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88 · Dec 2022
Street Scene
Street scene
People out running to and fro
Cold breathes in the air
Its holiday time
The season is upon us
Street scene
Markets full of people
Bright colors and tinsel
Lots of good energy
People selling their wares
Street scene
Stores fully decorated
With their best
Streets full of holiday lights
People smiling brightly with cheer
Street scene
Trees decorated inside and out
Children running and playing
Parents shopping for the perfect gift
It’s that time of year
Street scene
88 · Aug 2022
Spirit Land
I live among ghosts
They keep calling me
I walk by memories
Old haunts
I touch them ever so slightly
Carved through year’s of life
There are spirits
Vapors of life
I feel them touch me
They hover above
They watch
They listen
They are always there
I see remnants of where they were
I feel them
I can’t escape them
Every where I turn
Everywhere I look
I feel them
Echoes of them embedded
I feel them in the air
I feel them in thoughts
I feel them in faces
I live among ghosts and memories
Of another time
88 · Oct 2022
You are my sanctuary
You bring me peace
Your touch soothes and
takes away the pain

Your smile lightens my day
Your eyes show me wisdom

You are my sanctuary
You bring me peace

You are the strong tree in a storm
The beautiful flower
The unending dream

You are light and warmth
You are my sanctuary
You bring me peace
88 · Apr 2020
The Siege
They were taken captive by surprise
It was an unseen enemy
They had to stay inside
It was everywhere


While it looked beautiful outside
There were hidden dangers
Even loved ones might carry it
Innocent children not so innocent
Full of it


It started out slowly
Making its moves across the country
Soon the whole world had it
Seeping into all places
Hidden and seen
Known and unknown

It was as if humanity was handcuffed
Kept as a prisoner
Each held in their own prison cell
Unable to live as they once had
A new normal had arrived
There was before and after


There was no telling when it would end
Everyone was waiting for a change
Yet to come
There were new heroes now
Science was heralded
As were doctors and nurses
All front line people
They risk every day


At night we sit with our fears
Afraid to sleep
Not sure what the morning will bring

87 · Apr 2023
Long Journey Home
I have driven the highways and byways of LA, Seattle, Phoenix, Houston and Minneapolis

Looped through Chicago and Washington DC
All to help bring me to my next chapter of life

I have driven up and down California, north to Seattle and across the country twice
All to bring me home

This time, there are no roads to take me there
Instead my travel will be by air, across the sea thousands of miles  from where I started

At the end, I will be where I am supposed to be after all these years

Destiny has finally brought me

87 · May 2023
Just Me
I may not be like you
Look like you
Sound like you
But I am also human
I’m just me

My language may be different
My country
My customs
But I am also human
I’m just me

I have hopes and dreams
Wishes and desires
Though I am not of your blood
I am human
I’m just me

Trying to live my best life
In a good way
I am a peaceful person
Also human
I’m just me

I’m a traveler
An artist and writer
No more or less
Than another
I’m also human
From another place
No better or worse
I’m just me

So when you see me
Don’t judge
As I am just human
Walking my destiny
Just like you
I’m just me
87 · May 2023
Sometimes I feel like my life is surreal
That it’s not real
When I look back on my life
I can’t believe my age
Have I really lived this long?
Where did the years go
They just flew by
I heard that happens
Yet I remember things
As if they just happened
Deep inside I still feel like me
Even if I don’t look the same
My hopes are still there
So are my dreams
All of them
Yet now I am at the last third or so of my journey instead of the beginning
How did that happen
Is this all a dream and I will wake up some day
Still a teenager
87 · Sep 2024
Fall breezes gently blowing
Cool to the touch
Dark skies overhead
Bright colored leaves
decorating the landscape
Red, orange and yellow
Rustling in the wind to their
own melody
Offering their scent as perfume
Others hugging the branches
ever so tightly
Knowing what is coming
Chimes softly ringing
Playing their own muted tune
It’s a new season
Mother Nature is creating
Once again
87 · Mar 2021
You are my light
My sun, moon and stars
My heart
You are life
When you smile, light shines
Like a sunbeam
Since I first saw you
You became part of me
You took over my heart
You have always been there
You are the best of me
The best of the world
You bring life and happiness
Calm and peace
You are the world
87 · Jul 2024
Moonbeam Nights
Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Light hypnotic breezes
Trees gently swaying
Wind chimes playing
Scents of lilac in the air

