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55 · Nov 2020
At a time of negativity
Be positive
Be thankful
For loved ones, family and friends
For the life you have


At a time of great strife
Be thankful
For the many blessings that have graced you


At a time of darkness
Reach for the light
Let it lift you
Let it inspire you
Be thankful


At a time of difficulty
Be thankful


Look around you
See what there’s to see
Experience life to the fullest
Give love
Offer care
Make someone smile
Offer light instead of darkness
Lift up someone
Then the world
Be thankful

55 · Mar 2021
December in Paris
It’s December
In one of the most wondrous places
The skies are painted gray
Rain is in the air
A hint of snow perhaps
Apartments have a cold feel


Yet the streets are adorned
With holiday decorations
Shops show their prettiest wares
Chocolates and goodies


Churches offer holiday programs
Stores busy with shoppers
Downtown lights decorated with pink
Stores regaled in gold and silver
Cafes full of people sipping coffee
Hiding from the cold
It’s Paris in December
54 · May 2024
Familiar Things
Bring comfort
Offer calm
Give one a sense of belonging
Help one feel centered
They are important
They are most needed
During times of trouble
We all have them
Without them
We feel lost
We can’t find our way
They are like a lighthouse
Steering a ship to port
They clear out the fog
Erasing darkness
Bringing in the light
54 · Jan 2019
Sunday Morning Treasure
It’s Sunday morning
People are just waking up
Searching for their coffee
The sun is out shining

It’s Sunday Morning Treasure

People are walking about
Cafés full of breakfasters
Cities waking up
Everyone has the slows

It’s Sunday Morning Treasure

Newspapers sit on sidewalks
Street vendors full of magazines and papers
Stores getting ready for another day

It’s Sunday Morning Treasure
54 · Sep 2023
The Season is Coming
Can’t you feel it?
The change?
The light is different?
Less intense
The air is getting cooler
Calming breezes
Crisp nights
Colors coming
Reds, yellows, oranges and golds
Trees showing their best
Apples abound
Smells of cider and cinnamon
Sweaters in stores
Fall coats
Warm socks
Hot chocolate
Apple pie
Bright colors
Hypnotic scents
The season is upon us
It’s coming
54 · Dec 2024
Without You
Without You

Without you things seem bland
There is no pizzazz

Without you
There is less fun
There’s an emptiness

Without you
I am missing part of me
The sun isn’t as bright

Without you
The moon loses its luster
The stars don’t glitter

Without you
The ocean isn’t the same
The city seems dull

Without you
The apartment is empty
My heart hurts

Without you
I am not me
Life isn’t as sweet

Without you
54 · Dec 2023
Gold, Silver and Red
Gold, Silver and Red

Gold, silver and red everywhere
It dazzles the eye
Blue and green glimmer
Pine trees standing high
Waiting to be taken home
People looking for the perfect gift
Gold, silver and red

Wreaths hung with care
Adorned with ribbons
Lights strung on houses
Decorations in cities and towns
Holiday smells in the air
Gold, silver and red

Presents wrapped under the tree
Children smiling and playing
Music fills the air
Gold, silver and red

Families getting together
Memories fill up the heart
Gold, silver and red
54 · Oct 2024
My Presence
If I were no longer here
Would you miss me?
Would it even matter?

Would there be a feeling of emptiness or just nothingness?

If I were no longer here
Would you miss my presence?
That specific essence that makes up me?

Would your heart ache?
Your spirit feel sorrow
Would you want to see me?
Or would it just be a momentary thing?
My being gone

If my presence were no longer here
Would you notice?
Would you miss me?
Would your heart ache?
Would your spirit cry out?

