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147 · Jan 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
She opened her Christmas presents in
The room with the lighted fur tree
One special from her grandma was Sasha
A very collectible and beautiful doll.

Having bought lots of clothes for Sasha,
Grandma had hoped the little girl
Would have been given them, all,
To play with on Christmas Day.

But this never happened
The box not utilised
A few unmatched given
Grandma cried at her gift.

Being so unconsidered.

Love Mary ***
147 · Feb 2018
A love song
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
And if he thought it he did not say
But turned away in quiet despair
As if the air had cooled right down
And only others remained to stay.

Love Mary x
146 · Nov 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Nov 2019
You painted my pots when times contained pain
And the *** was a silent ceramic vessel of peace
It contained no words or inscriptions, images just
Light reflected from window panes to a hurt soul.

Love Mary
146 · Jan 2018
A love song
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
A love song .

And if he thought it he did not say
But turned away in quiet despair
As if the air had cooled right down
And only others remained to stay.

Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
As I stand and think
Any ideas fall or rise
According to other elements
The day maybe cloudy
Or full up with fog
So remembering is banished
To the outskirts of town.
Seeded thoughts lie dormant
And in this metamorphosis
Take flight
Never to lighten the world
With a flowery rose
Or cast wisdom on the stone.
I might think mightily
But fall to earth in despair
Mistaken by virtue
Or an over risen ego.
And so the slow decent
Only to rise up
In fallow field made of straw.
Capture me whilst energy
Still flutters, before
Thought in its watery
Words is submerged.
For without it
I was not.

Love Mary
Remembering Wallace Steven .love Mary ***
146 · Dec 2018
If you close your eyes.
Mary Gay Kearns Dec 2018
If you close your eyes
You will remember how
We wrapped together
In the cold dark night.

How we walked the park
As the leaves fell down
How we spun around
You never let me down.

My one and only Ro.

Love Mary xxxo
146 · Jun 2019
Kiss me.
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2019
A birds kiss had been his song
On every celebration
This was his greeting of love
Such a beauty within
Had the boy
Though for he
The shadows rolled
A tresspassing volt
Leaving tenderness

To Milo
Love Grandma

146 · Jun 2018
Two Tom Cats.
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
Prattlebag  and Whistle were two tom cats
One was all stripy the other was all black
They were part of a trio born in late May
The girly sold first with a bright yellow bow.

The two lads were playful the curtains did pull
Dethreaded the settee but habitat have them still
Uprooted the rose bushes with those front paws
Trampled the daffodils so they dance no more.

But when in the evening the clouds come down
And darkness falls in their grassy playground
Through the cat -flap, come quickly, the kitty cats
Placing themselves down to sleep on the mat.

For my grandchildren
Love Grandma **
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Little baby sweetly sleep,
Gentle in our arms do keep,
Watching every tiny move,
Mummy and Daddy,
Are holding you.
We are waiting for a smile,
Know it will come in a little while.

Two dark eyes look at us,
Giving now all your trust,
We will always honour you,
With a love that is true,
Be there at your side,
Little baby sweetly sleep,
Daddy will make you a fimo sheep.

Love Grandma Mary xxxx
145 · Feb 2018
Daisy May
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
When you were a little girl
I came to play each Monday
We had such fun as did Mum
Sitting at the covered table
Drawing pictures and writing poems
Cutting and sticking
Our hearts were glowing

We loved the dollies and the flowers
Cuddled up and played about
Barney came and looked around
To see if I had sweeties found
Milo in his pushchair
Dark brown eyes and softest hair
Always gave a smile to me
When I came and stayed for tea.

At your house I loved to be .

Love Mary

Thank you to Daisy ,Barney ,Milo and Katie , love Mummy ,Grandma ***
145 · May 2018
Lifting me softly
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
I will hear you calling across the stars
Lift up my wings in a heavenly bow
I will sing to you now and for always
Lonely feet drifting, waving as I go.

