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Rosaly Kimble Nov 2017
A challenge here is what I face. The sun is beating. The air is heating. Scared I stand at the edge of forever. Looking down at what's below. Trembling, as my life is at an all time low. I am so young. Yet feel so old. A feeling That I've felt before. A feeling of my world has already been decided. Isn't that how youth feels today? Like no matter what life fades away? How your life's clock is always ticking. How a wasted minute can never be recovered. I stand at this edge and begin to pace. A challenge here is what I face. I know if I jump I will land on ground. My body seen through out the town. So maybe I should just get down. Before my I am discovered, Before I'm found. I smile now. A smug smile no less. I close while dark fills me up. There is no challenge here to face. Like a sprinter I've finished my race. There is no challenge here to face. I fall with my last bit of grace.
Rosaly Kimble Nov 2017
Life is a Circle. A constant flow like a rushing river. Life can be some cold when it reaches out, goosebumps pop, your breath turns cold. You know what's happening before you're told. You stand there facing a lake, a mirror. And in this image you feel great fear. It's you in there. The one you hide. The one you're told to tuck away. The one you wish would feel the suns warm ray. The you that's hidden. That's lonely and sad. The you that even your a shamed of. You don't need to hide. Inside of this lake. You're making life's one terrible mistake. Be you, be true, god made you act like you. Find strength and courage. In the worlds giant hamster maze. Because walls go up, and they shift and they twist. You run into walls you didn't even know exist. You go inward again. Your true you it hides. Push it out, bring it forth, walk past the walls and traps. Because life passes you by, it feels like a snap.
Rosaly Kimble Nov 2017
A void of black is like a plague, creeping, peering into your mind. Inside that black lies fear. And the fear of unknowing is worst of all. transported to a place unknown. To be thrown into a situation unpracticed, unplanned. Like a rocket taking off my mind is exploding. The creeping and peering is finally here. The people all stare as I step into madness. The shots round ring as I break through the final plane. To nothing. To my mind. To that final place of black. People are staring, and I am screaming. I am freaking, I am tweaking. I am shriveled against the wall. Tightly wrapped, chin tucked. Rocking in a ball. Eyes closed inside all I see is black. My skin crawls like an addicts last breath. Up here I feel so close to death. Open and I see all the people  gone. All in my head they now reside. I've realized now I'm cold inside.  I take one more look outside that glass. I see the stars and planets pass. I realize now there's no return. My rocket now has seemed to burn. I realize now there is no trip back. I close my eyes one final time and now that fear it has arrived. For years and years I've feared this day. And now I have one thing to say. Calm

— The End —