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204 · Jun 2021
Music lifts one up
It can express what we feel
Fills our heart and soul
It can touch the world
Connect all of us
Tell our history and future
It can paint a picture
With sound
It can calm us or excite
Causing us to dance
It inspires us
Sometimes it can make us laugh
It’s a mirror into the best of us
It’s healing and powerful
We need it
It is magic
202 · Apr 2021
Warm spring breezes move through the air
Wind chimes gently playing a quiet tune
Branches gently swaying
Birds out singing their song
Building nests
Sun shining down on flowers and flowering trees
A fragrant scent of spring in the air
The season has changed
201 · Dec 2018
It’s That Time of Year
It’s that time of year when
Candy canes appear
Silver tinsel glimmers on trees
Wreaths are hung

It’s that time of year when

Precious ornaments are taken out
Beautiful ribbons tie up packages

It’s that time of year when

Carols are sung
Churches put on their Sunday best
Joy and cheer are felt
Kindness abounds

It’s that time of year when

Smiles are brighter
Laughs heartier
Love is deeper
People care and hug more

It’s that time of year when
Towns and cities decorate
Snow lightly blankets the ground
The world slows down just a bit

It’s that time of year
201 · Oct 2023

Snowflakes gently touch your face but you are not cold

The air is refreshing
As you breathe you focus on your each breath

There is total peace around you
There is a scent of pine in the air
It reminds you of the coming season

You close your eyes to listen to the quiet
When you open your eyes, you see a doe looking at you.
Still, quiet and peaceful
200 · Nov 2021
There’s a feeling of discomfort
It’s hard to know
What’s what
Different messages coming
It’s confusing
To know what to do
To know what’s real
It’s been like this for a long time
Almost two years
Everything feels different
Yet in some ways
It looks the same
The aura is different
My desire to write
Gets stifled sometimes
The muse is still there
But struggles to come out
There’s always a discomfort
In the background
Causing my spirit to stir and churn
198 · Jan 4
Deep in the Woods
There is forest and quiet
The trees reach to the sky
Darkness abounds
The air is cool and clear
Deep in the woods

A cabin sits
Surrounded by snow and trees
Mountains are in the background
A light is burning in the cabin
Smoke coming from the chimney
Scents of pine trees in the air
Deep in the woods

A dog sits on the steps
He’s a husky
Beautiful white and black
Waiting for it’s owner
Deep in the woods

A pie is baking in the oven
Coffee is on the stove
A fire burns in the fireplace
Deep in the woods

There is sublime quiet
There is calm and peace
It is intoxicating
Deep in the woods

Is a perfect sanctuary
198 · Aug 2022
Unforgettable Paris
I've got Paris on my mind
The Eiffel Tower
Notre Dame
The Seine
River boats along the river
Louvre and Orsay and so much more
The ambiance of it
The lights at night
Bakeries early in the morning
Smell of fresh bread
Fine cheeses and wine
Great food
And so much more
I've got Paris on my mind...
193 · Nov 2018
Hidden Treasures
We all have hidden treasures

Precious gems that mean the world to us

Unique things
Special moments
Loved ones

We all have hidden treasures

We may not think about them
But we do
They are always there for us

Each is like a precious jewel

A diamond, ruby or emerald
Each one glistens with its own special beauty

We all have hidden treasures

It’s important to cherish them
Each and every day
191 · Sep 2019
Brazilian Lilt
Brazilian music plays
Barely heard
The rhythm of the beat pounding
Bringing smiles to faces

Palm trees blowing in the wind
White sandy beaches
Smooth as silk
Colored umbrellas
Children playing by the water
Kites flying high in the air
Some resembling birds

Corcovado in the background
Watching everything
Sugar Loaf mountain

Beautiful tiled sidewalks
Make a mosaic
Glorious blue skies
Dotted with clouds
Soft Brazilian music plays
Barely heard
Bringing smiles to all

It’s a Brazilian lilt
191 · Nov 2022
Hope is Outside My Door
I can feel it
It is trying to come in
It glitters like gold
With rubies
And emeralds
It wants to lift the day
To spread light all around

Hope is outside my door

To erase the darkness and despair
To bring laughter and joy
To bring the bright yellow sun
It’s just waiting

To say everything will be alright
To inspire me
To push me forward

Hope is outside my door

To shine a light
To show me the moon
To show me the stars
To help me remember my path
To bring possibilities

