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1.9k · Aug 2018
Circulating the sun
Blesseur Aug 2018
We live on huge planet
Constantly circulating the sun
Along with all the other planets.
Who knows what madness is going on out there.
But we’re too familiar with the madness going on on Earth.

People going through Hell.
People being born everyday.
People dying everyday.
People having their best experiences.
People going through Hell.
Different realities.

Strange undiscovered tribes living  in forests; Our reality is alien to them, theirs is surreal to us.
There’s still a lot more to be discovered in oceans, and in outer space, and on land, and in ourselves.

We’re ignorant, we destroy the earth.
We’re ignorant, we hurt each other.
We’re ignorant, we hurt other creatures.
We forget that we live on a huge planet circulating the sun, it doesn’t belong to us alone - it is to be shared with all the other seemingly insignificant organisms.

Nature going through hell too:
Poisoned polluted air.
Acid rain. Angry winds.
Thirsty plants.
Contaminated rivers.
Now they’re going against us, it’s time for revenge.
Hurricanes won’t have mercy on us.

Animals going through hell too:
Suffocating fish.
Elephants are viciously murdered just for their tusks.
Premature pigs lined up in slaughter houses.
Mass production.
Mass production.
We eat the tortured animals, now they’re against us.
Obesity, illnesses, over crowded hospitals.

There’s so much we don’t understand. But we throw around lots of opinions, little facts.
And the facts we have haven’t been been proven to be one hundred percent accurate.
So we go against each other.
We waste time debating.
We waste time pointing fingers.
Maybe no one knows, maybe we’ll never know.

We live in an insane planet that’s circulating around the sun along with all the other planets. Sometimes we forget that we are part of something extraordinary and mysterious - It’s mind blowing, why aren’t we humbled?
We continue to be egocentric; this huge planet will never stop circulating around the sun for any of us.
Be humble!
402 · Jun 2018
I’m I free? Are we free?
Blesseur Jun 2018
They say our minds are oppressed.

Is freedom free?

Are we directing our own foot steps? Who are we without the influence of parents, friends, society? Without manipulation? Without the lies?

Who are we!

I’m I really what I want to be,or, do I want to be her to meet their expectations, to check their boxes, to be accepted, to be valued, to be loved ?

What’s the point?
I’m not in control of my own actions. My own mind. My own destiny.
Or I’m I?
Sometimes I feel as though someone else is living my life, as though the decisions I make aren’t really mine.
398 · Aug 2018
Shut up, please
Blesseur Aug 2018
What a struggle, I want to live in the mountains.
These cities are overwhelmingly dense
packed with billions of incompatible personalities
Perpetual petty battles between religions, nationalities, colours...
It’s all nonsense in my ears, evil nonsense.
‘We’re right, they’re wrong’
Shut up!
Seeing eye to eye has never been heard of
That’s how it has always been.
Will we always be divided?
Yes? Maybe? No?
Oh god no
My bags are packed, my toes point to the mountains.
338 · Jul 2018
Blesseur Jul 2018
My heart hammers my chest violently at the sudden alarming sound of the sirens.
An ambulance behind me.
Eyes wide open. Vigilant.
Staring anxiously to where the sound of doom, the sound of death is heading.

Could it be my mother? She might have accidentally forgotten to turn off the cooker and burned the house and herself with it.
My heart pounds my chest every **** time my alert ears detect the bothersome sound of sirens.

Praying no reckless drunk driver ran over my sister on her way home from college.
Scattered thoughts.
A vulnerable 15 year old boy was stabbed to death by a gang just yesterday.
Is my brother alright?

A faster pace.
I must arrive home.
I must see everyone I love.
Drenched palms - they’re rarely dry.
This perpetual anxiety will end me.
There’s nowhere safe.
There’s nowhere safe.
317 · Jun 2018
Is it an illusion?
Blesseur Jun 2018
The optimistic idealist is more often than not saturated with bliss.
Living in her mind, her perfect paradise.

