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Dec 2017 · 229
Hailey H Dec 2017
Shadows leak between the cracks
Of a closed heart,
afraid of breaking
Shattering under
imaginary demons
A closed mind,

Sealed away in the corners of the heart
Protected by darkness,
hurt by possibility
Loneliness and isolation,
the only solution

Anxiety for the future remains unrest
Hoping to cease not till death
Screams and wails
of vigilance
Whispers and echoes
of contingency

The cage that carries invisible burdens
Locks away
Wisps of comfort swirl
around iron chains
A lock and a key,
held in the same hand

Escape the invisible prison of remorse
Vanquish fears of pain
and loss
Embrace life with an open soul
Take a risk on the universe’s call

A distant dream,
a hopeless endeavor
Now within grasp,
turned into reality
By the will of the heart and mind

Experience life and all its wonders
Let love and trust render the soul
Let emotion and feeling paint the heart
Release isolation and loneliness into the past

Set the heart free
and the soul will follow
Let the mind wander,
take hold of the universe
Listen to the world,
hear its sweet song
Don’t be afraid of your own shadow
#depressed #depressing #sad #shadow #shadows #fear #free #heart #fearless #positive #courage #lesson #life #locked #key #chains #chained #restrained #restrain #confined #prison #imprisoned #trapped
Hailey H Dec 2017
Is it here or maybe there?
Is it left, right, up, down?
Where could it have gone?
Did it leave?

Something very special
Every person posses it
But mine left
Gone, a whirlwind of dust

Did it leave on its own?
Or did I forget it somewhere?
Not here, not there
Not under this, not under that

Did I forget it at home?
It vanished
No warning, no notice
I seem to have lost it

My last “****”
#curse #**** #lost #losing
Dec 2017 · 255
Burning Desire
Hailey H Dec 2017
I carry a tiny flame
Bright and fierce
Singeing the corners of my heart
Burning and burning

My flame grows brighter
And bigger each day
A simple smile or glance
Fuels the fire that burns within

I douse this flame
With the waters of
Reason, doubt
And shame

The flame stops growing
Reduced to the same tiny light
Day in and day out
Never scorching my soul

Day after day I douse the fire
But it keeps coming back
Returning to the same bright
And fierce flame it always is

One day, that pure smile
Those playful eyes
And that endearing glance
Set the flame out of control

And I let it burn
#love #passion #desire #longing #crush #feelings #burn #fire
Dec 2017 · 211
Skip Beat
Hailey H Dec 2017
Your reflection cracks the mirror
Makeup unevenly paints your face
Your hair sticks out in every direction
Like it can’t make up its mind

Your eyes are dark pools of mud
Swirling around everything in sight
Your skin is as pale as toilet paper
Like you’ve never seen the sun

Your voice is atrocious
A bad song playing over and over
Your stomach is pudgy
And you fully know it

But the way you close your eyes
When you flash a huge smile
The way your laugh echoes
Throughout a crowded room

The way your freckles dot your face
In uneven patterns
Your kindness, knowing no limits
Almost counting as ignorance

The way you make my day brighter
Just by being at my side
The way you look at me
Like I deserve the world when I don’t

Makes my heart skip a beat
#love #loveyourself #selflove #acceptance #perfect #imperfect #heart
Dec 2017 · 380
A Star
Hailey H Dec 2017
Darkness stretches on
For an eternity
Vast blackness
Fills my vision

A star appears
A bright speck in the night
Casting shadows
In my dark world

Illuminating corners in my soul
Mixing grey and white
Fading into black
Darkness, washing into the edges

But the star just stays there
Its elusive glow
Never ending, never changing
A tiny fleck

Always there
Yet so far away
Just out of my reach
Grazing my fingertips

I long to be closer
To hold it, to feel its warmth
I want to capture this light
And never let go

But the stars stays there
Shining bright and bold
No reason or rhyme
Unaware of my desire

Burning bright
Spreading its warmth
Emanating its soft glow
For all to gaze

If only that star shone for me
#longing #sad #depressing #star #darkness #dark #light #bright #unobtainable #love
Dec 2017 · 183
Hailey H Dec 2017
18% Complete
24% Complete
37% Complete
43% Complete
50% Complete
62% Complete
76% Complete
81% Complete
95% Complete
99% Complete
#loading #load #sad #live #computer #willtolive #life
Dec 2017 · 207
My Sun
Hailey H Dec 2017
Warmth presses against my cheek
Resonating throughout my soul
Sun beams illuminate my skin
Dancing across every nook and cranny

This warmth was a faraway dream
Now ****** into reality
By such gentle rays
Shining into my once dark world

These soft rays of light
Are now a familiar dream
Glistening my soul
A comfort I can’t refuse

Clouds appear in my once clear sky
Hiding the sun and it’s illusive rays
Shielding me from a warmth
I never thought I’d lose

My sun won’t shine again
It will never resonate through my soul
Or illuminate my skin
My gentle rays are gone

For a fleeting moment
Clouds break
Rays shine through the cracks
Tiny spotlights dance across my skin

But nothing can compare
To the familiar warmth
That once encapsulated my soul
Now lost to the cruelty of time

My sun will never shine again
#light #longing #loss #lost #sun #sad #person #warm #hurt
Dec 2017 · 166
Hailey H Dec 2017
I’ll be your trusty tool
Always by your side
Ready at a moment's notice
I’ll be your tool