Hope is outside my door
I just have to open it
190 · Jan 2023
We all build walls
Some are to hide behind
Some to prevent
Some to keep out
Some to mark areas
Some are real
Some are imaginary
Some are brick or wood
Some are stone or concrete
They are boundaries
Or borders
Or let limiters
Some are old
They can be high and reach the sky
Or low easy to jump or climb
They can lock someone out
Or keep them in
Let’s tear them down
And come together
We are all human
189 · Mar 2021
Appreciate each new morning
Marvel at it
The start of a new day
Notice the beauty of the moment
At you being there to enjoy it
Look around
Notice your surroundings
Take note
Use the day as best you can
In the end, it’s a gift
188 · Dec 2021
We’ve been at this over a year
We’ve been told what to do
To stem the tide
Yet we go back to old ways
Hoping things will change
We have the power
To turn things around
All we have to do
Is listen and learn
It’s not hard
It just requires a change
But in the end
It will be worth it
Not just for each of us
For the world
Let’s lift up the world
One by one
With our own special light
187 · Nov 2023
Love no matter what
Open your heart
To all that there is
Keep it wide and free
Be kind no matter what
Love no matter what

Open your heart
Let others in
Feel deeply
Care no matter what

Love no matter what
187 · Feb 2022
We have the power to heal
We have the power to touch
Deep inside
We have the power to love

We can lift up ourselves
We can lift up others
We can lift up the whole world

We can warm the coldest night
We can embrace others
We can stand in the light

We have the power to change
We have the power to grow
We have the power to heal

All we have to do is try
187 · Dec 2021
Brrr It’s Cold
It’s cold outside
The sky is gray
With a feeling of rain or snow
People are bundled up
In coats, hats and scarves
It’s cold
At home
People hide under blankets
Seeking any kind of warmth
A fireplace is welcome
For both people and animals
It’s cold outside
Winter is on its way
The season is changing
Snow, sleet and cold rain
Get ready
184 · Jan 2023
Cave of Diamonds
You slowly walk through the entrance of a cave.  At the end of the darkness is a small pool of water. The water is warm, not too warm, the temperature is just right and the color is a deep turquoise. You walk into the water and stand in the middle. As you stand there, a waterfall starts to pour over you, but very gently with rays of bright light from an opening above shining all around  making the water sparkle like diamonds. You are in the most perfect place. The feeling of serenity pours over you.
184 · Mar 2019
Fork in the Road
You are standing tall like a warrior in the desert dressed in white

There is a path with two directions before you

One to the left
One to the right

Each will take you in a different direction in your life

But the choice is hard
So much to think about

So you just stand at the fork not knowing what to do or which direction to go

To the right?
To the left?

The air is clear and it is silent not a noise can be heard

The sky is blue with a bright sun overhead

Then all of a sudden a wind picks up and erases one of the paths

Leaving only one for you to follow towards the light and your destiny

Destiny is like that
184 · Jul 2022
Long Time
It’s been a long time
Since I really saw you
Saw deeply into you

We pass like two ships
Barely seeing the other
Barely touching the other

It’s been a long time
Since I felt you close to me
Felt your spirit
I’ve missed you
All that you are to me
I’ve missed you
Where did you go?

It’s been a long time
Since I really saw you
184 · May 2022
It can be found
In unexpected moments
When someone rises
Up to meet the challenge
Either through actions
Or words
Or both
It can be someone
That stands up
Even when it’s hard
For what’s right
What we know deeply
In our hearts of hearts
Or someone that walks
Into danger to help
Or a healer helping the ill
Courage is everywhere
In adults and children
Around the world
There are those
That stand up
Speak out
Even when it’s difficult
They do it
At a time of turmoil
In the world
With pandemics
Unrest and violence
We need the courageous
More than ever
What are you??
183 · Jul 2022
In our lives we leave traces
Of ourselves
Our being
Our lives

It might be our clothes
Our smile
Our touch or laugh
Our face
We leave traces

It might be our perfume
Or cologne
The way we walk
Or leave a room
We leave traces of ourselves
Through the people we touch
The people we meet and know
Our family and friends

The stranger we smiled at
The child we helped
We leave traces
There are vapors of us
183 · Sep 2018
Come Dance With Me
Come dance with me
Let’s touch the stars
Baila conmigo
Let’s listen to romantic music
Come walk with me
Anda conmigo
Come explore the world with me
Let’s see all there is to see

