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3h · 14
Sunday Morning
A quiet time
A time of reflection
Some people sleep in
When things slow down
Before the start of a new week
Some practice their faith
Others spend time with family
Some walk through nature
Cities are emptier
Less traffic and honking horns
There’s a stillness in the air
It’s peaceful
1d · 21
Sunset Art
It was quiet and still. A couple of birds flew through the air in the distance
The trees created a rich green carpet covering the grass
The sky was a pale blue gray with fluffy pillows of clouds scattered about
They broke up the sky with their placement and artistic strokes
It looked like an impressionistic painting
The sky was also highlighted by a background light which created a shadow

As I watched the clouds, they became brighter, and started to turn to a light pink color ever so slightly

Mother Nature making magic
1d · 18
Moonlit Night
As the moon brightens, the waves slow down to a constant rhythm
While it is dark, you can see every detail, including the white caps of the waves as they crash to shore

As the light hits the water like a painters brush, the reflection looks like diamonds glistening

There is no noise, only the sound of stillness and your heart beating
The air is fresh with a hint of salt

As you listen to the quiet, you realize that you are at peace
You are where you are supposed to be
Doing what you are supposed to be doing

Moonlit night
2d · 29
Butterflies in the forest
Gently flying to and fro
On an early spring day
The sun gently slips through the trees
The air is crisp and clear
The scent of pine trees fills your lungs like expensive perfume
A few white clouds dot the powder blue sky

The butterflies are light pastel colors of blue, white and violet
As you stand silently and watch they fly close to you
Teasing you with a light touch like angels breath before flying away
The beauty of nature
Nothing like it
Captivating the soul
Nature’s beauty
3d · 29
The bond between us and animals is sacred
To have the trust of an animal is very special
Not everyone does
Whether a pet or wild
When we bond to nature’s creatures
We reach a higher place
The best of ourselves
Our spirits touch on some level
There is communication
Between us
When an animal loves
It’s pure
Like rainwater
There’s no ulterior motive
Of money or power
It’s just love
It is sacred
It is a blessing
4d · 23
The Turtle
He was a large brown tortoise
He was over fifty years old
He lived on an island
Far from the large city
He loved the color of the sea
It was a light turquoise
Which glimmered when the sun hit it like diamonds
It was always warm but not hot
The weather was perfect
The waves made a rhythmic sound when hitting the shore

Sometimes he would wade out into the water eventually swimming to the bottom
The sand was soft as silk
He was looking for food
Slowly he swam and walked around until he found it

He stopped to feed on the coral
Loosening parts of it as he ate
This was his favorite meal
As he ate a school of brightly colored fish swam up to join him
They ate the loosened pieces of coral and algae grateful to their friend the tortoise

When he was done eating he swam back to the surface walking back to the shore
He found a rock on which to settle as he was feeling sleepy after eating
He pulled his head into his shell closing his eyes and napped

While he slept the birds flew by looking for fish
A cruise ship appeared moving slowly towards the city port
Local folk moved about
Music played in the background
As another day unfolded

Beautiful flowers were all around
Their sweet smell filled the air
Like expensive perfume

Markets were full of fruits and vegetables
Artifacts and local wares lined the shelves of shops getting ready for the visitors

Soft island breezes blew swaying the palm trees to and fro rustling their leaves creating a muted noise

It was a peaceful time on the island
It was home to the tortoise
He traveled from time to time
Sometimes far away but always came back to this island
It was home
Listen to your Soul

It’s the real you
It’s always there
With you
It will never leave
Before you were you
It knows you better than yourself
It sees the world for what it is
It sees beyond
It feels everything
It’s connected to all there is
It can guide you
It knows your true destiny
It talks to you all the time
You only have to listen
And open your heart
It’s talking to you
7d · 34
The Forest
When feeling lost
Go to the forest
Smell the trees
Take in the freshness

When feeling unease
Go to the forest
Feast upon nature
Walk amongst the trees
Listen to the wind

When feeling confused
Go to the forest
Sit amongst the beauty
Let it calm your soul
Let the beauty fill your heart

