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In the beginning, it was text, text, text.
" oh I can't wait to see you next."
But when the *** is over...
And alls said and done..
You're antennae is out...
Moving on to the next one.
Men's view on *** is a curious thing?
"Thanks for the meal honey.. "
" I'll give you a ring".
A day goes by..
Then another two...
All the while there not thinking of you..
There in a place called " a mans brain"
Don't ask me how it works?
I'd go insane... there such BERKS!
They decompartmentalise everything they do..
And that... unfortunately honey.. includes you too...
Their brain switches off after they've had *** with you...
Where it goes? nobody knows?
But no longer focuses on you...
It shouts ..." I wanna sleep"
" l have a meeting later this week"
" l must get the car cleaned"
" watch the footie on the box"
" that girl in the office, now she's a little fox"!
Whilst you lay there in the afterglow
All tingly and sated...
He's thinking about the girl last week he dated!
I think we can say *** is very over rated!!...

— The End —