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May 2021 · 181

In the middle of the floor
Lies a pile of clothes
*****, unwashed
Like a body
Without a soul

What we make of ourselves
When we lose ourselves
When we lose our souls
Before death takes over
What do we hold so dear

I am like you
Always counting my winnings
Who cares what all that we have lost
Along the way
Time to move on
And find closure
They say

I laugh at myself
To myself
The pain
You will forget it soon

Get over it, they say
But it will linger till the day
They cut off your clothes
And drop them on the floor
M. N. R.
02 MAY 2021
Apr 2020 · 149
What you look for
In the corners of your past
What you thought would last
Forever, didn't last

What happened
To the dreams
We dreamt big
Bigger than life itself

Just never had the time
Got too busy
Dreaming big
Bigger than life itself

Did you find
What you were looking for
Are you still looking for
What to look for
When you go looking for

In life
We go in circles
Of dreams
And nightmares
Or the dreams become those nightmares
We had nightmares about
When we had dreams
M. N. R.
31 MARCH 2020
Oct 2019 · 196

Here I sit at the crossroads, everything is still, even the time doesn't move.

Who cares, I have lived ten thousand years, I have lived a hundred lives, you get used to the human vagaries, the lies and pretensions. It is life, it doesn't mean a thing.

We live a lie, and after our death our lies are affirmed in our obituaries and our eulogies by those who knew us little and those who finally found some love that never existed.

A drunk and abusive father is remembered as hard working and loving family man, a drug addicted woman becomes a loving, caring and doting mother. Who cares, truth was never a strong suit of humanity.

What will you be remembered for, it doesn't matter anyway. In some other realm, in another dimension all is forgiven. Only if we could forgive ourselves and make peace with the one we refuse to admit ever existed. Self is too proud. It is not the ghosts that haunt us, it is reflection in the mirror that keeps us awake, it is the "what if", if we have enough intelligence to admit our losses.

From beyond the walls of now, I hear my own cries, my lamentations, I tug at my chains, to escape my hell, what if, what if, what if.

What does it take, to ease this pain, another shot of whiskey, another Xanax, another nameless ****, another transgression against my SELF, to forget myself, to forgive my sins.

What next my friend, are we going into nothingness, or do we try it all over again, until we are perfect, until we are prepared to become one. Hell may not exist, but the time is real, it is the punishment, it is enough punishment just to remember what we could have been.

M. N. R.
08 OCTOBER 2019
Jul 2019 · 229
Part 8
Part 8

What are we
A puff of smoke
A breath of air
A beat of heart

What are we
Is what we make
Of ourselves
That sets us apart

I push through the crowds
Elbowing my way
Going past
Going fast

To where nothingness
Is all that there is
Finding life
In death
A reincarnation
And rebirth of that old soul

M. N. R.
15 JULY 2019
May 2019 · 406

We have the power
To destroy
And the power
To self destruct
If we chose

Of course a power not used
Is no power at all
And the power used to self destruct
Is still power indeed

And that is where
Power of self control is paramount
Where the power of self awareness matters
(Are you aware)

Have you ever used your power
To self destruct
Have you ever used the power
Of self control

It matters still
In matters great and small
When you use that power
To control others
And then the revolt follows
And the power used to control others
Swings back at you
Like a snake

M. N. R.
15 MAY 2019
Mar 2019 · 172

It is the beginning of the end
Where dreams come crashing
All those brave facades
When they start to crumble

And I do a double take
At the ashes left behind me
The storm has just started
I see the dark clouds that rumble

No it is not mine
A death by a thousand cuts
It is called life, full of surprises
It is so called life, that makes one humble

No, I do not seek
The punishment or take vengeance
I keep my smile and I know
When a tree falls, or a castle will tumble

Yes there are signs in my voices
There are signs in my words
There are signs that I see
Each time I stumble

M. N. R.
26 MARCH 2019

1 Kings 18:22

Pretty sure you won't believe
If I say that I care
At a certain level I do
At a certain level you fail me
You don't want to listen

I warn
I beg and plead
It's a trap I made myself
And I know
You know that

I have no easy choices
You break your vows
You ask for punishment as promised
You were told

You know I am a liar
When I say I am being nice
I know you are a liar as well
And the game is constant

