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67 · Dec 2021
Silver Bells and Memories
Silver bells
Sweet memories
Of times past
Run through my mind
Like a quiet stream
Hints of cinnamon in the air
Apple cider
Hot chocolate
Beautiful trees and wreaths
Decorated everywhere
Scents of pine trees
Burning wood
In fireplaces
Snow covered ground
Looking like a winter wonderland
Silver bells
Sweet memories
If I close my eyes
They come as dreams
Making me wish they never end
67 · Oct 2020
Life is not about perfection; it is about growth and development. Growth comes from pushing through challenges and obstacles that happen. Whatever you do to consistently will shape your life will determine whether you meet your challenges with courage, faith and determination or if you allow them to overcome you with fear, and frustration.

Never give up
Always believe in your own potential for greatness
You are your own best coach
Light up the world
66 · Aug 2023
Beat the Drum
Get your groove
Find a rhythm
Beat it loudly
With energy
Let the sound carry
Far and wide
Beat it
For the ill
For the dying
For the suffering
For all the lost souls

Beat the drum

For the living
As loud as you can
March down the street
Let others hear you
Let them join you

Beat the drum

For the world
For all of us
66 · Feb 2024
Ocean Memories
Ocean breezes fill up my lungs
Their air cleansing and healing
Invigorating me
The sound of the waves is hypnotic and calming
Almost like meditation
The turquoise color of the water is mesmerizing
My eyes are transfixed on it
Like a impressionist painting
Walking along the shore is like coming home
Picking up shells and exploring
Seeing the white foam of the waves
The cries of seagulls makes me smile
The feeling of warm sand on my feet
Makes me feel at home

Ocean memories
66 · Aug 2023
Weekend Slowdown
It’s another Friday
Start of a weekend
Time to reflect
Time to recharge
Time to have fun

It’s another Friday
Time for the Magic
Time to rest
Time to get refresh
Before another work week

It’s another Friday
Time to enjoy
Time to meditate
Time to clear the mind
Time to refresh the body
Weekend slowdown
66 · Jul 2021
The Ship
A dim light shines across the waters
It’s a distance away
Shining in through the dark and fog
is a light that reflects off the waves of the ocean
It looks surreal
It creates a path through the water
Off in the distance is a ship
It’s  been gone a long time
It lost its way
It’s been searching for home
All over the world
Seeing the light off in a distance
The ship turns and aims straight for it
As the it gets closer the light shines brighter illuminating the land
The land starts to look familiar after so long
The ship is finally coming home
66 · May 2019
Steamy Night
Hot heavy air fills the sky
No breeze to feel
Wind chimes silent in the wind

Windows open searching for something, anything light and breezy
Nighttime starting to come against the  dark sky

Temperatures will start to drop
Doors open hoping to cool the air

Green and gray against the canvas of nature

Things starting to slow down in preparation for the night to come

Hoping to feel the coolness against the skin as the day ends and night comes
66 · Jul 2018
It’s time to rise up
Lift ones spirit
High towards the sky
To leave behind the little things
To leave behind the mundane
It’s time to rise up
To something bigger

It’s time to lift oneself towards the sky
Towards the universe
Towards the stars
Towards all that is good

It’s time to rise up
To take the spirit to a higher place
It’s time
66 · Jul 2019
Coming Home
A dim light shines across the waters a far distance away
Shining in the dark and fog
The light reflects off the waves of the water creating a path
In the distance is a ship which has been traveling the seas for a long time
The ship lost its way and has been looking for home
Seeing the light off in a distance the ship turns and sets sail for it
As the ship gets closer the light gets brighter illuminating the land by it
The land looks familiar now after so long
The ship is finally coming home
66 · Feb 2024
My Light
Light of My Life
In the dark of the night I think of you
And it warms me
You are my light

In the hardest of times
I think of you and it gives me strength
You are my light
In times when I feel alone
I think of you and I am not
You are my light
In the happiest of times
I think of you and it brings me joy
You are my light
In a storm I think of you
And it brings me comfort

In times of insanity
I think of you
And the world seems right
You are my light
You are my universe
66 · Sep 2022
What’s in a Name
What’s in a name?
Besides our identity?
Our family?
What does it mean?
Does one carry more weight?
Than another
Does it have special meaning?
Is it more than a name?
Is it an identity?
Does it bring back treasured memories?
Does it represent a time?
Does it evoke special feelings?
Why does it matter?
Can someone else own it?
Is there hidden meaning?
What’s in a name?
66 · Oct 2023
Misty Morning
Misty mornings wake me with their beauty
From my deep within my slumber they greet me
They cover the earth like a warm blanket

