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Gorgeous girls never flock to me
with my goofy grin and icy feet
Sure some pretty ones come
and talk to me
But I look inside and what
do I see?
Emptiness, some worries about
what people think and a thick
vein of vanity

Don't get me wrong, smooth skin
is nice and makes me think
of giving in, but where's the
beauty of a wrinkled brain?
Where is the darling charm
that comes from thinking?
Give me crows feet from years
of laughing
maybe some scars for kissing
and a stubborn idea or two
to keep me guessing

Because flawless hair is nothing
compared to a flawed but thoughtful
and big chested, large rear-ended
doesn't have scratch on imaginative
and inventive
**** walks combined with hips
can't hold a match to intelligent words
pouring from chapped lips

So here's to hoping that
sometime soon, I'll get the chance
to stumble and fall into a
wrinkled brain romance
© Daniel Magner 2012
Someday, I won't remember
Any of you at all
You will fade from my mind
And move past my past
Dissolve into black like
The end of so many movies.
Turn like the blank pages
Before new chapters, new books
Get lost in space
Like balloons set free.
I won't remember
The heat of our bodies
As they burned through our clothes
In fiery passion,
Infatuation of the flesh.
The rough urgency of your lips
Against mine,
As they forced entrance to the
Savage dancing of tongues.
The letters of your names will blur
And jumble
Worse than a three-year old singing his
ABC's and Elemeno-P's
And the images of your faces
Will get washed down the drain
As I rub you off my skin
With soap and hot water.
You are immortal as long as you are remembered
So sorry, guys, but the time has come
For the shiny blade of the guillotine to fall
And behead your existence
From my oh-so-sacred
And once so pure
Memory and
May you rest in forgotten peace.
Nothing I could
ever write would
capture the way
you make me feel
when you're not even trying.
Mom sneaks through the front door
I'm pretending to be asleep on the couch
At 4AM, she reeks of cigarettes
She closes the door softly, dad stays asleep

I pretend I am sleeping on the couch
Mom drags the smell of cigarettes in with her
The door squeaks quietly, dad still sleeps
He left the TV on again, it reports today's tragedy

Mom smells like black lungs again.
The door clicks shut, she creeps past dad's recliner
He left the TV on again, tragedies muffle her footsteps
She's used to sleeping alone by now.

The door's closed, and dad still sleeps
He left the TV on and snores through tragedy
Mom can barely sleep with him around
The tragedies mean nothing to me

Dad leaves the TV on every night
Mom would sleep better if he left
I don't care about the tragedies
I can see my mom ****** in a crumpled burning car

Mom is restless when dad is home
Tragedies don't mean anything to her
She speeds at night and takes drags of embers
I wonder if she really wants to die

Tragedies play through the screen
Mom speeds at night and lights another cigarette
I wonder, does she want to die?
Doesn't she ever think of me?

Mom drives too fast at night and burns up her lungs
I worry that she's always dying
And never thinks to call me saying, I remember you
I picture sirens and lights outside my house

I ask God why she wants to die
I wonder if she knows what she does to me
When I hear the sirens driving by
I shut my eyes and wait for the door to creak again

I scream whispers, why does she do this to me?
I pray the sirens aren't going to find her
I close my eyes and try not to cry
And at 4 AM, she smells like cigarettes
i wanna pour out my emotions all over you...
i wanna show you how much i appreciate you, how much youve been making me feel so good.
with your smile you melt me to pieces, and when i look at your eyes i feel like im lost in a great depth of something amazing..
the power of love is so **** incredible... and loving you is really all thats on my mind.
i wanna take this time we have to show you how much you mean to me
look into my eyes, ive been waiting so long....
excuse me babe, your perfect as you are..
never change ...please
despite whether people say your not good enough,
i fall over my own feet when you walk by...
and i choke up when you talk to me so i cant form words...
so stay you, cause if you change you may forget who you really are.
you already are perfect, flawless..
I want to:
see your 'good morning' smile
wake up to you looking down at me
be able to look up at you

I need to:
hear your voice in the morning
go to sleep listening to your voice
look in to your eyes and know that I'm all you see.

I have to be:
held by you
loved by you
touched only by you.
Don't worry, Be happy.*

That's the saying.

Why can't I just live by it?

Everything Sounds better that way.

But why, why?

Why can't I just live by those simple words?
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