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Iska Apr 2019
The wistful winds
toss the waves up high
As the sea dare Try
To caress lady Luna’s sky.
Iska Oct 2017
Do you have what it takes?
Is it burning inside?
A warriors heart,
a leaders mind?
Now is the time, lead the way.
Ride off to battle, seize the day.
They look to you, your spotlight shines,
so push on through, test your lines.

You've got what it takes,
I see it inside;
a warrior's passion,
a leader's pride.
you've got the heart, you've got the soul,
you've got the will, so take control.
Don't ever break, don't you dare walk away.
finish what you've started, seize the day.

You've got the skills,
they lay inside;
a warrior's dedication,
a leader's determination.
you've got nothing to lose, step up to the plate.
Fight in the battle, before its too late.

Though lose, you may,
the chance still stands,
to lead with victory's upper hand.
to fight your way, and in the end,
to seize the day.
Iska Aug 2018
Tear drops on her lashes
and sadness in her soul
I wonder what it would take
to remind her to breathe once more
Iska Dec 2018
False laughter and pearly white grins
We all have a storm raging within
And yet we’re all so desperate not to show
Little do we understand that we are only fooling ourselves
Our hallow laughter echoes through the halls as our cavity riddled teeth gnash in a crude imitation of what a smile should be.
Iska Jan 2018
"Whats wrong"
                       I can't tell, is the water on my face rain or tears?
                           I can't say it out loud! Please read it in my eyes....

"Can you just not be so **** sad for once?"
                          The wind claws at everything, a welcome pain.
               I'm trying! Can't you see the effort? Oh stars, it HURTS!

"You can talk to me..."
                             I look away, I cannot bare the pain in your eyes.
                           Oh darling I know, I want to but... I can't.

"Talk **** it."
                            Your eyes are hard now, your angry with me, please don't be mad.
                        Don't you see? My voice betrayed me!

"You know, you make it hard to love you sometimes."
                              The song playing is fitting "I'm searching for something that I can't reach."
                               Your words are cutting me. Stripping me to the core, please for the love of God, don't say you can't love me anymore...
There are times when one simply cannot bare to speak
Yet in their silence is the screaming you can't bare to hear.
Iska Sep 2020
There is a forest,
Under the sea,
To which I desperately
Long to see.
I’m back :) been ages
Iska Sep 2020
There was a girl I loved
But that girl is no longer here.
She had a nerve of steel
Yet was bound by her fear.
Her hair was silken gold
Her eyes alight with passion

But then... she turned cold.
And form that moment on
The girl I loved was gone.

But then as it always will
The universe caught her soul
And breathed her back to life
And I met the girl
Who had been set free

And I realized
that while the girl I loved
Was now no longer here
This woman that she’s become
Is the one to be revered.

He soul is filled with stars
Her smile like the spring
Her nerve of steel remained
And her heart was still the same
You have grown in the best way possible
Iska Oct 2017
Broken hearts, burning lies,
sisters standing side by side,
used to be family, blood,
the unbreakable bond,
now broken hearted,
now trust is gone.

Boiling blood, fighting tears,
three sisters face our deepest fears,
used to fight back to back,
heart to heart,
now three sisters fall apart.

Biting words, breaking ties,
three sisters stand side by side,
so close together,
yet so far apart,
three hearts are breaking,
three smiles we're faking.

