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76 · Apr 2022
You are standing on a beach
The sand is warm and soft to the touch
The sun is out and the sky is a clear brilliant blue

There are a few white clouds in the sky -- very delicate
The sun is not hot, the air is not cool. It is just right
There is a light soothing breeze
There is the smell of salt in the air
It’s intoxicating

As you look out into the water, you see the color, a light turquoise
The water dances making the waves look like diamonds sparkling in the light
As you begin to walk into the water, you do not feel wet
Your color changes to the same as the water

As you walk further out into the ocean, your shape and consistency change
You melt and meld into the sea
You feel warm, safe and at peace
You are finally home
76 · Feb 2019
Follow You
I would follow you anywhere
To the ends of the earth

I would follow you to the moon
To the sun and back

I would follow you to the end of the stars
To Mars, Venus and the rest

I would follow you to the end of the universe
I would follow you anywhere
76 · Jan 2024
Sometimes if we’re lucky
We are given a dream
A special wish or desire
It becomes part of us
It seems impossible

It’s a beautiful dream
We want it more than ever
It’s always on our mind
If we believe with all our might
It then becomes reality

75 · Jul 2023
New York Kind of Girl
I’m a New York girl
Some of my family is from there
It feels like home to me
There are roots there
I like it
The hustle
The bustle
The vibe
I’ve been to other cities
In county and out
But there’s nothing like it
There’s an energy
I’ve not seen it other places
A toughness and resilience
Other cities have their charms
No question
But for me
I’m a New York girl
75 · Mar 2023
Fresh Air
After feeling pulled underwater
For some time
I can breathe
After feeling uncomfortable
I can finally breathe
My shackles have been released
I can move without effort
My troubles have passed
They are behind me
The sun is out
No more stormy days
I feel peace and harmony
Like a whale or dolphin
Swimming to the surface
For air
Exhaling strongly
Once again I can breathe
Enjoying the feeling of freedom

Fresh air
75 · Jan 2022
It’s another Monday
Sky is gray blue
Air is winter cool
Weekends just sail by
In a lightning flash
Then the start
Of another week
But each day
Is a blessing
I am here
It’s time to start
Getting things going
Listening to some tunes
Trying to write a little ditty
75 · Apr 2019
Winter Night
Imagine walking through the snow into a forest full of pine trees.

As you stop amongst the trees, all you can hear is the deep silence
and the crunch of your boots as you walk through the snow.

A slight cool breeze rustles through the trees moving the limbs as the branches sway
back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze.

Snow left on the branches gently falls down slowly, as small flakes
as they hit your coat and face, they sit for a moment before leaving.

An owl sits up high on one of the branches looking down at you and the world all around.

The sky is clear, and there is a glimmer of the moon lighting the path ahead.

And, at the end of the path, is a log cabin with a light on in the window and a fire burning in the
fireplace, waiting quietly for its owner to return.

It’s a perfect winter night.
75 · Jul 2024
In our lives we leave traces
Of ourselves
Our being
Our lives

It might be our clothes
Our smile
Our touch or laugh
Our face
We leave traces

It might be our perfume
Or cologne
The way we walk
Or leave a room
We leave traces of ourselves
Through the people we touch
The people we meet and know
Our family and friends

The stranger we smiled at
The child we helped
We leave traces
There are vapors of us
75 · Jan 2022
In the Darkness
Sometimes in our darkest times
We are given a miracle of hope
When we want to give up
A thread to something
Light shining through
A hand reaching out
In the deepest darkness
We need to have faith
To believe
We should never give up
Even in our toughest times
Light will get through
Let that faith light up the world
In the darkness
75 · Oct 2023
Long Journey Home
I have driven the highways and byways of LA, Seattle, Phoenix, Houston and Minneapolis
Crossed the mountains twice

Looped through Chicago and Washington DC
All to help bring me to my next chapter of life


I have driven up and down California, north to Seattle and across the country twice
All to bring me home

This time, there are no roads to take me there
Instead my travel will be by air, across the sea thousands of miles  from where I started