In my dark hours
When you are closer to me than my own skin
And I see the blood pour out from your every pore
And we are one agian

I want to help
And you won't ask
No promises
No safe words
No commitment
No gain
I wait
Your call

M. N. R.
06 MARCH 2019
Jan 2019 · 370

In the clouds above
I see no silver lining
There is no moon
And no stars are shining

It is such a dread
Feeling forsaken
Night after night
My dreams are taken
By the spirts that posses me
And the demons unbounded
Thoughts that swirl
The feelings unfounded

I tell the story
Of all that is hidden
All that is known is
All that's forbidden

M. N. R.
05 JANUARY 2019
Dec 2018 · 166

How did we get here
How did it ever come to this
I no longer wait for your calls
No, I no longer even miss

The touch of your skin
The smell of your hair
You decided to go your own way
And I didn't even care

We spend all our lives
Always playing the odds
Trying to get our own way
By praying to gods

The words that we speak
Have lost any meanings
Moment by moment
I lost any feelings

It is all superficial
We don't need to go deep
"How can you break promises
That you never meant to keep"

(M. N. R.)
01 DECEMBER 2018
Nov 2018 · 146

It is not what I want
No it is not that
What I wanted
But here I am
I go through the motions
Stumbling through this life
Like I were blind

These are just thoughts
Without any emotions
Feelings that one goes through
Are sometimes unkind
Life takes us up
And sometimes down
It's like a rollercoaster
That has lost its mind

Its that crossroads
In the middle of nowhere
Nowhere to go
And no one to run from
Nowhere to hide
And nothing to find

M. N. R.
14 NOVEMBER 2018
Oct 2018 · 166

So the story goes
They say
When you stole my dreams
And then
I stole the sleep from your eyes

At long last
We realize the emptiness
It is real
In this, the theater of life
The stage is always empty
The drama is behind the curtains
Everyone writing their own role

I don't want to go
Where you will take me
The costs are too high
And the prize too small
No I can not be owned by
Your promises of heaven
I am sure to miss
My curtain call

Slowly I drift
Away from your shores
The lights fade away
And your siren call

M. N. R.
24 OCTOBER 2018
Oct 2018 · 561


He opens his bag
Unfolds his table
And lays down his cards
He will sell me a dream
If I have some change

I buy a dream
And he hands me a card
And the card is blank
What is this, I say

A dream it is
Like any other
If you close your eyes
You will see it
In full color

I sigh and walk away
Then you see
I woke up
And realized
I was dreaming

What are we but
A dream within a dream
Within a dream
Within a dream

And life itself
Is but a dream
Somewhere between our birth
And the eventual

Sometimes reality
Is what we dream of
It is a nightmare
We have created
While chasing our dreams

M. N. R.
24 OCTOBER 2018
Oct 2018 · 141

How do you know
Who you are
Hiding behind the mask
In this masquerade
That passes for
A so called life

We have all
So many roles
We play
Sometimes hard to tell
When it is the day
Or the night

Meet me at some crossroads
Between the death
And beyond
Where the ego lies dead
And the truth
Is your only guide

Then I will say
I am pleased
To know you
And you
Will also know me
As I come to know

M. N. R.
18 OCTOBER 2018
Oct 2018 · 153


I still wait in the rain
In vain
As the clouds of time pass
Patience they say is a virtue
I wait for a repass

A fresh blade of cut grass
Rolling down the sidewalk
Unaware of its last breath
Frolicking in the winds
That blow fast

I hold the door open
As you walk past
Head held high
I take a deep breath
And turn it into a sigh
That dream that I had last night
It didn't last

What is a life worth
When you don't know
How much to ask
A simlpe trade off
A roll in the hay may be
Or ******* for some grass

Or a few crystals may be
Then a cancer
Or a brain hemorrhage
It is all in the name of some fun

So what if we all die young
A few days
Or years
We don't yet have any answers
We didn't know
Who to ask

M. N. R.
4 OCTOBER 2018

So many are living
Who don't know what to give
So afraid of dying
And too afraid to live

Take a deep dive with me
Into my abyss
Somethings you never had
And some you will never miss

Come to the otherside
Where dreams are all faded
Nightmares are all the rage
And all the souls are naked
Life is not all fun and games
And now you feel jaded

