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Sep 2021 · 68
Believe the rest of your life
Will be the best of your life
Every day is a fresh start
We have opportunities to reinvent ourselves
Wake up every day anew
Looking for ways to savor life
We have a chance to push the positive
Negating the negative
As was told many times
Light pushes out darkness
Be someone’s light
Offer a smile to a stranger
Love instead of hate
It matters
We have the power
To lift up the world
Sep 2021 · 66
The Dress
She bought it
Not long after arriving
From one of the stores
Something for summer
It gets very hot
Searing heat really
It’s cotton
A rose pink color
With a design
The skirt is flared
It’s cool in the heat
Comfortable against the skin
Every season
She pulls it out
Though it is old
It’s a part of her now
She has some others
But this is her favorite
The age is showing now
The color is a bit faded
And there are some small holes
Nevertheless she loves it
Like a security blanket
The dress
Sep 2021 · 74
Burning Embers
Burning embers sitting amongst the wood
Black and orange
From time to time a gold blue flame emerges
The wood crackles against the heat
As the fire burns
The glow is calming to the spirit
The smell like a natural perfume
As the wood burns
The embers glow a red orange color
With a slight stream of white gray smoke
Reaching up towards the sky
It’s a moment of true bliss
To be treasured
Sep 2021 · 53
Coming Alive
It’s been a long time
Over 18 months
Things have been closed
Lockdowns coming and going
People in their homes
Afraid to leave
Huge hardships
For people and businesses
So much suffering
All over the world
It’s been like a horror movie
Streets empty
Cities quiet
Then bit by bit
In the last month or so
As vaccinations increase
And things change
People start to return
Businesses open
Streets get busy
Sidewalks fill
Everything is coming alive
Awakening from a deep sleep
Sep 2021 · 58
The Same
It’s been well over a year
Yet things are not the same
They can’t really go back
There will have to be a new normal
Some day
These are still dangerous times
Never knowing what’s safe
Lockdowns and masks
Vaccine and social distancing
Yet some succumb
It’s hard to sit in a cafe
The Magic has dissipated
One is always wondering
Who’s who
Is is alright?
The feeling of yesterday
Is gone
It seems so long ago
It’s just not the same
Things are different now
Perhaps never going back
To that time of real comfort
Time will tell
But for now, they aren’t the same
Sep 2021 · 51
The Golden Thread
They first met in high school
After that they were inseparable
As if there were a golden thread between them
Sometimes they had the same thoughts
They wanted to always be together
But life got in the way
Through no fault of their own
Decades went by
Though they never forgot the other
They lived in each other’s hearts
It’s as if a golden thread
Tied them to each other
Across both distance and time
One day something extraordinary happened
They had a chance to see each other again
Afterwards, they never separated
The golden thread keeps them together
Sep 2021 · 388
We Are All Magical
We all can create magic
We can do amazing things
Impossible things
We can bring wonder and amazement
We have the power to change the world
Into a wondrous place
Where anything is possible
For anyone, anywhere
We can bring in light
To chase away the darkness
We just have to believe
And use our own special light
To lift up the world
To new heights
We have the most powerful energy in us
With that we can create
We are magicians
Sep 2021 · 68
That’s how crisp, cool air is
The changing of the guard
The cleansing feeling of a soft breeze
Across the face like a gentle kiss
The soothing feeling
Of the heat dissipating
It’s invigorating
As the season starts to change
The sounds and smells do
Different foods and tastes
Colors change in nature and fashion
It’s a fresh start
Where one can be brand new
It’s a time for new beginnings
And magic
Sep 2021 · 64
The Dream
It was dark outside-- almost grayish in color
There was a hint of mist in the air
I was in another country
Your country -- searching
For you
We had lost each other for some time
I was trying to find you
I was told to come here
I was out in the land somewhere
Then I came upon a cave
Very large and dark
Musty inside
I entered it
And walked towards the back
Shadows of flames danced on the walls
The air was cool
As I approached the fire I saw you sitting beside it
Wearing a brown fabric robe
After so long you were there
Before me
It was incredible
You did not speak
I asked where you had been, how you were
You did not answer
In an instant you disappeared
All that remained were the remnants of the burning fire
I called out your name desperately
Only silence answered me
Once again I was alone without you
Lost in my dreams
Sep 2021 · 159
Please be kind
Have patience with others
They may not be like you