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Walks along the beach
Sounds of waves hitting the shore
Gulls flying by

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Dinner by candlelight
Romantic music playing
Slow dancing

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Soft touches
Gentle smiles
Bright laughter

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
Hidden places
Cherished moments

Dreaming of moonbeam nights
With you
87 · Jun 2022
Listen to Your Soul
It’s the real you
It’s always there
With you
It will never leave
Before you were you
It knows you better than yourself
It sees the world for what it is
It sees beyond
It feels everything
It’s connected to all there is
It can guide you
It knows your true destiny
It talks to you all the time
You only have to listen
And open your heart
87 · Oct 2022
Recesses of My Mind
You reside in the recesses of my mind
You are in my blood
My spirit
The total essence of me
You are in my heart
My soul
What makes up my spirit
The total essence of me
You have always been there
Since time began
You never left

You course through all of me
You are part of everything I touch

You reside in the recesses of my mind
You are everywhere
You always have been
87 · Jun 2022
Dreams are what we make
From ideas, wants and desires
From our minds and spirits
We can take them into reality
At anytime
It just requires will, persistence
And faith
If you believe
Especially in yourself
You can do anything
At anytime, anywhere
Dream big
Watch it grow
Into your reality
We are each an artist
Creating our own worlds
Believe and dream
87 · Feb 2023
Winter Stillife
It is wintertime.
You are deep in the forest. There are pine trees and other trees all around.
Snow and pine cones are scattered on the ground.
There is a strong scent of pine.
It is refreshing.
It is gently snowing. Large size flakes start falling.
As they hit the ground they melt.
As you stand in the forest -- there are no sounds except a few birds in the trees softly chirping.
It is so quiet you can almost hear the snow fall.
You feel your heartbeat.
You close your eyes to listen to the quiet and feel the stillness of the moment.
Snowflakes gently touch your face but you are not cold.
There is total peace around you.
Harmony with nature.
When you open your eyes, you see a doe looking at you.
It is sublime.
Still, quiet and peaceful.
87 · Jun 2022
Little Bird From Heaven
She’s a little bird
Tiny really
She moves like a butterfly
She loves sugar water
When she comes
She is silent
Except for her wings beating
She moves with little effort
Able to disappear in an instant
But if I stand silent
She won’t leave
Her feathers are emerald colored
With a dab of pink
She is so beautiful
She almost doesn’t look real
I am entranced by her
She hypnotizes me
With her gentility and beauty
She’s my little bird from heaven
87 · Jul 2023
Languages of the World
Sitting in a café
Watching the people
Talking and smiling
People from everywhere
Watching the staff
Coming and going
Bringing orders
Like an orchestra
People on their phones
Eating and drinking
Texting and talking
Baked goods on display
Beautiful desserts
Smells of things baking
People buying things
Street scene playing outside
People out and about
Bright sun shining down
Blue sky dotted with clouds
The city is awake

Languages of the world
87 · Dec 2021
Silver Gold and Glitter
It’s a time of sparkle
Glitter, silver and gold
Rubies, diamonds and emeralds
Beautifully wrapped gifts
Sugar cookies
Apple cider
Hot chocolate
It’s a magical time
Where wishes are granted
If we just believe and hope
It’s a special time
It only comes once a year
But when it does
It lights up the world
For just a moment
Bringing silence and peace
Silver gold and glitter
87 · Jun 2021
Early Morning Rise
It’s early morning
The city is still somewhat quiet
Not much traffic yet
The sun is out, but not fully
Another day is just beginning
Time for coffee and tea
To catch up on the news
And the world
Breakfast is needed
So many choices
Still time to rest
Before starting up the day
The coolness of the air
Refreshes after a hot day
Cleansing the body
It’s time for stillness
To calm the spirit
87 · Dec 2018
Memories of the Season
It's coming to that time of year again
When familiar sights, sounds and smells seep into the memory and the mind