When not sure what to do
Go to the forest
Listen to answers
Let it inspire you
Jun 8 · 36
The Magic Stones
There were two stones that had been together
They had never been apart
They sat in the bottom of a river

Then all of a sudden one day they were separated by storms and rough waters
They ended up being pushed into different parts of the sea
Settling eventually on to the floor where they each sat alone

After several decades and stormy weather one day they were moved  close to each other once again

Like magnets they were uncontrollably drawn to the other and somehow managed to lock together as if made only for each other
Over time they became one piece
Destiny had arrived in all its glory

It’s magic
Jun 7 · 41
Friday Morning
It’s Friday morning
People are just waking up
Searching for their coffee
Getting ready for work
The weekend is coming
The sun is out shining
Friday Morning Treasure

People are walking about
Cafés full of early breakfasters
Cities waking up
Everyone has the dreads
It’s Friday morning

Newspapers sit on sidewalks
Street vendors full of magazines and papers
Stores getting ready for another day
People on their way to work
Just one more day
For the weekend

It’s Friday Morning
A Treasure
Jun 6 · 49
A Perfect Summer Day
Imagine walking into a forest full of pine and other trees
They are all colors and sizes

As you stop amongst the trees, all you can hear is the deep silence
and the sound of your boots as you walk along on the dirt path

A slight cool breeze rustles through the trees moving the limbs
as the branches sway back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze

It is pleasant and calming
There is a scent of freshness in the air
It is invigorating

The sky is clear, and there is a glimmer of the sun gently hitting the path ahead
As you look up through the trees, the sun seems to shimmer

You keep walking
At the end of the path, is a small log cabin with
a fire burning in the fireplace, waiting quietly for its owner to return
You can smell something baking in the oven

It’s a perfect summer day
Jun 5 · 42
Dreams are what we make
From the ideas, wants and desires
From our minds and spirits
We can take them into reality
At anytime
It just requires will, persistence
And faith
If you believe
Especially in yourself
You can do anything
At anytime, anywhere
Dream big
Watch it grow
Into your reality
We are each an artist
Creating our own worlds
Jun 4 · 23
Without Hope
When hope is lost
Heavy darkness comes
Light diminishes
The idea of tomorrow fades
We feel mired down
We are frozen

When hope is lost
People lose their north
They lose their sense of purpose
Seeking any sliver of light to lift
To show them the way
To guide
Seeking anything to inspire
But the vast void

When hope is lost
and darkness comes
We hunger for the light
We need it
To survive
We long for hope
We pray it comes
Sitting in a café
Or a restaurant
Facing the street
On a bright sunny day
Watching the traffic pass
People on the street
All shapes and sizes
Different colors of clothing
Different languages
A Coke truck across the street
Horns honking
It’s life
In the city
The café has plants
Many large green ones
They offer a slice
Of nature and calm
In a busy city
Jun 2 · 36
She was staying at the beach
Her room looked out on the boardwalk
The beach was beautiful
White sand
Turquoise water
Warm sun but not too hot
When the sun hit the water the reflection looked like shimmering diamonds

One night after dinner she sat on a bench
Facing the ocean
Watching the moon and sea do their dance together
The moon shone brightly down on the waves
Highlighting the white tips of the waves
As the moon continued to shine
The water seemed to move in an almost hypnotic way
Getting stronger and stronger
Drawing her to it

She was entranced
She could not pull herself away
Though time passed and it was time to go
She watched the dance of the moon and the sea as they spun their magic together
May 31 · 39
American Addiction
We’re addicted
We can’t quit
We talk about it
Yet it continues
Sad event after event
Year after year
American addiction

No matter how awful
The pain and horror
We can’t quit
Oh there’s talk
Hand wringing
Crying and shouting
Yet nothing changes
American addiction

When will courage
Appear to stop this
When will life
Truly be valued
Lately it’s been children
Paying the price
American addiction

