I often hear folks declare: “We all have to die, my dear.”
I respond: “I know that! But answer me this, if so, why?
Why were we born to start with & why do we get gray-hair?”
Religious gobbledygook is tossed back at me & mumbo-jumbo
out of a delusional-book. It’s a revelation to many that faith
can be stretched just so far, before reality snaps it back.
Painful as it maybe, we believe in nonsense without-foundation,
to avoid or to best life’s many disappointments. We’ve come
to believe there’s a place somewhere we go to, in that ‘great somewhere out-there.’ A place where we’ll all meet again. Nice idea, but totally without merit. There is no great ‘plantation’ in the sky. Hide under your blanket & try not to give into things too deep for us to comprehend. “Eat, drink, & be merry for tomorrow we’ll meet our eventual demise.” — Ray Laccetti