As mine would for you
54 · Aug 2019
The Girl From the Future
There once was a young man that traveled to a different time and place one day

He tripped while walking from his classes and hit his head
When he awoke he found that he had traveled to a different time, place and future

He had no idea how he got there nor how he would return to his own time and place
While there, he discovered a brand new life

One day he met a girl from that time and they became very good friends
They went everywhere together
One didn’t want to be without the other
This continued for quite some time

Until one day a bad storm came with very high winds
The young man was out walking and was swept up into the winds
They lifted him up higher and higher before dropping him hard onto the ground

When he  finally awoke, he found he was no longer in the future but had been returned back to his time and place.
To his great sadness, the girl was also gone

He tried to search for her but couldn’t find her anywhere
He tried to call her but couldn’t reach her
All he could do was think about her
He was at a loss of what to do
He tried everything to return to the other time but couldn’t

He was heartbroken
So was she
She tried as well to find him but had no luck
Sometimes she would dream about him and call out his name

One day he went to the ocean and stared out at the sea. He closed his eyes and called out to her

He removed every thought in his mind except for her hoping she would hear him. Alas nothing happened

He tried doing this over and over during the years with no result

Then finally one day she heard him calling to her across time

She answered
The girl came across all time and distance to see him

She brought herself to his time and place to stay and be with him

Together forever
54 · Apr 2018
Purple Night
It is nighttime
The sky is a black purple with edges of black
You are standing beside a beach
Stars scatter the sky
The sky is clear except for a few wisps of clouds
which streak the sky and can be seen by the moonlight
The moon is bright casting a light on the water
The waves move in and out to a slow pulse
As you stand by the water, your heart slows
to the pulse of the water, in and out
Your lungs fill with the smell of salt in the air
Your feet are bare
You put your feet in the water, but it is not cold
The foam covers your feet as your toes bury into the sand
As you look to the sky, the moon takes on a purplish haze through the sparse clouds
Beams of light shine down on the water making it sparkle like diamonds
As the moon brightens, the waves slow down
While it is dark, you can see every detail, you can see the white caps of the waves
There is no noise, only the sound of stillness, and your heart beating
As you listen to the quiet, you realize that you are at peace
You are where you are supposed to be
54 · May 2023
The Disappearance
Every few months
She disappears
She hides
As if a ghost or spirit
She’s not part of anything
She’s something else
Comes from a different world
A different place

She melds into surroundings
Becoming very quiet
Keeping to herself
No one pays attention
It’s better that way
More comfortable
She watches from afar
54 · Oct 2018
Time to Go
I woke out of a deep sleep
I was in that place in between reality and dreams

I then heard my fathers voice
It came out of nowhere
Clear as a bell he said “time to go”
He repeated it several times

It was striking as it sounded so clear and real
It felt like he was in the room

Yet he has been gone for several years now

Those words brought back memories of him and I
When we would go out as a family
Or he and I would go out shopping

Time to go

I remember going to look for that perfect Christmas tree with him

Time to go

Or meeting him for dinner and holiday shopping for my mother

Time to go

Or the times I would drive him to the airport to catch a flight

Time to go

Or pick him up after a trip

Time to go

Or when we would go to a ball game together

Time to go

Or my mother and I waiting in a restaurant in Jamaica while he arranged to get us home

Time to go
54 · Jul 2024
It’s time to rise up
Lift ones spirit
High towards the sky
To leave behind the little things
To leave behind the mundane
It’s time to rise up
To something bigger

It’s time to lift oneself towards the sky
Towards the universe
Towards the stars
Towards all that is good

It’s time to rise up
To take the spirit to a higher place
It’s time
54 · Feb 2019
When you look at me

What do you see?

Do you see me as I am or how you wish I were?

When you look at me

Can you see the depths of my soul?

When you look at me

Do you see my heart aching for you ?

When you look at me

Do you see how perfect you are to me in my eyes?

When you look at me
What do you see ?

Do you see all of me?
As I see all of you
54 · Jul 2024
Imagine that you are sitting
High above the world
In a tall building
It is all bright white
The windows are smoky colored glass
The sky is bright blue with a few white clouds scattered through
The sun is out and it is a beautiful bright day
There is a slight breeze moving through the air-- not too much

As you look out, you can see the ocean
It goes on for miles
It is a deep blue
The waves are slow
The day is perfect
Just imagine
54 · Feb 2024
Sleepy time Blues
I’ve got the sleepy time blues
I am drawn to sleep and dream land

My body fights waking up
Preferring to rest in bed
The blues are dragging me down
Like a hypnotic drug

Craving for the warmth of blankets and the comfort of bed
Sleep has control over me
It won’t let go