three bleeding cores, three painful scars,
three sisters now drift so far.
Dreadful pasts, plastic masks,
a broken bond, a silent song,
three fears, three dangers, three sisters....
Iska Aug 2018
Snow looks like it's striped the world
Striped it down to the bones
And trees are knobbly fingers
Clawing towards the dreary sky
Iska Oct 2017
I cant hear them anymore,
the sounds of the fighters..
its gone.
they've been taken away,
they've been stolen away,
by the power of society's reign.
I can see them all falling,
they're slipping away,
the best of the fighters,
they've held on til today.
but now for some reason, they're all letting go,
hiding emotion they'll never show.
I cant hear them anymore,
the sounds of the fighters..
its gone.
We push it aside,
ignoring the sickness
spreading across our lives.
no obvious solution,
no quick fix,
so we push it aside,
ignoring this sickness.
the war rages on, no longer in foreign lands,
its here, and the problem,
its in our hands.
eking out the color,
killing the light,
disconnecting one from another,
sapping our will to fight.
we should be coming together,
yet we're falling apart,
could be building each other,
yet we're tearing everyone down.
this war is raging all around.
inside and out.
yet its a silent war.
fought by invisible soldiers,
won by ignored victories,
plagued with forgotten defeat.
and all were thinking
"where were we?"
God bless America.
because the gov. is right,
the war on drugs is the real war in this land.
not the children crying at night,
not the teenagers putting up their last fight,
not the adults wondering how to go on,
not how society's got it all wrong.....
This was written by two people. Not just me, but my best friend Raiden Crow as well. We wrote it together a while back. And I just had to share.
Iska Dec 2017

I am sinking, yet I don't have a ship to sink
I'm drowning, yet I do not have lungs to breath
I'm alone, yet I know I am loved
I love, yet I feel so numb
I'm mute, yet I can't stop talking
I'm talking, yet I have no voice
I have no voice, yet still you hear
I don't deserve you, yet you won't leave
You won't leave, yet I still fear.
Why is it like this?
I love you. And I know you love me..
So why can't we bask in peaceful simplicity?
Why must it be muddled with muck?
Why do I feel so stuck?
I should be happy.
I should be proud.
Yet I'm sitting here,
And this silence is way to loud.
"Crawling in the dark for you
Do you Burn amoung stars for me?"

Iska Nov 2017
flashes or your smiles
echos of your laugh
now as I walk down these aisles
I cry on your behalf.
The stars bore witness,
They heard my plea,
Yet they still saw fit
to steal you away from me.
may add to/rewrite this later
Iska Aug 2018
Stars look like some one spilled a cluster of polished stones and it’s scattered all across the sky
And they’ve been there ever since stuck billowing fabric of time
Iska Mar 2018
The mirror seems to stretch and grow, distorting the depiction that it shows.
In his arms I am beautiful,
In her eyes I am a blinding light,
But the mirror proves them all false,
And shows me that I never look quite right.
I try  and I try
But it’s never enough
I laugh and I cry
But I can’t seem to hold onto my bluff
That I am “ok
That there is nothing more to say
That I am alright
That I don’t go down without a fight
When in all truth
Ive fallen apart
All skin and bones
With a frail heart
Can you see me breaking?
Can you hear me shaking?
Isn’t it breathtaking?!
The sight of me placating
This morbid mirror
All cracked and shattered
Depicting all that I fear
But please believe me
And my fake bluff
So that I may fool myself
Into beliveing that I am enough.
Iska Jun 2018
Free as the wind,
Changeable as the sea,
The beach holds memories,
Of you and me.
Sands that shift
changing our lives
Sunlight glints,
blinding eyes.
Oh free spirit spread your wings
And fly above this stormy sea.
Far as the winds will carry you
To wherever the moonlight leads you
May the blush of dawn bless you
May the fire that burns inside
never flicker or die.
May the stars bare witness
As you chase the horizon
And fly above the clouds,
Over the sea and
To the place where your home may be.
And When you have found your place among the stars
There you shall wait for me.
Kissed by the mornings dawn
Blessed with the fiery sea.
Free spirit spread your wings
And one day return to the beach with me.
For Juliee,
May you never face the stormy sea alone.
Iska Sep 2018
You asked me why I love you
And here’s a couple of reasons why:

You hold me like you can feel the
World, twirling on its axis
And if you let go we will both start spinning in an unending dance
And as we drift and glide among the stars we will slip and slid in the affections of the heart.
So instead you hold me
And I hold you, as if I never want to let you go, because while the stars are breathtaking, they lack the warmth of home. And while the dance is dizzying it’s hard to breathe without you.