Please listen
Take time to understand others

Please be careful
It’s a dangerous time
Your actions may affect others

Please don’t harbor anger
It doesn’t help a situation
Step away if you have to

Please offer love instead of hate
It lifts us all up
Offer someone a smile

Please stand in the light
Instead of the darkness
Lift up the world
With your special light
Sep 2021 · 64
The ocean waves are moving back and forth on a sunny day.
The sky is a bright blue. Like a painting.  
The air is warm but not too hot.
There is a slight breeze in the air.
There is a tint of salt in the air
It’s like a sweet perfume but not overwhelming.
The water is a deep blue with hints of white as the waves roll in and out.
As the sun hits the water.
The appearance of diamonds show up.
Glistening against the light and the water.
It is magic.
A sweet moment of peace.
A time of pure bliss.
Sep 2021 · 294
Angel Pie
She’s been with us for six years
She had been born in a school
Was separated from her mother
Way too soon
She’s a orange ball of fluff
She’s our cat
Absolutely beautiful
When she came
Her ears were huge
Larger than her head
She looked like a bat
She has piercing green eyes
Sometimes they look deep blue
She talks all the time
Has learned quite a few words
Is mischievous and curious
She’s my angel pie
Her name is Max
That’s a very long story
These days she’s around more than not
Following me around
Or just hanging out
At night when we exercise on the terrace
She sits up on a table
She spends much of her day
On the terrace
Sleeping and resting
At night she comes in
To sleep
Usually in the sitting room
In the morning
She expects to be greeted
With a good morning
Every day she has her treat
Of yogurt
Before eating, she smiles
She’s part of us now

She’s my angel pie
Aug 2021 · 345
Do You See Me
Do you see me?
Do you hear me?
Can you sense me?
I am standing right here
I have always been here
In one form or another
By you
With you
When I touch you
Do you feel it?
Is it the same as before?
Do you remember?
How it used to be?
That was so long ago
It was another time
Almost seems like another world
When I stand behind you
Putting my hand on your back
Do you feel it?
Because I have always been there
Over the years and decades
I have called for you and searched
Till I found you
Do you see me?
I see you
I always have
Aug 2021 · 70
These days
It’s all about survival
We are in the fight of our lives
It’s war
But different
This hasn’t happened in a hundred years
We had hoped it was ending
With the coming of a vaccine
But alas it’s not
The enemy has changed
Making it harder to beat
It’s not just in one place
Or with one people
It’s everywhere
For some
It’s between life and death
It’s an uneasy time
There’s been so much unknown
And a lot of suffering

It’s a matter of survival
Aug 2021 · 71
Beat the Drum
Get your groove
Find a rhythm
Beat it loudly
With energy
Let the sound carry
Far and wide
Beat it
For the ill
For the dying
For the suffering
For all the lost souls

Beat the drum

For the living
As loud as you can
March down the street
Let others hear you
Let them join you

Beat the drum

For the world
For all of us
Aug 2021 · 55
Hot Pink Lipstick Sky
As you look out the window
Nighttime is approaching
You see bright pink streaks against a grey blue canvas
They are hot pink
Like the lipstick
The pink brightens becoming more intense and deep
It’s mesmerizing to the eye
As time clicks by the streaks of pink start to separate like cotton candy
Dusk is fast approaching bringing a coat of light black
The pink color disappears replaced by nighttime once again
Aug 2021 · 55
The Waiting Game
Once again we wait
After diminishing
The enemy has returned
With a fury
Touching all parts
Of the world
No one is immune
Even the vaccinated
So we take a pause
Slow down our excitement
And wait
We are frustrated
We are tired
Both emotionally
And physically
Yet we go on
We have no choice
We return to past practices
To protect ourselves and
Loved ones
Watching for signs
That once again
We can finally stop waiting
And start to return
To life
Where did you come from? The stars or the clouds?
Another planet or time?
How long have you been here? Forever?
How did you find me after all this time?
Have you always been there, waiting?
You are truly a man of wonder and light
Where does your kindness come from?
Your heart, your spirit?
Is it from the heavens above?
Were you made just for me?
Sometimes it seems as such
You are perfect

Man of wonder, man of light

Every time you smile,
It’s as if the sun has come into the world
Your smile brightens those who stand before you
But also the world
And all the darkness before it and beyond
Your heart helps to lighten, heal and soothe
You offer comfort during times of pain
Your voice reaches into ones heart
Leaving a gift of love
Each time you speak the listener melts just a little bit
Aug 2021 · 245
Listen to Mother
She is speaking to us
Warning us
Advising us
Comforting us
Helping us
We just have to listen

She’s been telling us about the planet
Warning us what will come
Showing us
With storms
Extreme heat
We just have to listen

