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She was just 16 years old
Yet she loved like someone older
She met her true love in high school
At a dance
He was handsome and dazzling
She was enchanted
He was her prince

All she wanted was to be with him
Yet life offers us twists and turns
Which we cannot control or change
Even when we want to

There was going to come a day when he would leave
She didn't think she could bear it
But she made him a gift so he wouldn't forget
A small book with important dates and photos
It was made with all the love in her heart

So at their final time together, she gave him the book which was a small part of her

She knew that we all have to follow our destiny
Even if it hurts
So she watched him leave her
Hoping some day that she  would  be given her dream
What is it?
A number?
An address
A password
A birth year?
Expiration date?
A seat on a ticket?
An age?
Of wine
A person
What does it mean?
Or is it just a number
Defined by the situation
And person
Abre Sus Ojos

Open your eyes
Abre sus ojos
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
See the woman before you
See her heart and spirit
Where she has been

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
The world is waiting
Open your eyes
Abre sus ojos
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
See the woman before you
See her heart and spirit
Where she has been

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
The world is waiting
Open your eyes
Abre sus ojos
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
See the woman before you
See her heart and spirit
Where she has been

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
The world is waiting
Open your eyes
Abre sus ojos
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who  I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
See the woman before you
See her heart and spirit
Where she has been

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
The world is waiting
Open your eyes
Abre sus ojos
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
See the woman before you
See her heart and spirit
Where she has been

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
The world is waiting
As you go into the night, look at the sky and remember
Look at the moon in all its glory
See the light and how it shines
Feel the energy which is part
of everything
It’s part of you
Remember where you come from
And what you truly are
Let your spirit lift from your body and fly
Fly with the wind, both
warm and cold
Soar like an eagle through the universe
As you pass planets, circle
around and gaze at the wonder
of them and all that is there
Then look at yourself, a spirit of pure white light
As you fly and pick up speed, look at how light and free you are
Realize that you are a part of the universe
You are everything, and everything touches you
Close your eyes
Notice you don’t feel cold nor pain
Only peace to be in the place where
you are truly loved for what you are
Feel comfort and acceptance
You are loved
The air is still and you can hear the planets turning in the silence
Let the waters of the universe cleanse your soul
Remember that you are a child of the universe
He stands at the shore
The water gently brushes his toes
He is alone
He has done this before
Many times

Across the waters

It’s a cool day
The sky is light gray
No clouds are in sight
The waves are slow and deliberate

Across the waters

He has been standing  for some time looking  west
He is also watching the waves
Their rhythmic movement
It’s hypnotic

Across the waters

He breathes in the air deeply
It has the aroma of salt
It’s refreshing
It has a calming effect to him

Across the waters

He thinks about what is on the other side of the ocean
He prays this time it will work
He concentrates with all his might
He’s trying to send a message

Across the waters

Will it arrive?
Will they hear him?
Hello, can you hear me?
Please answer back
He waits for some time

Across the waters

Hoping for an answer
Once again nothing comes
He is left with emptiness
He turns and walks away

Across the waters

Over the years,  he tried many times
Hoping his message would be received
It traveled thousands of miles
Hello, can you hear me?
I am calling you
Please answer me

Across the waters

Finally after years of nothingness
He gets an answer back
He can’t believe it
Is it real?
How is this possible?

Across the waters

Hello is it you?
I heard you calling me
I have tried to find you
But could not
How are you?
I have missed you so

Across the waters
He stands at the shore
The water gently brushes his toes
He is alone
He has done this before
Many times
Across the waters
It’s a cool day
The sky is light gray
No clouds are in sight
The waves are slow and deliberate
Across the waters
He has been standing  for some time looking  west
He is also watching the waves
Their rhythmic movement
It’s hypnotic
Across the waters
He breathes in the air deeply
It has the aroma of salt
It’s refreshing
It has a calming effect
Across the waters
He thinks about what is on the other side of the ocean
He prays this time it will work
He concentrates with all his might
He’s trying to send a message
Across the waters
Will it arrive?
Will they hear him?
Hello, can you hear me?
Please answer back
He waits for a long time
Across the waters
Hoping for an answer
Once again nothing comes
He is left with emptiness
He turns and walks away
Across the waters
Over the years,  he tried many times
Hoping his message would be received
It traveled thousands of miles
Hello, can you hear me?
I am calling you
Please answer me
Across the waters
Finally after years of nothing
He gets an answer back
He can’t believe it
Is it real?
How is this possible?
Across the waters
Hello is it you?
I heard you calling me
I have tried to find you
But could not
How are you?
I have missed you so
I can’t believe it’s you
Across the waters
He stands at the shore
The water gently brushes his toes
He is alone
He has done this before
Many times
Across the waters

