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Jan 20 · 42
The Gray Blues
I’ve got the gray blues
Been cold and rainy for days
My bones ache to the core
I’ve got the gray blues

Missing the sun
Those warm golden rays
Shining down on my face
Lighting the way to another day
I’ve got the gray blues
Craving when they go away
Jan 20 · 27
Hot Steamy Coffee
Hot Steamy Coffee

Hot steamy coffee
On a cold day
With breathe visible
Bones chilled
Body aching
Longing for warmth

Hot steamy coffee
To soothe the cold
To warm up the soul
To calm the mind and set it free

Hot steamy coffee
To jumpstart the day
To motivate the body

Hot steamy coffee
Jan 19 · 44
Writing is in my blood
It runs through me like a running stream
It is intertwined into my inner most being
I am driven to do it
It is part of the air I breathe
It is life
It lifts me up
Like meditation
I disappear to another world

Writing is my blood
It is intertwined into my inner most being
Without it I am lost
Without it, I am not me

Writing is part of my life
It lifts me up
Like meditation
I need to write
I crave to write
It is like giving birth
Creating a new work
From nothing

Writing is my blood
It gives me peace
It brings harmony
Jan 18 · 38
It’s important
To be grateful
For whatever we have
Whom ever we know
For those that care
And love us
For our lives
And experiences
It’s important
To be grateful
For each sunrise
And sunset
For the moon
And nature
For the beauty
We see
It’s important
To be grateful
Each and every day
Jan 17 · 44
Languages of the World
Sitting in a café
Watching the people
Talking and smiling
People from everywhere
Languages of the world

Watching the staff
Coming and going
Bringing orders
Like an orchestra
Languages of the world

People on their phones
Eating and drinking
Texting and talking
Languages of the world

Baked goods on display
Beautiful desserts
Smells of things baking
People buying bread
Languages of the world

Street scene playing outside
People out and about
Bright sun shining down
Blue sky dotted with clouds
Languages of the world
Jan 16 · 36
Where did that 16 year old girl go?
What about the 28 year old?
Where are they?
Life passed so quickly
Where is the strength and freedom of youth?
The excitement of the new?

How do I find her and bring her back ?
Is she in the recesses of my mind and heart ?
Is she hiding ?
Dimmed by life’s travails

Where is that 16 year old girl
Filled with energy and emotion
How can I find her?
Where is she?
Is she in me when I look in the mirror ?
How can I feel free?
To run on the beach or fly like a bird
Jan 15 · 209
Red Bird
A  red bird sits on a branch
It is winter
He is elegant
He looks proud
Looking at him is entrancing

He brightens everything
He sets the scene
Snow is whiter
Trees are greener
Winter is brighter

His feathers are perfect
On top of his head sits a crown
He has a dark black face
Surrounded by red
His beak matches his color

A bevy of them are lovely
Sitting in bushes or a tree
They look too good to be true
They are truly beautiful
Nature’s art

Red bird
Jan 15 · 48
Seeking Warmth
On a cold winter’s day
It’s morning
The air is crisp and cold
While the sky is bright
There’s no sign of warmth
People going about
Bundled up
Bodies and hands
Trying to create warmth
Cats seeking a spot of sun
Cafe clients sitting
Huddled together
Battling the cold
Everyone seeking
To battle the cold
Jan 15 · 64
Blank Out
Sometimes the words
Just don’t come
No matter what
There’s no inspiration
Nothing strikes me
Nothing is there
Just a blank page
It’s like a winter white out
It’s painful
The desire is there
The want to write
But nothing comes
It’s frustrating
I want it to end
The inspiration
To once again come
Blank Out
Jan 14 · 104

Quietly sitting
At a plaza
Amongst the trees
and plants
The floor is
beautiful tile
Stores on either side
Behind me two fountains
The sound is calming
The air is cool and clear
Ahead sits a multi colored cat
Watching everything
There’s total peace
An oasis
It’s hypnotic
Jan 13 · 31
Imagine sitting in the desert
The sand is bright white
Almost blinding
You are kneeling
With your eyes closed
It is silent and still
Out of nowhere it starts to rain
Black colored rain drops
However, an umbrella appears
Emanating white light
It’s one of a kind
It’s translucent
Made of white light
It hovers over you
As the rain drops fall
They hit the umbrella
And roll off
Never touching you
Disappearing into the ground
Without a trace
You are protected
Once the rain stops
The umbrella disappears
You get up
To start walking
To your destiny
Jan 12 · 47
What is special?
When someone says
You’re not that special
That others have more value
Than you
What does that mean
But what is it to compare
People to people
Relationship to relationship
As we are all unique unto ourselves
No one is the same
So if someone says you’re not special
What are they also saying
About themselves
For how can we judge
A person’s worth
To another
Without being in their skin
We are all unique
Each with our own destiny
Different from another
How can we be anything
But special
For we each are an individual square
On the quilt of humanity
Together making up the whole
That’s special
Jan 11 · 38
Rays of Hope
Sometimes in our darkest times, we are given a miracle of hope
It reaches out like a golden rope for us to grab and hold onto
Rays of hope