She’s been crying for us
For all the creatures that live here
She’s been begging us to change
To respect what’s here
The boundaries between us
And them
All we have to do is listen
Mother knows best
Aug 2021 · 197
Summer Chime Times
Warm hypnotic breezes blow
The air is fresh and clear
Comfortable to breathe
A weeping willow bends to and fro
Its branches reaching towards the sky
The sky is light blue with a scattering of white clouds
Lulling one into a state of peace
Wind chimes play their melody to the rhythm of the wind
The willow tree leaves glisten from the sunlight
What a perfect summer day if only it could go on forever...
Aug 2021 · 93
67 Sixty Seven
What is it?
A number?
An address
A password
A birth year?
Expiration date?
A seat on a ticket?
An age?
Of wine
A person
What does it mean?
Or is it just a number
Defined by the situation
And person
Aug 2021 · 66
In the Valley
I was standing in the valley
By a mountain
The grass was so green
Like emeralds
The air was clean and fresh
Wildflowers were everywhere
All colors and sizes
Like a Monet painting
I had been waiting
For a long time
It seemed like forever
Then I looked up
And I saw
Slowly walking
A man
It was you
My heart jumped
I started trembling
I couldn’t believe it
After so long
After so many prayers
You were here
Standing in front of me
I reached out my hand
You smiled and took it
We started walking
Into the green valley
Jul 2021 · 54
Once Again
We find ourselves
Facing the same threat
We thought it had left
That we had won
The enemy had been crushed
But alas it’s still here
Fiercer than before
All that we did before
We must repeat
Because the war is not won
People still need help
We need to be careful
More has to be done
Until one day
In the future
Hopefully not too far away
We can say
It’s over
Jul 2021 · 53
If someone touched your life a long time ago, but you lost touch -- reach out
It’s never too late
If someone touched your heart in a very special way -- reach out
If there is someone you never forgot and wish you were still in touch -- reach out
For all those wished second chances -- try again
For all those lost opportunities, try again
This might be the time
For all the times you lost faith, believe once again
You never know
For every time you received a kindness, a break, or something wonderful happened, be grateful
For all the love you have received, love back harder
Fill your heart with love
It’s the greatest gift we can give
At this difficult time, love, give, to remember, to smile and to reach out
We could all use a hug

Light up the world with your special light
Jul 2021 · 51
White Bands of Light
It was sundown
The sun had just set
The moon was out
A large white ball in the horizon
It almost looked surreal
Just hanging there
As if on a thread
Against a gray blue backdrop
Clouds painted the sky
Fluffy and white
With two openings
From which white bands of light shone down
It’s as if they came from heaven
Natures art
From the master
Of everything
Jul 2021 · 298
Imagine that you are sitting at the top of a building
It is all bright white
The sky is bright blue with a few clouds scattered through
The sun is out and it is a bright day
There is a slight breeze -- not too much

As you look out, you see the ocean
It is a deep blue
The day is absolutely perfect
You are calm and still
Embracing the moment
It is sublime
You feel total bliss
A little taste of heaven
Jul 2021 · 75
When hope is lost
Heavy darkness settles in
Light diminishes
The idea of tomorrow fades
We feel mired down in muck
We are paralyzed
People lose their north
They lose their sense of purpose
Seeking any sliver of light to lift them
To show them the way
Seeking anything to inspire
When hope is lost and darkness comes
We hunger for the light
We tire of the heaviness
We long for hope
When hope returns
We lift ourselves up
We seek the light
Want to stand in the sun
And never leave
Let the light and warmth heal
When hope returns
We have a can do feeling
We believe once again
We are willing to try
We offer a hand
We smile brightly
Laughter can be heard
We are inspired
We can create
Music gets louder
People dance
Hope is everything
Jul 2021 · 110
Sometimes there’s a reprise
Of something
Could be anything
An event
An illness
A song
A relationship

Sometimes life repeats itself
With a person
A feeling
A situation

The world is in a reprise
Of sorts
It was trying
To escape last year
The horror of it
The illness
And death
Yet destiny
Had another idea
A reprise
Jul 2021 · 104
Summer Wind
A summer wind moves through the air and trees
Lightning dabbles the sky like a quick paint brush
Tree limbs bend as the wind moves through them

The sky lightens up from the electric charge
Giving the sky a surreal color
The air fills with the sound of thunder
A summer storm is coming
Playing the wind chimes outside
Like a musical instrument
As they clang back and forth
A summer wind has arrived
Jul 2021 · 65
Sometimes when we are delayed
Or slowed down
In doing something
There’s a reason
We may not know it
But there is
We shouldn’t fight it
Those pauses are for protection
To stop us
From doing something
Not really meant for us
Later on as we look back
We will see and understand
When you are delayed
Or stopped
Just become still
The universe is looking out for you
Jul 2021 · 176
After the high heat
The searing sun
When it finally cools down
Even just slightly
It’s a relief