My muscles don’t want to move
My mind is quiet
Thinking is hard
Muddled thoughts

When will sleep let me go today and set me free ?
54 · Apr 2024
Busy Streets
Busy streets where I live
Cafés full
People out and about
Signs of life returning
The quiet leaving
For the sounds of the city
Tourists returning
Daily life returning
Bit by bit
All over the world
In cities and towns
Humanity is restarting
A new normal has arrived
After a long time away
Busy streets
54 · Jul 2024
Are like dabbles of paint
on a canvas
Being strung together to
make a painting
Really a work of art
We each create our own
Some are of a bright color
Some of a pastel
Some are dark

Some make us laugh and smile
Some, bring tears to our eyes
once again
Some teach us
Some help

But our memories are the true
jewels of our lives
They connect us to our past,
present and future

Let’s treasure them
54 · Mar 2024
It’s a beautiful day.
Bright white fluffy clouds in the sky.
A slight cool breeze is blowing.
The air is clear and fresh.
Off in a distance, a horse has jumped the gate of a corral.
He’s a beautiful horse.
Chestnut colored.
He’d been planning for months.

Now, he’s running free towards the mountains.
Moving faster and faster.
Till he finally disappears into the distance.
Like a mirage.
After all this time.
54 · Sep 2024
Come Dance With Me
Come dance with me
Let’s touch the stars
Baila conmigo
Let’s listen to romantic music
Come walk with me
Anda conmigo
Come explore the world with me
Let’s see all there is to see
Let’s watch the stars dance
Watch the moon watching us
Let’s smell the roses
Vamos oler las rosas
Come laugh with me
Give me one hundred smiles
Come be with me
Ven conmigo
54 · Sep 2021
Coming Alive
It’s been a long time
Over 18 months
Things have been closed
Lockdowns coming and going
People in their homes
Afraid to leave
Huge hardships
For people and businesses
So much suffering
All over the world
It’s been like a horror movie
Streets empty
Cities quiet
Then bit by bit
In the last month or so
As vaccinations increase
And things change
People start to return
Businesses open
Streets get busy
Sidewalks fill
Everything is coming alive
Awakening from a deep sleep
54 · Feb 2024
Balancing Act
In the end
Light wins over dark
Love over hate
Goodness over evil
Freedom over oppression
Truth over lies
Integrity over corruption
Right over wrong
Kindness over cruelty
Healing over pain
Love is powerful energy
It can change the world
In an instant
Light up the world
With one small act
It can make a difference

54 · May 2024
At Dusk
The sun is almost gone for the day
It is that time before nightfall and daytime
The in between
A slight warm breeze is blowing
Teasing the face just a little
Seductive to the touch
Like a lover
The branches of the plants are gently moving
Like a slow dance
A touch of sun can still be seen in the distant horizon
The city street below is full of life
Restaurants and cafes are open
People are moving about
A drum beat of music can be faintly heard in the background
Voices talking from the restaurant and bar next door
Lights of the city coming on for the night
As the city prepares for nightfall to come
54 · Feb 2024
A Journey
We all start life the same way
But once we arrive
We all have our own journey
Some call it a path
Others our destiny
As we each start out
We encounter experiences
Both good and bad
Some are beautiful
Beyond words to describe
Others are dark, painful and ugly
But they are all part of our journey
Along the way we meet people
Many of them
Some become husbands
Or wives
Others are just in passing
But they are all part of our journey
We may go to different places
In and out of our country
We may speak different languages
Dress differently
Look different
But in the end
Our journeys
All take us to the same place
Because we may think we are different
But we really aren’t
We all share something
54 · Mar 2021
Sometimes we need quiet
A time to be still
To stop the chaos
To listen to the nothing
It calms the mind and spirit
Allows us to refocus later

The world is so busy
Fast moving
Never stopping
Sometimes it’s hard to keep up
Stillness can reset us to a better place
It can enhance creativity
Allow the mind to wander
Slow down the body
Lift up the mood
Sharpen the mind
Go to a higher place
54 · Mar 2020
Gray Colored Day
The day has been set for cooler weather, rain on the horizon
Skies are gray with a hint of sun
The air is cool and crisp, the weather folks say it may rain

I have been snuggled in my bed, with the covers pulled high reading the news
My kitty was at my side, sound asleep

My husband was getting ready for work

As I sat and read the news, sipping my coffee, enjoying the warmth and comfort, I contemplated my day

Gray colored day
54 · Jan 2019
Long Way, Long Time
It’s been a long time

Since we first met
Since we first talked
So much distance and time has passed
You came from such a long way
Do you remember?