Sometimes it’s a bright light that shines through the darkness
Offering a path towards the light
Rays of hope

When this happens we should know things will get better
It is affirmation to never give up
Even in the toughest of times we should believe
Rays of hope

We are each unique and here for a reason
Our purpose is before us

Rays of hope
Jan 11 · 40
In the Darkness
Sometimes in our darkest times
We are given a miracle of hope
When we want to give up
A thread to something
Light shining through
A hand reaching out
In the deepest darkness
We need to have faith
To believe
We should never give up
Even in our toughest times
Light will get through
Let that faith light up the world
In the darkness
Jan 10 · 91
Brrr Wednesday
Baby it’s cold outside
Jackets and scarves required
The air is crisp and clear
The sky is clear
The sun is out in it’s full regalia
The city is awake
Traffic moving
The café is almost empty
Too cold to come out
People huddled with their coffee
The steam offering warmth
Baby it’s cold outside
Hard to go out
Bed sounds nice where it’s warm
Winter is here and
Brrrr Wednesday
Jan 9 · 42
Sitting at home on a cold winters night
Bundled up under blankets with someone you love

Reading a good book or watching a movie

Sipping hot tea or cocoa as the rain or snow gently falls outside
Feeling safe inside

Smells of beef stew cooking on the stove remind one of home as a child

Hot bread baking in the oven
The warmth filling the kitchen

Warm sweaters of bright colors
Fleece lined jackets with mittens and gloves

All bring back feelings of home and comfort
Jan 8 · 137
Just Scene Watching
I am sitting in a café by the street
I am scene watching
People coming to and fro
Coats and hats on
Scarves around necks
It’s cold outside

Seeing what is going on outside
Watching the people inside
Sipping coffee
Eating breakfast
Smiling and laughing

People from all over
Different languages in the air
Baked goods on display
Like valuable jewels

Trees full of oranges decorate
Fountains nearby against pink
Crisp day
Sun brightly shining

I am scene watching
Jan 7 · 55
Woman in the Red Coat
Every day she goes out
Putting on her red coat
She gets her things together
Heads outside and starts her day

She visits her favorite café
Slowly sipping her coffee
Thinking about her

As she finishes her coffee
She gets ready to leave
Putting her coat on
Packing up her

She has had the coat for years
It came with her to a new land
When she wears it it feels like an old friend
Red is a favorite color of her
In a way the coat helps define her

Woman in the red coat
It’s morning
The weekend
People are just waking up
Searching for their coffee
The sun is out shining

People are walking about
Cafés full of breakfasters
Cities waking up
Everyone has the slows
Newspapers sit on sidewalks
Street vendors full of magazines
and papers
Stores getting ready for another day

It’s Weekend Morning Treasure
Jan 5 · 60
Love of My Soul
You are the love of my soul
My true hope
My inspiration
The glimmer of the stars
Light in the darkness

You are the love of my soul

My impossible dream
My Prince
The most perfect part of me
My best

You are the love of my soul
The sun and moon
You are everything right with the world

You are the love of my soul
Jan 5 · 47
Lift Up
Go Towards the Light
If you see someone with a frown, smile
Choose laughter over tears
If someone needs help, reach out
Offer kindness instead of harshness and cruelty
Heal don’t hurt
Love instead of hate
Don’t judge, accept
Walk towards light instead of darkness
Give instead of taking
Lift up instead of tearing down

There’s too much darkness and hate in the world right now
If we can just light the world a little through kindness and love, it’s a start
Remember we are all human

Light up the world
Lift someone up today
Bring a smile to a stranger
Be grateful for each day and moment
Jan 5 · 61
Get On Up
When someone knocks
you down with a wet towel
Get up
When someone hurts you
Get up
When it gets hard
and impossible
Get up
When you can see nothing
but darkness
Get up
Remember who you are
Remember where you come from
Remember you are unique
You have a right to be here
Get up
In your power and light
Jan 4 · 198
Deep in the Woods
There is forest and quiet
The trees reach to the sky
Darkness abounds
The air is cool and clear
Deep in the woods