Glimmers of sun can be seen from underneath the mist as it struggles to get free
Green trees pop up their heads
searching for the sun

Misty mornings wakes me
From my deep slumber
Where dreams rule over me
Imagination is king and logic takes a break

Hypnotic mist rises up
Covering the ground with a thick blanket
Like a Sherlock Holmes movie
Entrancing me with its beauty
66 · Dec 2023
Christmas Quiet
As the sun goes down
and the eve of Christmas begins
A silence and calm comes across the world as a soft layer of clouds
hover over the world
Christmas Quiet

Traffic slows down to a snails pace across the land and world
Christmas Quiet

Streets and stores become empty and activity slows down
Christmas Quiet

And as the hours pass and the time to Christmas comes closer
the world takes a breath and the air becomes still and peaceful
Christmas Quiet

Lights glisten with their holiday beauty and splendor
Trees decorated up for the holiday
Christmas Quiet

Families come together for a moment of holiday joy and sharing
Christmas Quiet

And for just a moment in time, the focus is on peace, goodwill and tranquility throughout the land during this time
Christmas Quiet

So, take a moment to listen to the quiet and stillness
To the bells ringing, the snow falling
Christmas Quiet

And let it fill you with peace, joy, and goodwill
66 · Sep 2024
He’s Coming Back
I was in a deep deep sleep
Almost hypnotic
Dead to the real world
Dreams flowing through my mind
One after another like a fast moving river

Then I had that dream
Again. I've had it many times now

I saw you plain as day
I could have touched you
Your face
Your smile
Those kind eyes

Your face filled up the space of my dream
You were talking to me ever so softly
Almost whispering
With that beautiful voice of yours
I had so longed to hear it again
Saying that you were coming
Coming back

After all this time
You were coming back

Out of the recesses of time and space and distance
You were coming back

Coming back to me after all this time and darkness

The light was once again shining through the darkness
My dream was finally coming true
And I would no longer be alone
66 · Sep 2018
The Dream
It was dark outside-- almost a grey dark
There was a hint of mist in the air
I was in another country
Your country -- searching
For you
We had lost each other for some time
I was trying to find you
I was told to come here
I was out in the land somewhere
I came upon a cave
Very large and dark
I entered it
And walked towards the back
Shadows of flames danced on the walls
The air was cool
As I approached the fire I saw you sitting beside it
Wearing a brown fabric robe
After so long you were there
You did not speak
I asked you where you had been, how you were
And in an instant you disappeared back into the night
All that remained was the remnants of the burning fire
I called out your name but you did not answer
Once again I was alone without you
66 · Sep 2021
The ocean waves are moving back and forth on a sunny day.
The sky is a bright blue. Like a painting.  
The air is warm but not too hot.
There is a slight breeze in the air.
There is a tint of salt in the air
It’s like a sweet perfume but not overwhelming.
The water is a deep blue with hints of white as the waves roll in and out.
As the sun hits the water.
The appearance of diamonds show up.
Glistening against the light and the water.
It is magic.
A sweet moment of peace.
A time of pure bliss.
66 · Jan 2024
Flames of Love
Let love embrace you
Let it hold you tight
Let it warm your heart on a cold night
Let it bring smiles to your face

Flames of love

Like a warm blanket
Let it gently touch your face
Let it calm your fears

Flames of love

Let it take you to impossible places
Let it make things possible
Let it bring magic

Flames of love

Let it lift you up
Let it help you soar like a bird
Let it touch the world

Flames of love

Let it burn eternally
Let it heal the world
Let it remove darkness

Flames of love
66 · Aug 2022
In the Valley
I was standing in the valley
By a mountain
The grass was so green
Like emeralds
The air was clean and fresh
Wildflowers were everywhere
All colors and sizes
Like a Monet painting
I had been waiting
For a long time
It seemed like forever
Then I looked up
And I saw
Slowly walking
A man
It was you
My heart leaped
I started trembling
I couldn’t believe it
After so long
After so many prayers
You were here
Standing in front of me
I reached out my hand
You smiled and took it
We started walking
Into the green valley
66 · Sep 2018
Hiding Out
I am hiding out
Becoming a phantom of myself
Not seen or heard
Almost not here

