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Anthony Emmi May 2018
A comforting smile.
A familiar laugh.
Always so caring.
Is the Mother I have.

She wipes the tears.
A hug so tight.
She deflects my fears.
Tucked me in at night.

Always picks up the phone.
Always sends cards of love.
Never making me feel alone.
She is truly a gift from above.

Mother you are a blessing indeed.
You gave me life and so much more.
You never left me with a need.
I will always love you to my core.

A.Emmi 05/13/18
Anthony Emmi May 2018
As I wipe tears from my eyes.
I suddenly realize.
Life is full of lies.
With zero compromise.

Do all the good you wish.
You will still feed from the dish.
You will never catch enough fish.
You will still have that one wish.

You will always want more.
Always look behind that door.
Always pacing the same floor.
Always screaming from the core.

Always punching that clock.
Never leaving the dock.
Following the same flock.
Hiding behind the same rock.

A.Emmi 05/11/18
Anthony Emmi May 2018
I will never win this fight.
I have fought with all my might.
Its time to turn out the light.
Once and for all say goodnight.

Wait there are people who care.
How could I ever dare.
Have these thoughts of despair.
People love me for all I bare.

The struggle is getting to deep.
The pain far outweighs the keep.
How can I ever make that leap.
I am a wolf dressed as a sheep.

I feel alone day in and day out.
I just want to scream and shout.
I will beg and plead and pout.
Until someone digs me out.

A.Emmi 05/09/18
Anthony Emmi May 2018
Moving pieces all around me.
I am the rock, I am the tree.
Roots dug deep feet below.
I will remain here to grow.

Set me a blaze, chop me down.
Ill still be here deep in the ground.
I am an anchor one that's fixed.
Feelings however are torn and mixed.

Pick my leaves, and trim my branches.
You shall only be given so many chances.
For I will grow back only to be stronger.
Roots will grow deeper, branches longer.

I will overcome any storm in my way.
To shine in the sunlight again someday.
Rain shall replenish my broken soul.
For I am that rock you can not roll.

A.Emmi 05/04/18
Anthony Emmi May 2018
Slipping between the cracks.
Weaving between the racks.
Sliding up the walls.
Floating through the halls.

Mind bends warped and bound.
hearing every single sound.
Eyes focused squinting stare.
Sitting here in the bare.

Living breathing flesh indeed.
Thinking knowing cut and bleed.
Planting digging nurturing seed.
Money gold mankind greed.

Following flowing going with.
Crowds shifting politics myth.
Leaders leading minions bow.
Everyone wanting now.

A.Emmi 05/01/18
Anthony Emmi Apr 2018
You will never find a love like me.
Unconditional love I shall be.
I love you now, and always will.
How can I remain so still.

I sit and wait patiently.
I sit and wait for you to see.
For you to know I am your man.
For you to reach out your hand.

Months gone by, I miss your smile.
I miss your laugh, I miss your style.
I miss your beautiful long brown hair.
I miss your squinty loving stare.

I am so alone without you near.
My wife, my love, I hold so dear.
How can I make this right?
How can I be by your side tonight?

A.Emmi 04/30/18
Anthony Emmi Apr 2018
All alone in my skin.
Clutching fists again.
Blood shot eyes.
Confronting my demise.

Rocking back and fourth.
Feelings of heading North.
To where land touches sky.
Could I possibly say goodbye?

You my Little Red are my anchor.
My beloved daughter my mentor.
You teach me unconditional love.
A thing I once knew nothing of.

Here I shall remain doing my best.
Holding our love close to my chest.
I miss you more and more every day.
How much more pain do I have to pay?

A.Emmi 04/27/18
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