Look, the world is wonderful!
Look, People are perfect!
Isn’t life beautiful!
she sings.

Onlookers stare with curiosity; the source of such joy is alien to them.

You know, the taste of optimism is delightful. But
from time to time, the magnificent, happy, perfect world disappears.

Look People are imperfect.
Look life is unbearable.
Look World peace is impossible.

All illusions decay.
We’re left to face the cruel reality.
We’re left suffering.

How could I have been so naive?
Sometimes everything seems perfect, your spirit is high and happy. Sometimes it’s the opposite, you get exposed to the cruel reality.
245 · Jul 2018
A cycle
Blesseur Jul 2018
I fall in love with sad boys.
My father was a sad boy.
Will my sons be sad boys?
245 · Nov 2018
Blesseur Nov 2018
I turn obedience off. I’m living.
You’re inherently powerless, I know now.
It’s not about your muscles, Or your ability to wrestle and slaughter in battles.

It’s the ego that concerns me. The inability to **** ones pride.
I see you chew it, taste it, but never swallow or spit it out.
Is it sweet or bitter I wonder. If it was to be spat out and set on fire, would the product pollute? Yes, it’s poisonous.

Your interrogatives don’t intimidate me,maybe then, not now. A futile raise of your voice at the end of each phrase won’t make me flinch, not once.
you think you’re in complete control, but your voice is faded, it’s
over powered by the ones in my head telling me to
“live my life!”.

I’m sorry I ignored your advice.
Did it hurt your ego? Yes. Good.
Go lick it, feed it. Leave.
I’m fixing the life you almost broke.
231 · Jun 2018
Blesseur Jun 2018
To be lonely we are afraid
Hunting for love
Begging for love
Losing our peace of mind
But is it...real?
Is it genuine?
Just lust?
Just greed?
A fantasy?
Will we ever know?
229 · Jul 2018
The fatal hatred
Blesseur Jul 2018
We’re full of hate.
                We’re full of anger.
We’re full of resentment.

Even getting rid of all knives, and
every single gun, and all the other weapons on this planet will not stop us from killing each other.
Hatred is stronger than any weapon!

Cure the hate.
                         Cure the anger.
Cure the resentment.
Before it’s too late, before we finish each other.
Let’s promote love and forgiveness. If people weren’t full of so much hatred and resentment and anger...they wouldn’t be killing each other.
221 · Jun 2018
The home in our minds
Blesseur Jun 2018
We stare blankly,
not from the inability to comprehend what you are talking at us,
but because we are processing and digesting your questions,
forming the appropriate response for them.
Be patient.
Outwardly, they see me doing nothing, just being useless, but my thoughts are in the past, the future, the present - a different country, a different planet.
Exploring, discovering, trying to make sense of it all.
Do not  be mislead by the blank expression spread across my face  - I am not bored. Don’t pity me!
#thinkers #infj #infp #dreamers #introverts
180 · Jun 2018
The race for the finest
Blesseur Jun 2018
Pressure, upon pressure, upon pressure. It never ends.
You must store up for yourself figures and statistics of your achievements; prove your worth to the community, to society, to the world.

The race will never end.
We look for the next big thing.
Then the biggest.
Why are we never satisfied?

A race that began out side of our control.
We are withered.
We almost quit.
The best things are closer than ever they reassure us.

But the race goes on.
It began outside of our control.
It’s not our choice.
We keep running.
Resentment fills up our hearts.
Love and kindness are flushed out by the tears and relentless struggles.
The race goes on.
The race for things.
The best things in life.

We stack our achievements in numbers, figures and statistics.
For what use?
To prove our worth to the community, to society, to the world. Our surnames are tied to the numbers. Ranked with the rest of the world. Then our importance
and the share of respect and the love we have earned is handed to us.
Then the race continues
The modern life is tiring. You must keep increasing your wealth to avoid becoming useless to society. No wealth no worth.

— The End —