A cabin sits
Surrounded by snow and trees
Mountains are in the background
A light is burning in the cabin
Smoke coming from the chimney
Scents of pine trees in the air
Deep in the woods

A dog sits on the steps
He’s a husky
Beautiful white and black
Waiting for it’s owner
Deep in the woods

A pie is baking in the oven
Coffee is on the stove
A fire burns in the fireplace
Deep in the woods

There is sublime quiet
There is calm and peace
It is intoxicating
Deep in the woods

Is a perfect sanctuary
Jan 3 · 46
Sometimes we are left out
Or treated differently
Than others
We may be given less
Or cared about less
Because of who we are
Or what we are
Or where we come from
But that doesn’t mean
It’s true
Because no matter
Where or what
We are all the same
Even if our language
Is different
Our beliefs
Our home
We come from
The very same place
And will eventually return there
Yet exclusion happens
It hurts
The spirit
The mind
And the heart
Jan 3 · 64
We’ve all known them
Many of us personally
Perhaps at work
Or in our lives
Or in our dreams
They can be harsh
Or cruel
Devoid of much humanity
They seem to get energy from others
We hide from them
Run from them
Hoping they will leave
Or not exist
Yet they do
As long as we tolerate them
They will
Yet we know
In the end
Love triumphs evil
Kindness over cruelty
Light over darkness
Let’s spread more love
And light
Each and every day
The quiet of stillness
Offers tranquility
Soothes the spirit
Reaches deep inside
One has to listen carefully for it

It can be felt late at night
When the world sleeps
When there is a deep silence
It comes

It’s hard to find
One has to slow down
Remove all distractions
One has to listen so carefully
Remove distractions
For the sounds of silence

It Can be found by the sea
It Can be found in the forest
It Can be found by a stream
It Can be found in the mountains
It Can be found on isolated road

The quiet of stillness
Is everywhere if one only looks
Let the silence find you
It brings peace and calm
Jan 2 · 48
Flames of Love
Let love embrace you
Let it hold you tight
Let it warm your heart on a cold night
Let it bring smiles to your face

Flames of love

Like a warm blanket
Let it gently touch your face
Let it calm your fears

Flames of love

Let it take you to impossible places
Let it make things possible
Let it bring magic

Flames of love

Let it lift you up
Let it help you soar like a bird
Let it touch the world

Flames of love

Let it burn eternally
Let it heal the world
Let it remove darkness

Flames of love
Dec 2023 · 52
Hearts Touching
Many many years ago
You touched my heart
With yours
You lifted up my spirit
With brightness and light

Many many years ago
You touched my heart
With yours
You tied me to you with a golden thread

You found a place and never left
You took me to new places

Many many years ago
You lifted up my spirit
You touched my heart with love
You gave me care
You tied me to you with a golden thread

Many many years ago
You touched my heart
With yours
You lifted up my spirit
You showed me the world

You showed me the moon
You gave me the sun
You gave me everything
You touched my heart with yours
You never left
Dec 2023 · 42
A New Year is Coming
A new year is coming
Its almost here
This year will be gone
It’s on the horizon

Time to renew and refresh
Time to reflect
Time to forget and forgive
Time to clear out the cobwebs

A new year is coming
Time to embrace a clean slate
Time to renew
The future is before us
The past is a memory
Time to get going
Time to focus
Time to make plans

Anything is possible
The world is our oyster
Time to make things happen
A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon
Dec 2023 · 328
Smiles are everything

They can warm the heart
They brighten up a room
They can touch the spirit
They reach the sun

Smiles are everything

They are the difference between light and dark
Start the day
They are magic

Smiles are everything

They can make friendships
Resolve differences
Warm the world
Bridge issues
Heal wounds

Smiles are everything
Dec 2023 · 41
A New Day
A new year is coming
This is the last Friday of the year
On New Year’s Eve
At midnight
All over the world
We will turn a new page
One by one
A new year is coming
We can’t stop it
It’s running towards us
Like a horse
It’s will be a new day
To start anew
Create a new beginning
It’s not hard
Just one step
At a time
We can all remake ourselves
To whatever we want
Just have hope
Just believe
Just light up the world
A new day is coming
Dec 2023 · 37
It’s a new day
A brand new year
A time when we can restart
Reinvent ourselves
Try something new
A time to hope
For something better
It’s a new day
A brand new year
A time to reflect
On what was
But also what is possible
A time to remember
Those sweet memories
That touch us
Ever so gently
Like butterflies
It’s a brand new day
It’s a new year
With new opportunities
Dec 2023 · 27
Fresh Start
Soon we can wipe the slate
Get a fresh start
The end of the year is coming
Time to start a new
We have a chance to try again
Learn and grow
This year will be in the past
We can move forward
Things will improve
Over time
We are being given another chance
Let’s count our blessings
Look around at the beauty
Look around at loved ones
Look around at the planet
Be grateful
Love instead of hate
Give instead of take
Use your own light
To light and lift up the world
Fresh start
Dec 2023 · 45
A New Year is Coming
A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to renew and refresh
Time to reflect
Time to forget and forgive
Time to clear out the cobwebs