I am hiding out
Finding new places
Going back to old ones
Changing my ways
Getting quiet
Calming the spirit

I am hiding out
Disappearing light a cloud
Becoming a phantom
Vapor to the wind
66 · Dec 2023
A New Day
A new year is coming
This is the last Friday of the year
On New Year’s Eve
At midnight
All over the world
We will turn a new page
One by one
A new year is coming
We can’t stop it
It’s running towards us
Like a horse
It’s will be a new day
To start anew
Create a new beginning
It’s not hard
Just one step
At a time
We can all remake ourselves
To whatever we want
Just have hope
Just believe
Just light up the world
A new day is coming
65 · Feb 2022
Whispering Winds
Whispering winds blow across my face
Soothing my troubled soul

Whispering winds blow across my face
Bringing sweet scents of flowers

Whispering winds blow across my face
Lifting me up to higher places

Whispering winds blow across my face
Healing my pain

Whispering winds blow across my face
Reminding me of you
65 · Apr 2024
Red Velvet Blues
Red Velvet Blues
He’s got the red velvet blues
He loves the feeling of the fabric Smooth and silky to the touch Intoxicating in its beauty
Red Velvet Blues
He once saw a girl wearing one He was mesmerized
He’d never seen anyone like her Nor the dress
Together they were beyond belief Red Velvet Blues
She looked like an angel Almost not human
So beautiful and fresh The dress was stunning So was she
Red Velvet Blues
He asked her to dance
Held her close
The red velvet dress soft to his touch He never wanted to let go

Red Velvet Blues
Even to this day
Many years later
He remembers the girl and that dress He never forgot
She was embedded in his soul
65 · Oct 2019
Every day we offer slices of ourselves to the world

Some are quiet and subdued
Some are sweet
Some are loud and boisterous
Some are fun
Some are ****, almost sour
Some are thoughtful and serious


Some are filled with darkness and heaviness
Others are bursting with bright light and hope
Some are kind and loving and others are not
Some are lonely
Others are filled with celebration of life


But every slice is a part of us
And together they help to make up what is us

65 · Dec 2023
The Coming Holidays
The Coming Holidays

It's coming to that time of year again
When familiar sights, sounds and smells seep into the memory and the mind
Putting up the tree
Scents of pine
Pies and cookies baking
Cards and letters being
When holiday lights and decorations appear
And holiday tunes are playing
Shoppers  crowding the streets, looking for the perfect gift
People take on the holiday hustle and bustle
Light snowflakes dance through the air to their own rhythm

Holiday memories make everything special
65 · Sep 2023
Where’s Fall?
Where did fall go?
It was just here
It has disappeared into the wind
Summer is back with a vengeance
No more cool mornings
No more fresh air
The days burn hot
The air is heavy with heat

Where did fall go?
It disappeared into the wind
Freshness has been replaced
With bright sun and humidity
Apples with iced drinks
Stews with light salads
Blankets with sheets

Where did fall go?
I miss it
65 · Jul 2024
New York Kind of Girl
I’m a New York girl
Some of my family is from there
It feels like home to me
There are roots there
I like it
The hustle
The bustle
The vibe
I’ve been to other cities
In county and out
But there’s nothing like it
There’s an energy
I’ve not seen it other places
A toughness and resilience
Other cities have their charms
No question
But for me
I’m a New York girl
65 · Dec 2023
A New Year is Coming
A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to renew and refresh
Time to reflect
Time to forget and forgive
Time to clear out the cobwebs

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to embrace a clean slate
Time to renew
Time to get ready

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

The future is before us
The past is a memory
Time to get going
Time to focus
Time to make plans

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Anything is possible
The world is our oyster
Time to make things happen

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon
Get ready
65 · Nov 2023
Holiday Spell
It’s the season
It comes once a year
It’s special
It brings
Lots of memories
Good cheer
It’s the holiday spell
It’s magical
It’s a time to come together
Bring light not darkness
To reach out
Offering kindness
65 · Jan 2022
It’s important
To be grateful
For whatever we have
Whom ever we know
For those that care
And love us
For our lives
And experiences
It’s important
To be grateful
For each sunrise
And sunset
For the moon
And nature
For the beauty
We see
It’s important
To be grateful
Each and every day
65 · Nov 2019
Cool Sunday Morning
Gray skies greet me
Quiet streets almost empty
People sitting at cafes huddled together because of the coolness