At the end, I will be where I am supposed to be after all these years

Destiny has finally brought me

75 · May 2022
Familiar Things
Bring comfort
Offer calm
Give one a sense of belonging
Help one feel centered
They are important
They are most needed
During times of trouble
We all have them
Without them
We feel lost
We can’t find our way
They are like a lighthouse
Steering a ship to port
They clear out the fog
Erasing darkness
Bringing in the light
75 · Nov 2023
December in Paris
One of the most wondrous places
The city of light
Where skies can be painted gray
Rain is in the air
A hint of snow perhaps is coming
Apartments have a cold feel
Yet the streets are adorned
With holiday decorations
Shops show their prettiest wares
Chocolates and goodies
Churches offer holiday programs
Stores are busy with shoppers
Downtown lights decorated with pink
Stores regaled in gold and silver
Cafes full of people sipping coffee
Hiding from the weather
It’s Paris in December
A special magical time
75 · Jan 2023
Get On Up
When you are sad
Get up and look at the sun
When you are crying
Get up and look at the stars
Dry your tears

When you are hurting
Get up and look at Mother Nature
She’s beautiful

When you can't go on
Get up remember those that went before you

When you want to give up
Get up and remember you have your own destiny
You are not done
You are not alone

75 · Feb 2023
After the rain everything is fresh
The city has been given a redo
There is a scent of clean in the air
Plants are greener
Flowers brighter
Streets are washed
Dust is gone

The sky is clear and blue
Bright white clouds decorate the horizon
Mountains are visible
The rain washes away yesterday
Making room for today
It’s the start of a brand new day
75 · Jul 2018
My heart hurts a bitter song
It craves what it cannot have
It misses more than words can say
It needs its home so far away
It wants to go home where it feels whole and a  part of something greater than itself

My heart hurts a bitter song
It craves what it cannot have
75 · Dec 2022
Words can hurt
They can cut into the soul
Leaving deep wounds
Sometimes they remain
Never healing
Words can also uplift
They can heal
Touch one’s spirit
Bring hope
Or they can break the spirit
Playing over and over
Bringing darkness
Destroying creativity
Or they can bring light
Inspiring great artwork
Literature and music
They can break hearts
Or mend them
Cause tears
Or stop them
It all depends
Which words are used
Choose carefully
75 · Jan 2024
Seeking Warmth
On a cold winter’s day
It’s morning
The air is crisp and cold
While the sky is bright
There’s no sign of warmth
People going about
Bundled up
Bodies and hands
Trying to create warmth
Cats seeking a spot of sun
Cafe clients sitting
Huddled together
Battling the cold
Everyone seeking
To battle the cold
75 · Mar 2024
Light Up the World
Light the World

Love lifts us up
It can power the world
With its energy
With its light
Whereas hate puts down

Cruelty destroys our spirit
It minimizes us
Pushes us down
Kindness soothes and inspires

Small mindedness shrinks
Tolerance opens up
It  helps us spread our wings
To open up our heart to others

Start every day start smiling
With the pure joy of being alive
Offer kindness and laughter
Especially in difficult times

Let’s makes a difference
Push away darkness
To help light up the world
To heal our wounds

In our own special way
Light up the world
75 · Mar 2021
The Magic Room
The magic room is a special place
Wonderful things are created
Beautiful things
They dazzle the taste buds
They are created from nothing
Each one different but good

The magic room

Every house has one
Along with a magician
An artist
They create magic every day
Waving their wand
Tantalizing their families
With goodies to delight
Heavenly meals
Offering new tastes

The magic room
75 · Jan 2024
Sitting at home on a cold winters night
Bundled up under blankets with someone you love

Reading a good book or watching a movie

Sipping hot tea or cocoa as the rain or snow gently falls outside
Feeling safe inside

Smells of beef stew cooking on the stove remind one of home as a child

Hot bread baking in the oven
The warmth filling the kitchen

Warm sweaters of bright colors
Fleece lined jackets with mittens and gloves

All bring back feelings of home and comfort
75 · Mar 2022
The Ancient Ones
They walk among us
They have always been here
They are the ancient ones
They are everywhere
They are part of the earth
They are of the spirit
More than the body
Their faces reflect light
They have seen things
Back to the beginning
Of all things
They understand
Our purpose
They carry peace
In their hearts
75 · Jun 2021
Normal What’s That?
Are we going back to normal?
That’s what folks say
But what does that really mean
Will it be the same as before?
Is it safe yet?
Will we take some of the last year and keep it?
Have we learned that we are all one
We need each other to get through this
This is worldwide
Does it feel the same sitting in a cafe?
Does the coffee taste the same?
How do I bring back my old habits?
Will it be comfortable to me
What does comfortable look like now
What will the world look like a year from now?
75 · Apr 2022
We Are All One
When we forget our roots
We lose our humanity
We are all one
When we forget our roots
We lose who we are
We are all one
When we forget those that helped us We lose our history
We are all one
When we don’t respect others
We lose respect
We are all one
When we are cruel
We diminish ourselves
We are all one
When we lift up one
We lift up the world
We are all one
We are the same
75 · Mar 2021
Sunday Bliss
Sunday morning
It’s special
A quiet time
Family time for many
The last day before work
End of a week
A big newspaper day
Time to slow down
Catch a breath
Before Monday
Sunday Bliss