Life is precious
Beyond materialism
Beyond power
We each have one
It’s up to us
How we choose
To live
It’s time to stop
The carnage
Look after each other
American addiction
Can we quit
Are we ready??
May 30 · 33
I am a survivor
Many of us are
From the few  last years or so
We have battle scars
From fear, loss, illness
Overall stress from the times
But, we are still here
Still standing
Broken perhaps
But we made it through
To the other side
Though so many did not
Such loss and pain
The war is not over yet
It’s still going on
In so many places
The danger is still there
Muted only by vaccines
For that we are grateful
Yet we must remain vigilant
More battles may be coming
Yet we have made it to this point
We are survivors
We too are warriors
I am thankful
May 30 · 32
Night Quiet
As the sun drops for the night
The streets clear of cars and people
The emptiness is soothing in a way
Cats are the only creatures out
Seeking something to eat
Night quiet
As the sky grows darker
A black velvet blanket covers the sky
The stars start to appear along with a sliver of moon
Decorative lights are shining on a nearby building
Beautiful colors of pink and blue
Stillness is in the air
It is peaceful
It is calming
Sleep will be calling
With dreams
Taking one to magical places
Night quiet has arrived
May 29 · 32
Words are just words
It’s what comes with them
That’s important
Just because one speaks another language
Does not mean they understand the culture
Words are only one part
The rest is nuanced
Smiles, laughter, kindness
Relationship building
Without those
Words are just hollow and empty
May 29 · 34
It can be found
In unexpected moments
When someone rises
Up to meet the challenge
Either through actions
Or words
Or both
It can be someone
That stands up
Even when it’s hard
For what’s right
What we know deeply
In our hearts of hearts
Or someone that walks
Into danger to help
Or a healer helping the ill
Courage is everywhere
In adults and children
Around the world
There are those
That stand up
Speak out
Even when it’s difficult
They do it
At a time of turmoil
In the world
With pandemics
Unrest and violence
We need the courageous
More than ever
What are you??
May 28 · 34
Familiar Things
Bring comfort
Offer calm
Give one a sense of belonging
Help one feel centered
They are important
They are most needed
During times of trouble
We all have them
Without them
We feel lost
We can’t find our way
They are like a lighthouse
Steering a ship to port
They clear out the fog
Erasing darkness
Bringing in the light
May 27 · 25
The Linebacker
He had been a professional player
A linebacker
They were built tough
And big
When he left, he created something new
Something different
A business
And a non profit to help kids
One day unexpectedly
A woman came to work for him
Her background was different
She had stepped out of her field
To try something new
She had never been this close to a celebrity
It’s a different world
He had never known someone with her background
They decided to try and make it work
Using the strengths of each
Surprisingly it worked
They both grew from the experience
The linebacker
May 26 · 102
When you left I wanted to scream
I wanted to run after you
To stop you
I wanted to grab your hand and go somewhere
Anywhere we could be together

When you left I wanted to scream
Every inch of me ached with the pain of you leaving
Like a hot burning knife searing my soul
I wanted to stop you
Take you anywhere where we could be together

When you left I wanted to scream
I wanted to run after you
To stop you
To do anything to keep you with me
May 26 · 30
Sweet Moments
Sweet moments
Those small moments
Sometimes fleeting
Make life worth living
They can pass quickly
Touching our hearts
Touching our souls
Hard to hold onto
Somewhat fragile
Like a butterfly

Sweet moments
Make lasting memories
Taste like honey
Decorating our days and nights
Brightening our lives

Put them together
They form a life
May 26 · 28
Sweet Moments
Sweet moments
Those small moments
Sometimes fleeting
Make life worth living
They can pass quickly
Touching our hearts
Touching our souls
Hard to hold onto
Somewhat fragile
Like a butterfly

Sweet moments
Make lasting memories
Taste like honey
Decorating our days and nights
Brightening our lives