Lighter than thoughts lost in a dream
Never to be found, never to be seen
I will love you my one glittering boy
I will hear you calling across the stars

Love Mary
145 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Everyday we separate from sheds of skin
The crack in the drainpipe gets wider
The moon changes position
The rain is borrowed damp
And I depart from the first place
I ever knew,
You .

Love Mary x
For my Rog love Mary
144 · Jun 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
Maybe after the grass is cut
Things will get better.

Love Mary **
144 · Apr 2018
Know not quite
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
Finding this place has allowed
My family to know how I feel
To capture memories to read
To tell how much I love each
In a special and particular way.

In doing this I read the words
Written by others for reasons
That they know not quite
And oh how similar we are
Under Van Gogh's Cosmic sky.

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
I think I shall buy
Some Vintage Alam Bay glass
The shop is now empty
These many years passed.

Was near the bottom
Of the Totland Bay Hill
I would stand there often
For hours at a spell.

A double fronted window
Stretching the place of two
Filled with many cabinets
Holding colourful jewells.

Owned by the company
Alam Bay Glass
Made at the Seaside shop
Where people did pass.

Swans, ducks and hens
Abstract shapes
Blown from a tube
Until they'd inflate.

Then there was twisting
After the blast
Beautiful bubbles
Of shiny spiralled glass.

Have to look on eBay
The only place they'll be
Maybe quite cheaply
My childhood memories.

Love Mary x
144 · Jan 2018
A home
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
When I was born we still had prefabs,
Just across the road on a patch of land,
Stood four homes like big camper vans,
Windows and a door,
Chimneys too.
People seemed to love them,
A home for a few.

Now most are gone,
Replaced with flats,
Or new houses,
With gardens at the back,
But after the war,
With poor housing stock,
These prefabs were a luxury,
Many glad to have.

Love Mary ***
144 · Jan 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Barney boy blonde and slender,
From that bundle of tender joy,
Came this happy, playful nature,
This stoic lad who faced the world.

Loved his cars with a passion,
One that grew into a dream,
Met the challenges ,succeeded,
Got a job with those machines.

Sitting by the flowing river,
Barney and his maiden queen,
With the bluebells all about them,
Gentle in their hearts the stream.

Always loving in your kindness,
A valuing of simple things,
Remembering your childhood laughter,
Your love of tiny sweetie things.

Love Grandma xxxx
144 · Jan 2018
After school
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
They told me I had to
Those girls from Southfields,
Buy why did I
Crumpled angel that I was
Straight out of Winnie the Pooh
And Start - rite shoes.
Waiting to be had by some lads
In the back bedroom.
"Taking it in turns" they said,
"You next".
I waited it out
Someone took an age
Then we had to leave.
Thank goodness
For early returning
Mothers .

Love Mary
143 · Aug 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Aug 2019
The hands curled fingers like leaves
Overlapping repeatedly the notes
He and her childhood companions
Speaking spirit to spirit, their souls.

Schubert’s Rondo romantics piano
whispy greyness floats her flowery
Dress, while he payne’s grey suited
In tune with life their hands trusting.

Love Mary ***
143 · Feb 2018
I send my love.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
I'm holding on and you can't come
I travel alone you hold my phone
And it rings on and on
But to answer would be wrong
And I send my love
Far out
To the world I knew
It was you and you .
And I am dancing cause I'm sad
We are together it's true
But the night is dark
I'm alone.

Love Mary ***
143 · Apr 2018
milo got up late.
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
Under a hermit sky you sit
The roof has fallen in and the poem
But your not reading the quest
Answering only questions
You like the best.
There's a boy crossing a river
So you decide to fall in
Chasing the dog as he swims.

On the river bank someone calls
And for a minute
You decide to revise.
Taking a pencil to write some lines
Like 'I'm extremely bored'.
You attempt to comply
But all the words flake
On the black and white screen.
At least you don't have Fakebook.

Love Grandma
For Milo love Grandma

Hope the revising is going ok.xxxx
142 · Dec 2018
Life story.
Mary Gay Kearns Dec 2018
Christmas lights by Pickwicks
A variety pack of colours
With dancer’s skirts
Frilled edges, sharp.