Let’s watch the stars dance
Watch the moon watching us
Let’s smell the roses
Vamos oler las rosas

Come dance with me
Baila conmigo

Come walk with me
Anda conmigo
Come explore the world with me
Come laugh with me
Give me one hundred smiles

Come be with me
Ven conmigo
181 · Mar 2019
Last Sun
Come sit with me and hold my hand as we watch the last sun of the day before evening arrives

Let’s treasure this moment together
Let me gaze into your eyes and disappear
I have waited so long for this moment
180 · Aug 2021
Summer Chime Times
Warm hypnotic breezes blow
The air is fresh and clear
Comfortable to breathe
A weeping willow bends to and fro
Its branches reaching towards the sky
The sky is light blue with a scattering of white clouds
Lulling one into a state of peace
Wind chimes play their melody to the rhythm of the wind
The willow tree leaves glisten from the sunlight
What a perfect summer day if only it could go on forever...
180 · Jul 2023
In the Dark
Lying in the dark
16 year old girl
Many years ago
Holding a portable radio
To ones ear
Listening to music
Rocking to the beat
Imagining far away places
Feet moving to the beat
Eyes closed
Letting the clouds of sleep
Approach as I listen to the
Rockin to the beat
In the darkness
180 · Sep 2018
The Lighthouse
When you feel lost
Follow the light
Just as ships at sea
They look for the lighthouse
The shining light guides them

When you feel scattered
Follow the light
Back to your path
Look to your lighthouse

When you feel lost
Follow the light
Let the beam of light guide you
Back to your path
Let the light comfort you
If you are out to sea
Look for the lighthouse
Shining it’s beam of light
Guiding you back to safety
179 · Mar 2023
After the Storm
After the storm
When the winds stop
When the rain ceases
When the skies finally clear
In the morning
A new day comes
It looks brand new
It brings bright blue skies
Fluffy white clouds
Clean, fresh air
It’s invigorating

After the storm
The trees seem taller
The streets are cleaner
The plants are greener
Flower colors brighter
Rivers run higher

After the storm
Animals come out
Seeking a needed drink
Gardens grow a bit more
People come out from the shadows
From the gift
Mother Nature brought
178 · Nov 2018
At a time of negativity
Be positive
Be thankful
For loved ones, family and friends
For the life you have

At a time of great strife
Be thankful
For the many blessings that have graced you

At a time of darkness
Reach for the light
Let it lift you
Let it inspire you
Be thankful

At a time of difficulty
Reach for the easy
Be thankful

Look around you
See what there’s to see
Experience life to the fullest
Give love
Make someone smile
Be thankful
178 · Apr 2023
Dark Cloudy Day
Dark cloudy gray day
Coolness to the air
Dankness permeates
Birds on the roof eating
Chirping sounds in the air
Creates stillness and quiet
A cat cozied up sleeping
Looks like rain is possible
Good day for coffee or tea
Safe and warm
Offers needed respite
Doing quiet things
It offers comfort
178 · Jul 2018
Hot burning days
Green palm trees trying to keep their green
Bright blue skies without a hint of white clouds
Steaming sidewalks
The signs of summer

Warm sultry breezes at night
Blow across my face
Gently seducing me
Black velvet skies
Decorated with sparkling diamond stars
The signs of summer

Flowers and flowering plants craving water
Reaching towards the light
Wind chimes churning in the breeze
Animals searching for a slice of shade
The signs of summer

Women dressed in light flowing dresses
Bright colors and patterns
Making them look like butterflies when they move
The signs of summer

Men wearing straw hats
Light shirts
Linen pants with sandals
The signs of summer

Cool breezes coming late into the night offering a soothing touch to the sleeping
The signs of summer
177 · Nov 2018
Love You Till I Die
I will love you till I die
Till I take my final breathe
I will cherish you till then
You are my universe
You are my prince
You are my sun and moon

I will love you till I die

I will be in wonder of you
I will be enchanted by your charm
I will be touched by your presence

I will love you till I die

You captured my heart eons ago
You touched into my soul
You knew me like no other
No matter what
No matter where

I will love you till I die
I will cherish you until then
176 · Mar 2022
Even in darkness there will be a lit candle to show the way
We just have to believe