It’s a cool day
The sky is light gray
No clouds are in sight
The waves are slow and deliberate
Across the waters

He has been standing  for some time looking  west
He is also watching the waves
Their rhythmic movement
It’s hypnotic
Across the waters

He breathes in the air deeply
It has the aroma of salt
It’s refreshing
It has a calming effect to him
Across the waters

He thinks about what is on the other side
He prays this time it will work
He concentrates with all his might
He’s trying to send a message
Across the waters

Will it arrive?
Will they hear him?
Hello, can you hear me?
Please answer back
He waits for some time
Across the waters

Hoping for an answer
Once again nothing comes
He is left with emptiness
He turns and walks away
Across the waters

Over the years,  he tried many times
Hoping his message would be received
It traveled thousands of miles
Hello, can you hear me?
I am calling you
Please answer me
Across the waters

Finally after years of nothingness
He gets an answer back
He can’t believe it
Is it real?
How is this possible?
Across the waters

Hello is it you?
I heard you calling me
I have tried to find you
But could not
How are you?
I have missed you so

Across the waters
I’m addicted to you
To your look
Your eyes
Your smile and laugh
The way you walk
Your face
Hands and feet
To everything
I’m addicted
Like a drug
When I’m near you
I need more
It’s never enough
I crave to be near you
It’s painful when I’m not
It’s like a sweet drug
Sending me to paradise
Where everything is right
In the world and with me
I live far away from where I am from
I am in a different land
Across the waters
I came for someone special
To start a new journey with him
Today I start another new journey
Unplanned for
To stay healthy
To live
There’s a new enemy a foot
Across the world
In some places it is everywhere
All the nooks and crannies
We have been lucky so far
Not much is here yet
Let’s hope that holds
Yet slowly the numbers climb
I sit and watch the news where I came from
The numbers increasing each day
Thousands now
Feeling so helpless
Yet during this dark time
Which feels like a nightmare
The planet is healing
The skies are cleaner
The water becoming clearer
Animals walking about
Free of their human bonds
Dolphins and whales return to the canals of Venice
Going where they used to go
In a way it’s like a movie
Except it’s very real
Where I hope and pray for a positive ending
For us all
For the world

I live far away from where I am from
I am in a different land
Across the waters
I came for someone special
To start a new journey with him


Today I start another new journey
Unplanned for
To stay healthy
To live
There’s a new enemy a foot
Across the world
In some places it is everywhere
All the nooks and crannies


We have been lucky so far
Not much is here yet
Let’s hope that holds
Yet slowly the numbers climb


I sit and watch the news where I came from
The numbers increasing each day
Thousands now
Feeling so helpless


Yet during this dark time
Which feels like a nightmare
The planet is healing
The skies are cleaner
The water becoming clearer
Animals walking about
Free of their human bonds
Dolphins and whales return to the canals of Venice
Going where they used to go


In a way it’s like a movie
Except it’s very real
Where I hope and pray for a positive ending
For us all
For the world

You are standing tall like a warrior in the desert
There is a path before you
Going in two directions
One to the left
One to the right
They look the same
Yet each will go a different way
The choice is hard
So much to think about
You  stand at the fork
Not knowing what to do
To the right?
To the left?
The air is clear
You can see for miles
There is complete silence
Only stillness
The sky is blue
The sun is bright
All of a sudden a wind picks up
It erases one of the paths
Leaving only one for you to follow
It will take you towards your destiny
As the new year begins, may you have a wonderous year filled with blessed moments and magic.

A fresh start

At this time of great rancor in the world let’s try and reach for the light instead of darkness.

A fresh start

To light the world step by step.

A fresh start

One small thing can brighten someone’s day.

A fresh start

If we can each shine a light the darkness will lessen.

A fresh start

Smile when you can
Share laughter
Offer kindness
Judge less
Hug frequently
Love harder

A fresh start

Treasure what you have
And always be grateful

A fresh start

We all have a brand new blank page.
Let’s make it count.

