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Dec 2018 · 517
What Would You Do
Tell me,
What would you do
What would you say
Had I extend my heart to you

Would you run away?

You see, I rehearsed in my head
All the things I wanted to say,

Come, come away with me
Please don't go away.

Every second made my heart flicker
Are you close,
Are you gone forever?

I watch the clock.
I see the time
You are here
But the distance
Is not a friend of mine.

You must go.. I know
Because there's no evidence you see,
For what you have of me

Is like a needle in a haystack

Not enough will it be
For our worlds to collide
And escape to our sweet ecstasy.
Dec 2018 · 211
Stand Firm
I looked with disbelief
At the utter devastation

All consumed in a moment's glory
Of what will never be again.

You see I understood back then

That nothing in this life
Is worth holding on to.

Feeling happy, feeling sad
Is just part of the plan.

Guard you mind and guard your heart
Plant your being firmly where you stand.

Neither dwindle off
Or be strayed with coercion
Stay firm, and stand strong
Like the rock in the middle of the ocean.
Dec 2018 · 282
The Stumbling Block
On a cold dark road,
When there is light
We do not stumble.
In the darkness
We find pleasure
What can we say then
We stumble on pleasure
Or does this pleasure find us
When our eyes are closed.

We sit and laugh
Talk and chat
Remembering alas
How it could have been.
Think in silence
Think aloud
I am far off now.

The pleasure I could see
For once my eyes were closed
In the moment I blinked
Now the light has filled my soul.
I can see now
I stumble no more
For that pleasure
Was just a stumbling block
On that dark cold  road.
Feb 2018 · 366
Mended, Not Broken.
You were doing so well, I was proud of you,
But the beauty of the world took you from me.
Did you ............miss me too?
Now look at me, broken in places where I was broken before.
This time my wounds won't heal! I cannot. take it. anymore.
You have not noticed but I am trying to nurture these scars, to patch them up again.
I bleed infront of you,  do you see my blood, don't pretend!

Where are you? Are you somewhere where you have openly hidden yourself from me?
I see you looking my way, but do you truly see?
What's your focus?
Do you see me or are you subconsciously focussing on the dagger in my back- the one that you twisted and turned, time and time again.

Aren't you seeing all the blood? Ofcourse not, I've cleaned it up with my tears.
I have drown myself with your painful smiles and glareless stares. Do you still see me? Because I don't want to see you. I smile and turn away.
This time, I'm mended, not broken.
Jan 2018 · 319
I Alone
Somewhere inside me,
There  exist a place
Where I retreat alone.
And there I will wait,
Come and rest a while with me.

In the still of the night
My heart's silence is broken
And there comes a flood,
Like an ocean's wave
Consuming everything thought not yet spoken.

When all is felt and gone
My heart's ocean cease to rush.
Body and soul join once again
Gaining back it's self-control

It was, that one great moment
When it felt right to pour
My heart into my soul
Forever wondering ...

Jealous of the sun
That sees you first,
And the wind
That touches your skin.
The elements of the earth
Gets your attention,
And here I rightfully remain, I Alone.
Jan 2018 · 432
I Will Wait
If I dig deep within my soul
I will find your words hidden inside me.
The very sound code spoken at the foundation of the world
Used in creation, in forming even the sky and the sea.

Words which speak of life and love
Wheeling humanity and nature together.
With kindnesses and mercy coming only from above
And the eternal promise of your grace and love forever.

Your life is in me, guiding me to walk the path
Of love, kindness and with a human heart.
I shine your light like a lamp on a hill
Fully knowing it is not mine, but it's by your will.

I find my purpose, and the plan for my life
Secured in knowing you are always by my side.
Never letting me stray neither to the left, nor the right
As a comforter and friend, You are my faithful guide.

So at nights when I cry myself to sleep
Still my heart and take care of me,
Like the good shepherd caring for his once lost sheep
Until your angels take me to You, for all eternity.

Come quickly, come soon,  
My Forever Love, even still...
I will wait for You.
Jan 2018 · 353
Waiting There For Me
It is at...
The midnight -ocean-walk, I find you WAITING THERE FOR ME
With the wind caressing the waves, and the sand mingling on my feet.

She searches.
She finds her love, so softly and gently He speaks a word.
Their shadows dance, and flicker to the crackling of the bonfire.
Her breath goes warm, his hands reunite their bodies ......
Only under the witnessing stars, can this love come alive, in quietness and stillness,
The twinned souls meet .........
and as one , they coalesced.
And for a little time nothing can separate the two, but only the oceans, that come in between.

The secrets of their love are folded in between the waves
Which carry away the soft whispers of the ones whose hearts beat the same.
This love, their confessed love, is forever hidden in the sand;
Only to be  ignited again, when the next sunlight fades.
Betrayed by the sky, who takes this love away,
And the sight of dawn is seen.
Their hearts beat quickly, for they know after midnight leaves, and the fire goes out,
So to, will their love be carried off, by the waking of this dream.

But I know,
As the ocean continues to kiss the shoreline, the secrets of our love will forever be
Right there with you, WAITING THERE FOR ME...
Jan 2018 · 277
Broken in places I've never felt before,
Gone to soon, never again and forever more.
My heart bleeds by the thought of you,
Your memories are buried deep.
Your smile illuminates my every being that still remains.
I live my life following your beauty
Always remembering the love you taught me.
I wish you could come back,
And make this pain go away
Let us love you and never go away.
My tears run hot against my cheek , I cannot breathe
I'm out of breath, for your face I will never see.
In the shower I fall to my knees, I'm calling out your name
Come and save me, hug me, hold me.
You never come, but I hear your voice,
Your sweet laughter kisses me and I know now
My life will never be the same.
Jan 2018 · 196
The Mystery of You
You are the beauty I see
You are the mystery of me
Let me hold you to see your soul
Forever my true love of old.
The mystery of you fill my being
Wondering and wishing you were here with me.
Tell me your secrets, tell me no lies
I am yours for now and all times.

— The End —