When the air clears
And the morning cool returns
So one can sit outside
And breathe
Not feeling repressed
It’s a relief

When the sky is blue
With a few clouds
Actually visible to the eye
It’s a relief

There’s a feeling of refreshment
A reprieve has been granted
From the worst of heat
And for a moment
We are grateful
Jul 2021 · 67
As the sun goes down for the night
Take a moment to clear your mind
Close your eyes and become still
Savor it
Listen to the silence
As the heat calms down
Look up towards the moon
Notice its luminescence

As the world finally slows down
Slow down your heartbeat
Think about the good things you have

As you get ready to rest for the night
Let your body relax and carry you off to sleep
As you wake for the next day
Smile for a chance at a brand new start
Treasure each moment as they are a gift
Jul 2021 · 54
It’s a chaotic place
Like a carnival
Lots of bright colors and noise
Crowds of people
Going to and fro
Shoppers and diners
Cafés full
Huge amounts of traffic
Cars and bikes
Sounds of horns
Music and dance in the street
Horses and carriages
Yellow taxis carrying fares
People standing around
Music pounding
It’s a carnival
Jul 2021 · 60
Happy Places
We all have a place where we belong
We call them home
We feel a connection to it
It’s as if part of our spirit lives there
Some call them happy places
There are those that have one
Others have may have many
Where one feels comfort
Bliss and pleasure
The trick is in finding it and in keeping it
Jul 2021 · 62
The Ship
A dim light shines across the waters
It’s a distance away
Shining in through the dark and fog
is a light that reflects off the waves of the ocean
It looks surreal
It creates a path through the water
Off in the distance is a ship
It’s  been gone a long time
It lost its way
It’s been searching for home
All over the world
Seeing the light off in a distance
The ship turns and aims straight for it
As the it gets closer the light shines brighter illuminating the land
The land starts to look familiar after so long
The ship is finally coming home
Jul 2021 · 65
Hot Searing Days
Green palm trees trying to keep their green
Leaves starting to turn brown
Bright blue skies without a hint of white clouds
Steaming sidewalks
The signs of summer

Warm sultry breezes at night
Offering a coolness to the air
Blow across my face
Gently seducing me
Black velvet skies
Decorated with sparkling diamond stars
The signs of summer

Flowers and flowering plants craving water
Reaching towards the light
Birds seeking a welcome drink
Wind chimes churning in the breeze
Animals searching for a slice of shade
The signs of summer

Women dressed in light flowing dresses
Bright colors and patterns
Making them look like butterflies
The signs of summer