Put them together
They form a life
May 25 · 44
East Coast Heaven
She had been in hell
Things had been impossible
Nothing worked
Things were hard
She didn’t fit
Everything hurt
Physical and emotional
There was no peace
Nor harmony
Finally one day
She had a chance to leave
To change things for the better
So she headed East
Driving through rain
Big storms and darkness
When she arrived
The rain had stopped
The air was fresh
With the scent of sweet flowers
All she felt was comfort
Peace and harmony
She belonged
She had come home
To her east coast heaven
May 24 · 26
The Magic of Touch
When I first met you
I couldn’t resist touching your face
Or you touching mine
Or running my fingers through your hair
It was divine
During our time together
It was a form of heaven
True bliss and happiness

When you left
I missed that
Like being withdrawn
From a wondrous drug
Things felt hollow
I missed your touch
Or to be able to touch you

Now decades later
We are together
I can reach out
To touch you
Or you can touch me
It’s like being delivered
Back to heaven
I never want to leave
May 22 · 35
Early Morning Rise
She had a hard time sleeping
Tossing and turning
Morning came too soon
Sleep had left her
Though tired, she gave up
It was still early
Birds were chirping outside
The streets were quiet from the night
A cool breeze was blowing
Moving the branches of the plants
Colored bags hung outside moved
It was refreshing after the heat of the day
The cat was sleeping on a chair outside
It was peaceful and serene
A stillness was in the air
The sun had not fully risen
City noises had not fully started
Early morning rise
May 21 · 34
She was in the water
She was struggling to get to the surface
Fish swam all around her
As she desperately thrashed

She wanted to be free
She felt trapped
She had a hard time breathing

She was in the water
Struggling to get free
She wanted to push through
But couldn’t

Whales started swimming around her
Every now and then going to the surface to break free
As their bodies lifted above the water and dropped down they created a huge splash

She watched with envy wishing she could do the same
Then all of a sudden the chains broke
She was free
Her burdens lifted
She felt light

As she made her way to the surface a whale swam beside her
As if it was guarding her
Then she grabbed its back fin and the whale lifted them both out of the water
She felt joy as she broke free
She lifted her head and looked at the sun

She climbed onto the back of the whale
They swam together towards the shore
She climbed off the whale and walked to the beach
She was free
Her burdens had been lifted
She looked out to the sea and smiled
Watching the whale swim back out
May 20 · 34
Sometimes change is good
Whether a place, home, clothing or coiffure
There are many more ways
To evoke a change
Learning or travel
We can become embedded
In the same thing
Change can loosen us up
Brighten up the brain
Offer new challenges

It can make all the difference
In attitude, overall happiness
With a quick change
One can become anew
It’s a new start

It can inspire
Lift one up
And just be fun
May 20 · 36
Together then…
They had been together for almost a year
Their time was ending
They had gone out to dinner
In the big city
One last time
Spent time walking around enjoying their time together
They were with her parents
It was spring
The weather was perfect
She wore a lilac colored dress
It was a perfect night
The city was full of magic

Soon they would have to leave
To head back home north
They didn’t want to leave
They didn’t want the night to end
But it had to
They had no choice

When the car came around
They sat in the back
Her parents were in front
As her father drove
They were quiet
Then his hand reached out to her hand
Touching it ever so gently
They sat holding hands the entire drive
May 19 · 32
Slow Drumbeat
In the background playing at the cafe
Drums beat ever so slightly
There is a faint, hypnotic rhythm
It is both entrancing and calming

In the background playing at the cafe
Drums beat ever so slightly
They draw me into memories

My heart starts to slow
Matching the beat
My imagination wanders

In the background at the cafe
Drums beat ever so slightly
Like a meditative dance
May 19 · 251
Stand in the Light
At times of darkness
Stand in the light

At times of cruelty
Be kind

At times of hate

At times of judgment

At times of wrongdoing
Do right

At times of hardship

At times of darkness
Stand in the light
May 17 · 33
Just Me
Just Me

I may not be like you
Look like you
Sound like you
But I am also human
I’m just me

My language may be different
My country
My customs
But I am also human
I’m just me

I have hopes and dreams
Wishes and desires
Though I am not of your blood
I am human
I’m just me

Trying to live my best life
In a good way
I am a peaceful person
Also human
I’m just me

I’m a traveler
An artist and writer
No more or less
Than another
I’m also human
From another place
No better or worse
I’m just me