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Time to embrace a clean slate
Time to renew
Time to get ready

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

The future is before us
The past is a memory
Time to get going
Time to focus
Time to make plans

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon

Anything is possible
The world is our oyster
Time to make things happen

A new year is coming
It’s on the horizon
Get ready
Dec 2023 · 46
Christmas Quiet
As the sun goes down
and the eve of Christmas begins
A silence and calm comes across the world as a soft layer of clouds
hover over the world
Christmas Quiet

Traffic slows down to a snails pace across the land and world
Christmas Quiet

Streets and stores become empty and activity slows down
Christmas Quiet

And as the hours pass and the time to Christmas comes closer
the world takes a breath and the air becomes still and peaceful
Christmas Quiet

Lights glisten with their holiday beauty and splendor
Trees decorated up for the holiday
Christmas Quiet

Families come together for a moment of holiday joy and sharing
Christmas Quiet

And for just a moment in time, the focus is on peace, goodwill and tranquility throughout the land during this time
Christmas Quiet

So, take a moment to listen to the quiet and stillness
To the bells ringing, the snow falling
Christmas Quiet

And let it fill you with peace, joy, and goodwill
Dec 2023 · 34
Gold, Silver and Glitter
Silver Gold and Glitter

It’s a time of sparkle
Glitter, silver and gold
Rubies, diamonds and emeralds
Beautifully wrapped gifts
Sugar cookies
Apple cider
Hot chocolate
It’s a magical time
Where wishes are granted
If we just believe and hope
It’s a special time
It only comes once a year
But when it does
It lights up the world
For just a moment
Bringing silence and peace
Silver gold and glitter
Dec 2023 · 48
At This Time of Year
At this time of year
Winter is coming
A fresh new start is on the way

At this time of year

Holiday trappings are everywhere
Trees are waiting for a home
Children are anticipating Santa
Presents are wrapped

At this time of year

Choirs are singing
Churches are full
People are feeling good cheer
Smiles are bigger
Special meals being served

At this time of year

Let’s be more kind
Let’s be more positive
Let’s laugh more and criticize less
Let’s be grateful

At this time of year

Let’s remember what’s about
Let’s come together
Let’s love harder
Let’s assume the best
Let’s forgive more

Let’s remember we are all one

At this time of year
Dec 2023 · 302
She waited all day for the sun to drop
She needed the darkness
It would help free her
It would remove the bonds tying her

As the sun dropped for the day
She readied herself
She put on a long white dress
She went to the balcony
She climbed up on the table
As she moved to the edge
She spread out her arms
All of a sudden wings appeared
She took a leap and flew into the darkness
She is free
Dec 2023 · 34
Silver Bells and Memories
Silver bells
Sweet memories
Of times past
Run through my mind
Like a quiet stream
Hints of cinnamon in the air
Apple cider
Hot chocolate
Beautiful trees and wreaths
Decorated everywhere
Scents of pine trees
Burning wood
In fireplaces
Snow covered ground
Looking like a winter wonderland
Silver bells
Sweet memories
If I close my eyes
They come as dreams
Making me wish they never end
Dec 2023 · 54
Winter’s Arrival
Snow covered pine trees
Blanketed with white
Muted lights outside
Cold air clean to the breath
Winter is here
Slow walking people bundled up
Bright colored scarves
Hats of all shapes and sizes
Birds seeking their next meal
Cats on the prowl
Fireplaces burning
Pies in the oven
Cookies being made
Delicious soups
Roasts awaiting the oven
Sweaters and boots
Heavy coats with scarves
The fare of the time
Warm flannel PJs
Winter is here
Dec 2023 · 45
Just Human
I am a human being
That’s all
Nothing more
Nothing less
No better than an other
Just trying to live my life
Like everyone else is
Somewhere along the road
I realized I was also a spiritual being
I choose to celebrate both
This awareness is empowering
When I connect with another person
I remember
Even though I was born alone
And will die alone
I am not truly alone
We are all part of the same thing
Everything here
Is part of the universe