It’s been a long way

Since history class
Since that first dance
Since we were first together
Do you remember?

It’s been a long time

Now when I look at you
I think about what it took to do all of this
To be here now with you
Living our lives

It’s been a long time

One coming to the other
All the years and distance
Melted away
It’s a miracle
Do you remember?

It’s been a long way

Over decades and miles
Differences in culture and language
Other things
It never mattered
Do you remember?

It’s been a long time, it’s been a way
54 · Oct 2022
Morning Coffee
It’s sacred
Something we look forward to
It helps start the day
Either at home
Or work
Or for the lucky ones
Sitting in a cafe
The smell is heavenly
Better than the taste
Yet many crave it
Many need it
To start their day
It brightens up things
It’s part of a ritual
Usually in the morning
Sometimes at night
Morning coffee
There’s nothing like it
54 · Jun 2024
Treasure Chest
Our lives are treasure chests
Filled with memories and experiences
Every emotion possible
Images, smells, sensations
Each one is precious
Unique to us

Like a gemstone
Each one helps to define us
Each one helps us grow
To become who we are
Who we are meant to be

Our lives are like treasure chests
Valuable like a diamond or ruby
As time moves on they take on more value
Each one is a thread that helps mold us

Our lives are treasure chests
Beautifully designed
Intricate in every way
Filled with memories
Filled with experiences
Each one precious
54 · Oct 2023
Moonlit Night
As the moon brightens, the waves slow down to a constant rhythm
While it is dark, you can see every detail, including the white caps of the waves as they crash to shore


As the light hits the water like a painters brush, the reflection looks like diamonds glistening


There is no noise, only the sound of stillness and your heart beating
The air is fresh with a hint of salt


As you listen to the quiet, you realize that you are at peace
You are where you are supposed to be
Doing what you are supposed to be doing

53 · May 2024
Sweet Moments
Sweet moments
Those small moments
Sometimes fleeting
Make life worth living
They can pass quickly
Touching our hearts
Touching our souls
Hard to hold onto
Somewhat fragile
Like a butterfly

Sweet moments
Make lasting memories
Taste like honey
Decorating our days and nights
Brightening our lives

Put them together
They form a life
53 · Apr 2024
Winter Moment of Escape
It’s wintertime.
Imagine walking through the snow into a forest full of tall pine trees and others.
Pine cones litter the ground.
There is a strong scent of pine in the air.
Almost like nature’s perfume.
As you stop amongst the trees, all you can hear is the silence.
A slight cool breeze rustles through the trees moving the limbs.
The branches sway back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze.
Snow left on the branches gently falls down slowly, as small flakes.
As they also hit your coat and face.
Before falling to the ground.
You reach out your hand to try and capture one. It melts instantly.
An owl sits up high on one of the branches looking down at you and the world all around.
Every now and then it hoots. As if greeting the night.
The sky is clear, and there is a glimmer of the moon lighting the path ahead.
At the end of the path, is a log cabin with a light on in the window.
Smoke is coming out from the chimney.
You are returning home.
53 · Oct 2023
Sunday Morning
Time to get up
Time to get going
It’s another Sunday morning
First day of a new month
A new season has begun

Days of colors
Days of crisp mornings
Days of golds, reds and oranges
Days of apple cider
Hot chocolate
Days of soups
Days of hot steamy pies
Coming holidays

It’s Sunday morning
Time to get up
Time to get going
53 · Jun 2024
Moonlit Night
As the moon brightens, the waves slow down to a constant rhythm
While it is dark, you can see every detail, including the white caps of the waves as they crash to shore

As the light hits the water like a painters brush, the reflection looks like diamonds glistening

There is no noise, only the sound of stillness and your heart beating
The air is fresh with a hint of salt

As you listen to the quiet, you realize that you are at peace
You are where you are supposed to be
Doing what you are supposed to be doing