A fresh start
After the New New Normal

What happens
After another new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
Like before
Or are things forever changed
What happens after the new new normal
Is there yet another one
Are we safe
Is it over
Or does it return
With more vengeance
What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
Is the time before
Gone forever
What happens after the new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
When is it the right time to even try
Or do we continue as we have been
Until the hidden enemy is at bay

What happens after the new normal
Is there yet another one
Do we continue to wait
For the rescue
Or does patience get the best of us
Does the world take on another new look
Does it become a quieter, more solitary time

What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
What happens after the new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
When is it the right time to even try
Or do we continue as we have been
Until the hidden enemy is at bay

What happens after the new normal
Is there yet another one
Do we continue to wait
For the rescue
Or does patience get the best of us
Does the world take on another new look
Does it become a quieter, more solitary time

What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
When it rains it's Mother Nature's way of giving planet Earth a bath
Similar to what we do
She washes the dirt and grime away

Afterwards the sky is clear
Plants are brighter green
The streets are clean
The air is fresh
Cities quiet down for a moment
And everything thing looks refreshed and new
After the storm
When the winds stop
When the rain ceases
When the skies finally clear
In the morning
A new day comes
It looks brand new
It brings bright blue skies
Fluffy white clouds
Clean, fresh air
It’s invigorating

After the storm
The trees seem taller
The streets are cleaner
The plants are greener
Flower colors brighter
Rivers run higher

After the storm
Animals come out
Seeking a needed drink
Gardens grow a bit more
People come out from the shadows
From the gift
Mother Nature brought
After the storm
When the winds stop
When the rain ceases
When the skies finally clear
In the morning
A new day comes
It looks brand new
It brings bright blue skies
Fluffy white clouds
Clean, fresh air
It’s invigorating

After the storm
The trees seem taller
The streets are cleaner
The plants are greener
Flower colors brighter
Rivers run higher

After the storm
Animals come out
Seeking a needed drink
Gardens grow a bit more
People come out from the shadows
From the gift
Mother Nature brought
After the vaccine
Now what?
A new normal
What is it?
Are we safe?
Can we go back in time
Or are things now different

After the vaccine
Will we wear masks
No hugging
No hand shakes
Keeping our distance
Limited travel

After the vaccine
What does it mean
Can we see friends
Can we see family
Can we go home
Can we go back to our life
After the vaccine
The rain is finished now
The city is drying out
The sky is painted bright blue
It’s a cool morning
There is a hint of freshness in the air
Breathing is a pleasure

It’s a beautiful perfect day
Enjoy the moment
The artistry of nature
At its best
The rain is finished now
The city is drying out
With some wet places
It’s quiet
Not the normal hustle
The sky is a muted gray
With a hint of white clouds
It’s a cool morning
Great for walking
There is freshness in the air
Breathing is a pleasure
It’s a beautiful day
The rain is finished now
The city is drying out


The sky is painted bright blue
It’s a cool morning


There is a hint of freshness in the air
Breathing is a pleasure


It’s a beautiful day
The rain is finished now
The city is drying out
The sky is painted bright blue
It’s a cool morning
There is a hint of freshness in the air
Breathing is a pleasure

It’s a beautiful perfect day
Enjoy the moment
The artistry of nature
As she has bathed the city
There’s a hint of Christmas

You can feel it in the air
Bright music can be heard
Choirs singing carols
Scents of pine and cinnamon
Apple and mince meat pies
There’s a hint of Christmas

Cities decorating up their towns
Lights hung
Wreaths on doors
Shop windows decked out
Trees lined up for sale
Children writing to Santa
Gingerbread cookies
There’s a hint of Christmas

Presents being wrapped
Songs on the radio
Old favorites
Families coming together
Smiles full of cheer
Troubles forgotten
Laughter louder

There’s a hint of Christmas
in the air
Can’t you feel it?
There’s a hint of Christmas

You can feel it in the air
Bright music can be heard
Choirs singing carols
Scents of pine and cinnamon
Apple and mince meat pies

There’s a hint of Christmas

Cities decorating up their towns
Lights hung
Wreaths on doors
Shop windows decked out
Trees lined up for sale
Children writing to Santa
Gingerbread cookies

There’s a hint of Christmas

Presents being wrapped
Songs on the radio
Old favorites
Families coming together
Smiles full of cheer
Troubles forgotten
Laughter louder

