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Barry Jul 2022
Lost voice
unable to be heard.
That of a missing page of a book.
No longer able to be read.
And yet
this voice.
Given time and rest will return..
Yet in losing something.
It may give time for something else to be found.
Barry Jul 2022
Owning that of who I am.
flawless in any way.
Yet accepting the flaws.
That are apart of me.
yet they are not all of who I am.
And in knowing and accepting yourself.
For who you are.
Let's no one fault you.
Barry Jul 2022
Cast out into the unknown.
Or just another day or night.
with time being something one can not save.
As it comes and goes.
With the sun by day moon by night.
it's how we spend our time.
what counts the most.
Barry Jul 2022
in an entanglement of your words and mine.
not for a way out.
something's so right even time can be lost.
in simple things sometimes are where answers are hiding.
Given that we know where to look.
Barry Jun 2022
Living through the works we write.
As the ink carries on even after we have gone.
Leaving behind a look through the window.
Off what used to be the person, behind the veal of words.
Not afraid to show vulnerability.
Knowing there is strength in flaws.
An what better way to say.
What might not have been said at all?
Unless it was written in your own words.
Barry Jan 2020
Lost to this world.
Streets are full yet empty without you.
Days and nights grow longer, now  seeming to be as one
never-ending lost moment standing still in time.
Lost to this world without a home.
For my home was with you.
Barry Dec 2019
Crossing roads in time, just to stay a little longer.
Drifting off waking up no longer knowing day from night.
Still smiling still so strong.
Now just longing too be home.
Where it will be forever to rest.
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