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287 · Dec 2017
William B Dec 2017
Dear Reader,
I'm sorry
I'm sorry because I get too easily attached
I'm sorry because I speak too much and say too little
I'm sorry for being so horrible
I'm sorry that sometimes I can't hide the anger, the rage
I'm sorry I never told you
I'm sorry that if I die,
I wouldn't have told you
How much I love you
How I could never hold you enough
How you're my light
I'm sorry that I might die
and it might be my fault
I'm sorry for saying sorry so much

,sorry- me
255 · Dec 2017
rose, two
William B Dec 2017
and I see two rose, equally beautiful,
but I take one in cautioned hand
and stomp upon the other
leaving stain of red on a pale foot
and cutting vein with spiny thorn

It is raining when i see it
the man and the two rose
such a pale man
such red blood

It is raining when i see him
the man, who is clothed
holding a blade,
so pure,
that it would be waste if not i -
if not i brought it to feel my chest,
my heart-
it bleeds
154 · Feb 2018
William B Feb 2018
Some days it's like
It's like I'm rain on a sunny day
and my hands are cold
and my head hurts
and i pull my eyes from their sockets
and place them on my bed
they squish under my feet in tiny explosions of ****
the salt in my tears burn my lips
and i fall among the cliched and hated
and i feel like rain on a sunny day
150 · Nov 2017
William B Nov 2017
you ***
I didn't ask for you

I didn't ask for your ever-so short hair
--I bet it's soft
Or your eyes
--So, so brown
not even your ***** little nose
--How easily I could fall in love with it

I never  asked for anything
but its not like I got anything anyways
--OK maybe i'm asking a little bit


--**** Me
131 · Dec 2017
Midnight deVil- blue
William B Dec 2017
Do you weep
Do you weep
as the moon falls,
and the sun rises
when the birds call
and children are made
Do you weep
Do you weep
In the dark
In the night
Before the stars
Before the moon
Do you weep
Do you weep
so gently
Best the neighbors not hear
Les they bring more tears
Tears like fire,
burn my throat
use me
use me
till I'm bled
like a ******* pig
A ******* Pig is what you are,
nasty little thing
Big rats,
burn the witch
burn burn
Burn the *****
Les she bring us
upon the gates of hell
Home is where the heart is
good thing mine's in the woods, in a box
everything is stranger in the woods
woods, where the creature crawls
-he beggs
"help me help me"
"**** me **** me"
"master master"
"bring your might down upon me"
"for it is because of me that they burn"
-no response from the wicked king
Blessed, blessed
feel the cut, feel the blade
feel the fire, feel him
Blessed, Blessed
-now he lay me down to sleep
-bless my soul for him to keep
-and if i wake not morn' rise
-take my soul, yours to eat
-take my eyes, take my thighs
-take them, my blessed
122 · Sep 2018
William B Sep 2018
grammar taught me fanboys and you're not your
math taught me to think like someone else
science taught me all the ways i shouldn't do things
language taught me to not hold my breath
pe taught me how to run
*** ed taught me that *** is sin
freshman seminar taught me that without life without a plan *****

I taught myself that life is worth living because we never know where we're going to end up and that that is good

— The End —