Putting up the tree
Scents of pine
Pies and cookies baking
Cards and letters being sent

Memories of the season

When holiday lights and decorations appear
And holiday tunes are played on the radio
Shoppers abound on the streets, looking for the perfect gift

Memories of the season

People take on the holiday hustle and bustle
Light snowflakes dance through the air to their own melody

Memories of the season

And for me, a pleasant childhood memory of driving with my dad with the radio playing Frank Sinatra in the background as we headed out once again to find the perfect tree

Holiday memories make everything special
87 · Feb 2023
Balancing Act
Everything is a balance
In the end
Light wins over dark
Love over hate
Goodness over evil
Freedom over oppression
Truth over lies
Integrity over corruption
Right over wrong
Kindness over cruelty
Healing over pain
Love is powerful energy
It can change the world
In an instant
Light up the world
With one small act
It can make a difference

87 · Sep 2023
The Incredulousness of it
When I look at you I see the impossible
I see a miracle
I see infinity
When I look at you I see the incredulousness of it
How rare
How unusual
How courageous

When I look at you
I see hope
I see joy
I see the impossible become possible
When I look at you
I see the incredulousness of it

I touch the universe
I touch infinity
I feel the sun on my face
I see the moon and the stars

I see my present and future
87 · May 2023
It was wintertime
On the border between Colorado and Wyoming
The area was empty
No people for miles
It was lightly snowing
Large flakes slowly coming down
They were by a forest
The trees were bare

He stepped out of the car
Walked towards the trees
He was hungry for the quiet and solitude

A skidoo was put on the ground for him to use
It was gleaming white and matched the snow on the ground
He turned it on to get ready to disappear
He would ride into the trees seeking nature

He started driving
The further he went the quieter it got
He was amongst the trees now
Totally alone
He felt peaceful and still
This was what he wanted
He stepped off the Skidoo and walked into the trees

He smelled the air which was clean and fresh
He took deep breaths to cleanse his lungs and spirit
He was free
He was calm
As he turned he saw a rabbit
It was still hoping he didn’t see it
They both froze for a moment
Then the rabbit ran off into the trees

He kept walking deeper into the forest as the snow fell
Flakes onto his face but he wasn’t cold
He was home and at peace
87 · Feb 2024
Cold Winters Night
Cold and dark winters night
Raining outside
Sky a deep black velvet
Temperatures cooling off
Hard to feel comfortable outside
Bones starting to ache

My heart, soul and body hunger for the sun
Just a glimpse of it through the clouds

I snuggle into my bed with warm blankets
Enjoying their warmth and comfort as the time passes into nighttime

My cat is by my feet seeking warmth for her body
I enjoy the sound of her purr as she falls asleep
Letting the sound calm me
87 · Nov 2023
Do you feel me in your heart

Am I in your spirit
Does the thought of me make you tremble
Am I truly a part of you

Do you feel me in your heart

Am I in your spirit
Do you think of me
Am I missed when gone

Do you feel me in your heart

Does my name mean something
Will you remember me
Do you crave to see me
Do you need me

Do you feel me in your heart

Am I part of your life
Do I live in your mind

Do you feel me in your heart
87 · Nov 2021
Cold Mornings
Bring a desire for warmth
For coffee or tea
Anything hot
So the heat caresses
The face
Offering a hint of warmth

Cold mornings
Make getting out of bed
Difficult at best
The blankets
Calling one to stay
Asking us to stay
Under their protection

Cold mornings
Are refreshing
In their own way
With fresh air
Easy to breathe
And empty street’s
Cold mornings
Have their own charm
87 · Nov 2020
Fall breezes gently blowing
Dark skies overhead
Muted clouds paint the sky
Fresh crisp air
Cleansing to the lungs
Bright colored leaves decorating the landscape
Red, orange and yellow
Rustling in the wind to their own melody
Offering their scent as perfume
Others hugging the branches ever so tightly
Chimes softly ringing
Playing their own muted tune
86 · Oct 2022
Love comes in all shapes and sizes
It spans oceans, rivers, mountains and deserts
It spans distance and time
Languages and cultures

