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Shyamu Feb 2020
I want that
only and only
world's best
healing power
Shyamu Feb 2020
I don't like anyone
even my LIFE

No one is coming to me
even  my DEATH
Shyamu Feb 2020
Don't know Why am I living?
I hate to live.............
God....Please take me
Shyamu Feb 2020
I feel
It's very poetic for me
I enjoy
being with myself....
Earlier I felt very bad to be lonely and I cried so many times
Shyamu Feb 2020
Lifelong I had been waiting
for the MAGIC to happen in my life

I thought it fulfilled
by your presence in my life

Later I realised
it's not magic
it's a dark ditch

MAGIC is not with others
It's with in ourselves
We have to search for it...
Shyamu Feb 2020
If someone told
"I'll not leave you at any cost"
Better to stay away from them
'cause they  are the one
who is going to leave you first
when you need them the most...
Yes.....experienced this...
Shyamu Feb 2020
There is nothing
called fake love
If it is fake
that's not LOVE...
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