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Etoilette Jul 2023
Please don't let me cry,
My tears are wiping out the silhouette of your face
and the colors of your voice
Like in windscreen wiper's case,
Memories I can't afford to erase.
Please don't let me cry!
Etoilette Oct 2017
You was my crush
I felt like trash.
Etoilette Oct 2017
There were moments with you,
I didn't trust my existence,
Was I looking for something new?
What could have more importance?
By wanting more I lost the most!

The tears of happiness were feeding our love,
Was it a dream, a miracle or illusion?
It disappeared again, replaced with sorrow,
I want to wake up to find solution.
By wanting more I lost the most.

Now it's dark and I can't sleep,
The tears are falling down, not from happiness,
Did I really did such mistake? It makes no sense!
I just couldn't trust my existence!
I don't know how, I lost the most!
Etoilette Oct 2017
You came along
You didn't have much to say,
All words were already pronounced
There were not a prize to pay.

I stayed across
I didn't have much to expect,
Everything was already gone,
I didn't have to imitate.

We crossed each other
Like we never met before
Like we will not dream again
And look for same souls in different shapes.
Etoilette Jan 2018
It is deep deep pression
I can keep keeep this session
Till the end of this obsession
Of enjoying this dark poison.
Etoilette Oct 2017
Il y avait des moments avec vous,
Je ne croyais pas à mon existence,
Est-ce que je cherchais quelque chose de nouveau?
Qu'est-ce que pourrait avoir plus d'importance?
En voulant plus, j'ai perdu le plus!

Les larmes du bonheur nourrissaient notre amour,
C'était un rêve, un miracle ou une illusion?
Il a disparu à nouveau, remplacé par le chagrin,
Je veux me réveiller pour trouver une solution.
En voulant plus j'ai perdu le plus.

Maintenant c'est sombre et je ne peux pas dormir,
Les larmes tombent, pas du bonheur,
Est-ce que j'ai vraiment fait une telle erreur? Cela n'a aucun sens!
Je ne pouvais pas faire confiance à mon existence!
Je ne sais pas comment, j'ai perdu le plus
Etoilette Oct 2017
Ich gehe vorbei
durch dich
und kalt ist mein Schweiß
und grauweiß
das heißt
ein Geist
tobt um mich herum
weil du mich verlässt
Und da schreit mein Blut
im Flut
in meinen Ohren
nicht wie neu geboren
und schwarz wird die Gegend
ohne Gottes Segen
verlasse ich mich selbst
Etoilette Aug 2018
I knew that  you would come
With or without regret
I would not be gone
Always easy to get.

I would never blame you
For things I did't have
For things I could't give you
For things you found elsewhere.

And now let's just celebrate,
This glorious moments
It is never too late,
Till my lifetime ends.
Etoilette Oct 2017
You try to escape from yourself
Like the turtle from his home,
You put much make up on your face,
Hoping the old ''me'' is finally gone.

You're walking alone in Beverly Hills,
Speaking with the stars, it's without bills,
Why did you buy those luxury high heels,
If you're so down, under your knees?

It is so painful with the new shoes,
The pressure on your feet makes suffer your soul,
The tears will wash your make up, you should reach home,
But all you need is just your freedom!
Etoilette Oct 2017
I was looking for love
And I lost my peace
The love was above
I was on my knees.

The prayers were lost
The pain was everywhere
What are here those ghosts?
What's doing the fear?
Etoilette Nov 2018
She seemed to be mysterious to him
She was just depressed
He wanted to open up about his feelings
But he was never drunk.

They lived each one in their sorrow
It is just the life
The sorrow seemed to be an horror
Sometimes like dull knife.
Etoilette Oct 2017
Everything is matter of time
There is everything in nothing
But we seek to feel important
In this crazy endless game.

And in nothing is everything
Our love, life, hate and death,
So why do we run into process
If that's simply  taking us.
Etoilette Nov 2017
I saw
This world is not for me
I run away
To escape from myself
To live in this place
Which is not belonging to me
Until I go away somewhere
I don't know about
The truth is I am not for this world,
And he is not feeling uncomfortable
To show me it every second day
Without my asking
Even I didn't ask to come here
But he showed me that I should go
And where?
Will there be the same?
How can I escape from myself?
Etoilette Jan 2018
I have lived all of kind of lifes,
All of kind of deaths were happened to me,
But I beg again for your love's prize,
For your love would I become a mummy.

I would not seek for infinite life,
If I would not share it with you my love,
I would not be afraid even of knife,
Even from fire falling from above.
Etoilette Oct 2018
I don't know when I was born
Was it a day or night?
Was the sun shining at me
Or the moon smiled.
Etoilette Oct 2017
Someone was a **** flower
Someone else the **** bee,
He couldn't pick up his lover,
She had a serious alibi.

He was flying and enjoying
What's called diversity,
But the only dreaming flower,
Was fixed on the ground, so pity!

