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It was early morning
It was the in between time of
night and day
She went out onto the terrace
She was dressed all in white
There was a slight cool breeze moving through her clothes
Making them move with a slight rhythm

She climbed up onto a black table
She was barefoot
The table was cool to the touch
As she stood on the table she looked out onto the city

She could see for miles
The city was still asleep
She stood at the back of the table
She then spread out her arms
She started running and leapt

As she started falling she changed into an eagle
She flapped her wings and flew
She soared through the sky
She aimed up towards the clouds
Eventually turning to the sun

She had become her true destiny
It is an early summer's day
The sun is out
The sky is a bright Wedgewood blue
There are a few white clouds scattered through the sky like a thin white veil
There is a slight breeze -- not too warm, not too cold
You are sitting in a field of tall grass
The grass is a light beige color
The grass sways gently to the breeze and makes a soft rustling sound
As you sit down in the field
A cloud of butterflies surround you
They are all colors -- purple, blue, yellow, red, and gold
As you put out your hands, they light onto your hand before flying away

Then, in the distance, a hummingbird appears
It is emerald green with a touch of pink
It is so small it could fit in the palm of your hand
As you look at it, it's movements slow down so you can see the wings beat
Your heart starts beating at the same rhythm

As you close your eyes and listen to the breeze the hummingbird touches your face gently before flying away
Music and memories go together
Like salt and pepper
One complements the other
One triggers the other
Listening to a song can easily transport one back to a memory or time
A certain memory can bring back a certain feeling
It’s as if one stepped into a time machine to relive that moment
Music can also inspire, ignite and calm the soul
It can heal ones wounds and evoke strong feelings
Music can take me back to a sweet memory of my father shoveling the snow outside during a winter storm
Or my father taking my hand as a small girl to enter a Brazilian ceremony many decades ago
Or to remember a colleague playing a song by the Temptations in the office one Friday morning to help start the day
Music and memories inspire our lives to be so much more like an artists’ painting
In the end
Light wins over dark
Love over hate
Goodness over evil
Freedom over oppression
Truth over lies
Integrity over corruption
Right over wrong
Kindness over cruelty
Healing over pain
Love is powerful energy
It can change the world
In an instant
Light up the world
With one small act
It can make a difference
Cold and dark winters night
Raining outside
Sky a deep black velvet
Temperatures cooling off
Hard to feel comfortable outside
Bones starting to ache

My heart, soul and body hunger for the sun
Just a glimpse of it through the clouds

I snuggle into my bed with warm blankets
Enjoying their warmth and comfort as the time passes into nighttime

My cat is by my feet seeking warmth for her body
I enjoy the sound of her purr as she falls asleep
Letting the sound calm me
Whispering winds blow across my face
Soothing my troubled soul

Whispering winds blow across my face
Bringing sweet scents of flowers

Whispering winds blow across my face
Lifting me up

Whispering winds blow across my face
Healing my pain

Whispering winds blow across my face
Reminding me of you
Once upon a choice
I danced with my soul
Once upon a choice
I chose to love you
Once upon a choice
I believed
Once upon a choice
I started anew
Once upon a choice
I danced with the moon
Once upon a choice
I held your hand
Once upon a choice
I lived a miracle
Once upon a choice
I found you
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