Some go for walks
Others exercise
Others make a large breakfast
Others stay in bed longer
Enjoying the feeling
Sunday Bliss

Big news shows come on
Showing their best
Cafes fill with clients
Enjoying their coffee
Parks fill with children
Sunday Bliss
75 · Nov 2022
No Matter What
I will love you
I will care about you
I will think about you
I will see you in my dreams

No matter what

I will miss you
I will need you
I will treasure you
I will stand by you

No matter what

I will love you
I will care about you
I will remember you
I will keep you in my heart

I will see you in my dreams
No matter what
75 · May 2023
I am elusive
Hard to find
Sometimes I disappear into the night
Sometimes I look like a ghost
A vapor barely there
I can be the light mist in the wind
Touching your cheek
I am truly invisible

I can be a shadow on the wall
A faint outline of a person
Almost disappearing
Almost not there
But there

I am elusive
Hard to pin down
Always moving to and fro
I am a phantom
A ghost
I am the dream that is not real
That disappears when you wake
The butterfly you cannot keep
The sunset that leaves
A moment in time that passes

I am elusive
Never really there
At all
75 · Apr 2019
Long Journey Home
I have driven the highways and byways of LA, Seattle, Phoenix, Houston and Minneapolis

Looped through Chicago and Washington DC
All to help bring me to my next chapter of life

I have driven up and down California, north to Seattle and across the country twice
All to bring me home

This time, there are no roads to take me there
Instead my travel will be by air, across the sea thousands of miles  from where I started

At the end, I will be where I am supposed to be after all these years

Destiny has finally brought me

74 · Feb 2022
Across the Waters
He stands at the shore
The water gently brushes his toes
He is alone
He has done this before
Many times
Across the waters
It’s a cool day
The sky is light gray
No clouds are in sight
The waves are slow and deliberate
Across the waters
He has been standing  for some time looking  west
He is also watching the waves
Their rhythmic movement
It’s hypnotic
Across the waters
He breathes in the air deeply
It has the aroma of salt
It’s refreshing
It has a calming effect
Across the waters
He thinks about what is on the other side of the ocean
He prays this time it will work
He concentrates with all his might
He’s trying to send a message
Across the waters
Will it arrive?
Will they hear him?
Hello, can you hear me?
Please answer back
He waits for a long time
Across the waters
Hoping for an answer
Once again nothing comes
He is left with emptiness
He turns and walks away
Across the waters
Over the years,  he tried many times
Hoping his message would be received
It traveled thousands of miles
Hello, can you hear me?
I am calling you
Please answer me
Across the waters
Finally after years of nothing
He gets an answer back
He can’t believe it
Is it real?
How is this possible?
Across the waters
Hello is it you?
I heard you calling me
I have tried to find you
But could not
How are you?
I have missed you so
I can’t believe it’s you
Across the waters
74 · Sep 2023
Fall Light
It’s that time of year
The light has changed
Ever so slightly
From summer to fall light
The suns brightness less intense

It’s that time of year
The light has changed
From summer to fall light
The air is crisper
The nights cooler

It’s that time of year
The light has changed
From summer to fall light
The heat of summer is leaving
The beauty of fall is coming

Its that time of year
When leaves start to turn
Orange, yellow and red
Dabbling the landscape
Like a fine painting

It’s that time of year
When colors are bright
There is a special shine to everything
Moods are high
The world puts on its best face
74 · May 2019
Coffee Time in the Summer
Folks drinking coffee in a cafe
Surrounded by red cushions that adorn bright white walls

Music playing with a loud hypnotic beat
News playing in the background on a TV
Red cushions cover the seats as well
Tables set with clear dark red glasses

Professional waiters moving to and fro
People sitting outside under red umbrellas offering welcomed shade

On the start to another hot steamy day
74 · Jun 2023
Slide in and out of the recesses of our minds like clouds gently floating by

Some are older
Others quite recent

Some make us smile
Some make us frown
Some bring laughter
Others peace to the soul

Some seem so real it’s as if we can touch them once again and return to another time

In their own way
They are Magic
Unique to each of us
74 · May 2018
I am Elusive
I am elusive
Hard to find
Sometimes I disappear into the night
Sometimes I look like a ghost
A vapor barely there
I can be the light mist in the wind
I am invisible