They were smiling and enjoying
Mother nature's energy
Their Summer was not over,
That's the life's big charity.

As long as they are not together,
The evil game of destiny,
The winter's snow should not cover
The sweet love of flower and bee!
Etoilette Oct 2017
When I was a small baby
I used to love the sound of existence
No one was in mood for singing lullabies
So I created them in my mind once.

The helicopters of wars were flying above my flat
I loved so much that butterflies,
I wished I was a flower in their eyes, that
They  settle down on my hands...
Would be nice!
Etoilette Aug 2019
They will come one day not because they loved you,
But because they will need to be loved again.
Etoilette Jan 2018
The life is too long for our sweet lie,
But it's too short for the bitter truth,
How can you eat the delicious pie,
And after die from the poison though.
Etoilette Jan 2018
Դատարկությունից մտքեր եմ քամում,
Որ էությունս սնեմ նոր շնչով,
Սև ագռավներն են վեր սլանում,
Անոթի, ծարավ, դեպ երկինքը մով:

Դեռ պիտի լսեմ կռռոցը նրանց,
Որպես մեղադրանք իմ սնանկության,  
Իսկ ինչ ես ունեի, որ բաշխեի նրանց,
Լոկ զրնգոցն իմ տկար էությա՞ն։

Դեռ պիտի չվեն սրատես հավքեր,
Որ գտնեն կորսված, ավեր հանգրվան,
Սրընթաց իջնեն, աչքերը հանեն,
Ու գոհ, հագեցած կրկին հեռանան:

Իսկ ես կմնամ անտես մի ավար,
Ինքնակեր երախ, ինքնամարս մարմին,
Թե դուք մոտենաք' լուռ կանհետանաք,
Սև անցքի միջով դեպ խավարն անդին:

Ու ձեզ չի փրկի լույսը հրեղեն,
Կանթեղը սիրո, ոգին հավատքի,
Իմ դատարկությամբ պիտի պարուրեմ,
Տիեզերքն այս՝ ի դեմս հին տառապանքի:
Etoilette Jan 2018
Խելագար երազ էիր, որ երևացիր,
Իսկ ես ուզեցի չարթնանալ նորից,
Դու ներխուժեցիր անայցեքարտի,
Հոգիս' բաց դռներ...
Etoilette Oct 2017
Ich bin gegen für und gegen,
Und ich stehe da entgegen.
Chaos ist da und deswegen
Dies' die Situation ist ergeben.
Etoilette Jan 2018
We hide our love in useless words,
And escape to look in each other's eyes,
We are so anxious to open the cards,
So we try hard to stay apart.

We hide our tears in our laughter,
And pretend to be positive inside
We know well that we will get strangers,
Like other people walking outside.
Etoilette Oct 2017
I was thinking that I loved you,
But I loved the story I created,
Even it never existed...
I kept my story like an holy treasure
And didn't allow you to destroy it...
Etoilette Oct 2017
I know it's not fair
I LOVE, YOU don't care
The memory is here
How happy you were
When I just was there.
I drink now my beer
There can't be toast here,
What did I do Sir?
Can't handle the the fear,
Of losing you, my dear
Only tears, tears, tears...
Etoilette Nov 2018
Ծովս խլել են, անծիր կապույտս,
Ալեկոծումս ու մեգ անդորրս,
Օդս փակել են, խեղդվում եմ տօդից,
Հույզերիս նավակ, վերցրու ինձ նորից։

Գիտեմ, որ չունես ոչ ակ, որ թիեր
Իսկ քո փարոսը մտքով եմ կարել,
Ու փայփայել եմ  տեսքդ հոյակերտ,
Որ փրկեմ ես քեզ մոռացումից բիրտ։

Դու իմ լուսեղեն լողացող կղզի,
Արդյոք ճոճվում ես ծովում իղձրիս,
Խայտան ալիքներն ե՞ն քեզ օրորում
Իմ քաղցր ծո՞վն է քեզ նուրբ պարուրում

Ինձ տար այստեղից, իմ անուշ նավակ
Իմ լուրթ իղձերի ու ծովի զավակ,
Եկ լողանք անուշ մեր ծովի ծոցում,
Ջրերի լազուր ու սառը բոցում։

Եկ թրջվենք ծովիս ջինջ ջրերի մեջ
Սուզվենք ու ձուլվենք մեր խենթ տարերքին,
Խայտանք, թռչկոտենք խոյակների հետ,
Խարույկների պես վեր հառնենք կրկին։
Etoilette Jan 2018
Իմ կրքոտ դերվիշ
Ալեխառն, գիժ
Աչքերդ' մով
Կոպերդ' քիշմիշ...
Իսկ ես' դիցուհիդ
Մի փոքրիկ իժ
Քաղցր թույնս'
Քեզ զեխ պատիժ...

— The End —