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Warm spring breezes move through the air
Wind chimes gently playing a quiet tune
Branches gently swaying
Birds out singing their song
Building nests
Sun shining down on flowers and flowering trees
A fragrant scent of spring in the air
The season has changed
After my Freedom Day
The day I went out to a cafe
After very long lockdown
I cannot forget to have gratitude
For the doctors, front line workers
Scientists, developers
I would not be free without them
The vaccine has helped
To stem my fears and anxiety
My worry
About the virus
I am grateful and in awe
Of what was done
In such a short time
To be able to create it
To administer it
I can go out now
It’s not over yet
But in a way I am free
For the first time in more than a year
I am grateful
After a long hard year
Frightening at times
It’s Freedom day
Time to go out
Time to sit in a cafe
Time to watch the world
Time to explore
It’s been a long time
It feels good but strange
I made it to the other side
I am finally free
Dark cloudy gray day
Coolness to the air
Dankness permeates
Birds on the roof eating
Chirping sounds in the air
Creates stillness and quiet
A cat cozied up sleeping
Looks like rain is possible
Good day for coffee or tea
Doing quiet things
I will stand by you when you hurt
I will stand by you when you feel joy
I will be there in the good and bad
The hard and the easy
The darkness and the light
I will hold you up when you can’t
When you fall to the ground in pain
I will stand by you and lift you up
I will hold your hand to comfort you
And pull you close to me
I will never let you go
If you feel alone
You are not
Just turn around
And you will see
I am behind you
Standing by you
As I always have been
You are standing on a beach
The waves move rhythmically
Back and forth.
The sound is soothing to the ear.
The sun is out, the sky is a clear crystal blue
There are a few white clouds in the sky -- very delicate
The sun is not hot, the air is not cool. It is just right.
There is a light breeze.
As you look out into the water, you see the color, a light turquoise.
The water dances as it moves-- looking like diamonds.
As you walk into the water, you do not feel wet.
Your color changes to the same as that of the water.
As you walk further into the water, your shape
and consistency change.
You melt and meld into the sea.
You feel warm, safe and at peace.
You are finally back home.
You are at peace and safe.
When one is surrounded by clouds of darkness
When the burden feels to much to handle
When life is crushing you down
Seek the small light shining in a distance
It will guide your way
It is destiny waiting
It is these small slivers of light that give us hope
They help us try again
They help us begin again
To look for better days
They help to lift us up
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