Loves comes in all shapes and sizes
Young and old
Well and ill
Speaking and silent
Heard and not

Love comes and heals
It lifts up
When nothing else can
It turns darkness into light
Brings brightness to the dull

Love comes in all shapes and sizes
It inspires
It touches our deepest recesses
And melts them like honey
It lights a fire in us
That never goes out

Love comes in all shapes and sizes
Love never ends
It goes on forever
Like burning embers
86 · Mar 2019
I had been looking for you for a long time
When we found each other
I came  for you
Only you

You are my sun and moon
You are the entire universe

You are everything
86 · Aug 2023
Abre Sus Ojos
Open your eyes
Abre sus ojos
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals
See me for who and what I am

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
See the woman before you
See her heart and spirit
Where she has been

Abre sus ojos
Open your eyes
The world is waiting
86 · Jan 2022
The Lost Leaf
The leaf was attached to a branch for decades
Every year it retuned
Suddenly one day the branch was no longer there
It had disappeared
Into nothingness
The leaf lost its anchor
The leaf fell free
As it floated to the ground
It was lost
With no grounding
No home
No protection
It only had
Sweet memories
To offer comfort
The lost leaf
86 · May 2023
Familiar Things
Bring comfort
Feel like home
Offer calm
Instead of chaos
Give one a sense of belonging
Help one feel centered
They are important
They are most needed
During times of trouble
We all have them
Without them
We feel lost
We can’t find our way
They are like a lighthouse
Steering a ship to port
They clear out the fog
Erasing darkness
Bringing in the light
They are everything
86 · Oct 2023
Earth Our Oasis
It’s a true miracle
It stands out
Like a precious gem
Offering life
To plants, animals and us
It’s abundance is staggering
The variety of plants and greens
The richness and diversity of life
Both human and not
The beauty of the planet
Oceans, lakes and rivers
Mountains and valleys
Artistic skies
So far, we’ve not found anything like it
It’s unique
It’s our home
It’s a true oasis
A treasure
We need to take care of it
86 · Jan 2023
Friday Morning
Friday Morning

It’s Friday morning
People are just waking up
Searching for their coffee
Getting ready for work
The weekend is coming
The sun is out shining
Friday Morning

People are walking about
Cafés full of early breakfasters
Cities waking up
Everyone has the dreads
It’s Friday morning

Newspapers sit on sidewalks
Street vendors full of magazines and papers
Stores getting ready for another day
People on their way to work
Just one more day
For the weekend

It’s Friday Morning
86 · Feb 2019
Dance With the Stars
Come dance with me
Let’s dance up in the stars
Let’s tickle the moon

Come dance with me
Let’s dance until sunrise
Let’s visit Mars and Venus

Come dance with me
Into our future
Hold my hand and walk along the beach

Come dance with me
Let’s walk by the Seine
Visit the Tower of London

Come dance with me
86 · Nov 2018
Do you feel me in your heart

Am I in your spirit
Does the thought of me make you tremble
Am I truly a part of you

Do you feel me in your heart

Am I in your spirit
Do you think of me
Am I missed when gone

Do you feel me in your heart

Does my name mean something
Will you remember me
Do you crave to see me
Do you need me

Do you feel me in your heart

Am I part of your life
Do I live in your mind

Do you feel me in your heart
86 · Jun 2022
The Traveler
He was just 17
He came from a faraway land
Across the ocean
He had been preparing his entire life
To travel
To venture forth
He had studied another language
Other customs and a different way of life

He was chosen to do this
To leave and travel to a distant land
As part of a special program
He was the first in his family
To do this

He was the traveler
He would leave his home and go to a new place
He went by plane flying for a long time
Landing in a very large city where everything was new
He would stay there for several days before moving on to his final destination

