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715 · Jun 2023
my storm
Roy Jun 2023
My storm
A gentle breeze a gentile Wisper
Only to turn in to a storm my love you are my storm
The wind took my heart away. The Tidal wave of love that washed over me
The lightning that flashed and filled my life with new light new hope
My storm my storm you are my storm that rattles my world and shakes my foundation only to wonder will the lightning strike my heart and Couse it to shatter
612 · Sep 2021
why am i alone
Roy Sep 2021
why is finding love so hard
why do I find myself alone
I am looking for wht  I can  not  find
the one who can fill my soal I scream your name
I need your touch yet I am alone the pain is to much to bear alone
328 · Jun 2023
its ok
Roy Jun 2023
its ok my heart is used to being hurt
my soul is lost
I dream of the day we find each other
I m lost one day we will be find each other
304 · Sep 2021
Roy Sep 2021
alone I find my soul alone I find my life
I look but can not find you so here I am alone
look for me. find me I am alone waiting for you
just look up and say hello i am here for you
278 · Nov 2022
I wish you were closer
Roy Nov 2022
The sadness of alone the sadness of just me  the part of me that wants you
The part of me that needs you I miss you. I miss your kiss I miss your touch I miss the joy of you in my life I love you
277 · May 2021
where are you
Roy May 2021
I look for someone to hold I look for someone to love
Where are you?
I look for my love
I look for my life
I look for myself to find my love where are you?
I found my loneliness
I found my sadness but look for you.
where are you?
272 · Oct 2021
I must let it go
Roy Oct 2021
Strange to find joy and sadness at the same time I see the kids smile bringing joy but sadness as I miss that part of me watching my kids grow up time will pass kids will grow I must let it go and enjoy
269 · Jan 2023
todays pain
Roy Jan 2023
Today the pain I scream in my head I scream I want to be dead. My pain I cannot share my pain I only can bear it. I scream the pain in my head I pray the pain in my head let me go let me be free end the pain my pain I scream let me be dead
set me free
243 · Apr 2023
Why am I still alone
Roy Apr 2023
Why has my love left me alone why has time past why am I here alone?
Alone why does it hurt why is alone so bad I cannot be with my self
alone am i
What is wrong
I am what is wrong I am alone
220 · Oct 2022
To talk : Today
Roy Oct 2022
You know it as a child you do it as an adult you do it ,  but yet you never know how to communicate, so much sadness can happen when you just don’t know so much sadness can hurt the soul just because you do not know  
Today we talked and I Knew I learned I found you and there was no sadness but nothing but joy
I love you
219 · Oct 2022
Some times
Roy Oct 2022
Sometimes the loneliness sneaks in where it came from I do not know but sneak in it did to fill my heart and soul with sadness. just sometimes I wish it left me alone

sometimes its ok to spend the night so i can hold you near all night
215 · Oct 2022
The loneliness
Roy Oct 2022
The loneliness she sneaks in when all is going well. She tries to steal your happiness your joy and empties your heart of what you have, loneliness can steal your life and your dreams she can hurt the soul, fight or she will win and you will die. Yet you I wonder will death be so bad to end this pain of loneliness
207 · Nov 2022
Why is love so hard
Roy Nov 2022
Why is love so hard
I long for your touch I long for your kiss.  I know you will give them to me but yet I long for them as I miss our kiss I miss your touch my heart screams for a kiss my soul longs for your touch I love you
195 · Jan 2023
Coffee time
Roy Jan 2023
I am lost my heart screams for your touch my body aches for your touch. You do not see me. you do not know the loneliness I feel I wait patiently waiting for your touch so I scream let’s get a coffee to end the wait I drink a cup of coffee and feel the warmth and imagine it was you filling my soul with your warmth.

I love you
went on a weekend with my GF but all i could do was hold here and wanted to scream hold me back
191 · Sep 2022
to be complete
Roy Sep 2022
When I look in your eyes I wonder,when I kiss your  lips I know, when I touch your soul I am complete
187 · Feb 2023
My friend
Roy Feb 2023
To find a friend my friend Gene
Lost is my friend to death, that took him away too soon,
lost is my friend to soon.  I search for a new friend to only find I miss you, my friend
I will not stop till I find a new you, my friend.  I know you would want me to find you again.
