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Shyamu Mar 2020
Nothing hurts
When you started to smile for a pain....
Shyamu Mar 2020
My love
can be named
as game
never mind
and nothing hurts
for a dead one
I am already dead
when I came to know the truth
I am cheated by others
befooled by others...
Never mind
Stay cool....
Shyamu Mar 2020
Why should your pain be shown to others?
Why should your hurts be known by others?
Why should your tears be wipped by others?
Don't you have hands?
Are you not strong?
Are you dead?

If you have tears
then you've your hands also to wipe it
Don't believe anyone
except your hands...
Don't believe anyone....
Shyamu Mar 2020
'cause I won't reveal my pain to others
I shared everything with my dear ones
the so called PAIN
was given by
the so called DEAR ONES....
Paining inside
smiling outside
That's the trick...
Shyamu Mar 2020
I am happy
I am happy to the core
for others
not for me
Why should I show my long face?
Will anything change?
Whatever happened is happened
Nothing can change it
No one will deny
then why should I be sad?
But I am sad
I am sad to the core
'cause only I know the pain....
Shyamu Mar 2020
All left me
I left all
but not
my belief
charm and
Mine is mine always....
Shyamu Feb 2020
Now also I am not able to hate you
                  I am not able to scold you
                  I am not able to curse you
                  I am not able to love you
                  I am not able to forgive you
Now also I am not able to FORGET you
When our close ones are wrong...whatever punishment we may give...atlast we are the one to be punished....
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