Sanity is overrated
In a world that's gone insane
All that joy you had to have
And all you feel is pain
For once you must realize
Life is meaningless struggles
What brings it any joy
Is also its bane

M. N. R.
1 OCTOBER 2018

"We are all mad here"
Says the Cheshire cat
Jul 2018 · 164


Fly high
You are an eagle
She said
And then I looked at the ground
So far below the clouds

She let go
And I started to fall
No help at all
Last thing I remember, alas
It was all
For nothing at all

I struggled hard
Learning to fly
As I fell
I didn't wish to die again
Still I had a story to tell

This is the life of Sisyphus
Everday is struggle
Some tricks and cheating death
I live in my own bubble

A mind full of emotions
Living it large across the grid
Like a cupboard full of spices
Open jars without a lid

(M. N. R.)
25 JULY 2018
Jul 2018 · 153
What the hell do I know

When you fall
It's your call
Take another step
A delicious wraith
A leap of faith

True love is not for a life
It is for that moment
And when the time is right
Let your whimsy take control
Let your senses take a flight

True love is not a lifetime
Where all else is forsaken
It's a moment that hangs in time
A stolen kiss
A breath not taken

True love is only
In that glance
Fingers touch as you pass the glass
When you take that chance
It's a total romance

True love always
It will comsume you all
When you fall
It is your call

M. N. R.
19 JULY 2018
Jun 2018 · 141


And so it begins the nightmare
You wouldn't know and you wouldn't care
All your walls when they start to crumble
And the dreams they start to tumble

Winds of change never started to blow
As your countenance loses its glow
You start to question all that you know
River of life starts a backwards flow

Who will be there to hold your hand
There for you to help you stand
Passage of life is such a savage
When each breath itself becomes a ravage

You lie alone there next to your lover
All those nightmares you kept undercover
Come out to play in the room that is dark
Empty walls of a house that is stark

Dream of the chances that never were taken
What you thought was true love has now been forsaken
An empty nest that never got finished
What life doesn't give, has all to be taken

M. N. R.
27 JUNE 2018
Jun 2018 · 156


It is just me being me
I offer no appolgise

What if I didn't know
Sometimes you too must lose
What if I didn't have
The powers I shouldn't use

No I mustn't do what I know
I'll try and be at my best
May be somewhere where again
We'll meet, and you will pass the test

It is all those gods there in heavens
That have their eyes full of tears
It is their powers that have been taken
That render their hearts full of fears

M. N. R.
23 JUNE 2018
Jun 2018 · 157


This man has two faces
As he lies here dead
Life is hard to put back together
Once you have broken every thread

At the end of his journey
Of a life spent always lost
Only those can win at this game
That aren't afraid to pay the cost

Who he was, what he was
We will never know
We are just playing our part
And this life is but a picture show

Some may put down the anchor
He was just as happy adrift
Some are just part of the cast
He always wrote his own script

Fast cars, fast women
Fast realtions that don't last
In the fast lane sometimes
You try to get away from your past

M. N. R.
16 JUNE 2018
Jun 2018 · 537

Let me be the color in your eyes
And let me be the sunshine in your skies
Let me be your stardust on a moonlit night
And to love you to your heart's delight

So let me be the smile on your face
Hold my hand if you feel somewhere out of place
And when if you ever feel tired or lonely
You will always have my shoulder to brace

All I need is to spend sometime with you
A day or two or may be until this life is through
And if I had only one wish that were ever granted
I will wish I would die in your embrace

But nothing in life is sure or as promised
So I carry my two coins just in case

M. N. R.
10 JUNE 2018
May 2018 · 168
Act 10

I wake up
Terror controls me
I look in the mirror
My own self
 that I can't see

So afraid to speak the truth
So afraid of being found out
My courage
Has escaped me
So full of self doubt

So many times
 I was the God
So many times
 I made choices

Deaf to the world
I couldn't hear a word
In my head
I heard many voices

It is my game,
when I chose to play
It is my demons,
I refuse slay

(I had the keys
To my own paradise
I chose to live in hell)

I have lived in paradise
I have known hell
Hearts lay rotting
I know that smell

M. N. R.
18 DEC 2016
May 2018 · 161


It is not a crime yet
That what I am thinking
A moonless sky
And the stars are blinking