So when you see me
Don’t judge
As I am just human
Walking my destiny
Just like you
I’m just me
May 15 · 35
After the high heat
The burning sun
When it finally cools down
Even just slightly
It’s a big relief

When the air clears
And the morning cool comes
Once again
So one can sit outside
And breathe freely
Not feeling repressed
It’s a relief

When the sky is blue
With a few clouds
Actually visible to the eye
It’s a relief

There’s a feeling of refreshment
A reprieve has been granted
From the worst of heat
Just for a moment
We are so very grateful
May 13 · 29
Sometimes we may fail
We may even feel like a failure
We may fall down or not meet expectations
Ours or others
But if we try, including new things are we?
As long as we get up and try again

People judge others all the time
Holding them up to their standards
Whether they are appropriate or not
How can one truly know about another
Without being in their shoes

If we take a risk and try something
If we reach beyond our means
If we find our own way
Even if different and unique
If we define ourselves based on our choices
Are we a failure
It’s in the eye of the beholder
Especially ours
May 11 · 38
Red Maple Rain
Red maples surround the empty road
The emptiness is calming
The color of the trees is so brilliant it almost looks false
It’s beautiful
The black asphalt road is a contrast to the color of the leaves
Hints of bright green highlight the red
Almost like a painting
It’s surreal
Even the rain doesn’t dim the leaves
It creates a look like a fairy tale
Or part of a movie set
Yet it’s real
Part of the artistry
Of Mother Nature
Pure magic

Red maple rain
May 10 · 29
The Voyager
The Voyager

She was leaving a place
Not like home
Heading to another
She couldn’t wait another second
She was heading home
To a place she had been before
To a place she knew and felt comfortable

She would drive all day and night
It didn’t matter
She knew where she was going and why

She began in the morning with her cat by her side
She would arrive at night before the end of the day

She drove through all types of weather ending her drive in heavy rain

At times it felt like the drive would never end
Rain pounding on the road and her car
It felt like it took forever

Large trucks racing by causing her car to be bathed in water
She was leaving a place
Not like home
Heading to another
She was heading home
Nothing would stop her
This was meant to be

Then she finally saw the signs of home
She smiled
She was getting close
Almost there
She was going home
Leaving a place not like home

Once she arrived where she was supposed to be
She settled herself in for the night
The rain had stopped
The air was cool but not cold
It was springtime
Trees were flowering
Flowers all around
Before sleeping she opened the window
The aroma of the trees filled her lungs and room
She took a deep breath and took it all in
The smell was like intoxicating perfume
She felt great relief and a sense of comfort
Her body started to relax
She knew she was finally home
May 10 · 24
The Scent of Home
When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
We wish for something familiar
Something we can cling to
Something we know
We will do anything for it
It’s precious

When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
The flowers
The trees
The landscape
The people and the food
The feeling of it

It becomes an intoxicating perfume
For the soul and heart
To comfort and calm
When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
It never leaves us
It’s in our heart
May 9 · 33
Lost in the Wind
Sometimes we get lost in the wind
When a large gust blows
Our spirit gets caught and taken away
Sometimes we lose our way
The path seems to disappear and
becomes hard to see

We may end up where we didn’t intend doing what we hadn’t planned

We may feel out of place and lost struggling to find our way back
To a time of comfort and safety
To a time of care and love

Sometimes we get lost in the wind
Fighting to find our way home
May 8 · 33
I am in the murky waters of life
The water is cold to the touch
Up to my knees
Hard to walk
The bottom feels like sand with dirt mixed in
I can see into the bottom
Small fish swim around my legs
They gently tickle me
Reminding me that they are there
and so am I
Together. Alive

We start to move in the same direction
I am no longer alone
I am with them
Together we find clearer water
It takes some time but we do
As the water clears it becomes warmer

As we continue to walk the bottom becomes white sand
Soft to the touch
The color of the water changes
It becomes a light blue