Your eyes.
I could go on for days about your eyes. They entice me in their depths. The way the sunlight hits them in a wave of golden sparkles and then, you smile and I feel like i have a sunset for blood and a stardust heart. The way they light up as you behold the world.
The way your pupils dialate when they behold me. As if I am a star bright enough to burn away the world until it is just a breath, and a blur of color between our heart beats.

Your voice.
The way it rises and falls with the crisendo of your emotions. The way your breathing breaks up the beat of a steady sentence. The way it caresses my name like the breeze caresses a lilac blossom on a spring morn. The way it lulls me into a dreamy trance from which I have no desire to escape.

Your heart.
The way it’s song shifts, and tempo picks up, just a bit as I run my fingers over the smooth surface of your skin. The comforting rhythm beneath my ear as we match breathing before falling into dreams grasp. The way your heart strings tug and tangle when you fall in front of someone in need. How it pangs for those who have more misfortune then you. The way it’s song floats around me like wishes on the wind and tangled with my own until my own beat seems infinitely more beautiful and alien at the same time.

I have this irrational fear
That you will leave me
To chase after a brighter star.
And I don’t know how to react
But I do know, that if you did..
        I would let you.
And every night I would look up at the moon and we would agree
that you and the sun are alike.
Both so pretty and both just out of reach. And I would find solace amoung the moonbeams as I watch you spin dazzlingly amoung the sun as you dance between the stars.
Iska Sep 2020
The sunset was the kind that was like syrup dripping from the skies and if you were to drink it it would be the ambrosia that tasted like a life time
Iska Sep 2018
You think that you are ugly.
But my darling,
how could you  possibly know?
You can’t see what I see,
how could these opinions possibly grow?
you knock the breath right out of me.
with the way the sunlight hits your eyes
And I think my heart just flutters inside.
The way you tilt your head as you laugh
and when i'm with you,
I can never tell if only seconds or infinities have past
The way your ears turn pink when embarrassed
The way you spin in that pretty pink dress
The way you hold me in your arms
And smile
As you call me your love.

And I

Can’t help

But melt
Iska Oct 2020
Kinda wanna drive off a bridge
not gonna lie.
Not to die but to just...
pause I guess.
To be surrounded and confined
by the weight and presence of the waves. With nothing but the sound of the water
to encase you.
Maybe it’s the feeling of sinking I crave.
Or maybe it’s surrendering to the depths just to see what waits there.
In a sense it’s drowning without death. Just sinking so deep and for so long that this push and pull of the water reversed the top with the bottom and I sink to the surface succumbing to the dance of the sea.
Iska Dec 2019
Today I saw the quote
“If it’s about survival... isn’t a little agony worth it?”

As if agony is something so small and easy to bare. As if it is a stone in our pockets that just adds a little weight as we are forced to march on this path that has no way out and no way back. When it’s more like this pressure that surrounds us and pushes our feet into the ground as we wade through this quick sand in attempt to make any progress, to move forward even an inch. In attempt to avoid being swallowed whole. But at the same time we just want to sink to the bottom and let the sticky sand muffle all sounds included our own. So we can let this pressure push us down as we sink further and further holding our breath waiting for that moment when we reach the bottom, just to see what’s there. And when we finally inhale we find our lungs have been filled with sand all along, it’s just this time it fills our eyes and ears as well. But perhaps a “little agony is worth it”. Maybe we should swallow our pain and continue forever forward as if we didn’t just swallow a red hot coal that’s now burning its way through our bodies and melting our will to continue as it goes. But no, let’s swallow it like a chalky pill that sticks to our throats and catches on it’s way down, but don’t worry, here’s a glass of sand to wash it down.
Wrote this a couple months ago
Iska Sep 2020
Today a devil
crept from the shadows
and whispered in my ear
“you are simply not strong enough to survive the storm.”
So I looked her in the eyes
with a set jaw and steel for eyes and whispered back
“darling can’t you tell? I am made of stars and storms and you are simply not strong enough to survive ME”
Iska Jan 2019
I met a child
On a warm summers day
Who reminded me
How to laugh and to play
Round and around
The pool we would swim
Caving to our every whim
And in that child,
I found a spark
That breathed the life
Back into my broken heart
To a Barnacle.
The best Barnacle.
Iska Apr 2019
The world is teetering
Tethered by a withered string
And gravity is pulling it taught