Loose bulbs, unstable filaments
Twisted black flex
Two spare bulbs
And a flasher.

On and off, off and on
Different sequences
Alternative time durations
Reflecting our life story.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
I don’t  know why I left my coat behind
So though the day be dull and deeply wet
And silver tears caressed the evening song.

Love Mary
142 · Apr 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
"Catch up",I said, "Catch up",
But it was he always trailing
Dragging those new shoes
Though they were sand paper
Until the toes nothing but
Then the new top itched
Like a foreign skin
So you punctured it
Stretching and pulling
Until the zip almost
What were you brother
So angry and gaged?
You grew up to be
An amazing parent.
Better than I.
For my brother Dear Richard eighteen months my junior.
142 · Apr 2018
Break Hour
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
Forty years felt this land
But how the  carrions caress
Its shores, pollution stains
In all the halls
Where hang the priveledged
Like bats in the light.
Without vision or right.

With cupped hands the meak
Hold out the remains of the
Saint's words, crying why?
And the challis falls until
Failing retribution they, too,
Break hour for the truth
For carelessness is unbearable

Love Mary x
142 · Apr 2018
When you hold onto daddy
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
Like an upside down monkey
Climbing his frame
Hands attached
To a sleeve as velcro.

What is it that you
Are saying
Is it that baby sister
On the floor playing?

Love, that confused
Emotion breaking
Rules of behaviour
As we try.

Love Mary x
Love to Evelyn and Florence from Grandma ***
142 · Oct 2019
Behind the hedge
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2019
I caught you kissing behind the hedge
In the field near the onion bed
Thé river was passing by
And I was much too shy.

So stood and watched with eyes bright
While woodpecker spread his yellow head
And the ground softened at your touch
My hair fell flaxen over the feather steps.

Love Mary xxxx
142 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Went to stay in London when I was but a child
Stayed with my Aunty Betty always a bit wild
Put me in a bedroom that smelt of soap and lace
Decorated in liliac, that was the latest taste.
Sat in the front room overlooking the street
Books on the painters displayed very neat
Listened to the classics,  music I'd never heard
Sipped percolated coffee, never said a word.

By the grand piano a table of pretty shells
A collection from holidays in Corsica and Wales
Where there was a fireplace stood a new gas fire
Above it a reprint of Van Gogh's sunflowers
Lunch in the kitchen with a room filled with light
Yellow painted walls to keep everything bright
Plastic chairs from Heels the strings made a ridge
Susie Cooper tea cups soup with crusty bread.

Salad in a basket black pepper to add
Ice cream for pudding I was really glad
Ate all my dinner then to the garden went
Under the Willow together on a creeky bench
Wondered round the garden, listened to church bells
Thought this an unusual life no children to tell
I loved my Aunty Betty the stories she would spell
Of places on Greek Islands, her boyfriend as well.

John was a teacher, literature of course
He wrote lengthy poems and took photographs
They went to the theatre the ballet and special films
They lived not together but an hours dream
John in the country Betty in the town
Was simply perfect for them to get around
I looked at all her photos when Betty was young
The ones with her sister who also was my mum.
Although they were different alike in many ways
They both chose the sweet life but felt the other's sway
My mother had two children with little money to spare
Betty had not got any so that made her rare.

They both died at eighty their influence great
Thank you Grace and Betty you both have your place.

Love Mary daughter and niece **
Love to Betty Rose  (Elizabeth)  my mother Grace Emily Westbrook Love Mary **
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
Wide lapels and herringbone
Was what my parents wore
A few years following
My brother and I were born,
Married in a registry office
My Aunty and mother in hats
No flowery additions
Their love was that.

In my father's pocket
A folded handkerchief
Mother held a handbag
An umbrella just in case.

I never got to try it on
That grey suit of my mum's
Lived in the few photographs
After they were gone
The bungalow was sold
My brother took the suits
And dispensed of their souls.