It is not a crime yet
To watch the waves bumping
Rattles in my head
Won't stop thumping

It is not a crime yet
I find comfort in my madness
Happy in my own ways
And I don't seek gladness

It is not a crime yet
That I should care
With the same passion
Or a brand new flare

But it is a crime
That you are not here
Not in my dreams
Or anywhere near

But it is a crime
We are no longer lovers
Sad situation
How do I recover

It is not a crime yet
This love is old fashion
What you have given me
And all that you ration

But it is a crime though
I have fallen off the wagon
Going around in circles
And I chase the dragon

M. N. R.
25 MAY 2018
May 2018 · 369

Act 6

Then rise from ashes
A charred body
Without a soul
It's a life without mercy
It collects its toll

Lie still
And speak in whispers
Closing eyes
Makes the visions crisper
Dreams that wander
All are raptured
Bodies of dead
Easily captured

There are no angels
Without any sin
Forget what's known
Ignore the din
What's there
Is all to be taken
There are no faiths
That can't be shaken

Death has no morals
And no compassion
Live out the days
In a new fashion

M. N. R.
23 MAY 2018
May 2018 · 184


Here I am again
At the edges of reason
Time has torn its vesture
And the love is out of season

Promise that were made once
We didn't even mean to keep
Angels fly lost in circles
And all of my gods are aweep

Sun rises above and high
Daylight dark as a night
I close my eyes to watch
As my demons take to flight

It is not just some little children
Scared and alone in the rooms that are dark
We all still live with our monsters
Of the memories that have all left their mark

We are two souls deserted
Rejectd by gods and demons
Lost in the deep of this wilderness
Looking for a love, without reasons

(M. N. R.)
16 MAY 2018
May 2018 · 305


What I wouldn't do
To be with you
If that were ever your desire
But You don't see me
When I am with you
Just on the far side of that fire

The room turns cold
When I come to behold
And the mystery remains
I can feel you shiver
And see your body quiver
And the thoughts that run through your brains

It is my bad luck
That I am moonstruck
Behind this veil that you don't see
My blood runs cold
And my body is old
It's not where I want me to be

Seems improbable for me
To be with you
Though I go where ever I please
If time were at my pleasure
Then you are the treasure
I would carry along with ease

So here I am right beside you
I can see you feel, but you don't see me as much
You know I am with you every step of the way
And feel your body without a touch

On a different plane is where I live
And where I miss you ever so much

29 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 194

Circle of stones, around an oak tree, in the dark
Soft whispers of the wind, and the rough feel of the bark

Step in to the hallow, take a sip from the wine
The brightness of stars, and a search for divine

Calling out to the spirits, calling out to your fame
Strange incantations, calling out to your name

Bless this alter, the offerings have been burned
In search of my spirit, my soul is returned

(M. N. R.)
28 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 177


Where were you when I needed a friend
Where you were when I had those flowers to send

Where were you when I had that need
Where you were when I had hungers
to feed

Where were you when the night turned dark
Sitting alone in a swing at the park

Pendulum of time swinging to and fro
Just a sliver of moon with its faded glow

There were so many questions I needed to ask
And you made it clear, what was behind that  mask

(M. N. R.)
23 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 158
Lazarus phenomenon

For that that I would ever be so lost
And the eyes in your picture will shine
The breath in my body will still linger
And long for those days you were mine

Sometimes it is the life of its self
That cuts through your heart like a knife
And no miracles that will change the outcomes
When two lovers are caught in a strife

The candles of hope burn eternal
Breath of love that carries the drive
There are those that hope for a miracle
For its that hope that keeps us alive

(M. N. R.)
22 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 150

What if we don't, don't even date
What if we, are not a soulmate!!
There is a world that I would create
There is a world where we could relate

What if this life could get even better
What if you, at all didn't mattter
Bodies burn, the ashes scatter
Yes I know, what you say in that letter

I have free will and not allowed to choose?
I use free will, I am allowed to lose
I reject your collar, I reject your noose
If already a loser, what I have to lose?

Open your eyes, see what you have created
In your own word, it was anticipated
Still you want this appreciated
I think not!