And now it’s crashing
Louder and louder
The shards splinter my skin
And rivulets of blood
Turns to rivers

You hear a sigh
Of relief
Of regret
Of release
As you find me
Drowning in a pool of my blood
A broken story
Old as time
You dream to live
I long to die
Iska Dec 2017
They say that death is quiet. That it comes so fast and sudden that it is a surprise to the world. Because the world keeps going, as if it never happened.

I disagree. I have never known a silent death in my life. For me, death is so loud, that it deafens me. Until all I hear is ringing and muffled sounds. Like a bomb just went off, and in a way, I guess it had. The world moves to a slow motion until it is measured by nothing but a heart beat, and even that will stop eventually. Until your breath gives out and your knees crumple before you. "Its beautiful" they say, "the way that life and death entwines in an eternal dance." Yes. This is beautiful, me lying here beside you as you struggle for life, fighting to keep your heart beating. I watch as fear consumes you, you don't want to die, that much is plain to see, because you think your too young. Well let me inform you of something. You will ALWAYS be too young. It will never be enough because you don't know what happens next. For some it is a relief, they hope that this is it, the end of the line. That they cease to exist. Those are the ones who live life they way the want to. Or their are those of you who dread and fear it. Believing that God is waiting on the other side. Those are the ones who live their lives doing good, trying to make it to heaven. And then their are those of you who push it aside. Who hide from the fact that one day your hear, then gone the next. You are the ones who live in mediocre boredom forever chained down by your fear, as you waste away inside of these four paper walls, in front of the screen of some form.

I am here to remind you that I exist. I am death. I am release to some and horror to others. And I am here to tell you that your time is fast approaching. I may be at your doorstep right now, or I may be waiting on the sidelines for years to come. But I am here. And one day you will find me beside you, embracing you as you fight to keep your fire burning. You may evade me once or twice but you will see me one day. And I shall ask you this, have you lived as you wanted to live? Or have you squandered away your days? Will you be remembered? And if so how? Will people laugh and say "you won't be missed" or will they wail and pull at their hair, gnashing their teeth as they cry for their loss? Are you loved or hated?  if you are loved, you shall not be forgotten, and that is the immortality you are all seeking, just as my immortality is here, among the words I write. Who knows? By the time your reading this, maybe I have passed to. Because even death is not immortal.
Iska Oct 2017
Everybody's got the devil inside,
everybody's got their demons to hide,
their evil streak,
their mean crease,
and when it comes out I just wanna scream.
Everybody's got an angels mask,
everybody's got a hidden past,
their purity,
their cruelty,
mixing together revealing me.
  Everybody's got a monster inside,
their own twisted version,
Dr. Jackal and Hyde.
Its dangerous,
its deadly,
my evil twin,
the darkest side of me.
My broken wings,
and shattered dreams,
cant save me from the demons haunting me.
the monster in the mirror,
my reflection cant be clearer,
the devil inside,
my demon wont hide,
my angel mask is peeling
my mirror is revealing;
Jackal from Hyde.
its consuming me,
its freeing me,
its what you see inside of me.
Iska Oct 2018
The universe has a language we've forgotten,
one spoken by all the earth.
and in our haste to create our own "beauty"
we've forgotten how much it was worth.
and once we noticed the absence
we attempted to fill up the hole.
we replaced the feeling
of freedom and soul
with words like money and fool.
yet as we forgot the language,
the world around us did not
and cried for us and our ignorance
as they watched us cut the world up.

into little bite sized pieces,
trying to fill up our cup,
guess we didn't know,
it was still empty
from all that we've given up.
Iska Jan 2019
There once was a girl
Sitting all alone
Beside a grave
She wished
Was her own.

And as she shuddered
And gasped for breath
She realized
all she longed for

Was death.

