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1.1k · May 2018
last regrets
wolfie1501 May 2018
along time ago
i found my self on my own
cold and afraid
i needed some where to call home
then u opened your heart to me
i found a friend
someone who could share
joys and woas
growing up by my side
u were my world
u were the one who held my heart
my dear cadence

i cherished every day we were togtether
and we knew no matter what we had each other
it was u and me
i wish that it could always be

remembering all of the fun we had
it brings me a smile
all of the mischief and the
of watch u light my world
i was so proud
y did theat moment have to end
my dear cadence

i cherished every day we were togtether
and we knew no matter what we had each other
it was u and me
i wish that it could always be
i wish that i could take us back to those moments
where theres no pain and betrayal
just love and laughter
it was u and me i wish that it could always be
my dear cadence

i wish it could always be
my dear cadence

i cherished every day we were togtether
and we knew no matter what we had each other
it was u and me
i wish that it could always be
i wish that i could take it back and never leave u
time apart was killing me
cause i still loved u
even when you'd gone
my love for u kept going strong

u said ud never leave me cadence
i i cant do this with out u
705 · Sep 2018
a princess's lullaby
wolfie1501 Sep 2018
Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

Once did a girl who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is nobody
So lovely and so well beloved as I"

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind

Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
cadence, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May these thousand winters
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you; I miss you
All these miles away

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there
306 · Oct 2018
heart of lore
wolfie1501 Oct 2018
Now stirring
Another page is turning

The cauldrons
Of history
Bespeaking myth and mystery

Oracles and Witches
Wizards, fairies and sages
The masters
Unlocking gates and cages

Dark dragons, and demons
Breathe fire of grand illusions
Truth's armor
Is stronger
It rises through the ashes

(Ethereal section)

Heart of lore is calling
I will follow where it leads

Courage be with me
Leaving harbor for the sea

Turning the page
A crown of fate

Eye of destiny
May I travel by your wings
All powers that be

Holy grail of faith
Ever remain
not mine
191 · Jan 2018
the defeat of wolfie
wolfie1501 Jan 2018
i am going to fail this assignment
this assignment and me
failuers we are failuer we will always be
our defet is immesureable
the pain unsufferable
yet they say im capable
i should be able to thrive
yet i take a dive
i am destion to fall
i am nothing at all
yet their is a light in my life pulling me up from the shadoes
is it possibe i have found my hero
no i have found my true love
she means everything to me and i will protect her
no one can stop from this but if God says other wise then let him
for in death i will search for her till she is mine again
i want advice on how to make this better
190 · May 2019
bad days
wolfie1501 May 2019
do u know y we have bad days
we have bad days to remind us of the good days
with out these bad days we start to take life for granted
causing life to lose its meaning
this can be seen as a storm
clouds roll in and damage is done
but then the clouds part
the sun shines warming us
we get up
and we move on
but a storm doesnt just affect u
it affects everyone
but we still get up and help each other
showing that we dont quit
u have helped me through many storms
and have even saved my life
so now in your time of need ill be here
parting the clouds and raising the sun
so the one day u will be happy again
if u need to talk dm me ill help as much  as i can
182 · Feb 2018
when i hear music
wolfie1501 Feb 2018
i hear music in the wind
it wakens me to sing a song of love and beautya melody a symphony
i feel music in mt heart
every song i sing it reminds me of yesterday a lullaby a memory
there are so many songs unsung
so much hope to bring
youve set my heart to music ill sing on
youve left an imprint on my heart
you have taught me how to live a life thats filled with music
a passion yet to give
when i hear laughter
when i hear sining
when i hear music
i think of u
when i hear music
by Michael martian
179 · Jun 2018
battle scars
wolfie1501 Jun 2018
This is an anthem to the homesick
For the beaten
The lost, the broke, the defeated
A song for the heartsick
For the standby's
Living life in the shadow of a goodbye
Do you remember when we learned how to fly?
We play make believe
We were young and had time on our side
Your stuck on the ground
Got lost, can't be found
Just remember that your still alive
I'll carry you home
No your not alone
Keep marching on
This is worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
You've had enough
But just don't give up
Stick to your guns
You are worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
Keep marching on
This is a call to the soldiers
The fighters, the young, the innocent righteous
We've got a little room to grow
Better days are near
Hope is so much stronger than fear
So if you jump kid don't be scared to fall
Well, we'll be kings and queens in this dream
All for one, one for all
You can light up the dark
There's a fire in your heart
Burning brighter than ever before
I'll carry you home
No your not alone
Keep marching on
This is worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
You've had enough
But just don't give up
Stick to your guns
You are worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
Keep marching on
On and on
Like we're living on a broken record
Hope is strong
But misery's a little quicker
Sit and we wait and we drown there
Thinking why I bother playing when it's unfair
They say life's a waste
I say they lack believe
They tell me luck will travel
I tell them that's why I've got feet
Left, right
Left, right
Moving along, just the pulse of a heartbeat
This could be the last chance you have to fly
Do you like the ground?
Want it to pass you by?
Then you had it all
When you were just a kid
Do you even remember who you were back then?
What do you want in life?
Would you be twice as strong?
What would you sacrifice?
What are you waiting on?
Don't stop
March on
I'll carry you home
No your not alone
Keep marching on
This is worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
You've had enough
But just don't give up
Stick to your guns
You are worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
Keep marching on
Keep marching on
i do not own this song
167 · Jan 2018
wolfie1501 Jan 2018