There’s a hint of Christmas in the air
Can’t you feel it?
We all start life the same way
But once we arrive
We all have our own journey
Some call it a path
Others our destiny
As we each start out
We encounter experiences
Both good and bad
Some are beautiful
Beyond words to describe
Others are dark, painful and ugly
But they are all part of our journey
Along the way we meet people
Many of them
Some become husbands
Or wives
Others are just in passing
But they are all part of our journey
We may go to different places
In and out of our country
We may speak different languages
Dress differently
Look different
But in the end
Our journeys
All take us to the same place
Because we may think we are different
But we really aren’t
We all share something
We all start life the same way
But once we arrive
We all have our own journey
Some call it a path
Others our destiny
As we each start out
We encounter experiences
Both good and bad
Some are beautiful
Beyond words to describe
Others are dark, painful and ugly
But they are all part of our journey
Along the way we meet people
Many of them
Some become husbands
Or wives
Others are just in passing
But they are all part of our journey
We may go to different places
In and out of our country
We may speak different languages
Dress differently
Look different
But in the end
Our journeys
All take us to the same place
Because we may think we are different
But we really aren’t
We all share something
How does one fit a an entire life into just two bags?
How does one decide what to keep?

A life in two suitcases

How does one protect all the treasured memories?
How does one decide what to leave behind?

A life in two suitcases

It can be done
Life can fit into anything
If one has the will and desire

A life in two suitcases

The idea of starting anew is exciting
To go somewhere unexplored
To see something different

A life in two suitcases

What drives one to do this?
Perhaps the most perfect love

A life in two suitcases
It was in the woods
A small cabin
Far from the bustle of the city
Almost buried by trees
In all shapes and sizes
In the fall, it becomes an orchestra of colors
Bright oranges, reds and yellows
The cabin was made out of wood
It had a simple design
Yet it was pure heaven
Comfortable in every way
There was a stillness to it
Which was peaceful and harmonious
The air was always fresh
Especially in autumn
When it became crisp
At night when the wind blew
The leaves would rustle
Making a pleasant sound
It was almost too good to be true
A little bit of heaven
The cabin
It was in the woods
A small cabin
Far from the bustle of the city
Almost buried by trees
In all shapes and sizes
In the fall, it becomes an orchestra of colors
Bright oranges, reds and yellows
The cabin was made out of wood
It had a simple design
Yet it was pure heaven
Comfortable in every way
There was a stillness to it
Which was peaceful and harmonious
The air was always fresh
Especially in autumn
When it became crisp
At night when the wind blew
The leaves would rustle
Making a pleasant sound
It was almost too good to be true
A little bit of heaven
The cabin
Every now and then
When we are away
We need to return
To a little bit of home
Sometimes it’s
Hard to find
But when we do
It can bring a smile
Offering comfort

So when you ache
Deep inside
For something familiar
Try and find a little
bit of home
Let it work it’s magic
Bringing the familiar
For just a moment
It can be magical
This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
I was indeed alone
For some reason it hit me hard
Like a punch
Right in the heart
It felt like a form of withdrawal
I think I am addicted to you

This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
The apartment seemed empty
Even hollow
Only filled with my noise

This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
It hit me deep into my core
My spirit shook
It remembered another time
The feeling was similar
Long, long ago

This morning I woke up alone

The feeling was crushing
The silence deafening

I miss you dearly
This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
I was indeed alone
For some reason it hit me hard
Like a punch
Right in the heart
It felt like a form of withdrawal
I think I am addicted to you

This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
The apartment seemed empty
Even hollow
Only filled with my noise

This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
It hit me deep into my core
My spirit shook
It remembered another time
The feeling was similar
Long, long ago

This morning I woke up alone

The feeling was crushing
The silence deafening

I miss you dearly
This morning I woke up alone

You were not there
I was indeed alone
For some reason it hit me hard
Like a punch
Right in the heart
It felt like a form of withdrawal
I think I am addicted to you
You were not there
The apartment seemed empty
Even hollow
Only filled with my noise

You were not there
It hit me deep into my core
My spirit shook
It remembered another time
The feeling was similar
Long, long ago

This morning I woke up alone
The feeling was crushing
The silence deafening

I miss you dearly
Ambiance is everything
It can make or break a place
Or a mood
The setting
The decoration
The overall energy

It can be positive or negative
It can bring feelings of great joy
Or sadness

Ambiance is everything
It can set a tone
It can bring people together
It can keep them apart
It can lift them up to a higher place

Ambiance is everything
It can bring peace
It can evoke harmony
It can bring light
Or it can smother
Bringing darkness

Ambiance is everything
Ambiance is everything
It can make or break a place
Or a mood
The setting
The decoration
The overall energy