I can be a shadow on the wall
A faint outline of a person
Almost disappearing
Almost not there

I am elusive
Hard to pin down
Always moving to and fro
I am a phantom
I am the dream that is not real
That disappears when you wake
The butterfly you cannot keep
A moment in time that passes

I am elusive
Never really there
74 · Mar 2022
December in Paris
When in December
In one of the most wondrous places
The city of light
The skies can be painted gray
Rain is in the air
A hint of snow perhaps
Apartments have a cold feel
Yet the streets are adorned
With holiday decorations
Shops show their prettiest wares
Chocolates and goodies
Churches offer holiday programs
Stores busy with shoppers
Downtown lights decorated with pink
Stores regaled in gold and silver
Cafes full of people sipping coffee
Hiding from the cold
It’s Paris in December
A special magical time
74 · Jan 2022
Imagine sitting in the desert
The sand is bright white
You are kneeling
With your eyes closed
It is silent and still
Out of nowhere it starts to rain
Black colored rain drops
However, your mother appears
She stands over you
Emanating white light
She holds a special umbrella
One of a kind
Over you
It’s translucent
Made of white light
As the rain drops fall
They hit the umbrella
And roll off
Never touching you
Disappearing into the ground
With no trace
74 · May 2020
The Observer
She always stood in the shadows
Quiet and invisible
Yet watching and listening
Looking at the sky, the people

Wherever she went she noticed things
Little details
She watched how people moved
How they talked

Sometimes something would strike her
Trigger an idea or a poem
Other times, she would store it away for another time
She almost lived in two worlds
One as a participant
The other, observing

When she sat in a cafe she usually sat alone
She preferred it that way
It was her time just for her
To watch, create, ponder
74 · Jan 2024
We’ve all known them
Many of us personally
Perhaps at work
Or in our lives
Or in our dreams
They can be harsh
Or cruel
Devoid of much humanity
They seem to get energy from others
We hide from them
Run from them
Hoping they will leave
Or not exist
Yet they do
As long as we tolerate them
They will
Yet we know
In the end
Love triumphs evil
Kindness over cruelty
Light over darkness
Let’s spread more love
And light
Each and every day
74 · Sep 2020
The Brink
I am slowly coming back from the brink
The edge we get pushed to by illness
It felt like being hit by a two by four
It’s a place where we may not feel ourselves
Where we may feel subhuman
The things we used to do become hard to do
Every nuance in our bodies gets serious attention
Wondering what does it mean?
We wait hoping, following doctors orders, our bodies to finally turn the corner
It’s a slow process
Sometimes two steps forward and one step back
It’s frustrating
Then one day, things seem to be turning around, though slowly
You begin to feel more like yourself
Energy starts to return
Appetite increases
It’s almost like you can feel the healing going on
It’s like magic

Finally, you step back from the brink into the light
You are becoming well
74 · Aug 2021
Beat the Drum
Get your groove
Find a rhythm
Beat it loudly
With energy
Let the sound carry
Far and wide
Beat it
For the ill
For the dying
For the suffering
For all the lost souls

Beat the drum

For the living
As loud as you can
March down the street
Let others hear you
Let them join you

Beat the drum

For the world
For all of us
74 · Mar 2024
Fall Breezes
Fall breezes blowing
Dark gray skies
The sun hides for a late entrance
Bright colored leaves
Red, orange and yellow
Tease the senses
Smells of fallen leaves abound
Rustling in the wind
Some clinging to their branches

Chimes ringing in the wind faintly
Playing their own muted tune
Warming up the heart

Tea and apple cider brewing
Pies in the oven

As the temperature drops winter is not far behind
74 · Dec 2020
Xmas Time in the City
Streets bustle with huge crowds of people walking to and fro filled with energy and excitement of the coming holiday
Street corners impassable because of the large throngs of people trying to get somewhere fast, making the city look like a giant mosh pit
Light snow gently falling to set the mood
Coffee shops full of shoppers seeking a quick cup or snack
Trees are brightly light for the season, some decorated.
Store windows adorned with beautiful holiday decorations
Holiday carolers and musicians can be heard singing along the streets
Giant nutcrackers adorn a building on 6th Avenue along with a selection of. giant red ornaments and strings of lights
Street vendors sell their wares up and down the streets from cashmere scarves to boxed jewelry at a discount price
Police line the streets to keep people moving along putting up barricades
to move the crowds
Hotel bar areas are filled to capacity with thirsty customers needing a refreshment or a comfortable seat
Nothing like Christmas time in the big city
74 · Nov 2019
Comfortable places are wonderful
They feel good to be around
They are calming
They can also energize us

