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Slide in and out of the
recesses of our mind
Like clouds floating by
Some stay a while
Others rush past
Some make us smile
Some make us frown
Some make us laugh
Some seem so real
it is as if we can touch
them once again....
I am a person
I am alive
I have feelings
I have needs and desires
I am no different than another
I can be hurt
I can cry
I can mourn
I can and need love
I need care, a home, sustenance
I need to belong
I want to walk free
To live my life without pain or hurt
At times I am alone
At other times, not
I am no different
For I am human
Hot burning days
Green palm trees trying to keep their green
Bright blue skies with no hint of white clouds
Steaming sidewalks
The signs of summer

Warm sultry breezes at night
Blow across my face
Gently seducing me
Black velvet night skies
Decorated with sparkling diamond stars
The signs of summer

Flowers and plants craving water
Reaching towards the light
Wind chimes churning in the breeze
Animals searching for a slice of shade
The signs of summer

Women dressed in light flowing dresses
Bright colors and patterns
Making them look like butterflies when they move
The signs of summer

Men wearing straw hats
Light shirts
Linen pants with sandals
The signs of summer

Cool breezes coming late into the night offering a soothing touch to the sleeping
The signs of summer
It’s on its way
The magic room is a special place
Wonderful things are created
Beautiful things
They dazzle the taste buds
They are created from nothing
Each one different but good

Every house has one
Along with a magician
An artist
They create magic every day
Waving their wand
Tantalizing their families
With goodies to delight
Heavenly meals
Offering new tastes
There’s nothing like it

The magic room
We all have a daily life
Jobs and careers
Errands we run
Household chores
Meals we make
Other things
The rhythm of our day

Our lives are separate
Yet similar in what we do
Our needs are separate
Yet also similar

Restaurants even have a rhythm
Cafes, shops and stores
Streets and traffic
Everything has a rhythm
Different but also similar

No matter what part of the world
Everyone has a daily life
Whatever that may be
Each has their own rhythm
Whatever the beat
Whatever the music

While our separateness defines us
Makes us unique
Our humanity ties us together
For in the end
We are all one
On this planet
Living our lives
Separate yet together
Living our daily life
I can breathe

After feeling pulled underwater for several months
I can breathe
After feeling uncomfortable
I can breathe
My shackles have been released
I can breathe
My troubles have passed
I can breathe
And like a whale swimming to the surface for air
Once again I can breathe
It was a cool day
Felt like winter
The sky was crystal clear
The color was pure blue
It had rained the night before
The cool air seeped into ones bones leaving a dull ache
The cafe had mobile heaters lit
People were sitting in the café
Many seats were empty
Due to the cold
The atmosphere was muted
It made one long for the freshness of spring
Muted day
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