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The sun is almost gone for the day
It is that time before nightfall and daytime
The in between
A slight warm breeze is blowing
Teasing the face just a little
Seductive to the touch
Like a lover
The branches of the plants are gently moving
Like a slow dance
A touch of sun can still be seen in the distant horizon
The city street below is full of life
Restaurants and cafes are open
People are moving about
A drum beat of music can be faintly heard in the background
Voices talking from the restaurant and bar next door
Lights of the city coming on for the night
As the city prepares for nightfall to come
Every few months
She disappears
She hides
As if a ghost or spirit
She’s not part of anything
She’s something else
Comes from a different world
A different place

She melds into surroundings
Becoming very quiet
Keeping to herself
No one pays attention
It’s better that way
More comfortable
She watches from afar
After Covid
After the New Normal

What happens after the new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
When is it the right time to even try
Or do we continue as we have been
Until the hidden enemy is at bay

What happens after the new normal
Is there yet another one
Do we continue to wait
For the rescue
Or does patience get the best of us
Does the world take on another new look
Does it become a quieter, more solitary time

What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
White lights glitter against the black grill
The terrace is door open
A view of the plants can be seen
Highlighted by the lowering sun
Creating an impressionistic look

A slight breeze moves through the awning gently moving it back and forth

The light plays against the rose colored buildings giving them a magical hue
It’s almost surreal

Another day is coming to a close as nighttime encroaches
The change from light to darkness is in a holding pattern like an aircraft waiting to land
The shades of pink change as the sun drops

As the sun continues to drop
It’s time to relax and slowdown
People are gravitating to cafes
For coffee and a chat with friends
Evening is on its’ way
Hot baked sun streaming down
Intense bright light all around
Penetrating everything
Wilting flowers fighting to live
Lazy cats and dogs seeking shelter and shade
Streets and sidewalks hot to the touch
Laundry put out dries in a minute
It’s summertime once again

Bright blue skies
Sleeveless tops and dresses
Nothing feels comfortable
Beds too hot
No where to sit in comfort
Cold drinks tempting the mouth
Thoughts go to sandy beaches
And soft cool ocean breezes

It’s summertime once again
It's 6am on the east coast
Washington DC
Up high, over the horizon is a wide open sky
As far as the eye can see
threads of cotton candy pink streak across the sky against a pallet of
It is so beautiful, it almost looks surreal and artificially created.
The city has not yet awoken.
It is still, calm and quiet.
A slight, ever so gentle breeze rustles through the trees.
Then, slowly, the pink cotton candy streaks start to blend together
and dissolve into a bright red ball.
As the ball begins to rise, it announces the coming of a brand new day.
A few birds fly by a balcony and land on a ledge to watch the view.
And once again, Washington DC wakes up
Every morning I wake with joy
Joy in my heart
Joy in my soul
Every morning I wake with joy
Because of you
You fill my life with love and hope

Every morning I wake with joy
Joy in my day
Joy every hour
Joy every minute
Because of you

Every evening I fall asleep with joy
Because of you
I dream sweet dreams
Filled with joy
I awake refreshed
Filled with joy
Because of you
You fill my life with love and hope
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