It’s light will be enough to light the world
We just have to believe

Even in times of hardship things will work out
Even when there’s hate love will win
We just have to believe

When darkness is all around
In the end light will prevail
We just have to believe

Light a candle and help light up the world
Be the light
Lift up the world
Take away the darkness
174 · Sep 2022
Weekend Slowdown
After running quickly all week
It is time for the weekend slowdown
Time to relax
Time to pause
Time to meditate
Time to prepare for next week
Time to enjoy the little things
Time to take a walk by the
Spend time with nature
To breathe in the air and let go
Time for the weekend slowdown
172 · Jan 2019
Flames of Love
Let love embrace you
Let it hold you tight
Let it warm your heart on a cold night
Let it bring smiles to your face

Flames of love

Like a warm blanket
Let it gently touch your face
Let it calm your fears

Flames of love

Let it take you to impossible places
Let it make things possible
Let it bring magic

Flames of love

Let it lift you up
Let it help you soar like a bird
Let it touch the world

Flames of love

Let it burn eternally
Let it heal the world
Let it remove darkness

Flames of love
170 · May 2021
When I first met you
I couldn’t resist touching your face
Or you touching mine
Or running my fingers through your hair
During our time together
It was heaven
A form of bliss

When you left
I missed that
Like being withdrawn
From a drug
Things felt hollow
I missed your touch
Or to be able to touch you

Now decades later
We are together
I can reach out
To touch you
Or you can touch me
It’s like being delivered
Back to heaven
169 · Sep 2018
The Ocean
The ocean waves are moving back and forth on a sunny day.
The sky is a bright blue.
The air is warm but not too hot. There is a slight breeze in the air. There is a tint of salt in the air like a sweet perfume but the smell is not too heavy.
The water is a deep blue with hints of white as the waves roll in and out. As the sun hits the water, diamonds show up and glisten against the light and the water..............
168 · Oct 2018
Recesses of my Mind
You reside in the recesses of my mind
You are in my blood
My spirit
The total essence of me

You reside in the recesses of my mind
You are in my heart
My soul
What makes up my spirit
The total essence of me

You have always been there
Since time began
You never left

You course through all of me
You are part of everything I touch

You reside in the recesses of my mind
You are everywhere
You always have been
168 · Dec 2023
Be the Light
At this time of year
Be the light
Shine brightly everywhere
Light up the world
Shine where there is darkness
Shine where there is despair

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere
Lift someone up
Help another
Love more than hate

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere
Laugh more
Cry less
Treasure more
Give more

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere
Glitter and glimmer
Like fine jewels, gold and silver

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere Remember we are all the same
We all need and want

Be the light

At this time of year
Count your blessings
Offer gratitude and kindness
Offer grace

Be the light
167 · Apr 2022
The Gray Blues
I’ve got the gray blues
Been cold and rainy for days
My bones ache to the core
I’ve got the gray blues

Missing the sun
Those warm golden rays
Shining down on my face
Lighting the way to another day
I’ve got the gray blues
Craving when they go away
166 · Jul 2022
When I feel lost I will rise up
I will reach towards the stars
To find my way back

When I can’t find my way
I will rise up to see the light
I will follow it back to my path

When I have no words
I will rise up to let you inspire me
I will let you guide me

When I am full of despair
I will rise up towards the sky
Letting it carry me on to my destiny

When I am full of darkness
I will rise up towards the sun
Letting it fill me with light
Pushing the darkness out
166 · May 2021
I am a survivor
Many of us are
From the last year or so
We have battle scars
From fear, loss, illness
Overall stress from the times
But, we are still here
Still standing
Broken perhaps
But we made it through
To the other side
Though so many did not
Such loss and pain
The war is not over yet
It’s still going on
In so many places
The danger is still there
Muted only by vaccines
For that we are grateful
Yet we must remain vigilant
More battles may be coming
Yet we have made it to this point
We are survivors
We too are warriors
I am thankful
166 · Aug 2018
Copacabana Days
Copacabana Days
Rio nights
Beautiful beaches
Regal hotels lining the street
White silky sand
Turquoise water
Sultry breezes
Swaying palm trees

Copacabana Days
Black and white tiled sidewalks
Umbrellas everywhere
Children running and playing
At night the beach walk outlined with a string of pearl street lights

Copacabana Days
The sound of Portuguese in the air
Ice cream vendors moving along the beach seeking eager customers
Corcovado in the background