You know me, of what I am able
In the blink of an eye I could turn this table
I could  love you for ever
Or watch you hang from the gable

(M. N. R.)
13 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 174

Peer into darkness
Look into the deep
Close your eyes
Let your mind sleep

Only when subconscious
Is wide awake
You can see what's real
and what's real fake

The sun goes black
And the world goes dark
My eyes still search for that little spark
So I'll just hang around here, as a lark

(M. N. R.)
10 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 165

There are mysteries, In the mysteries
Of the mysteries, of my song
It is right, it is so right
It is so right, that it is all wrong

There are planes, In the planes
On the planes, Of my dreams
There are dreams, in my dreams
Of my dreams, It's all a dream it seems

There are reflections , in my reflections
In the reflections, on the water
Time passes, seasons change
Memories are ink on the blotter

(M. N. R.)
3 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 146


Show me again that you love me
And I'll show you that I still care
The magic hasn't been all lost to years
And that candle it is still there

I am chained by my love for you
Not feeling bounded by conventions
Just afraid to face any mirrors I am
That they may tell all my intentions

The dice were cast long before
This fate had been foretold
Sometimes what we take in as a plume of dust
Does turn into sparkling gold

It may not be in the cards at all
All we need is to love and to care
The prison of mind doesn't have any walls today
Come along now if you dare

(M. N. R.)
8 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 144


Show me again that you love me
And I'll show you that I still care
The magic hasn't been all lost to years
And that flame it is still here

I am chained by my love for you
Not feeling bounded by conventions
Just afraid to face any mirrors
That they may tell all my intentions

The dice was cast long before
This fate had been foretold
Sometimes what we take in as a plume of dust
Does turn into sparkling gold

It may not be in the cards at all
All we need is to love and to care
The prison of mind doesn't have any walls today
Come along now if you dare

(M. N. R.)
8 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 158


"There is a raging fire in my heart tonight"
And It is burning , burning out of control
It is a fire so hot tonight
A fire that burns my soul

Its a fire so hot
That the angels wouldn't dare
Yet I stand here, stand my ground
As if "the devil may care"

No I did not promise
I couldn't save the world
Or could change the flow of the rivers
Just because I had your word

Still I fight the demons that you create
I fight your basal
I fight and make a stand
I'll fight for long as I am able

Where is my good karma then
What is this, my caprice
Where are all those gods today
That promised me inner peace

Here I go then
I curse the bridges that you walk on
Here I go then
I burn those books that you log on

I hope I will end this all
I hope it ends real soon
I'll build my castles in the sand somewhere
On the far side of the moon

(M. N. R.)
7 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 240
Come with me

It is my lonely journey, on a trail that is dark
I leave no fingerprints, I promise to leave no mark
It is my prayers unheard, that are howls in the air
No longer looking for a love, nor for a someone who would care
A dark soul I am, on a travel to the pits of hell
There are no buyers at all, for the trinkets that I sell
Cold is in my heart, and in my veins is ice
I took to wind and the waters, and destroyed all that was nice

(M. N. R.)
3 APRIL 2018
Apr 2018 · 163

I've been to the places
No one's ever seen
I've been down the roads
No one's ever been

I've been many places
Been looking for that light
Where the angels are black
And the demons are white

And now we meet at this cross roads
And I like what I've seen
And now I am hoping forever
This light never turns green

(M. N. R.)
31 March 2018
Mar 2018 · 162
Politically Incorrect
Politically Incorrect

How you write a poem
About a love that doesn't exist
Or confess your love to someone
That you know really wouldn't care

But it is only writing a story
A story all made up on a dare
Or just a story written for a muse
That treats you as a tare

No it is not a Romeo and Juliet
More like Wendy and Peter Pan
It isn't even love, or just a fatal attraction
You try so hard, the deal just isn't fair.