Comfortable places ground us when we are not centered
They can inspire and lift us

They are some of our most precious jewels in life

When feeling out of sorts seek one out and let it soothe you

74 · Jan 2023
Languages of the World
Sitting in a café
Watching the people
Talking and smiling
People from everywhere
Watching the staff
Coming and going
Bringing orders
Like an orchestra
People on their phones
Eating and drinking
Texting and talking
Baked goods on display
Beautiful desserts
Smells of things baking
People buying things
Street scene playing outside
People out and about
Bright sun shining down
Blue sky dotted with clouds
The city is awake

Languages of the world
74 · Mar 2021
We are all here for a reason.
The things we experience, the people we meet are all part of our journey which is called life.
Our legacy is how we lived.
How we will be remembered.
We are all unique. We each have a gift.
We just have to discover it.
Each day we can choose to stand in the light.
We can make someone smile or laugh.
Bring happiness.
Offer kindness and care.
Each time we do, we light up the world.
74 · Nov 2023
Old Man Winter
It’s a cold winters day
Fall is leaving for the year
The sun is out against a bright blue sky
There are a few white clouds
The wind is whipping through the trees at a frantic pace
The trees are almost bare
Grass has turned brown
Animals are seeking warmth
Huddled together
The air is  crisp and tickles the nose
It’s bitter, and biting against the skin
There’s a dusting of snow scattered around
People are out dressed in winter coats and hats
Cars struggle to start
Breath is visible in the air
Old man winter is knocking on the door once again
74 · Nov 2023
You are a fairytale
Like what is written in books
A true prince in every way
When I look at you I can hardly believe it
That after all this time I am here
With you

When I first met you
I couldn’t believe you were real
You were handsome
You were exotic
You were the epitome of perfection
You dazzled like a gemstone
You are rare like a fine wine

Together we became a miracle
Together we fit
You were my puzzle piece
I was yours

And over time
We became a fairytale
We still are
74 · Sep 2022
Gold Purple Sky
Beautiful gold purple sky
Mirroring a Monet painting
Rain clouds dotting the sky
Streaks of lightning highlight the clouds
A storm is fast approaching

Beautiful gold purple sky
Looks like a work of art
Coming to close out the day
Winds pick up causing the wind chimes to play
A familiar melody
Plants sway to the wind
A storm is approaching

Beautiful gold purple sky
No doubt nature is an artist
The sky has a surreal look
It’s  entrancing
74 · Sep 2022
When in Doubt
Look deep inside yourself
Look in your heart
See what is really there
Feel what is there

Trust yourself
Follow your path
Spin up your dreams

Look deep inside yourself
For the answers
You are seeking
They are there

When in doubt
Trust yourself
Follow your destiny
Never doubt
Through it all
You will always persevere

When in doubt
Trust yourself
Follow your heart
Follow your dreams
Reach for the stars
74 · Aug 2023
She was just 16 years old
Yet she loved like someone older
She met her true love in high school
At a dance
He was handsome and dazzling
She was enchanted
He was her prince

All she wanted was to be with him
Yet life offers us twists and turns
Which we cannot control or change
Even when we want to

There was going to come a day when he would leave
She didn't think she could bear it
But she made him a gift so he wouldn't forget
A small book with important dates and photos
It was made with all the love in her heart

So at their final time together, she gave him the book which was a small part of her
She knew that we all have to follow our destiny
Even if it hurts
So she watched him leave her
Hoping some day that she  would  be given her dream

73 · Apr 2023
We all seek comfort
Everywhere we can
Whether in our homes
Friends, or  work
It’s important
It keeps us centered
It could be a choice of clothes
Or hairstyle
Or shoes
It’s whatever feels natural
What brings calm and serenity
There are also locations
That can do this
Along with some that don’t
In times of stress
It’s even more important
It can be different for all of us
But the desire is the same
To seek out what soothes
It not only helps the body
But the soul
73 · Aug 2023
Summertime Moments
Folks drinking coffee in a cafe
Surrounded by red cushions
Adorning bright white walls
Golden lights
Suspended from the ceiling
Music playing with a soft hypnotic sound
Sometimes jazz
Other times rock
Tables set with clear dark red glasses
Professional waiters moving to and fro
People sitting outside under red umbrellas
Tables adorned with coffee or tea
And other breakfast goodies
On the start to another hot steamy day
In the city

Summertime Moments
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