Copacabana Days
Beautiful bird kites — all colors
Flying high in the air
People wearing their best swimwear

Copacabana Days
Rio nights
165 · Aug 2018
Dancing With Destiny
Some say things just happen
Others say destiny assists and guides
Some say what is meant to be will be
Others say we shape our own path
Some say our futures our pre written
Others say this isn’t so
Some say there’s something called destiny
Some of us choose to dance with it

Some say things just happen with no rime or reason to them
Others say destiny always has a hand
Some of us choose to dance with it
Some say what is for you can’t be stopped no matter what
Some say that isn’t so

All I know is
I am on a path before me
That I believe to be true
Things have happened in my life to ease my traverse down that path
I am dancing with destiny

I am doing the impossible
What is hard is made easy
When the waters ran deep I didn’t falter
When the mountain was high I climbed to the top
When the distance was far I traveled it
I am dancing with destiny

I am living a miracle
That I could not have created on my own
I am where I am supposed to be
If that’s not destiny then what is?
165 · Aug 2018
If you see me walking in the desert would you offer me a drink water?

If I looked different would you say hello?

If I were tired would you offer me a place to rest?

If you see me walking in the desert would you offer me a drink?

If I looked different would you say hello?

Would you help me?

If I found you on the street would you smile or look away?

Would you offer me a drink of water if I were thirsty?

Would you help me up if I fell?

If I were waiting for you would you see that we are really the same?
165 · Apr 2019
Spring has Arrived
It was a beautiful night,
Comfortably warm
The sun was going down for the day
There was a slight breeze in the air soothing to the touch

The trees had begun to flower
Tulips and daffodils everywhere
Mother Nature was in her glory
Spring had arrived
163 · Oct 2018
On My Mind
Ever since I was in high school
I’ve had you on my mind
You have been in my heart
You have been part of me
Ever since high school

You never left
You were always there
Through time
Through distance
Through culture
Through language
Ever since high school

To me you were and are perfect
To me you were a prince
To me you were elegant
To me you were unique
Ever since high school

I’ve got you on my mind
I’ve got you in my blood
You are like air I need to breathe
You are like food I need to eat
Ever since high school

You are part of my spirit
You are more than my life
You are my life and universe
Ever since high school

You define what is good
You define perfection
I’ve got you on my mind
Ever since high school
162 · Jul 2021
After the high heat
The searing sun
When it finally cools down
Even just slightly
It’s a relief

When the air clears
And the morning cool returns
So one can sit outside
And breathe
Not feeling repressed
It’s a relief

When the sky is blue
With a few clouds
Actually visible to the eye
It’s a relief

There’s a feeling of refreshment
A reprieve has been granted
From the worst of heat
And for a moment
We are grateful
161 · May 2018
The Grill
He stood on one side of the grill
She stood on the other
The grill was black wrought iron
Somewhat ornate in the design
There were openings throughout it
That’s all that separated them

As they stood on either side he moved closer to her
They looked at each other
Deep into the others eyes
For a moment they got lost in the moment

It was magic
Then he leaned into her and kissed her gently between the openings in the grill
It lasted only a moment

He then smiled
His eyes twinkling
As he laughed with joy
He turned around to leave

She stood at the grill watching him

Once she could no longer see him she closed the door
Savoring the moment
It was magic
161 · Sep 2023
Ambiance is everything
It can make or break a place
Or a mood
The setting
The decoration
The overall energy

It can be positive or negative
It can bring feelings of great joy
Or sadness

Ambiance is everything
It can set a tone
It can bring people together
It can keep them apart
It can lift them up to a higher place

Ambiance is everything
It can bring peace
It can evoke harmony
It can bring light
Or it can smother
Bringing darkness

Ambiance is everything
161 · Sep 2023
Fall Light
It’s that time of year
The light has changed
Ever so slightly
From summer to fall light
The suns brightness less intense

It’s that time of year
The light has changed
From summer to fall light
The air is crisper
The nights cooler

It’s that time of year
The light has changed
From summer to fall light
The heat of summer is leaving
The beauty of fall is coming

Its that time of year
When leaves start to turn
Orange, yellow and red
Dabbling the landscape
Like a fine painting

It’s that time of year
When colors are bright
There is a special shine to everything
Moods are high
The world puts on its best face
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