It is no use at all,
no matter what you may think
It is of no use at all,
Just let go, just let the ships sink

(M. N. R.)
27 MARCH 2018
Mar 2018 · 130

There are days when this life smiles upon me
And the pain it seems to start to disappear
The clouds part, and the sun begins to shine
Those are the days that fill my heart with a fear

Memories of days that are burnt into my heart
Memories of those days when I could hold you to me
Look into your eyes and see the oceans
And see the night stars all so shinny and near

A love, deeper than any canyon you will ever see
A forgotten love that still brings smiles to my lips
I could never say how bad it has hurt me
When you see me, I will smile and hold back a tear

Some time has past, and our lives gone on
When our path do cross, and it's been almost a year
Every stop, every smell, every walk still reminds me of you
Why would I need any tattoos my dear

(M. N. R.)
25 MARCH 2018
Feb 2018 · 175
It is your spell
I am living in hell
A curse that never ends
My soul never bends

You take what you want
It is my wishes
You fail to grant
Then It is me that you taunt

So, I question your laws
And I name your flaws

It's a shame when I have to ask
Someone not up to the task

It is a shame when I am rejected
It is a shame if I am accepted
You have made all these rules
What a shame if we are connected

(M. N. R.)
Feb 2018 · 175
The many faces of life
At the end of the road, your journey begins
There is a name for that
When the bitter winds of cold
Warm your soul
There is a name for that

When your heart aches and you don't know why
You want to forget but you don't know what
You have given up but still you try
Put a smile on your face when you want to cry
There is a name for that

No it is not love, it's so hard to admit
The need is not there but you don't resist
You know it will fail and you still persist
Recommit yourself to who doesn't exist
There is name for that

There are no angels in heaven
No bright star and no guiding light
Darkness awaits like a welcome friend
Wings of Hermes bereft of flight

Your mind wanders back to places not there
Too tired to breathe and too tired to care
Isn't life all about a game of dare
We take chances and life's not fair

Feb 2018 · 185
Assasin's Creed
Assassin's Creed

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted".

We all love to play some games
We all want to name those names

It all makes sense,
Till sometimes that it does not
Crossing out names in our books
And then pretend that we forgot

Strange are these games
That people play
Strange are these things
That people say

What is "for real" in this world,
And what is a spoof
How do you "disprove" something,
Of which you yourself are the proof

(M. N. R.)
3 FEB 2018
Jan 2018 · 349
Taking all those roads that go nowhere
Travelling but no destination in mind
Yes I am guilty if I have lured you with me
My only pleasure in a life so unkind

We shall meet at this station that is half way
Halfway is still better than nowhere
But a halfway goodbye seems no better
When you are watching your life on rewind

Look at me I said, Look in my eyes,
Can't you see that I am blind
And then I looked in her eyes and took a picture
Of that moment when she changed her mind

(M. N. R.)
30 Jan 2018
Jan 2018 · 321

Flying high, like an eagle
Looking for prey
Or like an arrow gone astray
Searching for lost souls
Or something else to slay

Flying high
Flying high, no direction
Looking for some action

Like these faces that I see
Without any soul
All our virtues, our gods stole
Just trying to find some other role

Who even knows
When you are up to the task
Open the cork
Another sip from the flask
Still I answer the questions
You wouldn't ask
(M. N. R.)
23 January 2018
Jan 2018 · 199
When you free yourself
From your casket
And find all your silver
has turned to tin

Find your dreams
They all have turned to dust
And your carcass is blowing in the wind

Will you know
There were days you could have arisen
There were days
you could have set yourself free

There were days
you could have redeemed your soul
There were days to have forgiven
your sins
11 Apr 2017
(M. N. R.)
Jan 2018 · 457
Face Off
"Sometimes I find myself, looking for myself, sometimes, when I am not looking"
Jan 2018 · 199

Have you felt the pain that's hunger
Ever felt the pain of desire
Candles are set, logs are loaded
No one there to share that fire

Does it strike fear in your heart
Does it strike a certain chord
That all your lies will be found out
Then all your lives will be exposed

What you didn't know won't matter at all
When your shell turns to rust
House of cards  falls to the ground
And your bones turn to dust

Will you then know it was all lost anyway
No matter where you placed your trust

(M.N.R) 9/28/2017
Jan 2018 · 278
When you open your eyes
And find out you've been blind
You thought you have them all fooled
Now you say the world is unkind

What are you searching for
Time doesn't stand still
You are out seeking a thrill
And time comes in for the ****

When time stands still
And you get out of bed
Find your dreams
As they all lay dead
All that you had was
Was all in your head
You struggle as you breathe
(M. N. R.)

— The End —