I've lost my mind
The skies are crashing around me
I'm left behind
Smoke obscures all that I can see

You lead me down a dark path
But I'm who you blame for the aftermath
You're screaming out
You've broken me down and I
am left alone here to cry

Someone, can someone, please someone save me now

You've charred my heart into ash
I've become numb to the pain
You've driven us both to crash
And escape without a scratch

Now you've used up all your luck
It's time to get what you deserve
I'm holding out for KARMA
I'm holding out to watch you burn

Shoot me down
Of course, I'm the sinful one here
But now i've found
A reason to feel no fear

You lead me down a dark path
But I'm who you blame for the aftermath
We're screaming out
You've broken me down and I
am left alone here to cry

Someone, can someone, please someone end this now

I'm not usually the type
To hold a grudge
But you've affected me
And now I'm nothing but rage

Give what you take
Take what you give
What you've done to me
I will not forgive
Give what you take
Take what you take
What you've done to me
I will not forgive

You've charred my heart into ash
I've become numb to the pain
You've driven us both to crash
And escape without a scratch

Now you've used up all your luck
It's time to get what you deserve
I'm holding out for KARMA
I'm holding out to watch you burn

You've charred my heart into ash
I've become numb to the pain
You've driven us both to crash
And escape without a scratch

Now you've used up all your luck
It's time to get what you deserve
I'm holding out for KARMA
I'm holding out to watch you burn
author unknown
154 · Jan 2018
good bye
wolfie1501 Jan 2018
When I was little
I was taught that the world wasn't my story
All the tears I will cry
Wouldn't even make up a sea

Tell me how I'll be found
Let it be known
Tell me who will become still
When I am shown

And I'll be forgotten in time
no matter how hard I try
I'll be a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
Wake me when I
have the courage to die
Cause I'm too scared to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my goodbye

I never wanted fame
Cause when we are dead it's all the same
Human mortality is a test on our memory

Let me know when I'll go
Will I be loved
Will someone care I'm not there
Am I enough

And I'll be forgotten in time
no matter how hard I try
I'll be a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
Wake me when I
have the courage to die
Cause I'm too scared to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my goodbye

So this is my goodbye

I'll stop hoping stop wishing
stop singing stop living
Stop, I'll stop

I'll stop moving stop breathing
Stop thinking stop living
Stop, Just stop

And I'll be forgotten in time
no matter how hard I try
I'll be a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
Wake me when I
have the courage to die
Cause I'm too scared to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
author unknown
150 · Jun 2018
sirens song
wolfie1501 Jun 2018
Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me, sleep peacefully
Listen to this siren's song
Worry not for nothing's wrong

Let my voice lead you this way
I will not lead you astray
Trust me as we reach the side
Jumping out where men have died

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Let the ocean fill your lungs
Struggle not, soon peace will come
Taking in your final breath
Sink down to the ocean's depths

"I wish I could always be
In the ocean's arms, you see"
He who'd wanted nothing more
Sleeps now at the ocean floor

Ocean was your lover's name
You had loved her all the same
Now you'll always be together
Sirens are so very clever

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity
i do not own this poem
128 · Feb 2018
wolfie1501 Feb 2018
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll have woke up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"
You won't cry for my absence, I know
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant?
Am I so insignificant?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out:
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"
And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
And wake without you there,
isnt something missing
isnt someone missing me
wolfie1501 Aug 2020
now i own nothing with this song but its lyric basicly are my life so i wanna share it. i hope  you enjoy.

Short steps, deep breath
Everything is alright
Chin up, I can't
Step into the spotlight
She said, "I'm sad,"
Somehow without any words
I just stood there
Searching for an answer

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright

Why do my words
Always lose their meaning?
What I feel, what I say
There's such a rift between them
He said, "I can't
Really seem to read you. "
I just stood there
Never know what I should do

When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright
If you're with me, then everything's alright

— The End —