my friend, he passed a few years back hit by a car on the day while on his motere cycle
129 · Feb 2023
My love
Roy Feb 2023
My love
As you lay there asleep in my bed I scream how lucky can I be! To see you there next to me. Perfection a dream come true my dream of you next to me come true
127 · Aug 2018
I cry inside
Roy Aug 2018
I cry inside looking for you my love knowing I will never find you, I cry inside. I cry inside with no one to share my love with no one to hold me close. I cry inside thinking of you my love missing you every day knowing I will never see you again, so I cry inside,  so no one can see my pain I cry inside
126 · Jul 2018
Roy Jul 2018
I lay here in pain I scream in my head I wait for it to pass but only know death will make it end my pain so deep I scream no one hears I scream I scream the pain has no fear I wish it would end my pain
126 · Oct 2022
Roy Oct 2022
When I look at your face, I see an angle the smoot skin the glowing love that radiates out and fills my soul with love i can see you and look at you for eternity my love.  I miss you every day I am not with you even for a minute you fill my soul my heart my life with so much love
110 · Aug 2018
Can you see me
Roy Aug 2018
No you cannot see me.
I smile I lough I am happy in your eyes
I hide who I am with a joke a smile, you will never see me for who I am. I will be kind  I will make you happy, but never show you who I am. you can not see me for who I am. Who am I ?
I am alone and sad inside looking for someone to find who I am
Roy Aug 2018
My first love is lost.  I can never love again
Lost is the love I once had gone forever.  I can never find you again
The emptiness in inside filled with pain. The loneliness
I fill with wine, each glass becoming a bottle, each bottle becoming a gallon all to no end. All for a lost love never to be found again
104 · May 2021
A Found Friend(Cora)
Roy May 2021
I was lost in pain
pain from the heart
pain from the soul
pain in the body
but your voice
I can hear your smile over the phone it brings a smile to my soul
to my heart to finally find a friend who sees me for who i am
103 · Nov 2022
The tears in my eye
Roy Nov 2022
The tears in my eye
Are the tears from joy or sadness
The tears are the same
I have tears from the pain in my heart  as I scream I am in pain my soul cries I am in pain the tears flowing from my face are the same
101 · Sep 2022
I love you
Roy Sep 2022
To love like no other to feel your skin on mine to feel for the first time a kiss a love a moment In time that made my spine shiver my soul quiver a perfect moment
I love you
101 · Jan 2023
Roy Jan 2023
Tears that flow  down my face the pain the tears I feel roll down my face from the pain
I cry I scream I want to die the pain let me be free I want to live but want to die set me free
The pain
100 · Nov 2022
I am found
Roy Nov 2022
I was lost and found your kiss your touch
I am alive again the pain is gone the loneliness is past your kiss filled me and
I am found again
99 · Dec 2022
To love from a far
Roy Dec 2022
As I sit with my lonely soul. I think of you near me. My soul tries  to reach out across this big world only to find I am still alone. My heart aches for your touch my lips dream of your kiss my soul screams for your touch only to find I have to love you from afar
96 · Nov 2022
Just missing you
Roy Nov 2022
I miss your kiss I miss your touch you fill my life with such joy yet you seem so far from me. when can I touch your lips with mine, when can I hold your soul and be one with my love you complete me
94 · Feb 2023
Sad again
Roy Feb 2023
A great day but yet sadness sneaks in, watch out it creeps in when you do not expect to watch out it will sneak in the sadness. Let it go set it free she is not Me, I am me let it go she is now me
Sad again
94 · Sep 2021
Roy Sep 2021
why do I feel a tear roll down my cheek why
why do I feel the sadness grow inside me
why do I feel so alone
I need  you but yet I am alone
I have a tear in my heart  my soal I have tears in my heart, my soul
I have tears waiting for you my love I wait I feel so alone i have a tear for you my love
93 · Feb 2023
Missing you
Roy Feb 2023
Missing you
I am sending now to the one I love to say thank you for being you, thank you for your kindness. Thank you for the love you shared with me all these years. You are an amazing woman. You are an amazing love, you fill my soul with love with joy and I need to let you know you are an amazing girl; my girl.  I will love you forever no matter what happens or who you meet along the way I am here for you. I think of you daily I dream of you nightly, your kiss your touch how I miss you so much.