“Silly girl”
Death said to me
“How can you exist
So selfishly?”

“For her to die
And you to live
Is the curse that
You deserve”

And as I lay there
In a pool
of blood
And tears
I realize the truth

It’s not my place

Not to live
And not to die
Not to give up
And not to try

It’s not my air to breathe
And yet who am I to deny
It’s not my food to eat
Yet how can I not?

How can I waste
What was hers to claim?
And how can I die
When she lays in my grave?

She didn’t deserve it
But I...
I do
And so I am forced
To consume her food.

It’s not my air to breathe
It’s not my place to greave
It’s not my food to consume
It’s not my life to remove
I am to blame
Iska Dec 2018
we live in a world where we are taught
what to think
how to act
what to say
how to react
and yet we remain so very clueless
Iska Mar 2018
Nothing is WRONG

I live through the CRACKS

I am splinterig
I’m Falling apart
I am shattering
My splintered old heart

I am faint
I am frail
Am I even here?
Who can tell?

I am a flicker
A faint blur
Is this pain worth it?
I’m no longer so sure
Iska Nov 2018
patchwork poetry
from a broken soul
ageless words
stitched together
take their toll
as we twist them
to fit the role
I was told all I do is rewrite what has already been written.
With no creative twist or flair
Just wasting time
With empty air
Iska Sep 2020
When one must know
That all that surrounds them
Are destined to grow.
To grow together
To grow apart
To grow the mind
To grow the part.
Some grow up
And some grow out
But no matter the growth
We all posses the same heart
And as the heart beats
We are one and the same
Rekindling our souls
And igniting our flame.
Iska Jan 2018
My life is just like anyone elses ya know.
The alarm goes and you wake up.
You get dressed,
You eat.
Go for a morning stroll and
basically you go about your normal day,
The difference was
I was not like every one else.
There was always...
something else around.
This... Sadness.
I was living on the edge of existance,
Waiting for time to catch up with me.
Always chasing after beautiful things,
Only to fall out of reach.
At times this sadness,
this... monster was small,
At other times,
it surrounded me in it's darkness,
And occasionally...
It consumed me completely.
But it was always there,
Watching me,
Waiting for me to slip,
To break,
To completely fall apart.
And after awhile....
it seemed like it just might happen.
This sad little man almost won.
Until I met you.
It was like suddenly,
I found out I've been missing out on.
And I found it in you.
You saved me that day.
You sheltered me from my monsters
You kept me safe while I was lost in the dark.
And without you I am no more than
the sad little man in my head,
but with you I am a girl who is free.
I think that we all have a sad little man prancing around in our pretty little heads.
Some are big, and others small.
Some are darker than the inky night
And others shine in the sun's light.
But it's always there in all of us
And some of us see ours more than others.
So be careful because one day you may be taunting someone under control of their sad little man
Only to find the next day your sad little man will be haunting you.
Iska Oct 2017
I am not the brilliant leader, I am the fearless dreamer.
I am not the one with all the facts, I complete all silent acts.
I am a shadows face, quite often out of place.
I am not a standout individual, in fact I'm quite invisible.
The shadow warrior, on a hidden battlefield.
My secrets, my stories, remain concealed.
I am not an overachiever, I am a firm believer.
I believe in loyalty, spirit and trust,
someone to fight for you, dawn til' dusk.
I am not a shining knight, riding off into glorious battle,
I am but a lowly soldier, fighting a raging war.
A war against your demons, the ones you fight inside,
a war against your fears, the ones that make you hide.
And still, my fight remains unseen, there is no one to witness.
And this is because,
I am the shadow warrior, the soldier who remains unseen.
And while you openly worship your heroes,
your heroes silently worship me.
Iska Apr 2019
For a moment today...
my heart stopped.

When I was a little girl I stood in awe,
Before the beauty that was Notre Dame.
It was only a picture,
but in it I saw the marvel that was Notre Dame.

And so as a girl I dreamed
To feel her bells reverberate through my soul,
To draw her beauty with inadequate talent
To one day stand before grand Notre Dame.

