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Shyamu Mar 2020
Why should we live?
If we didn't find any answer
the very question
lingering in our mind
will **** us...
Shyamu Mar 2020
The ultimate aim of life
is to live
we are going
to die anyway
Shyamu Mar 2020
What do I want?
A true love
A true friendship
A true person
who doesn't cheat me
who doesn't use me
who doesn't make me feel low
who doesn't leave me at cost...
I think I have got
atlast I am cheated...
Shyamu Mar 2020
No one will care for you
as much as you will...

No body will worry about you
as much as you will...

No one will think about you
as much as you can...
Shyamu Mar 2020
It's better to be a fool
than to be a cheater....
Shyamu Mar 2020
I am greedy
I am too greedy
I am very greedy
I am grabby
My desire is excessive

I didn't ask for wealth
I didn't ask for good health
I didn't ask for a life full of happiness
I asked for true ...lifelong friend and friendship

How greedy am I?
What an excessive desire?
I am punished for that

I got pain
I got hurt
I got disappoinments
I got bitterness towards life
I got all these in disguise of friends....
Shyamu Mar 2020
Questionning the survival
is the highest form
of hatredness towards life...
I will not question
Why am I living?

Expecting death
is the realistic way of living
Have experienced all bitterness
Let me question
Why shouldn't I die?
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