  EVER kingdom.
211 · Jun 2018
addicted to poetry forums
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
addicted to poetry forums 18.06.18

welcome to the reader
poetry will now direct
in my life its the main leader
even if not always PC correct.
taken hold is addiction
sleep live and breath
thepoetryforum and me have friction
even if the reader does heave.
love to escape
soon as i get online
all expressed with no cape
its more important then finding a feline.
read and comment
it is a vicious circle
on subjects that need a dent
poetryforum is a god given miracle.
are you a addict
can i cook you some delicious
do some poetry back to inflict
because this communication is so precious.
hate to explain poetry.
208 · Aug 2018
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
taxation 19.08.18

getting a vibe
not fake or plastic
rodrigo good sport to join mexican tribe
ryan gets gold for saying fantastic.
story of pain
rodrigo felt the bully
no self confidence the strain
effects are still present fully.
ryan is just chilled
for this gets gold silver or bronze
at home in natural field
happy days might rename ryan the fonz.
really enjoying is verdict
positivity is calculation
a bumper year is the predict
all coming from day 2 and trumps taxation.
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
global street art by aroe kentish town 15.06.18

have to be very cautious
now entering legal
need help from my mayor to be obnoxious
mr loose must focus the eye that's eagle.
we have a beautiful reception
clear and colourful like a rubiks cube
its the first criminal deception
catching your eye so pick pocketed as leave tube.
now calls for removal
its going to tare kentish apart
this was not given approval
like poetry being no art.
not welcome by camden
the compromise is narrow
just appeared like poetry that's random
i respect and appreciate and credit aroe.
to the artist that's noble
have to wait for decision on greet
will email through to global
they are responsible for art on street.
do not explain poetry.
206 · Sep 2018
baby chewstuff
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
baby chewstuff 11.09.18

you have jumped
left the shrine
no disrespect but already slumped
holding at present by the vine.
hearing is thrilling
made crystal the earth
tears of joy spilling
new stuff is going to have birth.
mathew is so decent
from life now no fog
won't youtube most recent
forgotten about  polluting sprog.
got to end the view
happiness and love is the feeler
congratulations mathew
ecstatic for you amelia.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
are all phillips corrupt with power 27.10.18


not sure of knighthood

but now aware of axing

is it better for greater good

if guilty claw back for effective taxing.

who is under the thumb

its so clever

on entering its a roll of a drum

reminds me of little mo's nutty trevor.

shop is a goner

like london programme ink

deserves no respect or honour

silence is key wink wink.

can not see similarity

just the name

prince phillip will give clarity

out spoken and no shame.

not going to stigmatise

that would not be clever

but going to summarise

what is it with people called phillip s trevor.
203 · Oct 2018
shooting on day 40
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
shooting on day 40  24.10.18

it was very sinister
well orchestrated and not cheap
who try-ed to take out our prime minister
cowards as PM fast asleep.
three in locks and chains
but a separate crime punishing
talking nominations never drains
pure humour as zoe was flourishing.
a bit of insecurity
no nightmare or dream
narcissus now in community
not secure was akeem.
just had a shower
odds are now in
getting dressed up for paddy power
second is akeem but lewis set to win.
day 40 was a book
never before agree
still set on my winner brooke
says it all agreeing with india willoughby.
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
comedy island with shazia mirza 18.07.18

midweek and still controlling
trying to change is this chameleon
forget alcatraz  camden is patrolling
get me on a island with a comedian.
so correct in explanation
nearly in deep trouble
with 2 meat heads and contamination
hilarious was the head air bubble.
as a society we are looking
no need for poetry to explain
we scrutinise words to tv cooking
critics are just a pain.
we are in self obsession
yes i am jealous and bitter
maybe its tone of expression
shazia add me and i will join twitter.
send you poems on completion
can even do special topics
love and laughter is cohesion
true diversity no need for microscopic s.
when feeling down
not wanting to write or use the cursor
to the rescue in camden town
queen of every island is shazia mirza.
hate to explain poetry. no joke.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
obsession not by CK but by tomasz 03.10.18

boarding on sick
infarct very dark
not a pony with one trick
all hidden going at akeem like a for EVER shark.
inside it chewing
really is a fester
like this side of tomasz skewing
shows he is no walk over Sylvester.
a different side bobbing
but understandable not the shine
if calvin was CLEVER he would do robbing
get tomasz to be the new mr klein.
pressure got to great
self blaming is young prime-minister
no more room on plate
a bit of the boy needs to sing you are my sister.
coming together with drama
needless and pointless every expression
bigger then BB and no one has armour
tonight gone off a little my obsession.
200 · Oct 2018
your country needs you
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
your country needs you 26.10.18