And now she is burning.
Dressed in red
Her heart is on fire
as the flames hungrily sought to accomplish
that which two wars and a plague could not,
To consume beloved Notre Dame.

856 years she has witnessed
856 years her regal beauty has graced us
856 years Her bells have sounded for so many souls

And in what seemed like seconds
Notre Dame...

Is gone.

The trembling ash coated skeleton
of her existence is all that remains
of the glory that was Notre Dame

And if you are silent you may still hear the bells
ringing through out the earth,
crying for Notre Dame.
And now as she goes in a blaze of beauty..
I too cry for Notre Dame.

for a moment today...
my heart stopped.

and as I behold that what is left
of the burning heart of Paris..
I am unsure it will start again.
my heart has broken
Iska Oct 2017
Dear Loved One,
You know, when i met you,
I wasn't sure if you were the lighthouse or the storm.
and honestly i didn't want to know.
because the light house brings you home
when the world rages around.
where as the storm rages with the world,
in sync but completely apart.
only to realize i was completely wrong
you see, when it comes to me..
i have two sides.
or so I'm told.

I am the storm,
beautiful in its chaos and destruction.
with a tendency to destroy people in such a way that,
to survive, they flee to a light house
and vanish forever leaving me to rage alone,
saying i was not the storm you chase,
so they ran away with the winds.

I am the bird,
weathering the storm
with the promise of freedom on my mind.
as others look on in disappointment,
claiming my stupidity for flying in a storm
that will rip off my wings,
that's not what i see though.
no for me its an adventure on the wind,
a shiver down my spine
and the taste of the electric air,
giving me the complete feeling of being alive.

but you....
you are the eye in the storm.
that hidden pocket of safety
that is rarely seen
scarcely sought out
and almost never found.
you have the ability to weather my storm
and shelter my bird when I'm tired of flying.
my equal and opposite.

And while nothing is worth destroying  yourself over,
if you do destroy yourself,
always make sure its for something spectacular,
make sure its for yourself.
and you my friend
are spectacular enough that i think id destroy myself
every day,
again and again,
before i  would ever let myself destroy you.
because that's what staying is like.
its not flying away to chase a storm,
its to rage quietly within these four walls.
and it destroys me a little more every day.
but your worth it.
and sometimes it brings me to a dark place.
and i absolutely love you for
quietly opening your arms,
not trying to change me,
no, instead
you sit down with me in your arms
kiss my forehead
and silently dwell in the dark with me,
feeling my winds thrash and whip around us.
and still you remain,
refusing to flee.

and if i run...
i hope you'll accept my devilish smile,
take my hand,
and run with me...
because every storm needs an eye in its center.
and even the birds need to rest during their flight.