He ventured out at night to see the sights
He had never seen anything like this
He was intrigued and curious
He walked and walked exploring
Until he could walk no more
When it was time, he returned to his resting place for a meal and sleep
Because of all the travel and walking he slept well

The next day he went out with his friends to explore more of the city
They had one more day before leaving
They went everywhere
Going into shops
Eating new foods
Observing people
Watching the rhythm of the city
At the end of the day
As the sun went down
They returned to their resting place for dinner and much needed sleep

The next morning they would leave and go to other places
They would be there for a year
The traveler slept well
To be ready for his next adventure
He was excited by what he would see
Everything would be new to him

He was the traveler
Coming from a different land
He came a long distance
To where he was going
He had been chosen
He was special
His future awaited him
The best was yet to be
Destiny was just around the corner
86 · Dec 2022
The Ring
Today I am wearing a ring
It’s special
It was my mother’s
She got it while in college
When she visited the southwest
It’s turquoise and silver
With a simple setting
It’s over 60 years old
I wanted to feel her presence
So I put it on
As I wear it
Just for a moment
I feel  her there with me
Treasured memories
Of beloved people
Give us comfort
86 · Dec 2022
Brand New Start
Soon we can wipe the slate
Get a fresh start
The end of the year is coming
Time to start anew
We have a chance to begin
Learn and grow in other ways
This year will be in the past
We can then move forward
Things will continue to improve
Over time
We are being given another chance
Let’s count our blessings
Look around at the beauty
Look around at loved ones
Look around at the planet
Be grateful
Love instead of hate
Give instead of take
Use your own light
To light and lift up the world
Brand new start
86 · Jul 2022
The Journey
A dim light shines across the waters a distance away
Shining through the darkness and fog
The light reflects off the waves
Creating a path through the water
In the distance is a ship
It has been gone for a long time
The ship lost its way
It has been searching for home
For some time
Seeing the light off in a distance
The ship turns steering towards it
As the ship gets closer the light gets brighter
Illuminating the land by
The land looks familiar after so long
The ship is finally coming home
85 · Apr 2019
Lift Someone
Sometimes the way we lift ourselves up is to lift up another

Even if it’s hard to do

It’s the best thing we can do not only for others, but for ourselves

By doing this we go towards the light not darkness

Take the time to give someone a smile It matters

Offer kindness instead of hate
Inspire by how you choose to live

Follow your heart and destiny
Stay with peace and harmony
85 · Apr 2019
The Gift on the Beach
A man was walking on the solitary beach
He was alone
His clothes were in muted colors
It was a gray cloudy day
Cool but not cold
He is in pain as he slowly walks
Then he comes across a glass ball partially buried in the sand
He stops to look at it
He kneels down and uncovers it He lifts it up to the light
As he does he notices a gold clasp and opens it
Inside is a piece of rich red velvet cloth
On the cloth sits a folded piece of white paper
Curious he opens the paper
Written on the paper are instructions:
Touch the areas where you feel pain on your body
Then, touch your fingers to the cloth
Close up the ball
Put  it back in the sand as you found it
The man follows the instructions and then continues walking down the beach
He hears a sudden sound and turns around to see the glass ball lifting towards the sky
Its inside turning a bright gold color
All of a sudden there is a slight explosion after which a shower of gold stars rain down everywhere
As they cover the man
His pain is gone
He smiles and continues walking down the beach
Grateful for what has happened
85 · Jul 2023
Summer Storm
A summer wind whips through the air and the trees
Lightning dabbles the sky like a quick paint brush
It’s stunning
Tree limbs bend as the wind moves through them
Like a dance
The sky lightens up from the electric charge moving through
The air fills with the sound of thunder
It’s pounding a rhythm
A summer storm is fast approaching
Playing the wind chimes outside like a musical instrument
As they clang back and forth to the rhythm of the wind
Hold on
It’s coming
85 · Mar 2022
Daily Life
We all have a daily life
Jobs and careers
Errands we run
Household chores
Meals we make
Other things
The rhythm of our day
Daily Life