the days are drawing
so is the BB couplet
decision is purely on boring
akeem to go from triplet.
cian has been consistent
not sticking out like a thorn
nothing but resistant
how can you not love this leprechaun.
tomasz is adorable
its just the peculiarity
daddy obsession not curable
to much of the freeek is the clarity.
made the case
voters tonight need no clue
pointing my finger is a disgrace
tonight the eviction really needs you.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
overground ticket office closures -  30.09.18

welcome to draconian
just like poetry and criticism
jump barrier at the road caledonian
no staff on shop floor or camera crew doing voyeurism.
don't be fooled
cuts will travel benefit
vigilantes are getting up tooled
taking full advantage of deficit.
beggars and scammers are like cadbury
they are a good receiver
going to waterloo to direct to canonbury
poetry not going well with arriva.
51 stations are to be closed
not going to dent or groove
barnsbury is next to be exposed
for benefit to no paying customers it will improve.
RMT not wanting to slash
they no ticket officers play a crucial role
begging sadiq khan is **** cash
we need a human not a machine with no sole.
welcoming to the best ever city
machines are on and automatic
back to humans queen did sing with no pity
ahead of times proves so graphic.
will share my views
travelwatch get poetry online
i will be first to break the news
ticket office closures is transportation decline.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
saving beautiful ryan living in orwell state CCTV 02.09.18

disgusting absolutely
belongs in the gutter
needs to be in confinement solitary
in mouth melted butter.
not your first porky
probably won't be your last
below the belt is very naughty
what production company will want to cast.
poor ryan is in trauma
this whole experience is grotty
certainly no nessun dorma
no ear beauty like pavarotti.
change to ryans persona
this experience needs to compensate
CBB fans be the owner
ryan winning must infiltrate.
said my peace
will poetry readers congratulate
could this end the orwell lease
ryans blessed to be living in a surveillance state.
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
bought the village green for £1 beercrombe - leaving highgate 26.07.18

hopefully 50 years and more
man upstairs don't want to rattle
not one more story to endure
staying down here on green grazing like cattle.
it was a bargain
just like the red box that's iconic
like free with no charging
village obsession is chronic.
of course villagers will maintain
in highgate not one bad bone
daddy got here on a gravy train
staying put not heading for beercrombe.
tony davies had a obsession
but all his aspirations were no forge
passing the green never gives depressions
not thinking of tony or the V1 george.
it is ever green
going to flourish with the faith cycle
to spin this story is just obscene
appropriate to say my inspirational brother was michael.
hate to explain poetry. got no faith in my words at all.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
queen remix body language is body cam - freeek press 28.10.18

this is a statement
some will find it hard to swallow
i am aware so stop looking in amazement
making dough and the follow.
i don't care if you corrupt
put on me a stain
never will it end abrupt
for EVER i got down his pain.
the poetry you can dissect
cut out and put together
shopping for poetry is correct
now ended in biggest mistake for EVER.
change and spin
all forms of poetry some blunt
put own hands up on derogatory sin
will change name to jeremy hunt.
george never did bond
set up like a kipper
deep mistrust and not fond
was given the slipper.
all details are logged
but CCTV is the proof
date will be blogged
like papa and body cam under same roof.
180 · Sep 2018
jermaine or hardeep
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
jermaine or hardeep 03.09.18

we have to choose
first not then pally
to progressive is the loose
right behind the paranormal nut sally.
no to any switch
this cost is expensive not cheap
not doubting education rich
but fall time puts you in hard and deep.
jermaine has a beautiful side
so not a total cain
the parrot will never divide
a all time classic from jermaine.
more to explore
jermaine we can dissect
but it looks like a score
this bad boy to me is CBB correct.
not forgotten about trapping
honey not at all justified
but since voters done kidnapping
committed to CBB is being applied.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
igor gieci stronger  then attackers 07.10.18