Learning to remember the good in my life how and take bad and make it good a new life a new start i let the pain go
90 · May 2023
Roy May 2023
Sometimes I am lost, my soul is empty my heart is in need, looking for my way out of this place to find someone I need. My heart breaks my soul longs for you to hold me but ii am lost, how to find you I am so lost alone
90 · Feb 2023
My storm
Roy Feb 2023
My storm
A gentile breeze a gentile Wisper
Only to turn into the storm my love you are my storm
The wind took my heart away. The Tidal wave of love that washed over me
The lightning that flashed and filled my life with new light new hope
My storm my storm you are my storm
Roy Jan 2022
can death  set me free from the pain I feel the loneliness that tears my heart apart  looking for my soul mate to fill my emptiness  such pain such sadness waiting to find you my love to hold me and be one once again
88 · Oct 2022
Find my love
Roy Oct 2022
Today I kissed  your lips touch your body and made love to you as you touched me back and touch my soul and filled my life with such joy I love you
86 · Nov 2022
You sleep my angle
Roy Nov 2022
You sleep in my bed you sleep near me as I hold you I find a peace that fills my mind my soul, my love as you sleep near me, my angle you fill me with joy just knowing you sleep next to me
84 · May 2023
I want to cry
Roy May 2023
I want to cry
I do not know why I want to cry
I feel sad
I feel alone
But yet I am not alone
I have you who loves me but today I feel alone
I scream in my head help I scream in my heart, please
I scream with my soul Help How can I find my peace I just want to cry
83 · Oct 2021
Roy Oct 2021
I miss her small hands in mine the trust the love I see in her eyes the love that flows from her to me her dad I miss my little girl her smaller hands trusting me fully now all grown up I miss that little girl
83 · Oct 2021
Roy Oct 2021
I feel such joy to look in your eyes such power to hold your love in my heart to hold you near to hold you my love is so dear. then i wake to find my love was just a dream gone forever i live another day looking for my love the pain the loneliness is too much to bear
81 · Feb 2023
my tears
Roy Feb 2023
my tears are for you
as they roll down my cheek the tears I feel are for you
my love, they flow for the sadness from missing you the tears flow for you my love
i love you
78 · Nov 2022
Do i want to die
Roy Nov 2022
Do I  want to die
Sometimes the pain is too much sometime the lonely is too much I say yes
But then I see the flower the sparkle in your eyes that love that makes me want to live
For that I thank you thank you for making me want to live
I love you
77 · Nov 2022
My lonely night
Roy Nov 2022
My lonely night
I lay here in pain my body hurts my soul screams I am lonely. I need your touch your kiss, yet I find myself alone in pain with no one to hold. I scream for your touch yet no one to hold me. I scream not again my lonely night all alone
77 · Jan 2022
i loved her
Roy Jan 2022
I loved her once and forever yet it still ended I find myself alone looking for love again alone in heart alone in spirit looking for my love once again tears roll down my cheek with the sadness I feel. I loved her once and hope to find love again
68 · Oct 2021
Roy Oct 2021
For those Poems  I read for those that shared with me what words that  take me away in your words I fly away in a dream of dreams thank you for your poem time has taken me away when i read your words they speak in a way I can not they share in a way i can not but know this i dream of dreams that your words take me away i fly now in your words of wonder fee from the pain the loneliness i fly fee thank you
40 · Mar 29
Empty no more
Roy Mar 29
My heart is empty no more my pain is  but a shadow in the past. The light you bring shines bright to show me the path to happiness. Our new journey begins on a path for us to follow or change to make it our path as one
I love you more each day even more
38 · Mar 29
Roy Mar 29
I have been lost in my mind thinking of you dreaming of you is it a day dream fighting to become a reality or is it a day dream I will wake up from wishing you were here Missing your touch you presents missing you
38 · Mar 29
The frist time
Roy Mar 29
The first time we talked you filled my mind with wonder my soul with passion.
The first time we met it all became real. The first time we kissed my body only knew one thing
I wanted you.  Every time we talk, I fall in love even more every touch my soul gets lost in love my mind and body become one with you
I love you
38 · Apr 6
I want it to end
Roy Apr 6
I dream of our day of joy.  I dream of our love today with joy. To hold you and fill my life with joy you must know a part of me is in pain.  A pain that takes away my soul. I scream in pain my body screams in pain. My love for you holds me strong, my love for you makes me laugh and live but the pain tries to take you away from you it hurts I hurt today my love I want it to end.
31 · Jul 24
Sometime Just before
Roy Jul 24
Sometimes a poem is written before it starts sometimes it ends before it is written
My love found you before my poem. My soul was one with you before you knew it
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