The fish swim away leaving me at a new place and path
With open, warm waters no longer murky
May 8 · 30
At Dusk
The sun is almost gone for the day
It is that time before nightfall and daytime
The in between
A slight warm breeze is blowing
Teasing the face just a little
Seductive to the touch
Like a lover
The branches of the plants are gently moving
Like a slow dance
A touch of sun can still be seen in the distant horizon
The city street below is full of life
Restaurants and cafes are open
People are moving about
A drum beat of music can be faintly heard in the background
Voices talking from the restaurant and bar next door
Lights of the city coming on for the night
As the city prepares for nightfall to come
May 7 · 28
The Disappearance
Every few months
She disappears
She hides
As if a ghost or spirit
She’s not part of anything
She’s something else
Comes from a different world
A different place

She melds into surroundings
Becoming very quiet
Keeping to herself
No one pays attention
It’s better that way
More comfortable
She watches from afar
May 6 · 154
The New Normal
After Covid
After the New Normal

What happens after the new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
When is it the right time to even try
Or do we continue as we have been
Until the hidden enemy is at bay

What happens after the new normal
Is there yet another one
Do we continue to wait
For the rescue
Or does patience get the best of us
Does the world take on another new look
Does it become a quieter, more solitary time

What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
White lights glitter against the black grill
The terrace is door open
A view of the plants can be seen
Highlighted by the lowering sun
Creating an impressionistic look

A slight breeze moves through the awning gently moving it back and forth

The light plays against the rose colored buildings giving them a magical hue
It’s almost surreal

Another day is coming to a close as nighttime encroaches
The change from light to darkness is in a holding pattern like an aircraft waiting to land
The shades of pink change as the sun drops

As the sun continues to drop
It’s time to relax and slowdown
People are gravitating to cafes
For coffee and a chat with friends
Evening is on its’ way
May 2 · 40
Hot baked sun streaming down
Intense bright light all around
Penetrating everything
Wilting flowers fighting to live
Lazy cats and dogs seeking shelter and shade
Streets and sidewalks hot to the touch
Laundry put out dries in a minute
It’s summertime once again

Bright blue skies
Sleeveless tops and dresses
Nothing feels comfortable
Beds too hot
No where to sit in comfort
Cold drinks tempting the mouth
Thoughts go to sandy beaches
And soft cool ocean breezes

It’s summertime once again
May 2 · 38
Cotton Candy
It's 6am on the east coast
Washington DC
Up high, over the horizon is a wide open sky
As far as the eye can see
threads of cotton candy pink streak across the sky against a pallet of
It is so beautiful, it almost looks surreal and artificially created.
The city has not yet awoken.
It is still, calm and quiet.
A slight, ever so gentle breeze rustles through the trees.
Then, slowly, the pink cotton candy streaks start to blend together
and dissolve into a bright red ball.
As the ball begins to rise, it announces the coming of a brand new day.
A few birds fly by a balcony and land on a ledge to watch the view.
And once again, Washington DC wakes up
May 1 · 27
Every morning I wake with joy
Joy in my heart
Joy in my soul
Every morning I wake with joy
Because of you
You fill my life with love and hope

Every morning I wake with joy
Joy in my day
Joy every hour
Joy every minute
Because of you

Every evening I fall asleep with joy
Because of you
I dream sweet dreams
Filled with joy
I awake refreshed
Filled with joy
Because of you
You fill my life with love and hope
Apr 30 · 31
Our time was always fleeting
Never enough
We were always running somewhere else
Yet wanting to be together

Our time was fleeting
Never enough
Sometimes we had an hour
Sometimes a half hour or a few minutes
Before it ran out

We always wanted more
But we never got it no matter what we tried
Our time was always fleeting
Like sand in an hourglass

Delicate like a rose petal or butterfly
Impossible to hold onto
Our time was always fleeting
Apr 28 · 242
I exist
Therefore I am
In this world
Am I living
Or just treading water
Avoiding negativity
Hiding from
Am I separate
From the world

I exist
But do I live fully
In each moment
Or just go through
Each day
Almost robotic
In movement
I’ve lost my joy
Of life
I find solace
In peace and quiet
I exist
But do not live
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