Our lives are separate
Yet similar in what we do
Our needs are separate
Yet also similar
Daily Life

Restaurants have a rhythm
Cafes, shops and stores
Streets and traffic
Everything has a rhythm
Different but also similar
Daily Life

No matter what part of the world
Everyone has a daily life
Whatever that may be
Each has their own rhythm
Whatever the beat
Whatever the music
Daily Life

While our separateness defines us
Makes us unique
Our humanity ties us together
For in the end
We are all one
On this planet
Living our lives
Separate yet together
Daily Life
85 · Oct 2021
It’s been a long time
Many things have changed
Everything feels strange
Almost new
What was familiar now seems different
Reentry is hard
Gaining that comfort again
The trust
Finding the rhythm
Knowing what’s what
It’s a new day
In a changed world
Hard to know what to expect
Danger still lurks
It’s not a soft landing
85 · Dec 2021
Winter Times
Wind chimes rattling in the wind
Playing their own kind of sound
Clattering and ringing against the metal grate
As the wind whips through them
Trees bending in the wind, void of their foliage
Looking naked and stark
Moving to the rhythm of the moment
Snow lightly falling and blowing around
Looking like cotton candy
Before gently resting on the ground
It is the coming of winter and the season
Cold easing its way into homes, bodies and open spaces
Replacing the warm seduction of summer
Temperatures dropping outside
Bringing a frigid feel all around
Nighttime chills and darkness befall the city
Winter is arriving
Time to get warm
85 · Apr 2022
The Uninvited Guest
They were taken captive by surprise
It was an unseen enemy
They had to stay inside
It was everywhere

While it looked beautiful outside
There were hidden dangers
Even loved ones might carry it
Innocent children not so innocent
Potentially carriers

It started out slowly
Making its moves across the country
Soon the whole world had it
Seeping into all places
Hidden and seen
Known and unknown

It was as if humanity was handcuffed
Kept as a prisoner
Each held in their own prison cell
Unable to live as they once had
A new normal had arrived
There was before and after

There was no telling when it would end
Everyone was waiting for a change
Yet to come
New heroes were created
Science was on the forefront
As were doctors and nurses
All front line people

At night we used sit with our fears
Afraid to sleep
Not sure what the morning will bring

Now we are on year three
It’s been a long time
Things have improved
Travel is back
Lives are returning
To a new normal
People are moving around
In much of the world
Yet it’s still there
Lurking and not yet gone
85 · Apr 2023
As the semblance of a facade fades away like a coat being taken off for the night what lies underneath is a beating heart where the soul and spirit truly reside
Take off your coat and lay it down for a rest
It will be there
When you need it
Let me feast my eyes upon your heart for a while and see you
See who you really are
Let me listen to your heart and soul as they play the music of you
You are beautiful
You are unique
You are treasured
85 · Apr 2018
It is wintertime.

You are in the forest. There are pine trees and other trees around.
There is some snow and pine cones scattered on the ground. A light covering.

It is gently snowing. Large size flakes start to fall very slowly.

As you stand in the forest -- there are no sounds except a few birds in the trees softly chirping.

It is so quiet you can almost hear the snow fall.

You close your eyes to listen to the quiet and feel the stillness of the moment.

Snowflakes gently touch your face but you are not cold.

There is total peace around you.

When you open your eyes, you see a doe looking at you.

Still, quiet and peaceful.
85 · Jun 2024
Dreams are what we make
From the ideas, wants and desires
From our minds and spirits
We can take them into reality
At anytime
It just requires will, persistence
And faith
If you believe
Especially in yourself
You can do anything
At anytime, anywhere
Dream big
Watch it grow
Into your reality
We are each an artist
Creating our own worlds
85 · Jun 2022
End of the Weekend
The start of a new week
End of the weekend
A new beginning
A fresh start
For some it’s dreaded
For others it’s a look forward
Cities clean up
Streets swept
Getting ready for a new week
Stores replenish their stock
Employees return
It’s time to get busy
And start anew
Next page