In remembrance of my dearest parents.
Love Mary their daughter ***
142 · Jan 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Oh Mr Spaceman, it seems a long way off,
Since you landed, carefully, on a lunar spot;
Standing at the station gazing at the stars,
On our way to Walthamstow to spend happy hours;
I recall that day, vividly, holding Roger's hand,
Thinking how wondrous,
And lucky I am.

Love Mary **
141 · Jun 2018
Congratulations Margaret.
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
I remember the hatefulness
Resting between corridors
Watching as doors opened
Waiting to pounce, suddenly,
On someone with mousey hair
Who was studious and square.

The undercurrents ran like
Tram lines, intersecting,
Infecting others with mockery
The pulling of hair, kick on shin
I feared break with its milk stains
And so many broken bottles.

My good looks saved me the bully
As I was seen as an asset to be used
A symmetrical form unnoticed
As I hurried past the stair wells
Hoping today it would remain quiet
Today, I think of Margaret Atwood .
Wonderful programme on Margaret Atwood on iplayer .
Love Mary
141 · Feb 2018
Montague and Connie Flu
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Montague and Connie Flu
Got caught up in a racing boom
Found themselves in a field
With coloured banners and an ice cream que;
All the competitors in a line
Wearing fitting clothes , combined.
Connie in her high heeled shoes
Wondered what she could do,
Monty suggested taking them off
Wrapping her feet in an old Jay- cloth
Connie did not like this view
So borrowed a pair of training shoes
From a member of the Boom,
Black and white with silver stars
Matched her top and legging style,
So they ran their fastest best
Over hill and under tree
Won the race without out a phew!

Love Grandma for Monty and Connie .
141 · Jun 2018
Days’ End
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
The shephard never came to me
He left me in the lurch
Half eaten by cannibalism
Scrabbling in the dirt.

The paintwork has slipped
The door frame fallen
And teachings, a betrayal
For love is forsaken.

Love Mary **
140 · Sep 2019
I was never able.
Mary Gay Kearns Sep 2019
I never said goodbye to mother
As she lay all shrunken in bed
Her hair in a grey ponytail
Her face frightened and white.

Nobody told me she was dying
As my father sat by her side
The nurses suggested sagaciously
I needed to come in a short time.

But I never got to her bedside
Before the ringing of the phone
Announcing that she had faded
And would not be back again.

Love you dear mother
So sorry not to be with you , miss you .Mary xxxx
140 · Jun 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2019
The crooked heart sprouted a bark
So tough and so hard it had no leaf
The country folk took chisels sharp
And plunged them in quick and fast
To alleviate the damage carried out
By the evil of the crooked heart.

Love Mary x
140 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Where did you come from
No one knows
Arrived in October
Before any snow
Deep brown eyes
A splash of dark hair
Rosy and chubby
We all looked and stared.

Mummy took you home
Wrapped in a shawl,
Tucked you in bed
With the rest of them all.
Now there are nine
To wash and dress
The oldest can do it
That's for the best.

Under the Liliacs your were born
A flower fairy if ever there was
Mum named you Bluebell
To match the rest
Of the flowery names
She loves the best.

Love Grandma xxxxx
140 · Apr 2018
The edge
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
That edge of the sea feeling
Barefoot where the sand slops heavy
And popping seaweed drapes knots
Slimey, slippery ribbons drifting
Along with our feet.
Stubbed toes bruise on rocks
And that sudden extra wave
Surprises, chasing knees
And thighs with bubbles.
Sun splinters through spray drops
Brown to golden streaks
Collect in our hair and eyebrows
As the evening slips
Into still waters
And we return home .

Love Mary ***
Totland **
140 · Jun 2018
My son
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
I caught you round the waist
The buckle of your coat in my hand
Blonde curls tasting of the wind
And a love so deep within.

Love Mum ***
139 · Aug 2019
Not a drop
Mary Gay Kearns Aug 2019
There is not a drop of hope
All pages completely tight
Feeling it must stop soon
They all went to the party.

The moth eaten cat beams
At their return to number
Wall tapestry girl waiting
For an overdue love letter.