Moonlit night
53 · Dec 2023
Holiday Street Scene
People out running to and fro
Cold breath hanging in the air
Its holiday time
The season is upon us
Markets are full of people
Bright colors and tinsel
Lots of good energy
People selling their wares
Stores fully decorated
With their best
Streets full of holiday lights
People smiling brightly with cheer
Trees decorated inside and out
Children running and playing
Parents shopping for the perfect gift
It’s that time of year
Street scene
53 · Oct 2024
Little Bit of Heaven
It was in the woods
A small cabin
Far from the bustle of the city
Almost buried by trees
In all shapes and sizes
In the fall, it becomes an orchestra of colors
Bright oranges, reds and yellows
The cabin was made out of wood
It had a simple design
Yet it was pure heaven
Comfortable in every way
There was a stillness to it
Which was peaceful and harmonious
The air was always fresh
Especially in autumn
When it became crisp
At night when the wind blew
The leaves would rustle
Making a pleasant sound
It was almost too good to be true
A little bit of heaven
The cabin
53 · Oct 2021
Farasha Girl
When she walks there’s no noise
She almost floats above the ground
It’s as if she has wings
Like a butterfly
A farasha
When she moves
It’s with grace
Her dresses move with her
Ever so gently
There’s something genteel about her
Sometimes she seems to disappear
Hard to catch or hold
Other times she pauses
Before flitting off
She wears bright colored dresses
With flowers and things
As if she’s part of nature
She’s the farasha girl
The butterfly
53 · Oct 2024
Hints of Apple Cider
Hints of apple cider were wafting through the air

A beautiful beige pottery mug was sitting on a table awaiting it
Cider was heating on the stove
Steam rising from the pan spreading the scent

A cinnamon stick sat next to the mug
It would add the extra touch
Hints of apple cider

It was that time of year again
Apple cider time
Time for the smells and scents of fall
Stews and soups
Freshly baked bread
Hot chocolate

The mug was impatiently waiting to be filled
The cider was almost ready
Once done it would be gently poured into the mug

A cinnamon stick would be placed inside the mug with the cider
The smell was intoxicating and inviting
Hints of apple cider

It was a special treat to close ones eyes and smell it
It almost had a calming effect

It was almost to good to drink

Once ready, the man picked up the mug full of cider
Perfectly prepared
He walked over to his favorite chair
A rocking chair

He sat down by the fireplace
A fire was burning
The wood was crackling as it burned

He gently sipped the cider
Closing his eyes
Savoring every drink
Hints of apple cider

As he drank the cider
He watched the fire
The radio softly played music in the background

Outside the wind was blowing
Leaves were flying through the air
Landing in different places
Light snow had begun to fall

It was going to be a perfect fall night
Hints of apple cider

Once done with the cider the man returned his mug to the kitchen and cleaned the dishes

He then went to the bedroom to get ready for bed

He changed his clothes
Put on his pajamas and folded down the bed

The man could still smell hints of apple cider in the house

His black and white cat jumped onto the bed to get ready to sleep

The man climbed into bed and picked up the newspaper

He started to read when sleep overcame him

He set the newspaper down along with his spectacles and settled in for a long sleep

At the other end of the bed his cat was curled up fast asleep purring

The fire was slowly burning in the fireplace

As they both slept another night rolled in bringing peace and quiet

Hints of apple cider
53 · Mar 2020
The Warriors
They come dressed in white
Covered head to toe
Wearing protective gear
They are the warriors
Here to fight the enemy
They didn’t ask for this fight
It was brought to them
As so many times before

They are on the front lines
Full of courage and care
Making sure the war is won
They are the protectors
The healers
They bring hope at a time of despair
They bring light when there is darkness
They are the warriors

They are our best hope
Every day they fight for the world
To keep us safe
While others may run away
They run towards the enemy
Full of courage and care
They are doctors, nurses and caregivers
They are researchers and scientists
They are warriors
They are heroes
53 · Jun 2024
Without Hope
When hope is lost
Heavy darkness comes
Light diminishes
The idea of tomorrow fades
We feel mired down
We are frozen

When hope is lost
People lose their north
They lose their sense of purpose
Seeking any sliver of light to lift
To show them the way
To guide
Seeking anything to inspire
But the vast void