got to show appreciation
stronger then any army
so proud must be every relation
your power dwarfs any tsunami.
taking out the homeless
no one can ignore
a cowardly act so what if shameless
first victim igor.
inside his tent
sleeping next to crutches
will disability groups vent
they need to voice and show punches.
twenty mins the onslaught
was this group fighting backwards
poetry going to leave them distraught
just labelled all cowards.
good in this world vein
mark butcher displaying heroic
up and running is campaign
providing a flat is so far from barbaric.
bill is investigating
prey to god they find perpetrators
cowards are for EVER excruciating
but except this life has to many haters.
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
the poetry forum dot co dot uk 26.06.18

no more just scribble
openly *******
no post is causing dribble
commenting leaves corruption at root.
causing hunger
slowing up trade
unlike itlaians that do bunga bunga
dying is the poetry parade.
have to read and understand
a opinion form
poetry in control with upper hand
control is going down a storm.
am i crystal
do you want to contribute
no comment means go and whistle
if not a member you are mute.
please join and share
looking forward to your point
just a comment so don't despair
if mine aching will be your head joint.
176 · Oct 2018
lego is my paper queen
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
lego is my paper queen 25.10.18

no matter how remix life hard
won't change my decision
from village gave red card
poetry is life not one vision.
pa pa gave me the tremor
that's why can not commit
thursday you mentioned the premiere
page 13 was connecting the remix man hit.
followed by 14 was no graces
familiar eyes were the sparkler
there must be more to life then oasis
might go out incognito in my  parka.
don't try so hard
appreciation shows i'm glad
but who ever gave me the red card
needs to reverse so i can drive highgate slightly mad.
love what your inviting
but you can not flatten me and be a scrapper
to show so much interest is delighting
lego is the love of my life my number one on paper.
174 · Aug 2018
wednesday cbb review
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
wednesday cbb review 30.08.18

wednesday started off solid
not just for a loner
ben and dan both thinking squalid
its why both had *****.
a little bit from septic
getting right will rally
for jermaine nothing but hectic
on leaving she got right clever sally.
both nominees saying much
eviction or staying can not come soon
both want to stay in touch
hardeep and chloe are both over the moon.
marriage advice from kirsty
won't make most smile
work in progress is causing thirsty
like poetry nothing creative after a while.
ben was again enhancing
it may well be perceived shabby
patric and baby dancing
translated that's ben and gabby.
onto ***** laundry
this mission was poetic scenes
showing the world and all in sundry
crafty nick spilt beans.
hardeep and rhyan not hard
scenes soon had fading
nick got to write birthday card
with washing machine pleasure in stock trading.
dan doing to ben foxy
but all did dis-spare
not liked by roxy
she deliberately messed hair.
back to trade
nick will again take skinning
natlie was first to fade
like stock market not winning.
jermaine getting worried about follow
maybe needed a cold fanta
can you see the swallow
its not just ban-ta.
nick was observing
HMP no booker
2 lady's must be reserving
kirsty labelling both a ******.
now a bit of stenching
really was vermin
chloe and kidnapping was heart wrenching
disgusting a vile when said ketamine.
again jermaine trying to wriggle
womaniser is no obsession
the no ring may suggest single
but more "i like you in confession".
chloe did disappear
eviction glamorous and not cheap
did you see rhyan with hardeep fear
support he has got is a heap.
ending with a wink
ben and jermain not able to funk
unaware as of the drink
evident is the player even if drunk.
171 · Aug 2018
news on the vine
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
news on the vine - name drop  30.08.18

got to give my view
is it realistic
painting studio pink would spew
little change is great and simplistic.
will it stay brilliant
it will delight
going to have to be resilient
to fill the the shoes of mr wright.
of course we will have moving
interviews and calls that will slam
something not so soothing
never will call in wham.
lots of joy
going to be clucking like a hen
could have a repeat of killroy
or even tony ben.
recognisable will lock
but mostly tourist in camden
vine studios now wright block
knowledge is power and not random.
news on the vine
its a one off poem suggestion
jeremy i hope you shine
to welcome you is my only intention.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
hardeep singh kohli v natlie nunn 22.08.18

going against the tingle
on the whitestuff need a hit
love hardeep but seeing strain in mingle
i understand not sure all get comedy grit.
not being a turn coat
or trying to score points cheap
forget ryan as tired was quote
woke saying save natlie in my sleep.
she is a loose cannon
hardeep is in real deep
never heard of natlie but shes equivalent to a baron
exactly the same as chloe and not page 3 cheap.
a storm is brewing
going to explode like a nuclear station
that's why natlie is to keep chewing
then kirsty will really have to say dangerous situation.
have you decided
ready to ring and inform
to keep the house alive and divided
hardeep must leave this eye of the storm.
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
the double life of george michael 9pm ch5 thursday 21 june  18.06.18