Dying is a miraculous gift
For the suffering confused
The freedom of the garden
Wooden trowel and sweets.

Love Mary ***
139 · Dec 2019
This is my end.
Mary Gay Kearns Dec 2019
This is my end
And I know it
Don’t want
To show it
But saying

Love Mary **
139 · Dec 2019
Cold nights.
Mary Gay Kearns Dec 2019
These poems gathered together in
Harmony are my life in pictures
The thoughts, blessings, memories
Hours of pain and suffering put aside
For the love of those most dear and
Others new to me whom I share my heart
For I have not travelled alone on cold nights.

Love you all Mary **
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
You know that he is looking
As the train leaves the town
The carriages are closed now
No one moves around
And your face goes down as you feel his gaze
So you drop a sideward glance
In the window pane
The scarf across your neck
Is a deep shade of brown
And it matches your hair
With its red topped crown
But you do not move
Not an eyelash blurs
Just sit in the silence as he stares.

Love Mary x
138 · Feb 2018
Be thy still of heart
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
We all have to climb the stairs sometime,
To wave goodbye to friends,
To kiss the roses one last time,
And understand we can't mend.

Though tears may fill our hearts,
Many have journeyed before,
Laid down their possessions,
Quietly closed  the door.

I leave behind my treasures,
The things that made me, me,
The people that I loved,
And those that loved me.

Be thy still of heart,
Knowing you did your best,
Filled my life with gladness,
Right from the very start.

Find in the petals,
The perfume in the air,
Traces of a wonder,
I always shared.

Love Mary ***
138 · Dec 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Dec 2019
Your hands hardened by love
All the watering and wiping
Lifting loads up the steep stairs
The blue enamel bowl rounded
We are together stilled by ends
Tangled socks and the touches of
Long grey silver in the night.

Love from Mary xxxx
137 · Nov 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Nov 2019
I met them on the roadside
Silky black ,smooth ,padded
There were two,  gathering
In the hour before sunset came.

I felt the cold chill my bones
Festering the marrow to dark
Then it happened like a bark
Time to say goodbye to Silky
And Black the cats.

Love Mary. **
137 · May 2018
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
In a hot room overlooking the football ground
I felt the pains filling my brain in reams
The sky held to blue all day and the sheets white
Then I pushed to see and someone ran the corridor.

The silver lift doors swung open and we separate
As your name I bounced off every wall, I shout,
‘Deliverance without my gentle shepherd, my love’.
You peep through green doors to a daughter born.

Love Mary
137 · Jun 2018
The Gardener
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
He bent now low on folded flanks
With ***** and rake at near side hand
The wrench from earth he pulled as man
Of last years shooting stem to bin.

Love Mary x
137 · Nov 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Nov 2018
The birds flew over the ocean
I wish you were here
For my time is thining
And the gate swings near.

The loss of what we knew
In the last golden sunset
I wish you were here.

Love Mary x
136 · May 2018
Church hall.
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
The hall made for singing on Sundays
Filled with pink leggings and tutu skirts
And an old piano in the corner
Watching a flurry of signets point.

Late to start, us being poor, but anyway
You wanted to try and both were good
I wanted a ballerina in the family
And the hour passed fast and costly.

When one of you, after university, took up
A position at Sadlers Wells in the offices,
You got cheap tickets and we all went
At Christmas, sitting in the stalls, aglow.

Love Mary x
136 · Feb 2018
The juggling balls.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Daddy , daddy you can see I'm a girl
By my wonderful curls
When wearing a dress I look such a splash
Especially if it's in blue.
I know you like cars
But we've been playing for hours
And the juggling *****
Don't bounce anymore
Even the hoops are bored.

You call me Flimmy
I think I am a cat
But can't get through
The door flap.
The house is strange
With lots of weird names
And screens bright
With bionic mice
Whilst dinner comes in tubes.

But when you hold me tight
I know I'm just right
Growing up like you.

Love Grandma for Alex and Evelyn.
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