When hope is lost
and darkness comes
We hunger for the light
We need it
To survive
We long for hope
We pray it comes
53 · Apr 2023
It’s elusive
But needed
Without it
It’s hard to move forward
It’s hard to function
There’s a heavy feeling
Of darkness and despair
When we are knocked down
Hope lifts us up
To try again
To reach again
To be
Beyond ourselves
And our own limits
Hope inspires us
To new heights
It fills us with light
It gets us to look for better days
To focus on the possible
To open our hearts
Hope is everything
53 · May 2024
The Linebacker
He had been a professional player
A linebacker
They were built tough
And big
When he left, he created something new
Something different
A business
And a non profit to help kids
One day unexpectedly
A woman came to work for him
Her background was different
She had stepped out of her field
To try something new
She had never been this close to a celebrity
It’s a different world
He had never known someone with her background
They decided to try and make it work
Using the strengths of each
Surprisingly it worked
They both grew from the experience
The linebacker
53 · Feb 2024
Don’t let them inflict
pain on you
Don’t hurt
Or feel less
One is not better
Than another
Though they judge

We are all human
We come from the same
Whether wealthy
Or not
Whatever language
We speak
Faith we practice

Don’t accept their judgement
Only you truly know you
Others only see a fraction of
Be strong
Believe in yourself
Accept who you are
Don’t live in the pain
Free yourself
To soar
53 · Mar 2024
I am a person
I am alive
I have feelings
I have needs and desires
I am no different than another
I can be hurt
I can cry
I can mourn
I can and need love
I need care, a home, sustenance
I need to belong
I want to walk free
To live my life without pain or hurt
At times I am alone
At other times, not
I am no different
For I am human
53 · Jan 2024
Hot Steamy Coffee
Hot Steamy Coffee

Hot steamy coffee
On a cold day
With breathe visible
Bones chilled
Body aching
Longing for warmth

Hot steamy coffee
To soothe the cold
To warm up the soul
To calm the mind and set it free

Hot steamy coffee
To jumpstart the day
To motivate the body

Hot steamy coffee
53 · Oct 2024
Seeking Joy
After hardship
After pain
It’s important
To seek joy
Even if for a moment
Let it fill your heart
With light and warmth
Let it chase away darkness
Joy can be found
In so many ways
Large and small
It doesn’t matter
It’s the feeling
That’s important
So always
Seek joy
In the end
That’s really
all we have
Use it to
Light up the world
With your own special light
53 · Apr 2024
Dance of the Nuances
The gentle dance of the nuances
The nuances are ever so slight and almost hidden, just a slight difference, or way of being, perhaps even thinking or feeling. Sometimes it seems that they are not even there, invisible to the touch and senses.

From one familiar land to another that is somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar. There is a chemistry to a place, and a rhythm which one needs to fit into and the melody may not be exactly the same. Similar to an orchestra, one needs to find the right instrument and music to play.

The dance of the nuances can happen. Between people, between worlds, between almost anything.
What seemed so sure so many times before may seem unsure now, steps feel a bit uneven as one moves out onto new terrain and unchartered territory. Like a baby bird gathering twigs for a new nest.
But, through each step, learned and accustomed nuance, the unfamiliar starts to become more familiar.
The music to the dance is one of patience, time and learning.
53 · Oct 2024
I have known you
For such a long time
For the better part of my life
You have always been there
Since we first met

I have known you
For such a long time
Ever since I first saw you
You have been a part of me
I have always loved you
You have dwelled in the deep recesses of my mind and heart
Intertwined in all of me like a never ending thread
Never leaving
You are part of me now
Like my eyes, hands or lungs
You bring light and happiness

Without you there is no real life
53 · Aug 2024
The Unfamiliar One
She sat in utter silence
In an unfamiliar place
Everything was new
Never experienced before

She was barely noticed
Almost invisible to the eye
Out of her own element
She tried to melt into the wall
She was an outsider

She sat in silence
Barely noticed
Almost invisible
Barely seen and heard

She was from another place
Another time
She had traveled a long distance
To be here

She was not seen nor heard
She was insignificant
She was the unfamiliar one
She did not truly exist in some ways
53 · Nov 2018
Stand Up
When you see something wrong
Stand up
When you see hurt
Offer healing
When you see darkness
Walk towards light

When you see something wrong
Stand up
When you hear untruth
Speak truth
When you see cruelty
Offer kindness
Stand up

When you see wrongdoing
Do right
When you hear put downs
Challenge them
When you see anger
Offer love
Stand up
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