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unnamed May 2017
No, stop don't do it
You're gonna mess up
You're gonna fail
What makes you think you are good enough
what makes you think you are worth it?
"oh, I guess I don't know"
of course you don't know because what do you know
"why are you being like this, who are you?"
I'm just telling the truth
Im just being realistic here
all you do is mess up,
all you do is annoy,
and how do I know all of this?
because my dear I am you.

-My mind, my thoughts, every single day.
unnamed May 2017
They may not be the person you want to be, but they are the person that you relate most too.
unnamed May 2017
humanity is scary;
one human can end another's life, in a matter of seconds


one human can say one thing, and mean the exact opposite.

"but, how can a lie end someones life?"

easily; all one has to do is say "I love you,
I love you, I will not leave you, I will make you happy, I love you"

and then leave.
  May 2017 unnamed
I know brave one.

I know 11 betrayed your trust

I know 12 broke your body

I know 13 cracked your heart

I know brave one.

I know how hard you try even so.

I know how you wipe your nose and your eyes and straighten your shirt to look less on the outside how you feel on the inside.

I know how hard you work to stop your lower lip from quivering when you feel emotions that are bigger than you are, that could fill the sky.

I know brave one; I know.

I know how hard you try to be strong; sometimes so hard that you convince yourself that the angry person in the mirror is you.

I know how cruel the world can be and how your soft petals have been torn from your rose colored heart

I know my love.

I know that you can’t see me right now

I know that you  you can’t hear my voice

But I’m right here beside you.

My arm is around your shoulder.

You are not alone.

You’ve never been alone.

Even in the darkest moments where they tore at your hair, your clothing, your soul

I know you think they took things from you that you can’t get back.

I know.

It’s ok brave one.

There’s no shame here.

No need to hide your face, to bury your tears

I know the places you’ve been, the things you’ve done

I know everything you’ve done.

And I love you all the more for it

I know the wall you’ve built.

I know the chains you’ve fashioned.

I know.

I know the love that you’re looking for, to make you feel better, to feel whole.

I know how you long for it, crave it.

And I know that the more you look for it the further away it seems to be.

I know.

You are not alone.  

Each of our stories is different, and yet they are the same.

Our young hearts have all been twisted.

Our soft parts have all been scarred.

I wish that I could scoop you up in all those moments and hold you close to me no matter what they were doing

You are brave my little one.

Brave to have come here at all, to have agreed to live this life, to take these beatings for us all.

And  if you could see yourself clearly you’d cry at the depth of your own beauty and
Shade your eyes from the shimmer of your light.

You’d be devastated by your own depth and strength

You’d be even braver than you already are.

I know brave one.

And one day perhaps you will love you the way that I do, for I am you.  

And I love you Unconditionally.
unnamed May 2017
I think the hardest part about life is this;

Nothing is ever guaranteed.
Nothing is forever.
You can do your absolute best,
You can try your absolute hardest
You can give all of yourself away,

and still not be good enough.
and still fail.

"yea, but thats life?"


Do you understand now why I told you I hate living?
unnamed May 2017
When I first saw you
the riptide of your eyes pulled me in
so beautiful, so innocent, so comforting
So I thought it was safe to go in a little deeper

but the deeper I went, the more the salt water burned
It burned my eyes with beauty
it burned my ears with lies
accusations, ignored calls, hateful words

but no matter how much it burned
I just couldn't stop myself from going further
deeper and deeper into the blue

How far can you go into the ocean before it starts to consume you.
How far can you go into the ocean, before you drown.

— The End —