Men wearing straw hats
Light shirts
Linen pants with sandals
The signs of summer

Cool breezes coming late into the night
Offering a soothing touch to the sleeping
Before the heat starts again
The signs of summer
Jul 2021 · 400
Waiting for Paris
To see the glimmering city
See the Eiffel Tower
To walk the streets
Sit at the cafes
Visit the markets
Slowly sip coffee
Savor the food
Take in the history
Admire the beauty
Waiting for Paris ....
Jun 2021 · 64
What is it?
Nobility or something more
If someone has it
What does that mean
Are they acting in a higher way?
Doing good things ?
Or is it a title only
When someone supports a noble cause
Is it for the greater good ?
Do we all have nobility in us?
Can we
Does it lift up the world ?
Jun 2021 · 302
The Edge
We all have an edge
If we are willing to admit it
It gives us that extra push
To try harder
To excel
To be our best
It helps energize us
Sometimes we lose it
Not through our own doing
It just vanishes
We need it to feel ourselves
It helps guide us in a way
Some call it our groove
Getting our groove back
Because when we have it
We can do anything
Jun 2021 · 421
Sunset Time
It was quiet and still outside
A couple of birds flew through across the sky in the distance
All I could see was the shadow of them
The trees laid out a  rich green carpet underneath the trees below
The sky was a pale blue grey with pillows of white clouds scattered
They broke up the sky with their placement and streaks
The sky was highlighted by light which created a shadow
Looking a renaissance painting
As I looked at the clouds
Their color became brighter
Eventually turning to a light pink color
The view was stunning
It was like watching art being created
By the greatest artist of all
Mother Nature
Jun 2021 · 86
Early Summer
It is an early summer’s day
The sun is out in full force
The sky is bright blue
There are a few white clouds scattered through the sky like a thin white veil
There is a slight breeze - cool to the skin
You are sitting in a field of wild flowers
They are all colors
Like a rainbow
They move gently to the breeze
As you sit  
A cloud of butterflies and hummingbirds surround you
They are all colors -- purple, blue, yellow, red, and gold
As you put out your hands, they light onto your hand before flying away
Then, in the distance one of the birds  appears
It is emerald green with a touch of pink
It flies close to you
It is so small it could fit in the palm of your hand
As you look at it, its movements slow down so you can see the wings beat
You are mesmerized
Your heart starts beating at the same rhythm
As you close your eyes and listen to the breeze the hummingbird
touches your face gently with a kiss before flying away
You feel calm and pure bliss
As if you touched heaven
Jun 2021 · 69
Normal What’s That?
Are we going back to normal?
That’s what folks say
But what does that really mean
Will it be the same as before?
Is it safe yet?
Will we take some of the last year and keep it?
Have we learned that we are all one
We need each other to get through this
This is worldwide
Does it feel the same sitting in a cafe?
Does the coffee taste the same?
How do I bring back my old habits?
Will it be comfortable to me
What does comfortable look like now
What will the world look like a year from now?
Jun 2021 · 62
Fairy Dust
Every night
Since the beginning
Fairies arrive
They are tiny creatures
Almost invisible
They have delicate wings
Like a hummingbird
They have always existed
They come to the believers
All over the world
To grant their wishes and dreams
As they sleep
Fairies sprinkle magic dust
To bring sweet dreams and protection
As night ends they return to their land
Awaiting the next night
Jun 2021 · 252
The bond between us and animals is sacred
To have the trust of an animal is very special
Whether a pet or wild
When we bond to nature’s creatures
We reach a higher place
The best of ourselves
Our spirits touch on some level
There is communication
Between us
When an animal loves
It’s pure
Like rainwater
There’s no ulterior motive
Of money or power
It’s just love
It is sacred
Jun 2021 · 528
Listen to Your Soul
It’s the real you
It’s always there
With you
Before you were you
It knows you better than yourself
It sees the world for what it is
It sees beyond
It feels everything
It’s connected to all there is
It can guide you
It knows your true destiny
It talks to you all the time
You only have to listen
Jun 2021 · 116
I am in a reminiscent mood
Thinking back to a time in my childhood
When I lived overseas
In Brazil
Seems like eons ago
A warm, welcoming place
Especially for children
Full of joy and laughter
The music was intoxicating
The beauty stunning
Remembering the visiting of friends
Whose houses were adorned
With birds of paradise flowers
Visiting the bird sanctuary
With my mother
Seeing every kind of parrot
In a rainbow of colors
Walking the beach in Rio
The Ipanema Beach
Famous for its black and white mosaic tile
Sitting on the beach
Listening to the waves
While people flew their bird kites
Traveling around with my parents
Seeing the country
North and South
Struck with the humanity and beauty
Those memories never left me
They still haunt the inner recesses
Of my heart
Jun 2021 · 65
Hot as Hades
Summer is coming 
It’s that time of year
The sun is intense 
Almost burning
Skies are clear 
It’s heating up
Hot as hades
I am not good with heat
I prefer cooler weather 
With calming breezes
When it gets like this
Chocolate can melt
An egg can fry
Cats seek shade
Because of their fur coats
Birds seek needed water
Plants turn brown 
Seeking reprieve
Water becomes valuable
Like gold
Jun 2021 · 76
Sunday Morning
A quiet time
A time of reflection
Some people sleep in
When things slow down
Before the start of a new week
Some practice their faith
Others spend time with family
Some walk through nature
Cities are emptier
Less traffic and honking horns
There’s a stillness in the air
It’s peaceful
Jun 2021 · 125
Dreams are what we make
From the ideas, wants and desires
From our minds and spirits
We can take them into reality
At anytime
It just requires will, persistence
And faith
If you believe
Especially in yourself
You can do anything
At anytime, anywhere
Dream big
Watch it grow
Into your reality
We are each an artist
Creating our own worlds
Jun 2021 · 50
Two Paths
You are standing tall like a regal warrior in the desert
There is a path with two directions
One to the left
One to the right
Each will take you on a different direction in your life
But, the choice is hard
So much to ponder and think about
So, you just stand at the fork, not knowing what to do
It’s just too hard
What if you choose the wrong one?
You are frozen unable to decide
The air is crystal clear
Invigorating to breathe
The sky is pure blue the most beautiful color you have ever seen
There is no noise to be heard for miles around
There is only total stillness
Then a wind comes up from nowhere
It erases one path
Leaving only one for you to take,
Towards the light ahead
The answer came
You start walking down that path
Towards your destiny
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