Hammer, axe, saw, wrench
Anything you need me to be
I can be it all and do it all
I’ll be your tool

Any structure, building, project
Nothing is too short, tall, wide, or thin
Whether fleeting or prolonged
I’ll be your tool

Sketch your ideas onto paper
And I’ll bring them into reality
Always with you, to use or abuse
I’ll be your tool

So please don’t let me rust
#tool #use #used #abuse #advantage #sad #longing #fear #losing
Dec 2017 · 345
Hailey H Dec 2017
The world is a flash of colors
Red, Blues, Greens
All merge
To paint a beautiful symphony
A blotchy canvas to the naked eye

Figures shift in and out of view
All different, all colorful
Focus, unfocus
Nothing is clear
Colors, sights, sounds
A whirlwind of blurs and blobs

Focus, unfocus, focus
Focus until the picture is clear
Focus until faceless shapes become more
Focus until the world is alive

Pristine colors fill perfect lines
Shapes morph into objects
Colors become one
Figures breath life
Everything is clear

So clear
Nothing is left unseen
Every inch, nook, and cranny
Dragged into the light

Every imperfection
Every little blemish
Every disgusting speck
The picture focuses into full view

But I prefer to be blind
#vision #colors #blind #see #understand #perspective #different
Dec 2017 · 208
A Friend
Hailey H Dec 2017
I trusted you
I thought we were friends
But friends don’t play cat and mouse
Friends don’t make empty promises
Friends don’t leave you feeling empty
Friends don’t bring out the ugly in you
The parts you desperately try to lock away
Friends don’t make you regret your decisions
Friends don’t shake you to the core
Friends don’t mislead you
Then again
Maybe I don’t know what friends are
#friend #friendship #betrayal #hate #sad #sadness #anger #angry #friends
Dec 2017 · 314
Cliche Love
Hailey H Dec 2017
Roses are red, violets are blue
Another cliche love poem for two
A sappy line about my endless love
One more about some random doves

Here are some more horrible lines
This second one is about time
Another love poem so overrated
Another love story that’s outdated

A modern day Romeo and Juliet
Couples caught in the money net
Lines and sayings that are so absurd
A million and one times I’ve heard

Every story is just like the last
Every story starts from the past
A couple fights for no reason
Because the plot demands tension

Unrealistic expectations and goals
It’s fiction trying to relate to your soul
The same old plot again and again
Honestly, this is getting quite bland

People keep reading the same stuff
The audience just can’t get enough
Conflict so stale, boring, and dry
But it still makes grown women cry

I’ll never understand the big appeal
Nothing in the movies ever seem real
Despite me being rather unzealous
I think deep down I’m just jealous
#love #cliche #longing #jealous #jealousy #want #lonely #rhyme
Dec 2017 · 159
One Question
Hailey H Dec 2017
Roses are red, violets are blue
All I can think about is you and only you
My passion, my purpose, a fire in the night
You are the only one that feels just right

A beautiful soul brought out by mutual love
We connect like no other, we fit like a glove
The flutter in my heart soars high in the air
A world without you, my soul cannot bear

Take my being, my mind, and my heart
You’ve captivated me from the very start
All questions are answered, only one left to be
The only question left, is will you marry me?
#love #marriage #marry #proposal #question
Dec 2017 · 149
Hailey H Dec 2017
The fire burns low, the light is gone
The sun sinks into the sky and stars rise
A moon hangs low in the never-ending night
Our journey was fun, but it ends here

We basked in laughter, and drowned in tears
When time decides, we will write another song
For now let the melody end and enjoy the night
Our next song will be grand, a true sight to behold

The adventure was fun, nothing can compare
But our destination has arrived, it’s time to let go
Don’t cry, don’t fret, because like the world
All good things must come to an end
#End #Ending #over #done #finished #goodbye
Dec 2017 · 149
The Cosmos' Song
Hailey H Dec 2017
I miss your smile, your sparkling eyes
Leaving you was my only sin
Until the stars align nothing is right
But I’ll keep searching without a telescope

Searching through galaxies is no easy feat
So leave it up to fate and take off the mask
Whether change is to come, or everything’s the same
Your presence never leaves my mind

The sky turns dark, the music stops
Stars disappear and my world crashes down
The cosmos have sung, and decided my fate
For a short time, it was you I despised

But the sky cleared up, the music started playing
I kick myself for leaving and not turning around
After I realized you were never coming back
Part of me wished to play another song

Stars haven’t aligned, the cosmos haven’t sung
I wait for eternity, but you never appear
Maybe it’s time for me to move on
But that lingering hope still burns inside
#cosmos #song #lonely #longing #love #lost
Dec 2017 · 148
Hailey H Dec 2017
The lights come on, but the stage is empty
A melody plays, but no one’s listening
Stars align, but no one’s watching
Inspiration flies, but there’s no pilot

Words are written without a writer
Wind blows with nothing to sway
The world keeps spinning with no axis
We are insignificant to the universe’s song

Our existence is a whirlwind of dust
When no one’s looking or listening
Amazing things transpire around us
But that doesn’t make them less special

A star is a star no matter how small
Dance without a tune, sing without a song
Write without a pencil, and exist without a purpose
Because the things that go unnoticed are the most beautiful

— The End —