Cool Sunday morning
Last day of the weekend
People enjoying the moment before the start of another week

Cool Sunday morning
65 · Mar 2022
Sometimes a miracle comes
It just happens
You are a miracle
You came out of nowhere
Swept me off my feet
You hit me like lightning
So strongly
I never forgot
You became part of me
Living in my heart
In my memories
You are a wondrous
65 · Jan 2022
The Cave of Diamonds
You walk through the entrance of a cave
At the end of the darkness is a small pool of water
The water is warm, but not too warm
The temperature is just right
The color of the water is deep turquoise.
You start to walk into the water
The bottom of the pool is sandy
It’s smooth as silk
You pause and stand in the middle
Eventually you move
Towards the back of the pool
As you stand there
A waterfall starts to gently pour over you
From above
Rays of bright light start shining down
Making the water sparkle like diamonds
You are entranced
By the magic of the place
Never wanting to leave
65 · Dec 2021
It’s a New Day
A new year is coming
This is the last day of the year
At midnight
All over the world
We turn a new page
One by one
A new year is coming
We can’t stop it
It’s running towards us
Like a horse
It’s a new day
To start anew
Create a new beginning
It’s not hard
Just one step
At a time
We can all remake ourselves
To whatever we want
Just have hope
Just believe
Just light up the world
It’s a new day
65 · Oct 2018
Good Will
In a time of negativity
It’s time for some good will
Think better than not
Time to extend kindness
Instead of hate
Time to feel love

In a time of negativity
It’s time for some good will
Time to walk towards the light
Away from darkness

In a time of negativity
It’s time to lend a hand
It’s time to lift someone up
Not pull them down
It’s time for some good will

In a time of negativity
It’s time for some softness
Not harshness
It’s time for some good will
Time to show some love
Not hate

It’s time to reach out
To accept
Not hide
Not pull away
It’s time for some good will
65 · Jul 2021
Sometimes when we are delayed
Or slowed down
In doing something
There’s a reason
We may not know it
But there is
We shouldn’t fight it
Those pauses are for protection
To stop us
From doing something
Not really meant for us
Later on as we look back
We will see and understand
When you are delayed
Or stopped
Just become still
The universe is looking out for you
65 · May 2024
Sweet Moments
Sweet moments
Those small moments
Sometimes fleeting
Make life worth living
They can pass quickly
Touching our hearts
Touching our souls
Hard to hold onto
Somewhat fragile
Like a butterfly

Sweet moments
Make lasting memories
Taste like honey
Decorating our days and nights
Brightening our lives

Put them together
They form a life
65 · Mar 2024
A Storm is Coming
The wind chimes are clanging outside the window
Making their own type of music

The wind is whipping through the trees at such a furious pace the large weeping willow outside is bending and swaying to its own dance
Branches moving like the conductor of an orchestra

The clouds have turned dark and menacing dropping lower to the ground
The sky is color changing to match

A storm and rain is on the horizon
Get ready
65 · Nov 2022
Autumn Times
Fall breezes gently blowing
Dark gray skies overhead
Muted clouds paint the sky
Fresh crisp air
Cleansing to the lungs
Bright colored leaves decorating the landscape
Red, orange and yellow
Like precious jewels
Rustling in the wind to their own melody
Offering their scent as perfume
Others hugging the branches ever so tightly
Hoping for another day
Before gently falling
Chimes softly ringing
Playing their own muted tune
It’s that time of year
65 · Mar 2020
For the first time in a long time, I feel peace

The constant churn of pain has eased in the pit of my stomach

The grinding of sand like painful crystals on my soul has stopped

For the first time in a long time, I can breathe, and not feel my lungs struggle

I can now listen to the calm sound of nothing, pure stillness

I am at peace for the first time in a very long time

65 · Dec 2023
Hearts Touching
Many many years ago
You touched my heart
With yours
You lifted up my spirit
With brightness and light

Many many years ago
You touched my heart
With yours
You tied me to you with a golden thread

You found a place and never left
You took me to new places

Many many years ago
You lifted up my spirit
You touched my heart with love
You gave me care
You tied me to you with a golden thread

Many many years ago
You touched my heart
With yours
You lifted up my spirit
You showed me the world