Lift up the world
With your special light
Dec 2023 · 353
Cold Mornings
Bring a desire for warmth
For coffee or tea
Anything hot
So the heat caresses
The face
And the hands
Offering a hint of warmth

Cold mornings
Make getting out of bed
Difficult at best
The blankets
Calling one back
Begging us to stay
Under their protection

Cold mornings
Are refreshing
In their own way
With fresh air
Easy to breathe
Bright skies
Cold mornings
Have their own special charm
Embrace it
Live it
Dec 2023 · 46
If someone touched your life a long time ago, but you lost touch -- reach out
If someone touched your heart in a very special way -- reach out
If there is someone you never forgot and wish you were still in touch -- reach out
For all those wished second chances -- wish and try again
For all those lost opportunities, try once more
For all the times you lost faith, believe again
For every time you received a kindness, or a break, or something wonderful happened, be grateful and smile
For all the love you have received, love back
For all the smiles you have received, smile back
This is a magical time, whether or not one practices these holidays
Take advantage of this time, to love, to give, to remember, to smile and to reach out
Dec 2023 · 42
Gold, Silver and Red
Gold, Silver and Red

Gold, silver and red everywhere
It dazzles the eye
Blue and green glimmer
Pine trees standing high
Waiting to be taken home
People looking for the perfect gift
Gold, silver and red

Wreaths hung with care
Adorned with ribbons
Lights strung on houses
Decorations in cities and towns
Holiday smells in the air
Gold, silver and red

Presents wrapped under the tree
Children smiling and playing
Music fills the air
Gold, silver and red

Families getting together
Memories fill up the heart
Gold, silver and red
Dec 2023 · 63
Christmas Jazz
Christmas Jazz

Christmas jazz fills the air
Scents of pine and cinnamon
Perfume the air
Beats pounding in the background
Familiar music to the ear
Trees sitting on display
All dolled up
Christmas jazz fills the air
Holiday trappings all around
Silver, gold and red
Blue and green
Shops showing off their best
People walking and looking
Warm coats, hats and scarves
Bright lights glimmer all around
American rock music plays softly
The street scene comes alive
Cafés full of people sipping coffee
Getting ready for their shopping

Christmas jazz fills the air
Dec 2023 · 37
Holiday Street Scene
People out running to and fro
Cold breath hanging in the air
Its holiday time
The season is upon us
Markets are full of people
Bright colors and tinsel
Lots of good energy
People selling their wares
Stores fully decorated
With their best
Streets full of holiday lights
People smiling brightly with cheer
Trees decorated inside and out
Children running and playing
Parents shopping for the perfect gift
It’s that time of year
Street scene
Dec 2023 · 41
Winter Wonderland
It’s  a winter wonderland
The holiday lights are out
Houses decorated with their best
Scents of pine waft through the air
It’s heavenly perfume
Snow is lightly falling
It’s a winter wonderland

Streets are full of people
Running to and fro
Buying their wares
Shops are decorated

It’s like magic
Once a year
That touches the heart
Deep inside
Making people lighter
Hearts bigger
Smiles are brighter and bigger
Laughs deeper
Love is everywhere

It’s a winter wonderland
Believe in the magic
Dec 2023 · 46
The Coming Holidays
The Coming Holidays

It's coming to that time of year again
When familiar sights, sounds and smells seep into the memory and the mind
Putting up the tree
Scents of pine
Pies and cookies baking
Cards and letters being
When holiday lights and decorations appear
And holiday tunes are playing
Shoppers  crowding the streets, looking for the perfect gift
People take on the holiday hustle and bustle
Light snowflakes dance through the air to their own rhythm

Holiday memories make everything special
Dec 2023 · 168
Be the Light
At this time of year
Be the light
Shine brightly everywhere
Light up the world
Shine where there is darkness
Shine where there is despair

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere
Lift someone up
Help another
Love more than hate

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere
Laugh more
Cry less
Treasure more
Give more

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere
Glitter and glimmer
Like fine jewels, gold and silver

Be the light

At this time of year
Shine brightly everywhere Remember we are all the same
We all need and want

Be the light

At this time of year
Count your blessings
Offer gratitude and kindness
Offer grace

Be the light
Dec 2023 · 43
The Sweater
I have a sweater
It’s used
But it offers warmth
It’s a favorite
On a cold day

I have glasses
To read with
And see
They have scratches
But they still work

I have food to eat
A bed to sleep in
A place to live
I am safe

There are people that care
About me
Family and others

So in a world of measures
I consider myself
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