~Sincerely the storm.
keep those who stay,
the ones who bare the storm
and shelter you.
treat them well,
whether they are lovers
or simply friends.
for they will never abandon you
and will never lead you astray.
Iska Oct 2017
I am sorry I am jealous of the dying sun.
Its just that... everyday the clouds and I bare witness,
as the sky swells with the wet red artwork of her blood,
and I admit... I wish to be as she is.
To come back every morning,
no matter how many times she kills herself
on the blade of the horizon,
ready to bleed more so that we may glory in her light.
But for me..... its different.
Each time my crimson artwork swells to life,
a little piece of me withers away and dies.
so, unlike her,
I do not come back whole
with the rise of the sun....
unlike her, my battle remains unwon.
Iska May 2018
The thing about pain,
Is it demands to be felt.
And it has formed a circlet
That rests upon my brow
And crowns me queen.
So I will take the pain,
So that none else will have to.
And every wound will shape me
And every scar will build my throne
So as I am here
Sitting on my throne of bones
I will understand that in this,
I am fated to be alone
And find solace in my solitude.
Iska Oct 2017
You always think of yourself as the storm,
and I've come to believe I am as well.
Together we are our storm,
And everyone will always tell us we are
terrible for each other because of it..
But together I want to brave this chaotic storm with you.
We will be a chaotic beautiful mess of a storm together,
even if we tear everything apart along the way.
Iska Dec 2017
to me you are a star of gold
a glowing asterisk
I wish I could hold
though you seem so far away
I truly wish we could meet some day
but alas we shall only meet
through our words,
spilling and falling across this page.
we are the unseen family
bound by art
which is better
because we dwell in the heart
Iska Apr 2019
Have you ever loved someone so much that even after they fade into memories you can never quite shake the feeling? And then you move on. You evolve. You grow. You meet new people. You fall in love... and then they crash back into your life. In the form of a message. “Hi” and suddenly it all just comes back to you. And old heartstrings you thought were forgotten are suddenly being pulled again. Your unshakable connection to this person, the tangled web of emotions you thought you buried all flood back in. And you can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips as you reply “hi” and in that moment.. you knew you were done for. You knew that you were all along.
Iska Aug 2018
You fear that I like him..
(And I think it might be true)
You say that you love me...
(But I’m not sure I believe you)
Iska Mar 2018
We are all so clever,
With our posts and our lies,
And honest comments deleted
To wither and die.
Filters for beauty free of flaws
So we may withstand societies claws.
So we upload
pictures, stories and posts.
I wounder what is it
we long for the most?
To be accepted?
To be seen?
To cause envy?
Or Jealousy?
What is the point?
The whole worlds plugged in,
And we all have hundreds of thousands of “friends”.
yet who is it that
truly cares for us in the end?
Face to face?
What a disgrace!
Letters to send?
This must come to an end!
Written word?
Thats simply absurd!
Memories made?
They still do that these days?!
Now this is a crazy idea..
Just a thought..
What if we all....
Just unplugged?
Not once or twice
And call it a night,
But more like a day?
To spend as you may?
To feel the sun?
To laugh with friends?
And make beautiful memories
to carry with you til the end?
Enjoy the moment of pure bliss,
filters, comments or harsh judgements.
To be yourself
and embrace your life,
Then when your done
You can replug.
And check on all your comments and likes.
And see which was the thing you remember at night.
I get it.
I do it too
But sometimes you need to stop
And just be you.
Iska Oct 2018
When I was younger I used to think
that when a falling star crashes into the earth,
it shattered into stardust
and from there grows a forest.
Iska Nov 2017
we are the lost souls,
wandering this lonely world,
searching for each other,
for the place where our dreams
collide with reality.
we are the dreamers,
daring to look to the sky
knowing in our veins
we are destined to fly.
we are born of storm and wind and fire.
created from chaos we are
meant to rattle the stars
we will bow to no one
apologize for nothing
and answer to none
save for the pounding
of our wild hearts.
carved from diamond
we are unbreakable,
with the taste of forever on our tongues
we burn so bright that the sun grows envious  
we will never be chained,
refuse to be contained
and may the gods help those
who dare to tie us down
for you cannot tame
that which is wild and free,
therefore you will never tame me.
Iska Aug 2018
I have a galaxy hidden beneath my ribcadge
and a hurricane for a heart.
With dreams glittering like stardust.
And that’s what sets me apart.
We are all made of stars and storms,
That, my dear, is how art is formed.
Iska Dec 2017
We are not poets.
Nor are we artists.
         We are the bleeding hearts
                                                   Daring to rebel.
Society cuts this world into careful little blocks.
Devided by cold cut stones forced to comply.
And yet,
             If you look a little closer, you will notice,
                  Not us, for you will never see our face
   But you will see our fragments.
             The pieces of us we leave behind for you
                Scattered among these cold stone walls
Words we have carved into the stone
             With our own ****** nails.
                              Proof that we exsist.
                                               Proof that you can to.
So here we are,
                    Strings of letters
                                       And scattered lines,
                                 All echoing the same war cry.
                          “We Are Here.”
                                                    "Are You?"
Iska Aug 2018
What do you think would happen
If I decided I no longer care?
Not for the smile I show
Nor for my need of air?
My pearly whites line in a row
And the pain inside slowly starts to show..
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