You showed me the moon
You gave me the sun
You gave me everything
You touched my heart with yours
You never left
65 · Dec 2021
Words can hurt
They can cut into the soul
Leaving deep wounds
Sometimes they remain
Never healing
Words can also uplift
They can heal
Touch one’s spirit
Bring hope
Or they can break the spirit
Playing over and over
Bringing darkness
Destroying creativity
Or they can bring light
Inspiring great artwork
Literature and music
They can break hearts
Or mend them
Cause tears
Or stop them
It all depends
Which words are used
Choose carefully
65 · Nov 2023
Gold, Silver and Red
Gold, silver and red everywhere
It dazzles the eye
Blue and green glimmer
Pine trees standing high
Waiting to be taken home
People looking for the perfect gift

Wreaths hung with care
Adorned with ribbons
Lights strung on houses
Decorations in cities and towns
Holiday smells in the air

Presents wrapped under the tree
Children smiling and playing
Music fills the air
Families getting together
Memories fill up the heart

Gold, silver and red
65 · Feb 2023

Music and memories go together
Like salt and pepper
One complements the other
One triggers the other
Listening to a song can easily transport one back to a memory or time
A certain memory can bring back a certain feeling
It’s as if one stepped into a time machine to relive that moment
Music can also inspire, ignite and calm the soul
It can heal ones wounds and evoke strong feelings
Music can take me back to a sweet memory of my father shoveling the snow outside during a winter storm
Or my father taking my hand as a small girl to enter a Brazilian ceremony many decades ago
Or to remember a colleague playing a song by the Temptations in the office one Friday morning to help start the day
Music and memories inspire our lives to be so much more like an artists’ painting
65 · Nov 2021
The Weekday Blues
Once again the weekend is over
It’s Tuesday already
Days go so fast
Time to get up again
Get dressed and ready for work
Traffic is heavy
Coffee is on and the odor fills the room
It’s a welcoming smell
Like an old friend
A favorite mug is out to receive the brew
Clothes are ready to put on
Coat waiting close by
As one gently slides into the weekday blues
65 · Dec 2023
Holiday Spell
It’s the season
It comes just once a year
It’s special
It brings
Lots of memories
Good cheer
It’s the holiday spell
It’s magical
It’s a time to come together
Bring light not darkness
To reach out
Offering kindness
and glad tidings
To one and all
So free yourself
By letting go
Allowing the
magic to touch you
Lifting you up
65 · Feb 2024
Love You Till I Die
I will love you till I die
Till I take my final breathe
I will cherish you till then
You are my universe
You are my prince
You are my sun and moon

I will love you till I die

I will be in wonder of you
I will be enchanted by your charm
I will be touched by your presence

I will love you till I die

You captured my heart eons ago
You touched into my soul
You knew me like no other
No matter what
No matter where

I will love you till I die
I will cherish you until then
64 · Jan 15
Step Forward
Step forward instead of backward
Lift up instead of put down
Help instead of hurt
Love instead of hate
Inspire instead of limit
Kindness instead of harshness
Integrity instead of corruption
Lightness instead of darkness
Hope instead of despair
Laughter instead of tears
Creativity instead of bland
Dancing instead of sitting
Tolerance instead of none
Positivity instead of negativity
Possible instead of impossible
Step forward
64 · Jun 2024
Friday Morning
It’s Friday morning
People are just waking up
Searching for their coffee
Getting ready for work
The weekend is coming
The sun is out shining
Friday Morning Treasure

People are walking about
Cafés full of early breakfasters
Cities waking up
Everyone has the dreads
It’s Friday morning

Newspapers sit on sidewalks
Street vendors full of magazines and papers
Stores getting ready for another day
People on their way to work
Just one more day
For the weekend

It’s Friday Morning
A Treasure
64 · Jun 2019
I am Human
I am a person
I am alive
I have feelings
I have needs
I am no different than another
I need love
I need care, a home and sustenance
I want to walk free
To be able to live my life without pain or hurt
At times I am alone
Other times I am not
I am no different than another
I am human
64 · Jun 2021
Fairy Dust
Every night
Since the beginning
Fairies arrive
They are tiny creatures
Almost invisible
They have delicate wings
Like a hummingbird
They have always existed
They come to the believers
All over the world
To grant their wishes and dreams
As they sleep
Fairies sprinkle magic dust
To bring sweet dreams and protection
As night ends they return to their land
Awaiting the next night
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