thursday is looming
MB security redundant
faith is booming
fast love and more will be abundant.
going to be trauma
will open up like surgery
queen and wham are my nessun dorma
to have any others is music perjury.
acceptance is final
to understand is reality and no forge
happy got queen on vinyl
until white light not connecting deep with george.
i no its going to be harrowing
not gifted but i have a tortured sole
going to see pain flowing
it equals to outside and no parole.
made the decision
even if i never met my idle
you are just like queen and one vision
thursday 9pm ch5 is my date with george michael.
hate to explain poetry.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
old flame passed but presence felt for EVER 13.10.18

the eyes did click
did you feel like a wally
was it salt in wound for a kick
all safe as no trolley.
billy boy not in need
i am a lover and gentle
if to provoke then you won't like read
just in poetry i turn all mental.
glad i exposed
you are nothing but nasty
the london programme arrogance needs to be decomposed
national equality standard is ghastly.
i don't care who is in pocket
security, police, paper i can whether
a disabled man with all in wrong socket
you won't provoke me my no friend for EVER.
166 · Jun 2018
garvald troll
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
garvald troll   28.06.18

going to use knowledge
the truth will enter
me and this troll are a collage
we both have inner secrets from garvald centre.
had me treatment
see yours has not been a success
your inner sickness had no bereavement
can well imagine a walking mess.
how did you find
can you not remember you bail condition
as hard as it is love must be blind
they are onto you and me call it tuition.
what about money
if i provide your rehab
this way it can end sunny
cancel that r.i.p forum slab.
very flattered
love in garvald took its toll
you have left sicker and battered
but i will care for you for being my troll.
hate to explain poetry.
itsall iwrite Jun 2018
chrisopher chope knighted for upskirting 19.06.18

very please
infarct delighted
if gone through work load eased
little chance of prosecution is why knighted.
started out as a hobby
soon to turn into a addiction
seen some lips that are gob-y
others that have no friction.
christopher i am sure does understand
in younger days i bet a professional
now with PC and storage land
fighting for the pervert is honourable.
going to work showcase
got over 100 million and video clips
christopher chope i rename you amazing grace
will the reader appreciate these lips.
hate to explain poetry.
itsall iwrite Aug 2018
stolen ***** double hidden appeal 19.08.18

first up is to clarify
been very rude ask any historian
not going to defend or justify
just trying to get back the siberian.
when things are stole
like from a random fella
you want it off your sole
doing a appeal is more juicy then fruitella.
izabela is devastated
need answers for mr muk
i to feel very strong someone instigated
both happenings are yuck.
call for help reaching no leader
10 mins normal time
often passers take photos hashtag feeder
but unsolved is this crime.
not a london programme
smiling like a cheshire
7 years ago and no instagram
but retrieved safe and well from heatfordshire.
of the community a pillar
police and enquiries are not on going
if bothered to watch CCTV its a chiller
for ever not glowing.
lots of ***** missing
the perpetrator is so clever
corruption will always be kissing
but poetry silence is not for ever.
itsall iwrite Sep 2018
queen - friends with be brothers on this village oasis 02.09.18

i don't no if your taunting
or if this is a family feud
is lego with me haunting
evidence will conclude.
kicked out of my village
no problem as poetry did flop
not running out of mileage
no more boot for kop.
low was the comparison
a light not green
noel not the champion
even if brother did knock my queen.
not getting emotional
staying cool
lego and queen its a love that's devotional
careful not to make cry liverpool.
thank you from my sole
going to try and  mend the frustration
to my village i invite noel
friends will be friends is the invitation.
itsall iwrite Jul 2018
******* ******* no.79 bus rush hour crush 28.07.18

not any criticism
here is no tyrant
absolutely adore your fetishism
hidden is behaviour that's sexually variant.
don't worry about strange
i like to curb crawl
not interested in lips or if you have mange
my feet are going to make you drawl.
our love will be official
and another thing will be grateful
to prove this is not artificial
this morning i dumped my vagankle.
photographing is dedication
your hunger needs no clues
promise to god no more *******
waiting here naked only on are shoes.
don't want to scare
smouldering girl you sound tranquil
getting on no.79 alperton to edgeware
just got to find a woollen grazer for my ankle.
hate to explain poetry.
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