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Jack May 2023
Where are you
The one who could cry
Where are you
The one who refused to let the world die
Where are you now?
Did I imagine those days?
I remember watching a tear run down your face
Wishing I could feel too
Your emotion lighting the world around you
Pulling me closer
Hoping to catch some of your spark
I look down on you now
And can barely separate you from the dark
What happened to your passion?
Your thirst to grow?
Did you grow old?
When did you get so cold?
Jack Mar 2021
There are so many songs, but the one thing you always taught me, was to feel every moment and every beat. We would sit, together, and listen to it complete. If it was our only song, we would find a new way to appreciate it each time as if it were our first. How each moment with you felt so sweet. Thinking all of this, while fearing I might say too much, I lay back down in silence, and appreciate your touch.
About a night of darkness filled with song - I miss her.
Jack Oct 2019
We are on lost ground
Riding around in a revolving spiral
Thousands of us
Thousands of spirals
With no end in sight
We spend our time hiding
All day and all night
Even in our sleep
We don't even know what we're hiding from
As time goes on
Hiding becomes more and more complex
We've almost tried everything we can think of
Everyday we create a new distraction
A new way too keep us from finding out what we're hiding from
We don't like being scared
But it's a good distraction
Cooking is fun, so we eat
Singing is fun, so we listen and we dance
That'll keep us busy for a while
But every so often
Thoughts creep back in
We can only distract our self for so long
Alarm bells start ringing
We have been hiding from our self all along
We are the hider and the seeker
All at once
We are every distraction, every song and every game
You know it, too
You could put all of this to an end
You could stop hiding
You know you want to be found
But you hide for the thrill of it
For the escape that exists only inside this endless game we've made
You hide for the journey that you don't want to end
So you pretend
You aren't in control
You're at war with yourself
One hand hiding
One hand seeking
Yet when you rub them together
You're neither lost nor found
You are balancing on a fine line
Trying not to lean towards either side
Sometimes you might trip and fall
Laugh and cry
It's all part of the ride
And I understand why
You are where you want to be
Doing what you want to do
We are on lost ground
Waiting to be found
Jack Oct 2019
I am what I am today for all my yesterdays
Realities kept hidden deep inside this maze
Surrounded by these walls of fear
Trapped inside with no escape clear
Walking through this foggy trail
Exploring my tailor-made jail
Searching for a slither of light
In what seems to be an endless night
Trying to give life a chance
All my dreams of song and dance
Never given a single chance
Too weak to manifest my desires
All my fantasies a bunch of liars
Thought I had the strength to be who I am
Thought I could take on life without a plan
Thoughts without action
Every idea clouded by a thick fog
My body sinking into an endless bog
Slowly consumed by everything around me
Falling into the abyss
There is nothing easier than this
Jack Aug 2019
I know I will live
As long as I can write
And writing is pretty easy
I could write all night...
Jack Aug 2019
If you chase it
You'll never find it
If you think that you missed it
You'll never get it
If you wonder where it's gone
You never had it
If you like how these words make you feel
Read them and understand
What makes life real
Jack Feb 2019
The way the night sky reflects off of your eyes and into mine
The way the stars shine and fill you with light
The warmth of your embrace on this cold winter night
A moment has never felt so right
With a clear mind and an exposed heart
This is where life starts
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