You'll never know That I'm thinking of you All that space All that time. Apart But a time will arrive, Don't know where Don't know when We'll meet Again some sunny day
These eighteen hours long The clock's gone back The presence of darkness closes in Like a warm fuzzy wall Shrinking the room Nauseous in my core Stretching Shrinking Suddenly I breath I can experience A normal night
That's dead Once alive Once the wit of fools And the wise Not worth the comment But here it is Lying in the scruples of current eyes Frozen in the cold water of rejection Lost in time's pathway Resting in nostalgia
The Freckled Frog The freckled frog Went cra-rog ca-rog Sitting by the sandy sog Of the bog The dappled dog Went fa-rog fa-rog And set about her business She silently slid slippering Closing closer clumping Sprightly springing Mighty mouth munching That frog was no more
Corona Fulcrum of our time Turning our civilization from past to future Marking and turning it back again in a different shade The billy goats against the troll But the troll will loose in the end
5d Sorrow Why do men cry Whether the stiff upper lip or the effluence of the eye Silently falling down the face Effecting the triangle of death The imperceptible tremor of the throat Or the silent cry inside When nothing comes out The expressionless expression on the face Why do men cry The memories of men set Or boil over
My life has become a nuclear reactor There are control rods I just have to find them Like boiling eggs they calm the darkening sky Letters of love lighten lengths of darkened patches Arms stretch up fall down Space peace My honey