It can be positive or negative
It can bring feelings of great joy
Or sadness

Ambiance is everything
It can set a tone
It can bring people together
It can keep them apart
It can lift them up to a higher place

Ambiance is everything
It can bring peace
It can evoke harmony
It can bring light
Or it can smother
Bringing darkness

Ambiance is everything
Ambiance is everything
It can make or break a place
Or a mood
The setting
The decoration
The overall energy

It can be positive or negative
It can bring feelings of great joy
Or sadness

Ambiance is everything
It can set a tone
It can bring people together
It can keep them apart
It can lift them up to a higher place

Ambiance is everything
It can bring peace
It can evoke harmony
It can bring light
Or it can smother
Bringing darkness

Ambiance is everything
Ambiance is everything
It can make or break a place
Or a mood
The setting
The decoration
The overall energy
It can be positive or negative
It can bring feelings of great joy
It can set a tone
It can bring people together
It can keep them apart
It can lift them up to a higher place
It can bring peace
It can evoke harmony
It can bring light
Or it can smother
Bringing darkness

Ambiance is everything
We’re addicted
We can’t quit
We talk about it
Yet it continues
Sad event after event
Year after year
American addiction

No matter how awful
The pain and horror
We can’t quit
Oh there’s talk
Hand wringing
Crying and shouting
Yet nothing changes
American addiction

When will courage
Appear to stop this
When will life
Truly be valued
Lately it’s been children
Paying the price
American addiction

Life is precious
Beyond materialism
Beyond power
We each have one
It’s up to us
How we choose
To live
It’s time to stop
The carnage
Look after each other
American addiction
Can we quit
Are we ready??
Love comes in all shapes and sizes
It spans oceans, rivers, mountains and deserts
It spans distance and time
Languages and cultures

Loves comes in all shapes and sizes
Young and old
Well and ill
Speaking and silent
Heard and not

Love comes and heals
It lifts up
When nothing else can
It turns darkness into light
Brings brightness to the dull

Love comes in all shapes and sizes
It inspires
It touches our deepest recesses
And melts them like honey
It lights a fire in us
That never goes out

Love comes in all shapes and sizes
Love never ends
It goes on forever
Like burning embers
A new year is coming
This is the last Friday of the year
On New Year’s Eve
At midnight
All over the world
We will turn a new page
One by one
A new year is coming
We can’t stop it
It’s running towards us
Like a horse
It’s will be a new day
To start anew
Create a new beginning
It’s not hard
Just one step
At a time
We can all remake ourselves
To whatever we want
Just have hope
Just believe
Just light up the world
A new day is coming
A new normal is coming
One of these days
Hopefully soon
The old one is long gone
We have to find new ways
To live and be
Ways to relate
Different ways
We shouldn’t be afraid
We should have hope
Better ways

A new normal is coming
All across the world
In every corner
One of these days
A different way to live
A different way to be
We have to build back
Move forward together
The past is gone

A new normal is coming
Snow lightly falling and blowing around outside
Barren trees with branches moving to the wind
Windows clattering with frost beginning to appear
People dressed in heavy coats with gloves and boots
It is the coming of the  winter season and the start of a new cycle in the
weather for the year
Cold easing its way into homes, bodies and open spaces replacing
the warmth of summer with a new found friend
Temperatures dropping outside
Nighttime chills and darkness befall the city as it gets ready ready to put
on its heavy blanket in preparation for what is coming
A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to renew and refresh
Time to reflect
Time to forget and forgive
Time to clear out the cobwebs

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to embrace a clean slate
Time to renew
Time to get ready

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

The future is before us
The past is a memory
Time to get going
Time to focus
Time to make plans

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Anything is possible
The world is our oyster
Time to make things happen

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon
Get ready
A new year is coming
Its almost here
This year will be gone
It’s on the horizon

Time to renew and refresh
Time to reflect
Time to forget and forgive
Time to clear out the cobwebs

A new year is coming
Time to embrace a clean slate
Time to renew
The future is before us
The past is a memory
Time to get going
Time to focus
Time to make plans

Anything is possible
The world is our oyster
Time to make things happen
A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon
A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to renew and refresh
Time to reflect
Time to forget and forgive
Time to clear out the cobwebs

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to embrace a clean slate
Time to renew
Time to get ready

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

The future is before us
The past is a memory
Time to get going
Time to focus
Time to make plans

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Anything is possible
The world is our oyster
Time to make things happen

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon
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