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Tyler G Dec 2012
A cigarette for the
a cup of tea for the
heart & head,
a large, white pill &
it's off to bed.
Tyler G Dec 2012
I love you.

I want to introduce you to my parents. I want to tell the world about you and how happy you make me. I want everyone to ******* know - I don’t care how many times I’d have to say it.

I love spending time with you and having you in my presence; it makes me happy.

I love your smile, it makes me happy. It makes me forget all the ****** things in life, if but for a few moments.

I love looking in your eyes, it makes me feel warm inside.

I love hugging you, it makes me feel important to hold you and be the only one holding you and protecting you from everything else. I wish I could hold you more.

I love your laugh, it makes my soul dance.

I love the way you walk away from me, purposefully - I know you’ll be back.

I love talking with you, you’re so smart (much smarter than me). You know how much I love to talk, and I’d stop the world to listen to you forever.

I know my past relationship was unexpected, but that’s over now - I realized how stupid I was for getting myself into a mess like that and I hope you know that too.

I’d love to sit on the couch in front of the fireplace watching movies you enjoy watching, sitting close together under the blankets with you in my arms.

I love walking down the beach with you, watching the waves break and slam into the shore. I know it scares you, but one day, I’d help you overcome that fear if you’d trust me enough.

I’d love to buy you gifts (not too often though, because you know I’m poor, but rich in love), they’d be from the heart.

I’d love to lay in bed with you, my arm around your side and listen to your heart beat methodically. And I’d love to wake up next to you, the sun bouncing off your face and hair as you blink the dreams from your eyes.

You calm me down, I’d quit smoking cigarettes if I was with you - that’s the only stress relief I need. And I believe you’re truly the only other person who understands me the most. You don’t fully know me yet and I feel I know less about you, however, but I’m more than willing to change that.

If you could just give me that one chance to prove to you I can change in ways you couldn’t imagine, you’d make my life complete.

If I only had the courage to tell you these things. If only I wasn’t so ******* stupid.
Tyler G Dec 2012
"Planes are mysterious" she told me.
I've taken my fair share of plane rides on various distances,
but I never understood the mystery.

"They take you so far away
so quickly."

"A creepy house,
a dead animal on the side of the road,
and politics are mysterious."

"Then you don't understand the joy," she says,
"Of packing a bag and leaving.
The next time you talk to people,
you're a hundred, or a thousand miles away.
That's the mystery."

"Where will you be tomorrow?" I demanded.
Tyler G Dec 2012
And as the seconds tick away, I countdown to my departure.
Four more days, I think to myself.
That's all I need to endure before I leave this place.
I'll leave this small town and return to my former French town.
I can't wait to see faces and hear voices I haven't in a while.
I can't help but feel it was my fault all along.
Maybe you've poisoned me. Maybe you know I'd **** to have you be my everything.
Unfairly, your words penetrate my thoughts like a needle through a water balloon.
And like a sponge, my brain over analyzes each word.
like a young child, I get wrapped in my imagination,
teetering between one idea and another.
I'm indecisive,
I always have been,
but if there's one thing I know,
ninety-six hours to go.
Tyler G Dec 2012
Je ne plus comprendre comment aimer.
t'as parti sans moi.
Tu m'avais laisser dans la rue sans un pull,
sans une tête,
sans un cœur.
Tu l'as pris comme la diable que tu es.
je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime.
Je ne comprends pas comment tu peux pas m'aimer comme je t'aime,
ma belle.
On peux changer le monde entier.
tu peux changer ma vie simplement avec un regarde
de tes yeux trop bleu.
Les yeux de la mer.
Les yeux bleu comme la mer et violent comme des vagues.
Les vagues intensifs qui cognes sur le sable de mon cœur.
Si je peux m’arrêter de t'aimer, je le ferai,
comme je peux jamais arrêter de t'aimer,
ici je resterai, tout seul avec mon tasse de thé vert.
Tyler G Dec 2012
Where in your heart
can you find space to
love me.

Love me as you do
everything else.

You have the biggest heart
and the most compassion
of anyone I know.

You'd never do wrong
on purpose or
hurt for revenge.

in your heart
can you find enough love
to love me?

Love me
as I love you.
Tyler G Dec 2012
When it rains, the steady tap down the storm drain above my window reminds me of you.
I can’t remember your face right away, and I’ve forgotten what your voice sounds like, but the putter patter reminds me of the sound of your tears hitting the floor.
I don’t know who you are anymore, nor do I care, but I need to know: why? Why cry when there’s so many other things to do?
Why be so obsessive over something so insignificant, a human life?
Shouldn’t you be crying over the fact that one day you will die? That doesn’t seem to be a problem for most people, but you will die and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. At least you can stop yourself from falling in love…
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